4' THE ASHLAND DAILT TIDINGS Monday. October 10, 1021 c o r a l NEWS PAGI TAKKI ■ Jackson Countk Bank to Ste­ phen G. Nye. part D. L. C. 59. township 38 south, range Marriage License One cent the word «ach time. 10 1 w e s t ................ ...................... Local and Personal Elbert M. Bigham and Laura James L. Oxford et ux, to Ida Sm ith/ PHYSICIANS ATTORNEYS. ....... Side Lights — J. Elder, lot on Iowa street,, DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Practice BRIGGS A BRIGGS— At tor hey i-at- Ashland .................................. 101 > Circuit Court limited to »ye, ear, nose and Law, Pioneer Block, Ashland. Y outh L, A rrested— Plan G rants P a ss C elebration— - Sheriff to R. S. Murray et al., Bullock Mercantile Agency vs. throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and A youthful traveler taken off a Grants Pass* day of days is soon lot 2, section 6, township 37 2 to 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash­ L. A. ROBERTS— Attorney-at-Law. freight train at the Southern Pacific to arrive. Dreams of a quarter cen- Theo. J. Fish. Summons: writ of at­ Rooms 6 and 6, Citizens' Bank land, Ore. 73-tf south, range 3 w est............ tachment. , _ . Bldg. depot is being held by the local po- tury -will be realized Saturday, No­ Elsie C. Clay vs W. S. Clay. D i-!^ ora Howard et vir. to William UR. J. J. EMMENS— Physician and lice following investigation which re- vember 15. when the floodgates of CHIROPRACTORS. Bays, lots 5 and 6. block 39 Surgeon. Practice limited to suited in the finding of a ticket! the Savage Rapids dam will be vorce. 100 Medford .................................. eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses DR. GEO. J. KlNZ Medford Implement Co. vs. H. H. Chiropractor. •punch said to have been taken from ' closed and the Grants Pass Irriga- supplied. Oculist and aurist for Sheriff to C. Macklem. trustee, Examination free. Suite 8, No. Corliss. For money. the Mc.Minneville baggage room. P o -tio n project launched in full blast, S. P. R. R. Offices. M. f'. and H 25, the Plaza. Office phone 103; NE% section 25, township Jean A. Gattis vs. Edwin F. Gat- Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 567. lice here are holding the youth until One ot the greatest celebrations the residence phoue 4 01. 37 south, range 1 w e s t . . . . 1000 1 __________________________________I tis. Divorce. word is received from McMinneville.' city has ever witnessed is now being D i. DR. LINCOLN Ibill lU Kwgme—- Demurrer. tion: guaranteed. Douglas. 253 good bargains. Chair Doctor. vaney motored to Grants Pass Sat- John L. MHler a recen< arr,v>, Fourth street. Phone 63-R. Third and A, opposite freight de­ Jackson County Building and Loan i and west half lot 15. block 31-tf pot Jj6-ltu.d* urday afternoon to attend the Ash­ here from Ashland, is confined to Association vs. American Securities i B, Talent ................................ O n ce y o u ’ve land and Grants Pass high school his home near Hungry Hill with a Co. et al.' Request for execution.' , W. T. Bailey pt ux. to Charles TRANSFKR AND LXPRBSS. SEWING MACHINES, clocks aud en joyed th e football games. R. Bailey, lots 4 and 8„ east phonographs repaired. Douglas. severe case of typhoid fever. Mr. Jackson County Building and Loan T. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS­ t o o t e tiiL v o r 253 Fourth street. Phoue 63-R. half of lots 3 and 7, block 3, Miller is living on the Stebno farm. Association vs. Wilber E. Fanshert FER — Good team and motor­ 31-tf you w ill al­ Jacksonville Get your auto name plates today — Eugene Guard. I et ux. Request for execution. trucks. Good service at a reason­ ly.» w an: it ALL KINDS of upholstering and able price. Phone 83. I Frank Morence vs Minnie B Mor- J May M onis et vir- to Celia Day- and boost for the winter fair. 29-tf j mattress work done in exchange lots 11. 12 and 13, block B, Buy a pair of those handsome Asli- enee. Divorce. for discarded furniture. Douglas, FOR PROMPT and carefnl service To Improve Property— land auto name plates and help Annie M. with Auto-Trucka or H ope Drays, .... Root vs. »a. Vernon veruuu Vawter v a w ie r f Talerit 253 Fourth street. Phone 63-R. call Whittle Transfer Co.. Phone et al. Notice of appeal; u n d ertak -'^ ary Wilson yir- to Eliza J Vacant property on Morton street finance the winter fair as well as 31-tf 117. Office 89 Oak street, Near ine ' Duncan et al, lots 5, 6. 7 anc and between Iowa street and the Boule boost for Ashland: 82 per pair at the ing Hotel Austin. FOR SALE— Oak cord wood. Phone 10 8. block 5, Central Point . . vard has been purchased by Elbert Chamber of Commerce. 29-tf First National Bank of Medford l-F-5. A. R. Brown. 31-6* GAR WASHING J. Farlow from A. L. Lamb, local vs. U. G. McMullen et al. Summonn. George A. Mottman et ux. to Charlotte R. Stewart et vir., Contractor. Mr. Farlow. who is con­ Arrive in F lo r id a - Emil Britt et al. vs. Perry Gibson. FOR SALE— Dodge touring car, in EXPERT CAR WASHING and pollsli- north half of NW14 section nected with the local agency of the A card from the G. W. Kennard Certified copy of reply. leg. Litkiä Garage, phone 114. good condition. Automotive Shop. ..................- ■ .■ i n «i - i g . 20, township 39 south, range Standard Oil company, is improving family announces its safe arrival at 27tf H. W. Richards, A. C. Richards. EXPERT CAR REPAIRING at rea­ 8 west ............................. . . . 2000 the property with a modern bunga­ Jacksonville, Fla., where the mem­ R. L. Sabin, Jr., Incorporate as B A R B E R sonable prices. Litbia Garage. SWEET CIDER- -Made fresh every Ella H. Bromley et al. to Hor­ low, construction of which started bers of the family will spend the Score Mining company 12-lm o day, 40 cents gallon, delivered. O d id ren 's Work A ace L. Bromley, lots 7 and this morning under the supervision Winter. They express themselves Phone 9 -F -ll. Bullock Mercantile Agency vs. VOK KALE— REAL ESTATE. 8. block 1, Bryant’s addi­ Specialty of Contractor Lamb. as being very favorably impressed Theo. J. Fish. For money. KING APPLES— Splendid tor cook- “ Eight-room bouse, with tion Vo Medford . • • with the place as a winter resort. Earl Moore (as executor) vs. A’us-i ing; a good size; 75 cents a box,' Safety blades resharpened two and one-half lots, $1.200. In­ R. H. Toft et ux. to Octavia B. George L. Treichler Motor com- delivered. Phone 9 -F -ll, tin L. Taylor et al. Affidavit a-nd ¡1 like new. Single bit. 30c quire 248 Fifth street. 29-tf Childs, lot 10, block 6, Im­ )>any. Medford, has Just few ip|ghty H. R. Adams, the Plumber, œ iis order. I doz. Dobule bit, 60c doz. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING —- 1 ¡ good buys in used cars. 32-3 plumbing .fixtures and supplies First State Bank of Eagle Point I perial addition to Medford. Mattresses made over, packing and FOR SALE— Furnished or unfur­ Phone 166-J, shop at 248 Fifth Si nished, 6-room modern bungalow; Emogene Charley to A. C. crating. Douglass, 254 Fourth vs. Frederick Pelouze. Writ of a t­ sleeping porch, large basement; 287-tf Ask W inter Fair Funds— St. Phone 63-R. 18tf Spence, land in section 10, tachment. large lot; lawn; fruit, berries, An appropriation for the winter township 36 south, range I flowers; garden; all in Al »hape: Edward G. Potter vs J. T. Davis; A shland People Gucwta 1NTKRUKBAN AUTOCAR CO. fair to be held in Ashland was 186 priced right for quick sale. Seq east ••• • — * — * • • • ••— • • • Reply. A crowd composed chiefly of high Effective March U», 1020. Jack Faho, 66 Pine street. asked of the county court last week Jacob M. Casebeer et ux. to Daily (Except Sunday) Bullock Mercantile Agency vs, school students gathered at the Wal­ 24-lm o* by a chamber of commerce commit­ W. A. Stratton et ux , land LV. MEDFORD LY. ASHLAND, --------------------1------------------- --------- — Theo. J. Fish. For money. dorf hall last night for a dance given 7:15 a. m. 7:15 a. m. FOR SALE— 160 acres of land seven tee composed of Glenn Simpson, L. in D. L. C. 42. township 38 J. E. Miller et al. vs. William L. in honor of the visiting Ashland peo­ 8:00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. miles east of ARhlnnd, 3 room F. Ferguson. John Dill and John H. south, range 1 east . . . . . . 1000 8:45 a. m. ple who remained after the game. Greenleaf et ux. Demurrer 8:45 a. m. house, fair barn, 2.000,000 feet Fuller. No definite reply to the re­ 9:30 a. iu. 9:30 a. m. Carl Fichtner vs. W. T. Estep et Mary E. Adams et vir, to Clar­ Punch and wafers were served.__ of timber, three-fourths mile Irom quest has been made. Judge Gard­ 10:15 a. ui. 10:16 a in. ence W. Adams, part D. L. al. Answer. • school, several springs, 12 acres Grants Pass Courier. 11:00 a. m. 11:00 a. i b . ner has been invited to attend the iu cultivation, 50 acres fenced, C. 49, township 38 south, Jackson County Building and Loan 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noou good terms at 6 per cent, or will chamber of commerce forum lunch­ range 2 w e s t ..................... 12:46 p.m. 12:45 p. in. Woolens for men and women sold Association vs. Wilbur E. Fanshet trade for A&hlaud property. Sec eon at the Hotel Ashland tomorrow James Delaney to A. Hohen- 1 :S0 p iu. 1:30 p. in. by the yard-—C. Orres. I7tf et al. Cost bill. C. B. Lamkin. 8-1 mo noon as an honor guest. 2:16 p. m. 2:15 p. m. Jackson County Building and Loan 'I stein, east half lots 12 and 3:00 p. m. FOR SALE— Cozy convenient four- 3:00 p. m. 13, block 1, Gray's addition Locals Outclass Grants Pas? - Association vs. American Securities^ 3:45 p. m. 3:45 p. iu. You can secure your auto name room cottage, with roomy base­ 10 to M ed ford............ Regarding the Ashland and Grants Co. et al. Cost bill 4:30 p. m. 4:30 p. in. ment and outbuildings. Good size plates at Enders’ Store, the Automo­ Pass football game at the latter city 5:15 p. m. 5:15 p. m. Frank C. Bramwelt 'superinten­ Waiter Herndon el u x to Ag­ lot with plenty of friut. Wee lo­ tive Shop, Simpson's Hardware Store, Saturday, the Grants Pass Courier 6:00 p. m. 6 :00 p m. nes Herndon, south 50 feet cation with fine view. Desirable dent of banks of state of Oregon, vs. 7:00 p. m. 7:00 p. m. the Ford Garage. $2 per pair. 29-tf makes the following comment "Too for small family who want mod­ o f lot 19, H. B. Carter addi­ Ralph G. Jennings. Motion. Sat 8 :46 p. m. . cniy 8:45 p. m. erate priced home. Apply to ov. n- 10 9:30 p. m. much beef proved disastrous to the 9:30 p. m. Harvey Bishop vs. Eva Bishop. Di- I tion to Ashland ................... er on premises. 795 Penn. A*«. Baby Mooting— 12:16 Midgt i0 :3 0 p. m. Sat. only 1 Herbert D. Russell et ux. to W. Grants Pass football eleven yester­ vorce. Coiner Harrison. 4-1 mo V SUNDAY ONLY As part of a follow-up campaign day afternoon when it was defeated H Smith*, of NW% lot A. W. Walker vs. S. H. Short. LV. .MEDFORD LY. ASHLAND lor better babies following the clinic by the husky Ashland aggregation FOR SA IE. 1, section 23, township 38 Writ of attachment; summons. 9:00 a. m. 9:00 a. m. held here September 15. a weighing by a Cl-0 score. The visitors pound­ south, range 3 w est............ 500 10:00 a. m Brick building and lot— folly occu­ 10:00 a. m. R. W. Clancy vs. T. E. Beaulieu. and measuring meeting will be held er through the light local line almost Execution 11:00 a. tu. ¡ pied at rental insuring good r e ­ 11:00 a m. Wayland G. Smith et ux. to 12:00 N ood 12:00 Noon in the .Methodist church parlors Oc­ at will, the players showing splendid ’ Bullock Mercantile Agency vs.» turns oil investment. 10 , . May Morris, Morrls- lots ,ot* in Talent. Talent 1:00 p. m ¡ 1:00 p. in. tober 14. Miss Marie Falldine. coun­ training. The local boys fought Sam King et ux. O. Simpson et ux. to May 2:00 p. m. 2:00 p. iu. Writ of attach ty nurse, announced this morning gamely throughouut the game, but 3:00 p. m. 5. acres with six room bouse, large 101 f. Morris, lots in T alent. . . . . . 3:00 p. m. ment; summons All mothers, regardless of whether were teo much outclassed to stand 4:00 p. in. j barn. About 12 acres orchard. 2 4:00 p. in. We" carry several kinds. Made 'May Morris et vir. to Anna Sam H. Baker vs R. J. Rowen 5 :00 p. us. j acres alfalfa, good 'garden .»nd 5:00 p. m. • or not they attended the clinic, are any show." Simpson et vir., lots 8. 9. 10, •farm tend. al. Summons. 6:30 p. m. 6:30 p. mi w ith Rubber, Com position oi invited to attend the meeting; block B, Talent .................. 1 9:30 p. m. 9:30 p. m. Jeau A. Gattis vs. Edwin F. Gat­ Ashland Waiting Bast Side Phar- 18H acres with fine dwelling, barn, Watch Yeo's window. •’€ . B, Long to C. B. Stevens, leath er soles. ’ 99-tf tis. Summons. packing bouse About 20 acre» in Something* new in Teo’s window. macy. lots 4 and 5. block 4, Patti­ good orchard. Balance «uitubl«* Emma D. Kitts et vir vs. White- JACKSDNVILI.E-MEDFORD 299-tl V egetables Need A tten tion — son addition to Central for farm product«. Skellv-Hunt Mining Co. Summons.' DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Many vegetables during October Point .......................................... 10 LV. .FS'NV’LF, I V. MEDFORD Booze Victim Forfeits Bail— 7:20 a.m . ¡" acres with good fruit, house an, Affidavit. 1:00 p. mJ paved etreet. one e f the Einest lo- t- ^-Jackson County Bank to Med­ 1:30 p. m. "moonshine" in his possession. The croDs that quired to put up a cash bail of $25. September has cured the onions well '« j 1 Sat. only » :00 p .m . •George Roberts et al. to J. W. 7:30 p m. WANTED. The bail was forfeited today before for storage— O. A. C. Experiment doff and Beuj F. Lindas file article» 9:50 p. m. I Sat. only 10:30 p. m. Fish et ux., warranty deed of incorporation as The Dow Associa­ Judge Gowdy. The police depart­ Station. WE RUN ON SUNDAYS. WANTED— Young roosters or pul­ to land in Di L. C. 43, town­ MEDFORD-ROSEBURG tion Hospital. • ment hints that the way of the trans­ lota. Phone 327-L or Tidings. ship 38 south, range 1 west te Daily and Sunday 32-3 gressor is hard. Estate Wilber L. Jacks. Admtt- Automobil« insurance— Teo, LV. MEDFORD LV. ROSEBURG; ________ IpZM ra; Rosa Kenney et vir. to °- ted to probate. course. 872 Plain sewing. ! ll : 0 0 a .m . 1.00 p. m. WANTED 299-tf Frank Burch, warranty deed Cliff Payne makes cedar chests. Estatd Kaleen Deane Swinson. 29-5* MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS Boulevard. ; to lotts 7. 8, 5, 6, block Daily anil Sunday P .rof of publication. .* 22tt To Prevent Peach Blight,__ 17, Jacksonville io LV . « T 8 PARR I WANTED— Mending and comfort LV. MEDFORD E tate Stoughton P. Jones. Bon«». “ ......... - 7 / 31-4* {‘each growers are finding it neces- 10:00 a.m . making. Phone 311-J. 8:00 a. m. B stat, Francis George Clausing ' R° y E Co,!l” ,n M ™- A ta * hief H atcher Takes Vacation— 1:00 p. m. et al. „„m ors). Petition and o X * » « » « ■11:00 a. m. w. „ sary to 8pray with Bordeaux 404-50 gail R. Sm ith, quit HELP WANTED. Wh.le Chief of Police Hatcher is in the summer or early in the fall in 4 :00 p. m. i 1 :00 p. m. deed* to land in D. L. C. 43, 6:15 p. m.p 4:30 p. m taking a vacation. Patrolman Tom order to prevent the destructive win­ Estate Geraldine Theis«. Petftieo WANTED— At once, women to cut township 3*7 south, range 2 Grants Pass Waiting Room— The , Robert and Webster Wertz are in ter attack of peach blight. This dis­ and order. fruit at Bagley Canning Co., Tal­ Bonbonniere. Pho»« t60. west: / . . . a ............................. 10 ent, Ore.: transportation free. charge of the police department. Pa­ ease is responsible for more peach Estate John W. Davidson. Partial Office and Waiting Room: No. 6 Jackson county to Rosa Ken­ Phone 364-J-l 30-tf trolman Robert is taking Chief report and petition; order. S. Front St... Nash Hotel Buildiftg,' orchard destruction in Oregon than ney, quit claim deed to Hatcher s place on the day shift and any other single cause, but it cau Estate George H. Patrick. Admit» • lots 6, 6, V, 8. block 17, Wertz has the night shift. ted to probate. C. B. L A M K I N easily be cpntrolled by Bordeaux Jacksonville ............................. 102» Estate J. H Thorndike. Vouch­ applied at the right time, providing W illiahi L. Cleveland et ux, to Charles S. Wilson— Decorating, every twig and bud are covered. The ers. R. L. Chaney et ux., deed to Estate Jennie Frey, Third report; hardwood finishing and graning. same spray should be used for cank­ BARGAINS (N After you’ve had an automobile part lot 1 3 , Hargadine addi­ Satisfaction guaranteed. P. O. Box ered pear trees.— o. A. C. Experi­ vouchers. R e a l E s t a te accident and somebody’s property 10 tion to Ashland \ .................. 244. Estate William L. Childers, Pe- ment Station. has been damaged, it is certainly Frank Culy et el. to D. L. tition and order. P rice $350.00 a great satisfaction to realize that Minkler, warranty deed to Old Schoolm ate» Meet-— » Estate J. M. Kiigour. Inventory the damage is already paid for— l i t y and Ranch Properttea 900 land Ashland . .............. Merton Vanpelt, of Sterling. Colo.. ' Made in A sh la n T “ 2 4 ^ 0 « ^ and appraisement. U ouhos to Went. that the reasonable premium Anton Sm ith et ux. to’ George is visiitng at the home of Webster ; . , * Estate Margaret Lindsay Propf which you paid on your Travelers’ M. Denham, warranty deed P ric e $560.00 Wertz on Gresham street. Mr. Van- * 100 of publiciklton. Automobile Policy has saved you to lot 8, Amy's Cottage CITIZENS* BASH BUILDING pelt and Mr. Wertz are old school­ Em brokiery Club M e e t« __ the worry of having a large bill addition to Central Point. . mates of north Missouri of thirty- The Friday Afternoon Embroid­ Real Estate TnunMen —-i—: ■•: ». ■ :■? ------=— r— — hanging over you at a time when CARS SOLD five years ago and this is the first ery club met last Friday afternoon, Ralph G. Jhnnings to The P m you have plenty of other uses for time they have met since they left with Mrs. Roy Hale, on Fifth street. ton Ranch Co., SW% sec- J your money w ith sm a ll cash p a y ­ that section when they were boys The afternoon wa3 spent in pleasant tion 10, township 39 osuth, After your first accident you m e n t a n d m o n th ly together. Mr. Vanpelt arrived in the | conversation and needlework after range 3 west ....................... >. lo o will never drive without this in- in sta lm e n ts. auto camp grounds Saturday eve- which refreshments were served, Edward W. Carlton to Helen suranee. ning, and on learning of his former Those present besides the hostess J. Carlton et al., part 1». I. w ill