PAGE TWO ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS. Oregon, its mild, bracing and health- Tidings I I giving clim ate, its freedom from In- Ashland E stablished 1ST 6 P ub lished Monday. October 10, 10*21 tein foods are meat, fish,- eggs, milk j covering the appropriation of water and cheese. There are a few' vege- from Lycky Hollow creek for irrl- tablea rich in protein as well as gation of a ten-acre tract, starch. These are peas, beans and To G A Sanders> of Eagle Point, j lentils. When planning a meal with covering the appropriation of water ; sects and pests, its level stretches of E very E ven in g E xcept ■ valley, undulatory hills and graceful Sunday TH E ASH LAND PR IN TIN G CO. ! moutnains. timbeT with deciduous T H E D I A i l O M » B K A X I» . * L a d le » ! A s L T o u r D r u < e l « i l o r / , \ C h l-c h e a -te r » ■ >ian.. r,d B r a n d /x A v 1*111» In R e d »nJ G o ld m e u lli c \ V Z l boxes, sesled with Bin« Ribbon. T a k n n o o th e r . B n » o f t o u r * evergreen trees, its ' a **r n6 m e a t’ 3S WheD a sp rin g for »cats known as Best. Safest. AI ways Re' labta irrigation of a (New York Tim es) ! leyburg on horseback. w ith . pro-1 w onderful lakes reposing in the rock- Left-overs, any one of these) twelve-acre trace SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE TELEPHONE 39 gemmed m ountains; its crystal There is no au th o r today w ith a visions, blankets and other neces*j¡vegetables will supply the necessary Beans cooked with some iab scrip fin n Price D e liv e r s ! in City stream s leaping the cliffs and m e-!su re r touch ln the poetry of the saries, and the guide thought they protein. Jue m onth .................................. $ .65 ancGriug through hanks of green! g ,e a t uorth woods than Edison Mar- could get to their destination before fat ,nay entirely take the place of * Three m onths .............................. 1.95 witchery, on down to the orchard shall. He showed It in hie idyllic ¡th e real w inter came on. But there m e at Six m onths .................................. 3.75 and grain-clad lowlands; its supera-1 sto r>’- " The Voice of the Pack.” tind was snow, plenty of it, and adven If the menu is rich in starch, se-; One y e a r ....................................... 7.50 bundance of fish and game, all make he repeats th a t really fine achiere- tu re th a t brought out the finest In lect a vegetable containing a high Muil and R ural R outes. One month .................................. 3 .65 •it the lure of the tourist, the su- m ent ln this, his newest romance of th e guide, stam ped the man Loans- i percentage of water. Do not serve Three months .............................. 1.95 preme resort and playground. tb e fastnesses of the northw est. As bury, and Vosper, the cook, as era- two dishes at one meal where a Six months .................................. 3.50 Its under surface is literally stored the relentless w inter closes in on the vens. and thrilled the girl through cream sauce has been used— for ex- One year ....................................... 6.50 with the most valuable m inerals. WOO(ls we find Rill Bronson, the j and through. The description of a ample, a creamed soup and a creamed ADVERTISING RATES: Gold, manganese, copper, q u ick sil-, guide: Virginia Trem ont, a girl roaring to rren t where the snow h a d ' vegetable, or creamed fish or meat D isplay A dvertising or soup, Single insertion, each in ch ........... 3 Or ver. antim ony and dozens of other brought up in sheltered luxury in come down from the m ountains and and cream ed vegetable metals are found in great «bundance. easL but w-ho always has had a ' melted into a river, and the fierce. Never serve strong-flavored vegeta- YEARLY CONTRACTS 1 Coal protrudes from the banks and longlnK for the wild; Lounsbury, a ¡struggle for life into which th e girl) bles together, such as onions, cauli- Display Advertising One time a w e e k . . . ............. 2 7 Vic petroleum products show up with | €add*8^ ’ pures-proud 100 M ain St. P hone 44 middle-aged and Bronson, the guide, are plunged flower, cabbage, turnips or pars- Two times a w eek....................25c slight developments. . ,nan- ant? Visper. the cfiok, all tak- , when th eir horses lost th eir fo o tin g ' nips. Do not have rice, macaroni or Every other d a y ........................ 20c Forty miles to the southwest o f ! lng the tra11 for Clearw ater, where a t a ford and hurl them both in to ! potatoes together at one meal. Local R eaders. Each line, each tim e .................... 10c Medford stands a m o u n ta in ra n g e i a ra lost gold mines and lost pioneers, the rage of w aters, is a splendid bit Y orkshire Pudding To run every other day for on« copper, so ric h 1 and where the girl has a special of work im pregnated with Half cup milk, q u arter teaspoon moDth, each line, each tim e . . . 7c A girl and a man carried away by salt, half cup sifted flour, one egg. th a t th o u sa n d s of tons of the o r e ) niission. This mission is to fin d ' To in n every issue for oc« month or more, each line, each tim e. . . . 5c have been mined and tru c k e d forty H arold Lounsbury, who was her: a river to rren t is not an uausual in- Add salt and flour to milk and C lassified Colum n. miles and then shipped under ex­ fiance six years before, and who has cident in books of this kind, but It is beat with an egg-beater nutil mix- UOMPIJETE KITCHEN One cent the word each time. in the I seldom, indeed, th a t they are brought j ture is sm ooth; then add egg un- To run every issue for one month or o rb ita n t fre ig h t rates 500 miles to unaccountabiy disapepared OUTFITS the sm elters, and yet paid a p ro fit' WOOils’ H arold’s uncle, the caddish. I so v iv if y to the m ental vision of the • beaten and continue to beat about more, Vic the word each time. L egal R ate: to the producer. ¡purse-proud man, has financed the) read er as is done here. Edison two minutes. Do not prepare until you can obtain at this store— Plr9t Time, per 8 point line . . . . 10c The largest body of saw tim ber in searcbi»K party. He is a particularly M arshall is gifted with the fascinat-1 roast is cooked. Remove meat from everything the model cook or Each subsequent time, per 8 point the United States, literally billions ^ ’sagreea,)' e m an- but serves the ing power of really telling a story,) pan and place in a warming oven housekeeper could desire in l i n e ............................................... Cc of feet, of sugar pine, fir and cedar, Pu,‘P°se m aking a contrast to the and the reader goes into the icy river: or cover to keep hot. Pour batter Card of Thanks, $l»00. pots, pans and preserving k et­ Obituaries, 2 Vi cents the line. stan d i within forty miles of M eerS“A°LL'VuVure barley and corn are amply produced I hls u n d erstanding of the m ystery of! his crushing us, and the girl learns potatoes; parboil ten minutes, . . . ) thil »«»V . . » . ! *_ _i_ _ - x z » ... • . • j t events, where an admission charge to support and fatten herds of cattle ,ke forest when snow is not fa r away, ' to shoot and puts in a lucky shot drain and either place in pan with is made or a collection is taken and hogs, while when it seems as If she and Bronson roast beef, basting often with the the sun-kissed, tak e this passage: IS ADVERTISING.” This applies to ‘‘The moon rose over the spruce both m ust become the prey of a griz­ fat in the pan, or if m aking the organizations and societies of every cheek-painted apples and pears of forest, ringed with white. * * • The zly. These a re Incidents taken at Yorkshire pudding, cook potatoes the Rogue River valley are famous kind as well as to individuals. the world.__Weekly! r*DS around the moon' the niP in the random. The book is full of such in a heavy iron frylngg-pan, using All reports of such activities after throughout they have occurred is news. air. the little \0^jid th a t came so . adventure, and, no m a tte r how much beef dripping and turning often. Clarion. All coming social or organization gently, vet with such sinister stealth,! you may have read about moose Tartar Sauce meetings of societies where no money all portended one thing— th a t the! hunting, fights with bear, lost trails Io half cup of thick mayonnaise contribution is solicited, initiation great northern w inter was lurking iu the woods In m idw inter, w ith the charged, or collection taken is NEWS. add q u arter cup of chopped sour just beyond the m ountains, ready to m ercury a t 40 below zero, and simi- pickles and a tçaspoon of olives, cap­ We make a»i quotations on Bank c re d it is th e lu b ric a n t w hich swoop forth. * * * F a r away, rising lar experiences, ' It always seems as ers and a little parsley. Jill! WORK causes the wheels of commerce to and falling faint as a cobweg in the ¡if you now rear* about them for the Duchess Potatoes. from t move smoothly. air, a coyote sang to the rising moon, first time. There is little doubt that To three cups of hot riced ’or TH E I RA NELIN PRICE LIST. — a strange, sobbing song of pain “ The Snowshoe T rail’1 will be as mashed potatoes add?« two table- L ike all good b an k s, we play o u r Same prices— Reasonable Price— and sadness and fear th a t only the popular as “The Voice of the Pack,” spodns of butter, one teaspoon of p a rt in f u rth e rin g th e co m m ercial to all. woodsman, to whom th e north had for both have th e same Inherent qual- salt and one egg slightly beaten. a c tiv itie s of th e c o m m u n ity we serve. PORTLAND, Ore., 'Oct. 8.— R. E. sent home its lessons, could under-J ity of originality and freshness, with Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Mix well, beating until light. Put Postoffice as Second Class Mall Clanton, director of hatcheries and stan d .” , \ at J, n atu re brought Irresistibly close to through ,-f pastry bag with a star Matter. fish culture for the state of Oregon, The party left th e town of Brad-i our hearts. tube or shape into pyramids with a left Tuesday night fur Seattle to S» A t 4 £> <8> <$> $> <£- spoon. Brush over with beaten ♦ ♦ make a report to the representatives egg (yolk only preferred1) and Ashland, Oregon ’ But he who stems a stream with <$> of various Puget sound and F raser brown in a ra th e r hot oven. river fishing interests on the possi­ <<► 9and, Prune Whip - And fetters flam e with flaxen bilities for using w hat is known as One cup prune pulp, three egg <«• band, <*> the Oregon system in the restocking C o n d u c te d b y whites, half cup chopped walnuts, • Has yet a harder task to <$> of the F raser river with salmon. one teaspoon vanilla, one-third cup Mr. Clanton, at the request of 'M rs.folleDe ÆrvZ’ ❖ prove— granulated sugar. f o m e s t d S c i e n c e D ir e c to r * By firm resolve to conquer those interests, made an investiga-i Potatoes O’Brien S/oerr^r F lo u r Co. tion of the F raser river spawning > >*> love. — Scott. ; Use cooked potatoes, cut in thin * ♦ grounds several months ago. This I slices or cubes; place a layer of river was at one time one of the j potaatoes in a buttered baking dish; greatest salmon stream s of the west, ORDER YOUR add layer of white sauce, two table­ It may be noted with interest th a t but the run now is light spoons grated cheese and one table­ Interests on Puget sound and the William Gibbs McAdoo has not said spoon shredded pimentos; continue right out loud th a t he would refuse F raser river are working for devel­ in layers until dish is filled, having to be the dem ocratic standard bearer opment of the river as a fishing taken than is required for im m ediate a layer of fine buttered crumbs on in 1924 if duly asked to take th at stream . Some hatchery work has Planning meals day a fte r day is use, it is stored in the body ready top. Bake in a medium oven until honor. been done there, hut the fish have one of the most difficult tasks for to use when sufficient fat has not brown on top. been put into the w ater when still the housewife, and this p articu lar been consumed. The profiteer group in this coun­ . aU 6 reSUR haS b6en th a t branch of the housekeeping system Mineral Matter Important Factor GRANT W ATER PERM ITS try should be sent to the extinction few of them reached m aturity. The needs as much skill aud judgm ent Mineral m atter is found in most IN JACKSON COUNTY th a t was the fate of the dodo— w ith system in use in Oregon* is to keep as the preparation and cooking of, of th e vegetables and in all fruits, NOW in Jackson county w ater permits no intention of libeling th a t bygone the young fish for -a year or more foods. W ith an alm ost unlim ited also in m eat and milk. In* fact, have been issued as follows bird by nesting it with the profiteer before tu rn in g them loose. variety of foods to choose from, the nearly all. foods contain some min­ Winter is coining—prices are right. Supply may In m i To Mrs. M. E. Middlebusher, of corm orants. Mr. Clanton said he would report! housewife should know how to select eral salts. As a rule, this require­ th a t it was entirely practicable to those foods which will prove n u tri­ ment is taken care of in the diet of Trail, covering the use of w ater from ited later, as shipments from factory have nlresnly Tiail creek for irrigation of a two- General Pershing, a gallant mili­ make use of the Oregftn system in tious and give the greatest retu rn of the average adult, but food for tary commander, is not a m ilitarist, restocking the river there. He said energy to the body for the money growing children should contain a acre tract, a t a cost of about $250. stopped. To F Williams, of Rogue River, by any means. W henever he speaks th a t the cost would be somewhat she has to spend. W ise economy quantity of m ineral m atter. in public he puts in strong words in g reater th ere than here, owing to Sugar and starch come under one demands th at food should be so; advocacy of world peace. th e need for the transportation of combined th at there will be no waste heading, as starch is changed into LADIES sugar in the process of digestion. food and m aterials in a country of either m aterial or energy. BANKS PROTECT COMMUNIA Y Ready-to-wear Garments tMil- where th ere are few facilities for In order to choose foods wisely, These foods supply heat and energy PHONE 20 ored during the dull s e a s o n - such transportation. the housewife should understand to the body and the am ount neces- Never were banks doing a greater big assortment to choose from how the various foods differ in nu- sary for an “ d iv id u a l will depend service to the community than d u r­ GIRL IS WED TO tritive values. The foods selected largely upon th e kind of work he — every size and every price— ing this era of lawlessness when “LIFER” AT DOORS i depend largely upon climate and does. F o r heavy, m uscular labor wonderful value*: See the ex­ robberies af all kinds are prevalent. tra fine French Serge dreaee* OP PRISON WALL I season. In localities where the sum- and for active, growing children The less money a person carries at 910.75. AD wool Polo cloth iner months are warm, foods which more sta rch and sugar are required coats at 910.75. with him or keeps in his house, the SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 7. — would be acceptable in w inter would tkan ior tb e clerk, student or elderly better. Petty stealing, burglary and “ When Cod made her the-broke the prove almost revolting served on a ) yer3on- ORRBS TAILOR SHOP robbery are among the most despica­ mold.” hot day. Protein is the m ost Im portant ble crimes, an dare usually commit­ generous am ount of fa t a n d ) tood principle and th e forem ost pro- T hat was the emphatic declaration ted. not by people who are hard up, of Jack McGill after kissing his wife starch may be* served when the! in the sense of being out of employ­ goodbye early today to enter the por­ w eather is cold, but these m ust be! ment or funds, but by professional tals of th e San Quentin prison, where avoided during the summer, serving crooks who prey off the industry of he m ust serve a life sentence for instead green salads, also jellied others. m urder. soups and light cold desserts or A ltogether too much public sym­ The wedding occurred one hour fruits. A Steadying Influence pathy is wasted on this class of crim ­ before McGill’s entrance to prison. Food P rinciples M ust B e Judged ONE one recently .spoke of the inals. Superior Judge Troutt being routed Dishes containing the food prin­ Federal Reserve System as the Banks are doing more than any from bed to perform the ceremony. great balance wheel of the country’s ciples in the same proportion should to holders of our Coupons, good for 50c on $1.00 articles, other industry to run these law ­ The pleadings of Meta Bell Trostal finance. not be served together. ,A well-bal­ breakers to earth, and at th e same one 50c article or two 25c articles. This is a bona fide It proved itself th a t during the war, with McGill's guards th at she be per­ anced meal contains neither too tim e offer facilities for protecting m itted to m arry him - was repeated and in the recen( business depres­ much protein, starch, sugar or fat. offer. Investigate at sion. T hat is why the F irst National savings and valuables from pillage. over and over during the long trip To meet this requirem ent the is glad th a t its custom ers have the Modern business could not be here from Yuba county. Her persist­ housewife m ust have some knowl­ benefit of its membership in this THE NYAL STORE transacted w ithout th e checking ac­ ence finally had its effect great system. edge of food values. The substances count made possible by the mqdern A "N ationalized” account drawing “ I love him; this is the last thing found in foods have been divided into hank. W ithout banking facilities I cau do for him now.” said Mrs. Mc­ five classes, called food principles. its regular Inteerst is an incentive to fu rth er achievement. every business firm and every home, Gill. These are water, fat. m ineral m at­ in days like these, would have arm ed ter, starch and sugar (called carbo- guards tc protect life and property. Salem reported only city on P a -) h y d ra te s). and protein. Scarcely tifie coast w ithout unemployed. any food is made, up of any one of THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY these food principles, almost all con­ Columbia cqllego at Milton to get taining several in combination. Most When N ature sowed th e seeds of $125.000 Improvements of the fat is obtained. In butter, olive n atu ral resources, she evidently Ashland Oregon oil, oth er oils and fa t of m eats, etc. broke her apron strin g and spilled a Hood River— Lost Lake road nears The use of fat to th e body is to give goodly quantity of them In southern hompletion. energy and heat. If more fat is O FFICIAL CITY A N D PAPER FOCNTY and beautiful CHICHESTER S PILLS Differentials and Transmissions Should be greased every 500 miles . We grease ’em ^ A U T O M O T IV E SH O P S I M P S O N ’S _ . . a m HARDW ARE a The Lubricant of Commerce Director of State Fish Hatcheries to Report on System The C itizens B an k pomestic Science Department Art of Menu Building Is a Vital Part of the Education of the Expert Housewife B lock W ood ASHLAND LUMBER CO. NYAL QUALITY Toilet Articles and Medicines Absolutely Free S First National Bank