Read the Tidings S jscription Bargain WeeK Ad on Page Four—It Will Pay You r a n a i mmm » T in , ASHLAND DAILY TIDING* W edne day, October 12, 1Ö21 V isit at T alent— Ashland N ew s in Paragraphs Local and Personal B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L Mr. and Mrs. .1. R. Greenwood, of Liberty street, were Sunday guests of th eir niece, Mrs. Mary W aterm an, oi Talent. The Man Who Said: 'The proof o f the pudding is in the eating"— was only half through -------------- — — Side Lights------------------ — Imogene W allace, pianiste-teaeh- 171 Helman Phone 210-J. Get your auto name plates today er. A t Mount M cLaughlin— ♦ 33-lmO 29-tf street. • W illiam Swink, of the Plaza m ar­ and boost for the w inter fair. ket, is spending a week in the vicin­ To A ttend C onvention— ity of Mount McLaughlin, where he E lk s to G ive Dance— ; Mrs. H. H. Leavitt, of Chestnut j The local Elks’ lodge will give its j street, left yesterday for Oregon ; is hunting deer and, friends claim, firts dance of the season this eve­ Miany bear. He is supplied with a City, where she goes as a delegate to j ning in honor of the east of "P urple sm all arsenal and is aided and abet­ the W. C. T. U. convention bein^ ted by hunting dogs. Mr. Swing and Plashes," the E lks’ show th a t staged held there. party will return to Ashland the first a successful two-night stan'd at Vin lng th eater last week: of next week. I7tf Have a fit— C. Orres. • $1.50 made. Pay your Dally Tidings Inspect OH W ell— Mrs. M. E. Briggs, of San Fran-! subscription this week and save $1 50 Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Flackus and; | cisco, has been a much-feted and en- «ou the year. Mr. aild Mrs. Alden Powell tertained Ashland visitor the past) _______ among the Ashland people who vis- week. Mrs. Briggs was entertained U trdinc Greek Outing— ited the Trigonia oil well Sunday. Saturday afternoon at a card party The Homer E lhart and Fred! --------- given by Mrs. Donald Whitney. Mrs. J1( lutes families made an all-day; M erchants’ noon lunch, 60c, Hotel Briggs was honor guest a t a Mon­ ., lay outing trip at Sardine creek, Ashland Grill. 27-tf day luncheon given by Mrs. W. M. sum > a community house has been — Briggs on G ranite s tre e t w hen ’ nt a cost of $12.50 per Baby Girl Born— erecteo and was constructed of A baby girl was born Monday to W atch Yeo's window. neighboi 29 9-tf terials by community labor Mr. and Mrs. Joe A lnuett, of K l’tniatl • I rustic ma The two ’a«>llles left Ashland Sat» Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Alnuett form er Endenvorei-< Meet— urd ay ^v en i Mr. and Mrs. E lhart ly were well-known Ashland people. The Interm ediate Endeavorers of ----------, ( ta » C hristian church held an enjoy- spent the nit ht at the home of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes Woolens for men and women aoldjabm party at the church on Friday Kemble and . family. by the yard—C. Orres. 17tf nigh. with ^he Waite DR. J. J. EMMENS— Physiciau and CAIRO PR ACTORS. Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses DR. GEO. ,1. KIXZ — Chiropractor. supplied. Oculist and au rist (or Exam ination free. Suite 8. No. 3. P. R. R. Offices, M. i \ and H. 25, the Plaza. Office phone 103; Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 567. residence phone 401. There’s a lot of trouble in the world from puddings that taste good but don’t do good. DR. LINCOLN KALLON— X-ray ASHLAND HEALTHATOHini— Dr. diagnosis; Ashland Laboratory, E. B. Angell, Chiropractic, Elec­ Dr Jarv is’ Sanitarium ; hours, 1 trical Treatm ents, Mineral and to 5 p.m. Phone Ashland 126. Vlt-o-Net Baths. F irst National .Medford Laboratories, Sacred Bank Building. Plume 4 8. H eart Hospital; hours, 8 a.m. to 12m.; evenings by appointm ent. PHONE your next job of plumbing to Jerry O’Neal. Beaver Building. Phon« Medford 714. Residence 138. uhone. Medford 61. 27-lm o »’ i Phone — t — ■■■.............. .... Sanitariums are full of pud­ ding-eaters who stopped th etestat tasteandforgot to inquire w hether their food gave the body w hat it needed—until the body rebelled. ROOFERS 9 4 FOR SALE — 16-inch manzanitn, GRAHAM & WILSON practical 30-C $1.75 tier Phone 335- -R. roofers; new roofs laid and old roots repaired. 103 E. Eleventh FOR SALE— Sewing machines. $4. street, Medford, Ore. $5 and $6; good running condi-, tiou; guaranteed. Douglas, 253 , TRANSFER AND EXPRESS. F ourth street. Phone 63-R. 31-tf , I’. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS B’ER — Good team and m otor­ j SEWING MACHINES, clocks and . trucks. Good service at a reason­ phonographs repaired. Douglas. able price. Phone 83. 253 Fourth street. Phone 63-R. 31-tf ! FOR PROMPT and care&ul service w ith Auto-TroclU or Horse Drays, ALL KINDS of upholstering and call W h ittle T ransfer Co.. Phono m attress work done in exchange 117. Office 89 Oak street. Near for discarded furniture. Douglas, Hotel Anstln, 25 3 Fourth street. Phone 63-R. CAR WASHING 31-tf FOR SAIiE. G rape-N uts is a food that tastes good and does good. The proof of G rape-N uts begins in the eating and goes on through the splendid service which Grape- N uts renders as a real food. G rape-N uts is the perfected good­ ness of w heat and malted barley —-delicious to taste, easy to di­ gest, and exceptionally rich in nourishm ent for body and brain. “ T here’s ’a R eason” fo r G ra p e -N u ts FOR SALE— Oak cord wood. l-F -5. A. R. Brown. POULTRY \ 1 I \ Feed More Mash Scratch Feed alone will not make liens lay. Y on will save money and get more eggs by feeding KERR’S EGG PRODUCER With * KERR S SCRATCH FEED KBRW'H F eed s a m a ll food . G uaranteed ab solu tely cheap by-products and undesirable ingredient*. free from Kerr’s Egg Producer is a mash feed which contains all of the elements for high and sustained egg production. Feed It to your flock and make every hen lay her full quota of f eggs. i ...\ . For Sale by Ashland Feed & Grocery J. N. DENNIS 353 East Alain ATTORNEYS. DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Practice BRIGGS A BRIGGS— Attorneys-at- limited to eye, ear, nose and Law, Pioneer • Block, Ashland. throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash­ L. A. ROBERTS—'»Atto rney-at-Law. Rooms 5 and 6, Citizens* Bank land, Ore. 73-tf They “eat” well, but that ends the recommendation. Ill at H osp ital— One dollar and 50 cents saved is PHYSICIANS. He started a good pudding- proof, but he didn’t finish it. Something new In Teo’s w indow.1 For high grade tailoring for men Josephine County A gent— 299-tt and women,—C. Orres H erbert Howell, a graduate of the Oregon A gricultural college in 1916, R eturn From Lake o’ W o o d s - Delegation to Andrews Benefit— has been appointed county agent for Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kluin have re­ A large delegation of Ashland j o8ephine county and will assume turned from Lake o' Woods, where music lovers will attend the benefit his new duties November 1. While they had been spending a three : concei t for George Andrews, Med­ in college he specialized in soils and weeks' outing trip. ford musician, October 25. The con crops.— G rants Pass Courier. ---------- ■ cert will be given in Medford. Mr. Cliff Payne makes cedar chests. J Andrews has been prom inent in mu- 2. Medicated air is the only tre a t­ 2 2 ttje ic a l entertainm ents of Ashland and! ment for catarrh . Breathe Hyomei ---------• Medford for several years and has a and obtain im m ediate relief. At Mc­ E pw orth League Campcre large following of local friends. Nair Bros. Money back if It fails. The Epworth league of the Meth- ---------- odist church and its friends returned Special breakfast, 60s. from 6 to Sunday evening from a two days’ 9 Hotel Ashland Grill. 27-tf Grants P ass N eeds H om es— The need for homes in G rants outing and camping trip a t John- ( ---------- Pass, due to the influx of new peo­ son’s Paradise. Six cars were used Assists Riddle Church— ple. has become so great th a t the to transport the crowd Saturday eve­ Rev. W alter A. Evans, pastor of Josephine County Building and Loan ning. The entire party hiked to the Baptist church, is at Riddle, Mount Lookout, w here several of the Ore., where he is assisting the Bap- association will m ake a drive for leaguers were hoisted to the ran g er’s tist pastor of th a t place in conduct-' more funds to loan to home builders. lookout cabin by means of a large > ing a ten days’ revival*meeting which There is abundant opportunity to bucket. started today. Rev. Finch will oc-i loan money, but th e funds on h a n d ' cupy the Baptist pulpit this coming , have been loaned out.— G rants Pass Courier. If you want to make an investm ent wee^- th a t will pay you 20 per cent, net. , Automobile Insurance— Teo, of take advantage of The Tidings Bar-; George L. Trelchler Motor com- j coarg- 299-tf gain Week special. The regular Pan Y- Medford, has ju st few mighty | price for the paper is $7.50. Bargain good buys in used cars. 32-8 ! R eturns to P o r t l a n d - week price, $6 for the year. That Mrs. George B eam s, who had been saves $1.50, or 20 per cent, on the (’« lifo r n ia V isitors— visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fi D. T ar- investm ent. Bargain week positively Mr- and Mrs- s - Shamp, motor-I brough,, 532 Scenic drive, for the closes next Saturday at 5 p.m. If inB tourists from Ben Lomond, Calif., { past week, left this afternoon for her you get the paper by mail, outside of' were recent visitors a t the G. S. Ves-i home in Portland. Ashland, the bargain week price is ;t* l and Fay Varyan homes. ; ______ $5, giving you the same big saving! w , --------- Smoke American Eagle cigars. of $150 on the deal. Remodeling and c l e a n i a g - C . i Made in Ashland 245 Fourth St. t Orres. f 16-1 mo* Miss Grace Hogue is reported to ‘ "k’hool Supervisor R esign s— j Strong Court House Foundation— Mrs. Almeda J. Fuller, rural be very ill at a local hospital. The condition of a portion of thej I school supervisor, has accepted a po- foundation under th e court house,; F or pleating, see Orres. 17tf; sition as principal of the Sams Val- exposed in excavation work prepara­ ---------- ley county schools. tory to erecting th e new vau’t, is a V isits a t E u gen e— _______ direct refutation th a t the court Mrs. E. W. Hogue, who is visiting; P aulserud’s suits can ’t be beat for friends at Eugene, will visit rela- prlce styU and qug1rty 21tf house is in a practically ruinous «con­ dition. The foundation, constructed tives at Portland for a few weeks! ’ of massive blocks of stone, shows a b ­ before returning to Ashland. Suspend Road W ork — --------- - According to reports, the work of solutely no evidence of weakness and - -'Today it pays to look around be- Jackson county on the Green Springs is as firm and substantial today as Tore buciug. See P aulserud’s s u its ; m ountain road is practically suspend­ the day on which it was constructed, e d overcoats. 21t! ed for the season. G rading is com- more than forty years ago. It is, -------- - ! pleted and the machinery has been perhaps, not too much to say th a t ■ On County Budget C om m its?— w ithdraw n. S^me rock work remains there is no building foundation Ini Thomas H. Simpson, local hard- to be completed and next year some ” ‘e count> so well calculated to bear ware dealer, will be one of the three sections of the highway will be ma-1 11 01 lta 8UPerstructure as men to make out the budget for endamtaed. ! " ne "»««raentl. the coontyy court house.— Jacksonville Post. Jackson county, according to recent You can save $1.50 a year by flay­ appointm ents made by the county Let us give that old suit a going] ing your Daily Tidings subscription court. over. You’ll be surprised. Pauls». this week. ru d ’8. 21tf One cent the Ward each time. - Phone 214 W e Supply A ll Your N eeds in Dairy and P oultry Feeds. Phone EXPERT OAR W ASHING and pollsh- icg. Lithia Garage, phone 114 31-6* FOR SALE— Dodge touring car, in EXPERT CAR REPAIRING a t rea­ sonable prices. Lithia Garage. good condition. Automotive Shop. 12-lm o 27tf VOtt MALE— REAL ESTATE. SWEET CÍDEK- -Made fresh every gallon, delivered. day, 40 cents FOR SALE— Twenty acres tim ber, Rhone 9 -F -ll. one-fourth mile from city limits. Inquire 129 Fifth street. 24-4* KING APPLES— Splendid for cook­ ing; a good size; 7 5 cents a box, FOR SALE— W inter apples, orchard delivered. Phone 9 -F -ll. run, $1 per box; bring box and pick therti. W. L. Moore. 34-5 FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING — M attresses made over, peeking and FOR SALE— Furnished or unfur­ crating. Douglass, 254 Fourth nished. 5-room modern bungalow; St. Phone 63-R. 18tf sleeping porch, large baaem ent; large lot; lawn; fruit, berries, FOR RENT. flowers; garden; all iu Al shape; priced right for quick sale. See FOR RENT— To two quiet, studious Jack Fahs, 55 Pine street. school girls, one room, completely 24-1 mot furnished except bedding. 855 B street. I ________ ... - u - FOR SALE— Cozy convenient four- room cottage, with roomy base­ FOR RENT — Furnished room and m ent and outbuildings. Good size garage, very reasonable. 606 Al­ lot with plenty of friitt. Nice lo ­ lison street. 33-3* cation with fine view. Desirable for small family who want m od­ erate priced home. Apply to own­ C. B. L A M K I N er on premises, 705 Penn. Ave. Corner H arrison. 4-1 mo BARGAINS IN FOR SALK. R e .il E s t a t e Brick building and lot— fully occu­ pied at rental insuring good re tnrtis on investment. < Hj and Ranch Properties Itnuses to Kent. » t.ITIZE.VS' HANK BUILDING ORDER YOUR B lock Wool 7” i . y i W. A. SHELL NOW 0 ( lü ld re a ’s Work A Furnished six room d w elling ou a paved street, one of th e fin est lo ­ Safety blades resharpened cations iu th e city. ‘ L- ä L ¡Y/cfnFn like new. Single bit, 30c Dobule bit, 60c doz. Inquire at t A S H L A N D L U M B E R CO. PHONE 20 H. R. Adams, the Plum ber, aeils plumbing fixtures aad supplies Phone 166-J, shop at 248 Fifth St. HELP WANTED. The Beider Tractor and P.&0. Dise Plow will do your plow ing right now in your hard, sticky soil. Bargaiu in used sew in g nurctrine; also a new carload o f W hite ing m achines just in, at Peil's Corner 287-tr RANKS TO BOLD TUNNELS TO FOOL BANDITS Th(> WE ’L l) LUMBER COMPANY. AYeed, Calif'» n ,ia * is emPloYine a ,ar*e number of hat '<** for its Sash« 1)nor an ^ym ent with advance m en t to employes residence. seeking a permanent AU inte ^ t e d parties are re­ quested to eonnnnni sate with the WEED LUMBER COMPANY, Weed, California CHICAGO, Oct. 11.— Plans to foil Chicago’s bank bandits by building subterranean passages from bank to bank within the “loop” are u n d er way. The first ‘ bandit proof” tun- l:nel will connect with the Federal | Reserve bank with the new Illinois Trust and Savings company. Similar underground channels are being planned for the Corn Exchange Na­ tional bank, the M erchants’ Loan and Trust company and the Conti­ nental Commercial bank. The tunnels will be used by mes­ sengers carrying large sums of cash from one bank to the other. This will elim inate the necessity of mes­ sengers w alking on the streets with the fortunes carried in bags. Nu­ merous street holdups in recent j years first caused the consideration I of tunnels. If the first one proves practical, a , score of banks probably will extend the netw ork underground. W e sell The Lubricant of Commerce Bank credit is the lubricant v.tiicii causes the wheels of commerce to move smoothly. Like all good banks, we play our p art in furthering the commercial activities of the community we serve. The C i t t z e n s B a n k A shland, Oregon — FOIST NATIONAL RANK W inter is com ing-prices are right. Supply may 1 m * lim­ stopped. 7 acres with good fruit, house and chicken shed. Sightly location. Specialty ' ited later, as sfitipiaouts from factory have already 28Vfe acres with fine dwelling, barn, packing house. About 20 acres in good orchard. Bslanee suitabh* for farm products. B A P. B E R ¡I [t) - j ' V ; doz. ✓ ». acres with six room house, large ham . About 12 acres orchard. 2 acres alfalfa, good garden :m«> farm land. Brick Ice Cream CHOCOLATE VANILLA STRAW BERRY MAPLE NUT Ashland Creamery LADIES R eady-to-w ear G arm ents ta il­ ored during th e dull s e a s o n - big assortm ent to choose from — every size and every p rice— w onderful values. See the ex­ tra fine F lin c h Serge dresaee at 0 1 6 .7 5 . A ll wool P olo cloth coats a t 9 1 8 .7 5 . (WANTED— School girl to board, or work for part board. 326 N. Main. 34-2* WANTED— At once, women to cn< fru it at Bagley Canning Co.. Tal­ ent, Ore.; transportation free. Phone 364-J-l. 30-tf WANTED. WANTED-—Two unfurnished house­ keeping rooms near Junior high by man and wife and little girl. W rite Mrs. Bari Barham, Siskiyou, Ore. 34-4 The Purpose of Life Insurance The great purpose of life insur­ ance is to afford a man the means of providing for his family, if he does not live to earn the money. To serve this purpose properly, th e coat of this insurance should be low enough to perm it the man with limited iuconte to buy enough insurance to protect his' family adequately. Travelers guaranteed low-cost life insurance serves best the real purpose of life insurance. Billings Agency A INSURANCE ORRES TAILOR SHOP SUI 41 B. Main Ht.