Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, October 12, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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« a i»
W ednesday, October 12, IftiM
Only 3 More
1 his w eek is BARGAIN¡WEEK a lth e Dally Tidings Office. All w eek and continuing to next Saturday night
yearly subscriptions to the Daily Tidings w ill he accepted at greatly reduced rates, a s fo llo w s :
Bargain Week $ 6 . 0 0 .
Saving $1.50
Outside the city and rural routes, regular price $6.50. Bargain WeeR $ 5 . 0 0 .
Saving $1.50
In the City on carries routes, regular price $7.50.
iate. Wen pay m e r l i n w e lk p r i c X a T e a T t a ^ n c e .
y ° Ur BrPearS *° ° C’O,M!r “
Only 3 More
B A R G A IN W EEK T H IS W EEK O N LY - C L O S E S S A T U R D A Y N IG H T at 5 p.m.
Local W riter Wins Prize—
Mrs. M argaret Dill received word
this morning from the G rants Pass
cham ber of commerce that she had
been awarded first prize in a contest
the cham ber was having for a com-:
munity song. Mrs. Dill is one of our
Siskiyou chapter, No. 21, W ednes­ most talented authors and is having
day evening, October 12. Mark m as-' great success both in the field of
short story and song writing.
ter degree.
Local and Personal
Ashland lodge. No. 23, Thursday ,
If citizens wishing to take advan­
evening, October 13. * Stated com­
tage of the $1.50 discount on the
subscription price of The Tidings
Ashland Iodée, No. 23, Friday ev e-:
find they have not time to call at
ning, October 14. Special communi­
the office, if they will telephone 39
cation. Work third degree.
we will send out a collector to get
and receipt you for the money. Bar­
Itnby Daughter Born—
gain week positively ends Saturday
l)r. Parsons reports the arrival of at 5 p.m. Telephone in early. Sat­
a fine new daughter at the Lewis urday will be a busy day for us.
W yant home on A street, yesterday. Thanks.
You can give th at $1.50 to the
community club house if you want
to. It’s our loss. We are willing
that you get the credit. Pay your
Daily Tidings subscription this week
and save the $1.50.
('oluntliu.t D a y -
Banks were closed all day in ob­
servance of Columbus day, com­
mem orating the exploits of Christo­
pher Columbus, the seaftiring ex­
plorer who dem onstrated th at the
world ‘ wasn’t on the square.” School
proceeded as usual today.
H avint sold the East Side Meat
M arket to Elliott & Kerby Bros., we
desire to thank the citizens of Ash-
land for their liberal patronage. We
retain the accounts up to October 1 J.
which accounts will be found at th
East Side M arket for collection. As
it is necessary th a t we close these
accounts quickly, we will ask all
custom ers owing us to kindly call in
and settle within the next few days.
Foothill! G a m e -
by th e uprooting of all cu rran t and locate promptly buildings to w hich1
The am ount which will be paid by
High school students are eagerly| gooseberry bushes, both wild an d ,
m ail is addressed, and avoid errors
other beet companies of the west
waiting for Saturday, when the cultivated, within 200 to 300 yards
and delays in delivery.
On the basis of the heavy esti­ will probably bring the total am ount
Klam ath Falls and local high school of the pine trees.”
m ated crop of beets to be harvested paid the farm er for beets to over
football team s will b attle on the
this fall, it is calculated that beet $100,000,000, exclusive of an amount
local gridiron.
The locals were START CAMPAIGN
states the lack of mail boxes at many I growers in the sixteen districts of i almost as large for the cost and
trim m ed in the first game of the sea­
; residences in the city is a handicap j the G reat W estern Sugar company in labor of turning the beets into
son with Kalmath Falls a t th at city.
to th e local carrier system. During: Colorado. Nebraska, Montana and sugar.
Local sport fans, basing th eir judg­
inclem ent weather. especially, the! Wyoming will receive approximately
ment on the recent Ashland-Grants
(Continued from Page 1)
is pronounced. Steps are $18,000.000 in cash for their crop^, St. Helens— P ittsburg m arket road
Pass game, when the locals showed
iug news articles in th e local perss, being tak en at the local postoffice Almost as large a total expenditure to be completed October 15.
better training and more speed, pre­
dict a “ battle royal” in the coming setting forth fully th e advantages to to see th at every A shland home is will he made for labor. It is calcu- I
patrons, which, briefly, are as fol­ equipped with, a small box placed la ted. reckoning
on an expected
Lum ber prices have dropped from
w here it will be. easily accessible u J average factory campaign of 100,
38 to 64 per cent since February,
House num bers enable carriers to the carriers.
R eturns From R iddle, Ore.—
H. S. Aitken, of the local telephone
office here, has returned from a
week’s visit with his father at R id­
dle, Ore., and contem plates spending
the rem aining week of his vacation
at C rater lake.
H unteis R eturn—
Boh Shaw, Mike Morgan and Earl
Hosier returned yesterday from a
several days’ hunting trip, well
atisfied with th eir luck, and say
if it hadta’t been so “ dry” they
would have returned with the limit.
Tyre %ik:*
FOR RENT— Two-room apartm ent,
unfurnished; also one furnished
sleeping room. 102 Oak.
FOR SALE — Furnished six-room
house with seleping porch, close
in. Call 550 Boulevard.
CHAIR DOCTOR— Anything fixed '
up and sold for you, from a wagon
to a wheelbarrow, or a piano to a
penny whistle.
28-1 mo
FOR RENT— Furnished five-room
apartm ent; front apartm ent over
Eastern Supply Co., 375 E. Main.
See R. E. Detrick, 167 Church
Save $1.60 by paying your Daily
street, owner.
Tidings subscription th is week
WANTED — Salesman for special
make of tires; fully g uaranteed
Boston E ditor to V isit—
firsts, at new low prices; salary
W. F. Rogers, publisher of the
and expenses to right man. Wol­
Boston T ranscript, will be a guest of
verine Tire and Rubber Co., Grand
Rapids, Mich.
his old friend, John H. Fuller, here
tomorrow. A telegram to Mr. Fuller WANTED — Furnished room for
announces th a t he will arrive on the
light housekeeping, close in. Ad-1
dress P. O. Box 246.
morning train and spend the full day
WANTED— Experienced fry . cook, i
Hotel Ashland.
3 51 tf
H I was an automobile
owner and knew that tires
were my greatest expense
I would go to Leedoms
Tire Hospital, and get
more m iles for less money
The Mason Cord has
everything needed to
make a tire that will give
you more miles and for
less m oney.
Some Tire, the Mason
you’ll say so when you
look ’em over.
Cleaning and repairing on short
K. N elson , H otel A shland
302 tf
We are local Agents for
L eave for C lackam as County—
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Bates, -of
Eagle Creek. Clackamas county, left
this m orning for th eir home after a
two weeks’ visit a t the home of Mr.
B ates’ sister, Mrs. E. W. Howell,
Maple street. W hile heer the Bates
and Mr. and Mrs. Howell spent sev­
eral days on a cam ping trip down the
Rogue as far as Gallce.
Business men having a ledger ac­
count with The Tidings may tele­
phone the office if they wish to take
»(•vantage of the subscription dis­
count this week and the am ount will
be added to th eir bill of Novem­
ber 1.
Tailor for
and girls.
ladies, gentlem en, boys
Pell building, Plaza.
Price $2626
The n iftiest lig h t six on the m arket
Everybody know s the Packard
It is a topnotcher
Also full stock of SOUND TIRES
Class A Garage
Harold Prose
This is a real money-saving offering of the new things for Fall. Realizing that you have wanted them, but may
have hesitated about coming for them, fearing that their price may not suit your pocketbook so early in the sea
son, we have gathered them together and are offering them to you in a four-day sale at prices which, in effect
make buying a saving. Glance over the listings, select what you need, then come in. Remember, too, that space
permits us to advertise only a few of the many worth-while offerings. You can see the rest when you are here.
Hand Bags at Bargain Prices
Beauty Boxes
A special purchase of Leather Hand Bags, direct from the manufac­
turer, enables us to offer you leather bags in new standard shapes.
Each one represents the finest quality material and careful workman­
ship. You will find here values that cannot be equaled anywhere.
E. G. H igh
We are offering some unusual bargains in Pure All-Wool
Dress Goods.
36-inch All-Wool Serge, in several good colors for
Pall wear, sold regularly at $1.19. Economy offering.
yard, ................................................. .................................98c
43-inch Pure All-wool Pine French Serge and
Epingle, in dark colors. Economy offering, yard. .$1.98
54-inch Pure All-wool Fine Dress Serge, worth $4.00
yard. Economy offering, yard ,..................................$2.48
Black, by far the most popular shade l'or earlv Fall ami
Winter wear.
Black Poplin, $1.25 value, now, y ard .................
Black Messaline, $2.00 value, now, y a r d ....
Black Dress Satin, $2.25 value, now, yard
Black Taffeta Silk, $2.25 value, now, y a r d ........
ldack Dress Satin, $2.75 value, now, yard ............$2.48
lack ( harmeuse, $3.48 value, now, y a r d ..........
Black ( repe Back Satin, $/.00 value, now, yard. .. $3.69
Made of All-Silk Jersey, with
straight pleated flounce, with fancy
inserted design, colors emerald, pea
cock, tan and gray, $4.48. Econ
omy offering ......................... $3.95
Women’s Extra Fine Sateen Petti­
36-inch Bleached Muslin, 22c value. Economy
offering, y a r d ............................................................... j« ,.
72x90 Sheets, fine finish, sold regular at $1.29.
Economy offering, each ...................................... 9 1 .0 0
42 and 45--inch Pillow Cases, sold regularly at
35c each. Economy offering, each ................... 25c
27-inch Outing Flannel, in fancy stripes, 18c
value. Economy offering, yard .......................... 15c
72x00 Cotton Batts, enough for a com plete com­
forter, $1.25 value. Economy offering, each.91.00
Bath Towels, extra good size and quality, 45c
value. Economy offering, 35c each; 3 fo r. . . .91.00
8 A. M.
66x80 Heavy Cotton Blanket, comes in gray, tan
and white. Economy offering, pair ................... 9 3 .0 0
66x80 W ool-finish Blankets, in new plaids,
pink, blue, tan. gray and lavender. Economy
offering, pair ............................................. ..
9 5 .2 5
66x80 Wool and Cotton Blankets, all new
plaidfc, fine quality. Economy offering, p a ir .96.48
E. R.
coats, with plaited flounce, in plain
colors, such as black, navy, emer­
ald, peacock, purple, brown; also
all-over floral designs in all colors,
sold regularly at $1.75. Economy
o ffe rin g ......................... '........ '.$1.39
1 ''
Be on hand
Blankets and Comforters
Extra—18-inch Crash Towel­
ing, warranted part linen, 18c
value. E c o n o m y offering,
(Limit 10 yards)
S u its M ade to O r d e r -
October 13 to October 17
(C ontinued from P age One)
twenty miles. These bushes in tu rn
your home or mine; prices reason­ infect new pine trees, but only trees
Hotel Ashland Grill caters to home
able; work guaranteed.
M issin e arb y ’ as the spores which cause
folks as well as commercial and to u r­
Stew art, 132 Seventh street.
this infection are very delicate and
ist business.
2 7-tf
35-3* short lived, and will travel only short
I WANTED— To buy Leghorn hens, distances before losing their power
Telephone Officials Visit—
regardless of age or m oulting con­ io do harm. Hence, the spread of
Messrs. Cole and H utchins, of
dition; will pay 20 cents per blister rust can be prevented locally
pound. Call 411-R.
‘ 35.1
Portland, supervisors of vehicles for
the Bell Telephone company, on an WANTED — Dish w aster;
inspection tour, spent Monday in
work. Hotel Ashland.
Ashland and left for K lam ath Falls
WANTED— Good live-wire who is
Tuesday morning.
acquainted in this locality. See
Mr. H uston a t Ashland Hotel, 5 to
Charles S. Wilson— Decorating,
7 P-m -
hardwood finishing and graning. “ SINGER” leads, as usual; 1922
Satisfaction guaranteed. P. O. Box
models now on floor, Swenson- &
McRae’s; see them : your term s
are ours. .1. W. Scott, Sales Man­
ager Southern Oregon.
35-1 mo
Street E n tertain er—
A public entertain er by the name
of Don Cameron perform ed on the
street last evening a t the intersec­
tion of Main and Second streets with
some nifty selections on his bagpipe.
He was dressed as the typical Scotch
Highlander, kilts and all, even to a
striking resemblance to the latest
in roll-top hosiery.
He has been
in this country long enough to be­
come an American citizen, and is a
traveler with th eatrical troupes.
Economy Offerings
66x80 All Pure Wool Blankets, in block plaid«,
pink, blue, tan and gray, per p a ir.................... 90.18
Comforters filled with new cotton, double card­
ed, coverel with silkolene, light patterns Econ­
omy offering ........................................
*•’ “ ■>
Comforters filled with extra fine (touble-cunU
ed cotton, covered with fancy silkolene. in
pink and blue. Economy o f f e r in g ..................¡S3. 75
H osiery and Underwear
Children’s Ribbed Cotton Hose, in black only
Economy offering, pair .............................
' 2 5<-
W omen’s fine quality Mercerized Lisle Hose. in ~
black and brown. Economy offering, pair. . 5o<-
Women's Wool Hose, in green heather, all
sizes 8% to It). Economy offering, p a i r . . 91. 25
C hildren’s Fleece-lined Cotton Union Suits
priced according to size, 2 to 4, 85c; 8 to io '
$1.19; 12 to 16 ......... ......................................
W omen’s Cotton Union Suits, w inter weight,
all styles, fine quality.
Economy offering
garm ent ............................................................. 91
Women’s Cotton Underwear Vests and Pants
fine ribbed quality.
Economy offering gar­
ment ................................
I SAAC & C o
Successors to C. H- Vaupel.
Extra—< 0-inch Mercerized Ta­
ble Damask, $1.25 value. Econ­
omy offering, yard ............75c
(Limit 5 yards)
a rJ