r THE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS i Imogene Wallace, i er. Phone 210-J. Ashland News in Paragraphs planiste- teach- 171 Helman 33-lm o B. L A M K I N Jeweler Remodels Window— ■ , The front of the O. H. Johnson jewelry 9tore is being remodeled into i street. BARGAINS IN a modern, up-to-date show window. Local and Personal Real listate The interior also will be redecorated Moves to Corrville, Calif.— x Fred S. Pennlston, of this city, in the latest fashion and the store -----------------—— Side Lights ........ has moved to Corrville, Calif., where will be on© of the niftiest in south­ city and Ranch Properties 17tf he has taken a position with the ern Oregon. 299-tf Have a fit— C. Orres. Watch Yeo’s window. Honst* to Bent. Califorina-Oregon Power company. You can save $1.50 a year by pay­ To Leave for La Grande— Elk»’ Ladies’ Card Party— ing your Daily Tidings subscription Merchants* noon lunch, 60c, Hotel C. W. Nims and Rev. P. K. Ham- The Elks’ ladies will hold their CITIZENS’ BANK BUILDING 27-tf this week. mond will leave for La Grande this first card party of the season Thurs- : Ashland Grill. week, where they will attend the an-1 day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in ss- ---------- = ,nual conclave of the Knights Tem- their club room on the ground floor; plar. Nims is deputy grand com­ of the Elks' building. The parties, i mander of the order and Rev. Ham­ to which all visiting Elks’ ladles are mond is the presiding officer of the especially invited, will be held every Malta commander}-, the Ashland or- two weeks in the club room. Mrs. j "ganization. The Hammond family Marsh Wagner an Mr. Bauer, who will residte in the build­ over. You’ll be surprised. Pauls©-' 21tf ing, has a force of carpenters at-rad ’s, work arranging several rooms into Returns to Klamath F a l l s - which everybody modern apartments. Miss Olive Carlton, who had been likes—you will© visiting Mrs. Homer Billings for the H. R. Adams, the Plumber, oeiis too. plumbing fixtures and supplies. past several days, returned yester­ Phone 166-J, shop at 248 Fifth St. day to her home in Klamath Falls. delicious peppermint 287-tf flavored sugar jacket around -------- ’ Smoke American Eagle cigars. peppermint flavored chewing gum Return From Forest Grove— , Made in Ashland. 245 ‘ Fourth St. that will aid your-appetite and diges­ Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Edwards re- • 16-lmo* tion. polish your teeth and moisten turned this morning from Forest . ---- - Grove, where Rev. Edwards has been Restaurani Sold— your throat. B122 attending the Oregon conference of The Home restaurant, on North r_-wniGitv the Methodist Episcopal church. The! Main street, has ben purchased by fdU IL Y FRUIT! pastor’s return to Ashland will mark Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Woo& new ar­ the starting of his fifth year of serv­ rivals from Portland, from Mrs. A .' R. Smith. Mrs. Smith will remain! ice in local church activities. ____ _ at the establishment for a few days . Buy a pair of those handsome Ash- until the new- owners become ac-j . land auto name plates and help ’ qualnted with the business, finance the winter fair as well asi íííitk a(ktnn»i^dg»t^ JÇ Ç, B, boost for Ashland; $2 per pair at the Automobile insurance— Teo, of 299-tf Chamber of Commerce. 29-tf course. ’AFTER The new sugar coated chewing gum THE FLAVOR LASTS N ix o n th e • “ P a r l e y Afoo" Stu ff! v Cause for Admiration Indeed you will have when you put on our furs. They are bo elegant and set off your gown to such high degree. Better inspect our furs before pur­ chasing. Large assortment of all the latest furs. On© cent the wc ________ ATTORNEYS. PHYSICIANS. DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Practice BRIGGS A. BRKjKlS— Attorneys-at- limited to eye, ear, nose and Law, Pioneer Block, Ashland. throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash­ L. A. ROBERTS— Attorney-at-Law. Rooms 5 and 6, Citizens' Bunk land1,, Ore. 73-tf Bldg. DR. J. J. EMMENS— Physician and CHIROPRACTORS. Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses DR. GEO. .1. KINZ — Chiropractor. supplied. Oculist and aurist for, Examination free. Suite. 8, No. 8. P. R. R. Offices, M. £•. and H 23, the Plaza. Office phoue 103; Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 567. residence phone 401. DR. LINCOLN KALLON— X-ray ASHL A ND 1IEAL T H ATORIL M— D r. cLagnoys; Ashland Laboratory,' E. B. Angell, Chiropractic, Elec­ Dr Jarvis’ Sanitarium; hours, 1 trical Treatments, Mineral aud to 5 p.m. Phone Ashland 126. • Vit-o-Net Baths. First National Medford Laboratories, Sacred Bank Building. Phone 48. Heart Hospital; hours. 8 a.m. to 12m.; evenings by appointment. PHONE your next job of plumbing to Jerry O’Neal, Beaver Building. Phone Medford 714. Residence Phone 138. phone, Medford 61. 27-lmo » KOOFEILS baby buggies and other things GRAHAM & WILSON. practical Five for sale; continual change with roofers; new roofs laid and old good bargains. Chair Doctor, roofs repaired. 103 E. Eleventh Third and A, opposite freight de­ street, Medford, Ore. pot. 28-lmo* | ~J!?. ... — ... , . . , —--- --------—---- —. FOR SALE. TR ANSFER AND E X l’RHSS. FOR SALE —• 16-inch manzanita. T. L. P O W E LL— GENERAL TRANS $4.75 tier. Phone 335-R. 30-6 FER — Good team and motor* trucks. Good service at a reason FOR SALE— Sewing machines, $4. able price. Phone 83. I $5 and $6; good running condi- 1 tiou; guaranteed. Douglas, 253 FOR PROMPT and careful service Fourth street. Phone 63-R. with Auto-Trucks or Horse Drays, 31-tf call WMttle Transfer Co., Phone 117. Office 89 Oak street. Near SEWING MACHINES, clocks and Hotel Austin. phonographs repaired. Dougla's. 253 Fourth street. Phoue 63-R. GAB W ASHING 31-tf E X P E R T CAB WASHING and polish­ ALL KINDS of upholstering and ing. Lithia Garage, phone 114 mattress work done in exchange for discarded furniture. Douglas, EXPERT CAR REPAIRING at rea- Phone 63-R. sonable prices. Lithia Garage. 31-tf 12-lmo FOR SALE— Oak cordwoodl l-F-5. A. R. Brown. Phone‘ 31-6* , FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE— Eight-room house, with FOR SALE— Dodge touring car, in ‘ two and one-half lot9, $1,200. In­ good condition. Automotive Shop. quire 248 Fifth street. 29-tf • ' 27tf — ----------------------------------1 FOR SALE— Furnished or unfur­ SWEET CIDER— Made fresh every nished, 5-roorn modern bungalow, day. 40 cents gallon, delivered. sleeping porch, large basement; Phone 9-F-ll. large lot; lawn; fruit, berries, flowers; garden; all In Al shape; KING APPLES— Splendid tor cook- ( priced right for quick sale. Sen iug; a good size; 75 cents a box, Jack Fahs, 56 Pine street. delivered. Phone 9 -F -ll. i 24-lmo* FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING — } FOR SALE— 180 acres or land seven Mattresses made over, packing and • miles east of Ashland, 3 room crating. Douglass, 254 Fourth house, fair barn, 2,000,000 feet St. Phone 63-R. 18tf of timber, three-fourths mile Iroin school, several springs, 12 acres WANT ED. In cultivation, 50 acres fenced, good terras at 6 per cent, or will WANTED—Mending and comfort trade for Ashland property. See making. PJione 311-J. 31-4* C. B. Lamkin. 8-lnio FOR SALE— Cozy convenient four- room cottage, with roomy base­ ment and outbuildings. Good sterf lot with plenty of frint. Nice Io cation with fine view. Desirable SALE OF ESTRAY NOTICE for small family who want mod­ Notice is hereby given that on the erate priced home. Apply to ©v. fl­ 1st day of January, A. D., 1921, 1 ee on premises, 705 Penn. Ave. took up the following described es­ Corner Harrisou. 4-1 mo tray, running at large at my ranch, l t l R SALE. Section 28, Range 39, 2 East of the W. Al., in Jackson county, Oregon, to-wit: One steer about two years P.rick building and lot— fully occu­ pied at rental insuring good re old, weight about 800 pounds, no brand; split in each ear, and right turns ou investment. ear croped, color roan, That I have made affidavits and 25 acres with six room bouse, largo barn. About 12 acres orchard. 2 fulfilled the requirements of the law, acres alfalfa, good garden ;»n<> and said animal will be offered for farm land. sale at public auction by J. W. Hatcher, constable of Ashland dis­ trict. at my ranch on Sec. 28, Tow. 28'4 acres with fine dwelling, bam. looking house. About 28 acres in 39, Range 2 East of the W. M. about good orchard. Balance snirabh- 1 % miles East of the Klngsberry for farm products. Springs, on the 25th day of October, 1921, at 2:30 p. m., to satisfy costv and expenses that may have been 7 acres with good fruit, house and chicken shed. Sightly location. regularly made. Date of first publi­ cation October 4th. 1921. six iooeo dweUiog on a 28-3-Tues T. H ELLIOTT’. ! Fur , one of tb® finest lo­ . . . WHO COULDN’T spMk. • » A WORD of French. ♦ • • W ENT TO Paris. . . . AND TH E ftret Uru©. • • • HE HAD to get. • • • Main Street A HAIRCUT and sbav©. • • • MEDFORD HE PRACTICED an hour. • • • MAKING SION*. ■ ■ 'W • • • » IN T H E looking