Tomorrow Is the Last Day to Save That $1,50 on Your Tidings Subscription SHLAND climate, without the aid of medicine, cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. a A shland D aily T idings ALARIA sertnl eannot survive * * three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. The pure domestic water j * i (International News Wire Service) VOLUME 3 (Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Voi. 43) ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14^ 1^2? RAILROAD HEADS GO TO MA TO MEET U S . ‘Big Game’ Take To Tall Timber Avers Hunters Ashland Apple Shipments Double That Of Last Year NO. 37 STRIKE Leith Abbott Is Elected Head Of U. of 0 . Seniors w ---------- Bob W arner and Andy Me- < $ > UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, ♦ ! Q Callen have returned from a ❖ Eugene, Oct. 14.— The only ) university woman who has ever <$>' at Lake o’ W’oods in the for- <8> ❖ been president of a senior class, 4S> ; m er’s car. They said all the <•> •> Helen Nelson, of Pendleton, big game saw them rirts and resigned a t a senior meeting to -<8> GAME TO OPEN AT 3 :3 0 O’CLOCK hiked to the tall tim ber, but Q • day. Leith Abbott, of Ashland, <«> TOMORROW AFTERNOON AT Q they got any am ount of small <•'» j ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY RAIL­ was unanimously elected presi- <•> game, such as wild duelsefm ud < $ - HIGH SCHOOL GROUNDS; LO- ROAD OFFICIALS TUSHEL & dent. ■■t* hens even a ground sqiUr- -$> ■ CALS SET FO R A W ALKAW AY. WITH PROBLEMS OF EM- Miss Nelson found she was <§> <$ rel or two. • unable to lead the senior men <§> PLOYES’ WAGES AND FREIGHT ; The hunters w ant to iaiorm RATES. ® the public th a t they investigat- -$> (Tidings High School R eporter) • ?> and other masculine class du- ed the w ater question a t Buck ’ Ashland and K lam ath Falls high -«> lake, and are satisfied that, re- £ ties. A rthur I'iuhenhausen, of CHICAGO, Oct. 3 4.— W ith strike Rchool football team s meet tom or­ i Portland, was elected captain threats em anating from the “enemy gardless of the demand, they row afternoon at 2:30 o’clock for the ! «> of the senior police, who will will ^ <$> c a m p ” in a neaimy hotel, 150 high police, who are sure the supply would equal S> first pigskin game to be played on J otiiciate at the under class mix ^¡'executives of the railroad companies all of a gallon per day for this MEDFORD, Or., Oct. 14. — The: the local field this year. It will be <•* city. <$, throughout the United States, in- q series of raids last August against | The apple shipm ents from Ash- e> to be given Saturday. the third game of the season for the <«> Bob and Andy ! land double those of last year. The * • r ? r r ♦> •? ♦ . ♦ -§><§<<$>; eluding practically all the residents, also tested ^ ¡b o o tleg g ers and illicit stills coat! local team and the second clash with j began an executive conference here Professor Vining's culinary 3>i ¡ Ashland F ru it and Produce associa-i the K lam ath Falls team, which de­ «!> ability, and reached home ju st *C S° U county $1,684.64, and a! I today to discuss the policies to be tiou is releasing a carload of a p p les' ! , . s feated the local team a t the box fac­ pursued regarding the wages of rail- in time W ednesday night for <$i i w arrant tor same has been issu ed 1 every two days to eastern m arkets.! tory last month. Local fans, basing ! road employes and rrelght rates. the big storm , which struck <8>|by the county treasu rer and ap-i aided by a new grading and sorting | their predictions on the stellar per­ <$> them amidships, and Simultaneously, the Brotherhood machine installed this week. The nearly -A: proved by the county court. The form ance of the Ashland boys in the capsized their craft. i of Executives and the general chair­ ¡m achine, the second largest size! /a id s were conducted by B. S. ( ( “Go recent G rants Pass game, are of the* men of the Federated Shop C rafts ■s> > •* built for the purpose, supplies work opinion th a t the Klam ath Falls de­ Get ’Em ” ) Sandifer, special p ro h ib i­ union met in secret session. The for six graders apd six packers. Run- j The Tidings has no fight on feat will be wiped out in the game tio n enforcem ent officer, and six as­ John F u ller as a citizen. To be greatest secrecy surrounded the de­ ning to full capacity, the machine tomorrow. Anyway, the Ashland MEDFORD, Or., Oct. 14. — The liberations on both sides. sistants. This does not include the a fine citizen and a competent will handle 750 boxes of apples per huskies can be counted on to hit the work of securing a jury to hear the It was generally conceded, how- day and give employment to eight witness fees to be paid in e case the community leader is an entirely line hard in w hat promises to be a case of the United States a g a in s t; ever, th at the big subject for both next session of the grand jury re­ different thing. The Tidings is graders and eight packers. Between fast game. Issen Walleck and Brumfield, Doug- i conferences was the looming menace 400 and 500 boxes are being packed tu rn s true bills against the men opposed, not to the man, but to Members of the squad th a t expects las county residents, started yester-io f a strike that would tie up the na- bound over in the justice court. the Methods, to the lack of tact, daily at the present time. to “ bring home the bacon’’ are: Capt. day. The defendants are charged' tion's transportation system, The principal item in the enforce-! of secretarial ability, of knowl­ The machine is an affair of slow- Leslie Heer, Rush, Ramsey, Young, --------- - with m aintaining a still in the moun-l On behalf of the six big railroad ment bill is $7 56 for the salary of j edge of the situation generally moving endless belts and cups th at A ntry, Taylor, Hill, Snyder, Rav-i ___ tains near Roseburg. The contrap-j unions which have voted to strike, rnond Bowers, Hobson, McWilliams ORTLAND, Or., Oct. 14.— A hog six men at $6 per day from August and the requirem ents of the situ­ move through and over the grader tion, made of copper and huge in W arren Stone, the grand chief of the Toj 1 to 21. ation, of a proper sense of adver­ for a distance of fifty feet. The ap­ Knapp, Evans, Ruger, W ertz a n d ! 1“ 8 hard thinR tO photograph proportions, was exhibited in court Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi­ For auto hire and railroad fare, a tising value, of knowledge liow ples are sorted In three different Woods, ' begin with, it stands low on the as part of the evidence. neers. requested a conference with ______ . ground an d it is d y ficu lt to—get a- hijl of $376.49 was subm itted and to handle men to get the best out ways when placed on the belts. The Walleck, one of the defendants, the railroad executives now in ses­ Following a tryout the early p art 1 back"round which makes it “ stand paid. This embraces the expenses of them tor the community, of culls ,or bruised and worm-eaten has turned sta te ’s evidence and will sion here. The executives notified of this week, the yell leaders for the ' ° ut-’ In addition- the hog doesn’t of an auto trip to C rater lake and! am iability; in short, of all those apples, are sorted out and dropped be a witness for the government. Stone th at they would consider his school were elected at a m eeting of i care w hether has its picture taken Prospect, taken by one of the special qualities th a t go to make up a in a receiving hopper. The apples The defendant, Brumfield, is no re- request at their meeting agents, chauffeur and lady compan­ successful community leader. are sorted for size and color, being th e student bo(»y. G rant Selby was lation to the dentist now on trial for The crisis was rendered more ions. Adequate community leader­ placed on different belts according elected the chief leader of noise' his life at Roseburg, though he knew ¡acute when the railroad labor board The hotel bill of the special agents j ship is a specialized business of to the judgm ent of the graders. The with power to appoint assistants later him well and was from the sam e'h an d ed down the decision providing (board and room) amounted to th e ' which we think John F u ller has apples are then autom atically as they may be needed. Selby 1 for the restoration of piece work. sum of $312.05, not the rem otest notion. weighed and dropped into large hop- town- Planned to lead a yell rally on the The defendants were tried in! — -------------------------- Evidence and miscellaneous ex­ The need of an effective cham ­ i pers by means of chutes from the streets this morning to arouse en­ Portland at the last term of courtI HARDING PAVES WAY TO penses cost $335.90, *the evidence: ber of commerce is too im portant I belt. After they are dropped into thusiasm for the football game, but on the same charge and the trial re­ POSTAL JOB FOR FORMER being the whiskey, a large portion of: to Ashland to longer remain • hoppers the apples are then wrapped was prevented by the rain which fell sulted in a hung jury. WAR SERVICE VETKERANS which was swigged to determ ine ifi silent, if the Ashland cham ber j and packed into boxes bearing a over the city shortly before the noon The jury in the federal court hear­ or not— it has no pride in its own it was. hour. of commerce is killed, the present prom inent label denoting the con- WASHINGTON, D. C.. Oct. 14.— beauty, and th a t beauty is real The sm allest item on the bill was; secretary will kill it by arbitrarily I tents as “ Ashland apples,” raised in ing the evidence in the civil action of President H arding has made the way the governm ent against Silas W. Kil­ The anniversary play, which is to enough to those who bred and pro­ $4.50 for a telephone message to hanging on to the job against the I the Rogue River valley. easier for those who served during gore for alleged trespass on the graz­ be given some time in November, duce swine— beauty in line, in type Salem. judgm ent and desire of nine out i A. C. Briggs, m anager of the Ash- ing precincts of the Frem ont Nation- the world war to secure appoint- probably November 12, has been and in detail. The raids resulted in the a rrest ofj of ten of th e contributing mem­ . laud F ru it and Produce company, al forest reserve, began its delibera ! ments in the government postal serv- Last year Cass A. Nichols, a young two Applegate and one Evans Creek bership. From what they say to 'sta te s that the apple crop will be off started under the direction of Miss tions this morning at 11 o’clock., ice‘ Today he issued an eexcutive Leota Rogers. There will be two breeder, came from Salem to the ¡ranchers on charges of having stills The Tidings, many of them have t the trees in about two weeks. The The government seeks actual d a m -lorder Providing th a t five points be plays an a rt play and a musical Pacific Interantional with his Ches- in their possession, for which they! already gone the limit. pack, starter! about ten days ago, ages of $108 and punitive damages addec^ the earned rating of all number. The two plays are expect­ ter W hites and competed for honors ¡are now serving sentences in the I j will continue until the early part of o! $125. HAZ KIK. young men and women who had seen ed to be the best one-act ever staged with the older breeders. Cass was county jail. December, Mr. Briggs said. A total war service and who are now seeking It was contended by the defense, a t the local high school. at one tim e a member of a boys' pig Jam es ("Shine” ) Edwards and shipment of approxim ately forty represented by Attorney Manning, of , presidential Postal appointm ents. The plays are “A W oman’s W on’t ” club and what he learned and ap-j John Goodwin, taxi drivers, were ar-j WARN AGAINST MOONSHINE carloads of apples is expected by Klam ath Falls, th at the defendant The order also waived all age lim­ and ‘‘Pat in the Law."’ plied in it he has carried on in his rested on charges of selling liquor ______ _ that time. its for those persons and perm its the had exercised care to keep his stock The musical num ber probably will business as a swine breeder. This and bound over to the grand jury. WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 14.— Although this y ear’s crop is much off the Frem ont reserve, and th at time they spent in the service to be be supplied by boys’ and g irls’ glee sow, “ Model E ,” was grand cham ­ Ernest S. ( “ Dud” ) W olgam ott was! Prohibition, officials have issued a. *a rse r than th a t of last year, it is not pion sow a t the Pacific Internation­ arrested in P o rttg jd on the same new w arning against the public con- j unusual, Mr. Briggs states. The whenever notified of a trespass he counted in the rat In gas ’ business clubs and orchestra. The final tryouts for the plays al. She had a hard fight to win, charge. John NJ’Shine” ) Edwards, sum ption of “ bootlegg” liquor. T h e iapple crop> Mr. Briggs said, runs took prompt steps to remedy it. The experience.” were made this week. Those chosen but she does not seem to show the for whom a w arrarjl has been Issued, m ost of the stu ff .now being d is - :heavy ever>' other year. Last year’s defense intim ated th at stock run­ MAN DIES ON S. I*. TRAIN; in “A W oman’s W on’t” are M arjory •stra ln ’ has not been seen since. Several pensed m erits the name of “coroner’s shiPn»ents were light, he said, ac- ning on the Modoc reserve in Cali­ TAKEN O FF AT MEDFORD fornia. which adjoins the Frem ont Club boys and girls are coming to other w a rra n ts, were issued and cocktails,” the officers claim. “Less couuting for the size of this year’s McEvanly, G rant Selby, May Beebe, reserve, had been driven so they idle W intmer, M argaret Campbell the front. The older breeders are rever ,«$rved,jow in.ç to the flight of than 2 per cent of the stu ff now be- shipnients; MEDFORD, Or., Oct. 14. — and John Gailey; in “ P at and the most generous with th eir advice and ¡the suspected citizens. “ Wig” Jacks, ! ing p e rile d is real whisky or gin," Practically all of the apples leav- would naturally drift into this te rri­ John Erickson, a native of N or­ Law" are Miss Powell, Doran, Costly, assistance. and it is probable that boi. id over as a result of the same* J. M. Doran, chief of the chemical ! lug Ash,atld are shipped to Chicago, tory, and the c o u rt’s instructions way, 36 years of age, was taken sick Miss Plum m er and Koehler. tie y showed and felt as much p leas-, serie, of raids, was the victim of a division of the prohibition office,! where the>' a ie distributed through- were that the defendant was not to be held responsible, if it was shown I VVednesday evening in Ashland while Considerable work on the plays ure in the winnings of Nichols as fatal shooting affray. : said. that this was without his consent or! on board Southern Pacific train No. Page Four) has been done in the oral English Nichols did himself. 5 4, en route from San Francisco to knowledge. The Pacific International Live­ classes and the casts have been Vancouver, B. C., and upon arrival chosen from them. stock exposition will be held at P ort­ of the train in XJedford was found STATE HOPES TO land this year, November 5-12. deaJ in the toilet. Death i sattrib- TED THYT3 AND END CASE AGAINST uted to heart failure or apoplexy^ BRUMFIELD TODAY THOR OLSON TO PROSECUTION TO CLAIM Erickson was a member of the Sea­ W RESTLE OCTOBER 21 FOUR HUSBANDS OF MRS. men’s union and of the Fisherm en’s ROSEBURG, Or., Oct. 14.— T^e SOUTHARD W ERE POISONED union and carried an alien seam an’s George V. Adams, of the A. W. state expected to complete its case ,,, against Dr. R. M. Brumlield, charged „ “ ° n 5“ ' ' which showed W alker Auto company, has matched TWIN FALLS, Idaho, Oct. 14.— with the m urder of Dennis Russell. "" l'nitec> Stater Thor Olson, of Athens, Ohio, w orld’s Evidence concerning the m anner in safe i . . , at til© port of San Krancisco in Anri! m iddleweight Olympic champion, which the three form er husbands of laborer, whose headless body was 1959 P ' E wîï X*: ó o and Ted Thye, of the Multnomah Mrs. Southard, found with the here, wreckage alleged woman isfs ear near to,lav. of the dent-, ! * * , re“ ‘v<‘d » J » '1“ club, claim ant to world’s middle­ “ Bluebeard,” on trial for the m urder > •iyw.v < ' Two women took ' the .t e n d ! ”, T. T ° n e a '■ *“ Char*e weight championship, to wrestle a of her fourth husband, Edward : Wa í'XíV1- . . , . ^Ke body, stating th a t he would 1M finish match at the Medford Nat for Myer, met death, may be adm itted at against the accused ( o* 01 ( iinng recejve directions regarding the dis- a $500 purse. The match will take the present trial, the court ruled to­ the morning session. rie T - i k o T m i l f 1 K orence Ur posal Of t jje body. wjre wafi place Friday, October 21, the main day. rie, Lake Louise telephone o p e ra to r,: , c . ■ u-HfinH th e T> . from Jack Erickson, brother of the event to go at 9 p.m. Charles Mel- testified th a t Brumfield visited her deceased The ruling, made after a vigorous rise will referee and in addition will fight by the defense to exclude the office late in July, giving the name; -J_______ illu stra te in the ring all w restling evidence, was a severe blow to Mrs. of Norman W hitney, and left $100 JACKSONVILLE PA PE R SOLD holds, especially the holds th a t are Southard and her attorneys. It is with her, saying th a t he would be W lY iid L in J & y c e Tlu»irtp^o*w H u ll banned. Thye and Olson put up one the contention of the state th a t all away for a few days and that his “Dots-tL. MEDFORD. Or. Oct. 14.— The WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 14. of the best athletic exhibitions ever four husbands of Mrs. Southard met ’ Naming of the am bassador will the last campaign. Political, lead­ wife would probably telephone from Jacksonville Post, of Jacksonville, — One of three men — William viëwed in the northw est in th eir last death by arsenic poisoning. The col­ mean the first fulfillm ent of the ers are urging the president to ap­ Seattle for the money. The witness, one of the oldest weeklies in Ore- Boyce Thompson, Dr. David Jayne m atch, and this should be a hummer. lection of life insurance is declared ¿diplomatic post in Berlin since point him in recognition of his stated th a t she had returned the gon, has ju st changed hands. Torn Brin« th e ladies. Hill and E. Loring Dresel— who 1917, when Jam es W. Gerard was money because no telephone call had Fulton, its owner and editor for the political services. by the state to have been the motive are today being considered by recalled. Tickets for the match will be on for the alleged slayings. been received. Dr. Hill, a form er am bassador I last two years, having sold it to S. President H arding for appoint­ sale a t the Ashland E lks’ club and Colonel Thompson is a New to Germany, and Dresel, the pres­ Mrs. Clara Killion, cham berm aid1 P. Shutt and son Harold, who fol- ment as am bassador to Germany, York banker and millionaire, and Irw in ’s cigar store. Olson will a r­ in the Lake Louise hotel in C anada,, lowed the newspaper ent commissioner to Berlin, how­ Daily Tidings subscription bargain . per business in is expected to take over his post ,h e was chairm an of the repub­ ever, are very much in the ru n ­ rive in Medford for final training week closes next Saturday. Be sure identified Brumfield as the man who > eastern Oregon for a num ber of in Berlin by December 1. Sunday, October 16. lican finance committee during went under the name of W hitney at years. The new owners take charge ning, due to their experience. and get In in tim e to save th at $1.50. the hotel. after this week’s issue. FREIGHT RATES H a z IÇ ik Accused Douglas County Distillers Will Face Trial Grand Champion Hog '20 Pacific International FIRST U. S. AMBASSADOR TO GERMANY SINCE GERARD’S RECALL TO BE NAMED BY HARDING