PAGE TWO Ashland ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS* Tidings Established 1876 . Published Every Evening Except Sunday T H E ASHLAND PRINTING CO. OFFICIAL (TTY AND 1*OUNTY PA RER TELEPHONE 33 • n h sciip h o n P rice D e liv e re d in (J it, Jue moruh .65 Three m onths .............................. 1.95 Six m onths ............................... 3.75 One y e d r ....................................... 7.50 M all nf.d Rural K ootes. One m onth ......................................I .65 Three months .............................. 1.05 Six months .................................. 3-5o ceasod was m arried in February, 1961, to Matilda Swafford, who passed away in 1888, and this cou­ ple left surviving them eight chil­ dren— W illiam B. Moore, Rogue River; Mrs. J. R. Cook, Gold Hill; S. H. Moore and J. K. Moore, Rogue River; Mrs. Leslie Cooper, Weed, Calif.; Benj. H. Moore, Portland; Mrs. P. J. Gefges, K lam ath Falls, and Mrs. E tta H ayter, Brooster, Wash. Funeral announcem ent will be made as soon as the deceased’s son, Benj. Moore, a prom inent busi­ ness man of Portland, arrives. One year ........................................... 6.50 ADVERTISING RATES: Display Advertising Single insertion, each inch. . . . .30c YEARLY CONTRACTS D isplay A dvertising One time a w eek.....................27 %c Two times a w eek..................... 25c Every other d a y ......................... 20c Medford Fruit Dryer Plant Is Rased By Flames MEDFORD, Ore.. Oct. 11.— Fire of unknown origin totally destroyed the Radovan fruit dryer plant, lo­ cated at the end of North Fir street, between North Central avenue and C lassified Colum n. the Southern Pacific tracks, and im­ One cent the word each time. mediately adjoining the la tte r on the To run every Issue for one month or east. more, the word each time. L egal R ate: The estim ated loss Is $33,500, di­ F irst Time, per 8 point line . . . . 1Oc vided into $28,000 on the building Each subsequent time, per 8 point and equipment and $5,500 on fruit l i n e ...............................................Cc aw aiting shipm ent and in process of Card of Thanks, 81-00. Obituaries, 2 H cents the line. drying. The exact am ount of insur­ F raternal Orders and S ocieties. ance carried has not yet been ascer­ Advertising for fraternal orders or societies charging a regular initi­ tained, but Mrs. Anna Radovan, who ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ has operated the plant since the ligious and benevolent orders will be death of her husband last* winter, charged the regular rate for all ad­ said this forenoon th a t she thought vertising when au admission or other it was in the neighborhood of $20,- charge is made. 000. W hat C onstitutes A dvertising! Two carloads of dried pears In order to allay a m isunderstand­ ing among some as to w hat consti­ sacked ready for shipm ent were de­ tutes news and what advertising, stroyed in the fire. A large quan­ we print this very simple rule whlcn tity of dried pears still in crates in Is used by newspapers to differin- the yard of the plant were saved. atiate between them : “ALL future The fire, coming as it did in the events, where au admission charge is made or a collection is taken midst of the season, will throw' many IS ADVERTISING.” This applies to women and girls out of employment. organizations and societies of every The average num ber 'employed kind as well as to individuals. throughout the drying season was All reports of such activitiew after from forty to fifty, although only a they have occurred is news. All coming social or o rganizatio n 1 small num ber were employed lately, meetings of societies where no money I as it was between the pear and apple contribution is solicited, In itia tio n , charged, or collection taken ih N E W S .| drying seasons. Then, too, the destruction of the We make ail quotations on plant will be felt by the orchardists, JOU WORK as it formed a large m arket for cull • from pears and apples. T ilE I RAN KLIN PRICE LIST. The cause of the fire is unknown, Same prices— Reasonable Price— j as the plant, a large one-story frame to all. .— ------------------- -— __------------------- j ■ structure, was all ablaze when the iintered a t the Ashland, Oregon, j fire was discovered at 5 Sun­ Postoffice as Second ClasB Mall Matter. L ouil Readers. Each line, each tim e .................... 10c To run every other day for od « ruoDth, each line, each tim e . . . 7c To run every issue for on<> month or more, each line, each tim e. . . . 5c •> Had he never loved so kindly, •> H ad he never loved so blindly. Never met, or never parted, e We had ne’er been broken- ® <•> hearted. — Burns. For several mouths of the year baseball is the national game. But) during the period of the w orld’s! series it is the national frenzy. A few million good citizens are looking yearningly tow ard W ashing­ ton, craving relaxation in taxation. W e carry several w ith Rubber, leather soles. GOLD HILL, Ore., Oct. 11.— John K innner Moore, 85 years old, resid­ ing on his original hom estead in the Gold Hill .district for over fifty-two years, passed away Saturday a t 4 p.m. of infirm ities incident to old age. Deceased was born in Tennes­ see February 14, 1837, and came to Jackson county, Oregon, in 1869. He was a nephew of C. C. McClendon, one of Rogue River valley’s earliest settlers and Gold H ill's oldest man, being past 90 years of age. The de- kinds. A Car on Hand Now at the ASHLAND FRUIT ASSOCIATION S to m a c h -K id n e y s -H e a r t-L iv e Keep the vital organs healthy b’ regularly taking the world’s stand ird remedy for kidney, livei bladder and uric acid troubles-* / COLD MEDAL First National Bank The National Remedy of Holland fo en tunes and endorsed by Queen W ilhel nine. A t all druggists, three sizes. x»ok fo r the nam e G old M odal e a e r e t y W Ashland . Oregon u d accept no im itation Reeping faith with the W - • ' V 1 R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO.. Winaton-Salem, N . C. lx>ok for the Red Crown sign be­ fore you fin. s' STANDARD QIL COMPANY (C s Bfc wis) HEATING STOVES SunnUrd Oil C ta p ta j (C a li/tn u u ) BACK TO PRE-WAR PRICES Just .Received a Large Shipment of ROOFING INCREASES CROP YIELDS Apply Early Before the Fall ynance. It proved itself that during the war. and in the recent business depres­ sion. That is why the F irst National is glad th at its customers have the benefit of its membership in this great system. A "N ationalized” account drawing its regular inteerst is an incentive to fu rth er achievement. A A M V This is first quality material and the price is right. Repair the roof before the fall • rains. * A We carry a complete line of Roof Paints. NOW A PROVEN FACT one recently spoke of the Federal Reserve System as thfe S ONE great balance wheel of the country’s Our lifelong knowledge of choice .to­ baccos, our years of manufacturing ex­ perience and our up-to-date facilities are concentrated on making CAMELS the finest cigarette that can be produced. Into THIS ONE BRAND we put the UTMOST QUALITY. A better ciga­ rette cannot £e made—even for a higher price. CAMEL is THE QUALITY CIGA- RETTE—made for men who think for themselves—for folks who appreciate really fine tobacco. ONE BRAND —ONE Q U A L IT Y - ONE SIZE PACKAGE. That is the way we keep faith with the smoker. Quality is the cornerstone upon which the reputation of Red Crown gasoline rests. The achievement of Red Crown quality is that it delivers the maximum power your engine was designed to develop. It insures ready starting, rapid and smooth ac­ celeration, and greater mileage. Made or A S tead yin g In flu en ce WATCH THE BIG 4 Cornerstone of A ch ievem en t “Red Crown” is readily available throughout .the Pacific Coast: at Standard Oil Service Stations, at ga­ rages, and at other dealers. Com position gigantic replica is ,said to be the most stupendously appointed set ever built for piqtures. The properties displayed upon it were valued at $109,000. J SMOKER Suitable * for Hunting and Fishing Henry Ford is a witty talker. He puts the “ ra ttle ” in prattle, as those, know who have conversed with h im .! Pioneer of Gold Hill and Jackson Co. Dies Saturday Vining Has Big Production With "M ary” In Lead Canvas Shoes The boy or the girl th a t has an a t­ tractive, happy home life is well fortified to meet and fend the world’s tem ptations. President H arding is to keep con­ gress going. And congress should see to it th at the going is good. day. When the firemen reached the,1 scene the building was doomed, so much so th at to throw w ater on it would be a needless waste of tim e and energy. Therefore, the firem en laid 1,000 feet of hose in such a m anner a3 to m ake it instantly avail­ able for use in case nearby buildings In “Through the Back Door,” caught fire. Mary Bickford's forthcom ing United The lire was spectacular and dan­ A rtists’ release, this clever little gerous in its menace to dwellings on a rtist will be afforded an opportunity Welch street, ju st across from the! for the display of talen t equaled only Southern Pacific tracks. Tenants of in such previous productions as “ Pol- these structures, which were en­ lyanna” and “ Daddy Long Legs.” dangered by the intense heat and A rrangem ents were recently com­ flying sparks, wet the roofs and sides pleted by Manager Bergner, of the of th eir homes with lawn hose as a Vining th eater, to show thiB produc­ m atter of precaution. The firem en tion beginning today paid especial attention to th e Puhl- It is the fir»t picture in which man bakery building on C entral ave­ nue, about 300 feet away. F o rtu ­ little Mary ever worked under the nately. there w'as no wind or breeze, guidance of two directors. Alfred and the fire w’as confined to the E. Green and Mary’s brother Jack sponsored this production, and the dryer plant. result of th eir combined efforts is One conjecture is th a t the fire said to prove fu rth er the tru th of started from a sulphur pit. Saturday the old adage. “ Two heads are better afternoon had been devoted at the than one” plant to the bleaching of the dried The biggest interior set in the fruit through the sulphur process, w o rld built on the biggest motion the sulphur being burned! in pits to picture stage in the world, will be bleach the pxposed dried fru it white. one of the many features of The sulphur fire was presumably “Through the Back Door.” out at 5 p.m. Saturday. No night This movie set shows live great w'atchman is employed at the plant. rooms and a large hallway with The only part or the plant left stall's th a t reach to a* landing on the standing Is the exterior of the large second floor. All told, 4,300 square dehydrator oven, an expensive one, feet of floor space are included in which, however, is ruined. this set. exclusive of the area re­ Last year the Radoven drying quired for “shooting space.” plant a t Central Fity was destroyed R epresenting the entire lower by fire. floor of a Long Island mansion, this Tuesday, October 11, 1921 Dickerson Son Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, etc. SPECIAL for good AIR-TIGHT HEATERS for ONE WEEK, begin­ ning October 10, at the very low price of $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 each. We have a complete line of WOOD HEATERS and WOOD and COAL combined at VERY LOW and attrac­ tive prices. It will PAY YOU to look us over if you want a STOVE of any kind. Select your stove now while our stock is full and have it delivered later. * A New and Large Stock ot Furniture, Rugs and Linoleums AT LOWEST PRICES IN THE VALLEY All of our goods are marked in plain figures—no attempt to deceive or mislead. believe in and give to every one a “ SQUARE DEAL.” Funeral Directors, • first class service and moderate prices. Lady assistant We J. P. Dodge & Sons Reliable Houseturnishers