Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, October 10, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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This week is BARGAIN WEEK at Hie Daily Tidings Office. All week and continuing to next Saturday night
yearly subscriptions to the Daily Tidings w ill he accepted at greatly reduced rates, as follows:
Bargain Week $ 6 . 0 0 .
Saving $1.50
Outside the city and rural routes, regular price $6.50. Bargain Week $ 5 . 0 0 .
Saving $1.50
In the City on carries routes, regular price $7.50.
The above rate applies to both old and new subscribers.
rate, then pay the bargain week price for a year In advance.
Pay up your arrears to October 1st at the old
F reigh t M ovement Good—
(àirls Have O uting Party—
Weather Report for Week—
j loose. Smoking in barns and gar- fire prevention programs. These or­ and ( community.
According to statem ents made a t
Yesterday afternoon a party of
The following predictions for the ages never should be permitted! Firei ganizations frequently have a fire measures will do much to cut dbwn a
the local Southern Pacific company ! happy girls started out with two w eather the ensHiing week has been m arshals of w estern states report
insurance feature, and every fire loss loss th a t takes millions op cellars out
freight yard. 206 cars of freight a r - ' autom obiles with lady chauffeurs for made by the w eather bureau a t g reater fire losses in grain and straw I means larger premiums for the m u­ of the possession of rural Americans
Klam uth F alls Arrivai—
rived in Ashland from Oregon points an afternoon’s outing.
The drive W ashington, D. C.:
the past season from carelessly- i tual insurance associations.
every year and leaves nothing in its
Chester De Lap arrived from tim ing the first twelve hours of Oc-¡was made to G rants Pass along the
Pacific Coast States — G enerally throw n m atches, engine sparks and.
place. Prevention is better than re­
Klam ath Falls last Friday to join tober 7. Although fall shipm ents banks of the beautiful Rogue, over fair, with norm al tem perature,
but autom obile and tracto r b a ck fire j should be taken to every rural home gret.
his family, which preceded him a of livestock have started, th e move- paved highways all the way. A fter with a possibility of occasional rain
than ever before.
few weeks ago, and is living in the m ent is not rushing, and a num ber of spending a short time at. the G rants ! on the n o rth coast.
Buildings may be made safer b y .
Noble residence on E ast Main street. local owners are not pleased with Pass park and along the river and
N orthern Rooky M ountain and seeing th a t the chimneys are with-1
the offered prices. During the twen- enjoying a fine feed on the retu rn P lateau Regions— Generally
fair, out cracks and free of soot, which
One (dollar and 50 cents saved is ty-four hours ending October 7, trip, they arrived in Ashland about 9 with norm al tem perature.
may take fire and scatter sparks on
$1.50 made. Pay your Dally Tidings tw enty cars of fruit from Rogue : o’clock last night. Those in the
dry roofs.
Flues which may be- )
subscription this week and save $1 50 River valley orchards passed through party were: Misses G ertrude andi ASH LAND’S AUTO
come hot should be covered with as­
on the year.
A shland en route to eastern m ar-' Helene Biede, K athryn Miller, Al-
bestos and any nearby walls and ceil
The Ashland Produce com -jleen W alker, Pearl W ilshlre, Calla
IN ’FRISCO PAPER iugs protected. , There should be a
pany will load th ree cars with mixed Biegle, and Mrs. Emma Murphy,
M aguire H om e Purchased—
sheet of metal under every stove.
with Geòrgie Coffee and Ruth Osman
The Maguire property on the fru it this week.
Out of all th e losses by lightning,
(Continued from Page 1)
I at the wheels.
Boulevard has been purchased by C.
not one was on a building protected
cam per with fuel enough for the
R. Courts and is occupied by M. L.
Today it pays to look around b e-!
lightning rods. It is now definite­
Patton and family, who moved from fore buying. See Pnulserud’s suits
The regular meeting of the Ladies’
ly known th a t lightning rods afford
"W ater has been piped to several
21tf A rt club will be held this (M onday)
the Minkler house across the street. and overcoats.
protection. If installed in te llig en tly
evening at Pioneer C hautauqua hall places in the camp and the to u rist is they reduce the risk from lightning)
You can give that $1.50 to the Bicycle “Misplaced”—
at 8 o’clock.
Mesdames Louis always w ithin a sh o rt distance of a alm ost to the vanishing point.
Ask some of your friends
faucet. A gasoline service station
community club house if you want
Meril W alters, call boy for the. Schwein, Henry . - Provost
----- - and W illiam
Public schools may well devote an
and a supply sto re where food an d hour o r afternoon to a special fire
to. I t’s our loss. We are willing Southern Pacific company, is search-! ‘^•ver
-he hostesses,
who saw it last night.
33-1 traveling necessities
th a t you get the credit. Pay your ing for a “ m isplaced” bicycle, said to
may be pur-! prevention program . Some promi-
chased is on th e lot. F u rth erm o re, j nent c itk e n shou,d be caHed ,n for(
Daily Tidings subscription th is week have disappeared Wednesday.
'Io W inter in A shland—
tertain m en t is a t hand a t all tim es, a ta lk . Es8ays and perhaps a play. :
and save the $1.50.
J. A. Church and family,» new ar-
th e cam pers. The camp itself is
For pleating, see Orres.
17tf Ì rivals lr0,n Sheridan, Wyo., have
let by the children would help im -,
p a rt of L ithia park, which is equip­ press th e m atter on their minds.)
Hetiii ns to M orley, C a lif.» -
______ _
1 tin te d a home at 244 H argadine
ped with picnic tables, m ineral w ater Some schools already have a weekly
11. M. Gray has returned to Mor­
M erchants’ noon lunch, 60c, Hotel street with the intention of spending
the w inter m onths in,A shland Th~e ‘ f° unta,i ns and a children’s play- fifteen-m inute lesson on fire preven­
ley, Calif., a fte r a visit of three Ashland Grill.
Church family is spending a second i T
th e eXpert su Pefvteion tion. The plan is admirable.
weeks with his daughters. Mrs. Bo-
niar and Mrs. Cotter.
! w inter in this city and is having The'® * W° man emplOj:ed by th e cit7-
Meetings of farm organizations,
GPM rÍ h “ k “ i and children, of ¡ Daily Tidings 8en‘
s e n t tn
a . v
, . DuriDK the sum m er mcfhths band are particularly proper occasions fori
— In
W inter N ellis Pears
G rants Pass, were week-end visitors
’All in all, th e A shland camp is
The F ru it association will be ship­ 1 with th eir aunt and uncle, Mr. and
Imogene Wallace, pianiste-teach- said to be an ideal of its kind and 4
ping a car about the 15th. Get your
Mrs. Robert Casey, on Allison s tre e t.1
Phone 210-J.
pears in early in the week.
171 Helman other cities a re rapidly falling into
RAHAM & WILSON. practical
33-lm o line in the m a tte r of providing like
You can save $1.50 a year by pay­
roofers; new roofs laid and old
Surprise P arty—
roofs repaired. 102 E. Eleventh
ing your Daily Tidings subscription Buys Cows at Phoenix—
properly spread, and in my belief the
Mrs. E. M. Humphrey, I l l
B this week.
street, Medford, Ore.
J. V. W right and son, Bert coming years will see» every city In
street, was entertained
right, were business visitors in the state equipped w ith a m unicipal WANTED — Apple pickers; work
afternoon at a surprise party cele­ R eturn From S eattle —
from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Phone i.
Mr. W right camp, which, instead of being a lux­
brating the eighty-seventh birth an ­
ll-F -4 .
Mrs. C. V. Beeler returned S atu r­ brought home a couple..of cows which ury, will be an absolute necessity.”
niversary of Mrs. Humphrey. The
day from a six weeks’ visit with rela­ he had recently purchased.
party was given by Good Cheer Bible
FOR RENT — Furnished room and
tives and friends a t Portland. Seat­
garage, very reasonable. 606 Al­
class of the Presbyterian church, de­
tle and other northern points.
lison street.
tails of the a ffa ir having been made
Mr. and Mrs. William Yeo, Moun-
o. a . c. AcrnvmEs FOR SALE — 16-inch maiizanita,
by Mrs. A. N. Humphrey, daughter-
$4.75 tier. Phone 335-R.
in-law of Mrs. Humphrey.
folks as well as commercial and to u r­ near Central Poipt for several days
(Continued from Page J >'
_ i WANTED— Woman or girl to wait
ist business.
27-tf last week.
Save $1.50 by paying your Daily
of work Mr. Abbott is engaging in
on table. Apply Home Bakery.
Local and Personal
Mother 0 ’ Mine
Mary Pickford
Tidings subscription this week
Called to W illam ette V alley —
*’H1 be g reater as th e , extension of
W ednesday A fternoon Club to Meet state and federal aid to reclam ation.
Henry Van Prooyne was called to I The W ednesday Afternoon club of
The success of reclamation d ep en d s’
the W illam ette valley last week by) the Presbyterian church will hieet at
The state convention of Sunday
largely on th e successful a’nd eco-
the death of his siste r’s husband.
2.30 o clock W ednesday afternoon ; nomical use of w ater which t h e engir
schools of all P ro testan t churches of
at the home of Mrs. Van Sant, Oak j neers’ canals and reservoirs provide,
southern Oregon, south of Roseburg, Siskiyou Visitor»*—
street. Mrs. Van Sant, Mrs. Dewey i The soil« tra in in g is d ea l gped to
will be held in Ashland November
Miss Vivian Osborn and Mrs. A. J. Sackett and Mrs. L. Schwein wjll b e ; teach the stu d en t the m ost effective
21 to 23, inclusive, according to in­
Craig, Siskiyou school teachers, hostesses.
methods of irrigation upon soils and
form ation obtained a t the local Pres­
were Ashland visitors Saturday.
byterian church.
i crops. The stndfent on com pleting
On ’Frisco Business Trip-—
: the course of study should know the
M edford V isitors—
H arry Silver is in San Francisco i relations between soils, soill w aters
S a lts M ade to O r d e r -
Mrs. B. Koontz and daughter Lu­
Cleaning and re p a irin g ,o n short cile, of Medford, have been guests on a business trip and is expected I and drainage, and understan d how to
home tomorrow.
K. Nelson, Hotel Ashland
locate and construct d ra in s a n d to
of Mrs. J. C. Poor the past week.
tre a t o r fertilise th e soil so as to se­
They are to locate here perm anently R eturns From M arshfield—
and construct draiiQs a n d to
and will occupy the Mitchell resi­
C. Berkman has returned from tre a t o r fertilise th e soil sa> a s to se­
R eddlng. CaHf., Vtettor—
dence on Bush street.
a business visit at M arshfield.
Roy Gray, of Redding, Calif.,
cure th e highest possible efficiency
where he Is attending school, is ta k ­ V isits a t B ellingham , W ash.—
for each unit of tillin g em ployed.
ing advantage of teachers* Institu te
Mrs. C. H. Nickerson is making
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKlnnis F IR E PR EVENTIO N
week in th a t city to spend a vacation an extended visit with her daughter
arrived in Ashland from P leasan t
with his cousins. A lbert and Ray­ in Bellingham. Wash.
Hill W eAiesday of last week and
mond Cotter, of this city.
spent a couple of days visiting their
Central P oint V isitor—
relatives, the Inlow family, on Moun­
(Continued from Paga One)
For high grade tailoring for men
Mrs. Minnie Sargent, of Central
tain avenue. Mr. and Mrs. McKinnis
and women— C. Orres.
I Point, spent Saturday visiting her
formerly lived in Ashland and have the right of way as a fire break.
sister, Mrs. Maggie Culbertson, on
Kerosene lamps should, be exam­
a num ber of friends here who were
V isits Son in W y o m in g -
M ountain avenue.
to sea that the burners are in
Mrs. A. E. Littlechildl is on a two
condition, and should never be
m onths’ visit with her son in Casper,
Rebekahs, A ttention
G rants P ass V isitors—
they may b e up set Kero­
Wyo.. and will visit relatives in K an­
Mrs. N ettie W hetstone, president
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Wilmot were sene and gasoline receptacles should
sas City. Omaha and o th e r cities in of Rebekah assembly, will visit Hope
Pass visitors Sunday.
be kept apart and should he so dif­
the m iddle west before re tu rn in g to Rebekah lodge tomorrow (Tuesday)
ferent as to avoid possibility of a
her home here.
evening. All Rebekahs urged to be Return From Idaho—
The W. A. Cooper family arrived
Ordinary friction, matches should
Remodeling and
cleaning —— 6.
home from Idaho last week. They he kept In safe receptacles, avtby
RUTH GUI8INGER, Secretary. report a splendid time on ths trip.
from children, s > d never carried
■May Hold Sunday School M eet H ere
For Every N eed
Tyre Kjk:*
If I was an automobile
owner and knew that tires
were my greatest expense
I would go to Leedoms
Tire Hospital, and get
more miles for less money
The Hason Cord has
everything needed to
make a tire that will give
you more miles and for
less money.
Some Tire, the Mason
you’ll say so when you
look ’em over.
A Convenience-A Necessity
An Investment
The frequent calls for hot water for washing,
bathing, cleaning,, etc., make it impelative
that a liberal supply be instantly available
in all parts ef the home. The great amount
of hot water used in the average household
necessitates an economical method of obtain­
ing this supply.
A modern hot water supply outfit will till
your requirements—will provide you with
hot water when and where you want it with
but the minimum of caretaking and fuel
costs. Get my price today for installing such
an outfit in your home. Let me suggest th e
type best adapted to fill your requirements’
Jerry O’Neal
Phone No. 138
Beaver Block