PAGE POUR THE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS BH Saturday, October 8, 102? Visito? In M edford—. The Civic ladies w ant th e Ashland football team wilfr play Rogue River Oorthuys, with whom the Idea o rig -1 running full blast this fall, both the Roberts family was soon to leave Mrs. F. H. W alker. Liberty street, people to look over th eir clothes and at Talent on Friday afternoon, Oc­ inated. Mr. Oorthuys, who cam e' places having a considferable lot of the valley, they having sold their was a M edford visitor Friday. belongings and give everything they tober 7. The team s are evenly' here some time ago from Holland. I fruit to pack and are having trouble home in North Talent, but it was do not need to the salvage store, . matched and the game promises to was fam iliar with the harvest home in securing enough packers, sorters learned th a t they will remain in Baptise Rally Continue«— A nother big dance. Kingsbury. where they will be sold cheaply to be very close. Soccer is a com para­ festival held in England. and boxmakers to do the work. Phoenix at least for the winter. The Sunday school and B. Y. P. V. Saturday night 31-2 needy ones and the proceeds go to ' tively new game in this part of the Mr. A S. Alfred is in a critical I Mrs. J. E. Roberts and daughter Jay Terrill, of Talent, is still do­ rally started at the B aptist church the community club house and rest i state, having been introduced among condition a t his home, suffering from Lula were over to H ilt the latter ing assessm ent work for the county yesterday evening will continue to ­ Good news. Kingsbury, Saturday room now being started on Mill the sm aller schools of the county ' a stroke of paralysis. part of last week visiting Mrs. Rob­ and was in Medford Fridfey in that night and continue until tomorrow night. 31-2 street. The ladies will call for a rti­ last year. It is a popular sport in Mr. and Mrs. Jonas B arrett, who e rts ’ sister, Mrs. R inehart. They capacity. night, inclusive. Dr. George' Young, cles and bundles. Phone Mrs. B ar­ Portland and is proving to be in­ left a couple of weeks ago for Can­ returned Saturday to their home in Mr Larson and his two daughters, who spoke at the church yesterday B usiness Trip to Medford-— ber, 411-R 32-1 creasingly popular in Jackson ada, report a pleasant trip. Phoenix. Ida and Susie, of Ashland, have evening on Sunday school work, will E. W. Flackus, one of the proprie­ connty. Mr. MacMahon, the barber, has The Rebeccas of Talent gave a moved into the Reed home in North speak again tomorrow morning tors of the Square Deal grocery, was Remodeling and cleaning — C. The Sunday morning service at purchased a lot on the highway in banquet and reception in honor of Talent for the winter. Charles Cheeney, of Portland, will a business visitor in Medford T hurs­ Orrea. the Talent Methodist church last the northern part of town and has Mr. and Mrs. J. E Roberts and Mr. Burnett, of Talent, has been speak this afternoon a t 2:30 o’clock day. Sunday proved to be a most unique moved his residence there. daughter, Miss Lula. It was thought hired to work on the viaduct of the and again at 7:30 o’clock. He will Leaves foe ' F r i s c o - Talent has two packing houses by the members of the order that canal company near Phoenix. service. It was announced as a also speak at the church tomorrow For pleating, see Orres. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Homes left "harvest home festival” service and 17tf afternoon. yesterday evening for San Francisco, was based upon an old-time English M erchants’ noon lunch. f.Oc, Hotel where they have been called by the custom. People of the community 27-tf serious illness of th eir daughter. Special breakfast, 60s. from 6 to Ashland Grill. were invited to contribute harvest Miss Louise Homes, a form er Ash­ products of all descriptions. These 9 Hotel Ashland Grill. 27-tf , K indergarten will open t o’clock land nurse were used to decorate the church Monday at 12S South Pioneer ave- Broken M e 1 o d y Syncopatora. and made a m ost unusual and a t­ ' nue, where Mrs. W illard will receive D istrict Superintendent G. S. Hunt, tractive display. Golden ears of Direct from Seattle Hip. parents and pupils. Children will be of Seattle, will preach at the Naza­ corn, crimson tom atoes and tow er­ met also at park entrance and con- rene church Sunday morning and Entertained at Dinner— ing corn stalks vied with each other 32-1* Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robertson 1 ducted to the class by her assist­ evening. in the decorative scheme. Pum p­ 32-1* were entertained at a dinner party ant. kins, squash, pears, apples and all Save $1.50 by paying your Dally yesterday evening at the home of other im aginable harvest products Tidings subscription this week Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Briggs, on G ran­ Visiti Old Home—i were visible. Mrs. Lottie Pelton, Mr. and Mrs. ita street. The speakers of the morning were Guy Jacobs, Mrs. Belle Anderson and W. C. T. U. D elegates— to have been Mayor Lamkin, of Ash­ Mrs. A. D .Tillson, newly elected land; Dr. Bray, of Medford, and Sec­ Get your auto name plates today Mrs. Stew art, B and Second streets, motored to Sams Valley Thursday county president of the W. Cj. T. U„ retary Fuller, of Ashland. Howevei, and boost for the w inter fair. 29-tf afternoon to visit Mrs. Pelton’s old and Mrs. Stella Leaviltt will leave Mayor Lamkin and Dr. Bray found for Oregon City w ithin the next few it impossible to attend. Ralph Bow­ George L. Treichler Motor com­ home. days to attend th e state W. C. T. man gave a pleasing violin solo. Mr. pany. Medford, has ju st few mighty Help out the community club U. convention to be held a t th a t city good buys in used cars. 32-3 E arl Newbry gave a cornet solo and house and rest room by giving some­ October 14, 15 aad 16. Mrs. Jillson Rev. Phelps and Mrs. Oorthuys sang Return« From ’F risco—• thing you cannot use and do not and Mrs. Leavitt are county dele-* a duet. B M. Sherman, B street, has re- i want. Civic ladies will call for them gates to the convention. The produce donated was sold at turned home after a few days spent and take them to the salvage room, auction Monday evening and a sub­ at the Southern Pacific hospital in where they will be turned into You can save $1.50 a year by pay­ stan tial sum for the W omen’s Home San Francisco. His condition is not money. 32-1 ing your Daily Tidings subscription Missionary society was realized. this week. much improved. Much credit for the harvest home Takei. Bank P osition — program m ust be given Mr. Leonard You can secure your auto name Miss M argaret Van Dyke has taken W inter N ellis P ears plates at E nders’ Store, the Automo­ a position as bookkeeper at the Citi­ TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. The F ru it association will be ship­ M o to r C a r s tive Shop, Simpson's H ardw are Store, zens’ bank. Miss Van Dyke will take ping a car about the 15th. Get your M e d fo r d FOR RENT — A beautiful little the Ford Garage, $2 per pair. 29-tf the work of Miss Ruth Slioudy, who pears in early in the week. 32-3 ap artm en t; idéal sleeping arran g e­ has resigned. m ent; fine location. Call 411-R If you have more vegetables or I Lots of jazz. K ingsbury, Saturday 32-1 fruit than you can use, or fru it jä rsi • 31-2 Rev. G. S. Hunt, of Seattle, will night. LOST— In o r n ear C hautauqua park, or ju st any old thing, givq it to the preach Sunday evening a t the Naza- one roll building plans. Finder The prettiest drive. Kingsbury, community house. Phone 411-R and rene church on “The Modern return to Beaver R ealty Co. 32-1 31-2 the ladies will call. 32-1 Tongue’s H eresy.” 32-1* Saturday night. WANTED— Young roosters or pul­ lets. Phone 327-L or Tidings. Vacationers R eturn— ____ 32-3 Mr. and Mrs. M ark T rue have re­ lum ed from a vacation trip north, including Portland, Pendleton and Salem. Indeed you will have when you put on our furs. They are so Broken M e l o d y Syncopatora. elegant and set off your gown Best on earth (or any oth er p la c e). SPECIAL for good AIR-TIGHT to such high degree. Better Inspect our furs before pur­ Something new in Teo's window. HEATERS for ONE WEEK, begin c h asin g . I.urge a -tortm ent of 299-tf niag October 10, at the very tow price a ll th e la te s t fu rs. /f o f $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 each. We Cliff Payne makes cedar cheats. Deer head mounting a specialty Have you a set of tires ou . 22tl have a complete line of WOOD Local and Personal O V ER 6 0 0 ,0 0 0 OW NERS Dodge Brothers Geo. L. Treichler Motor Co. HEATING STOVES C ause for A dm iration BACK TO PRE-WAR PRICES Tyre iQik:* F. W. Bartlett 115 W. Main Street EXPERIMENTS A t TALENT DEVELOP NEW PETITS PRVNB MEDFORD (Continued from Page One) ROCK BOTTOM • Business depression has reached rock bottom, so those who know say, and conditions will be good this fall. Your personal finances, too. may hare been som ew hat depressed, but now w ith a little atten tio n to sys­ tem atic saving they will take th e up­ ward path The F irst N ational offers splendid co-operation in achieving financial independence. F ir st N a t io n a l B a n k Ashland Oregon MF------- !—! LEAVING ÍL TONIGHT THE THEATER BtAiiTIfl/ Katherine MacDonald -In - ‘Stranger Than Fiction’ Toonerville Comedy “ SKIPPER’S NARROW ESCAPE” Sunday—Monday Thomas H. Ince Special Production Mother O' Mine Featuring Lloyd Hughes, Joseph Kilgour, Claire McDonell, Betty Blythe your car that have run and ran and run, and every time you ntait to make a little drive you get out and look ’em over and guess which one of ’em will blow out first, and every time you think of ’em you kinda feel like —oh, well kinda like you didn’t care much whether you went or not? All right—then is just the time to drive down to Leedoni’s Tiie Hospital and trade ’em in on a new set of Masons and Lee- dom will allow you all they are worth. Yes sir, Mason builds some tire —you’ll say so, too, when you look ’em over. Talent, will commence the packing of apples in its big cannery building in Talent the last of this week. L ater it is understood the m aking of its famous apple juice will begin, and as has been done the past th re e years, thousands of cans of th e beverage will be shipped to all parts of the United States. The drink has gained a wide reputation and has been sold in carload lots in all our western cities and in the far east. The second annual open-house p ro­ gram was held a t the T alent school last Friday evening, Septem ber 30. One of the largest crowds ever as­ sembled in the school auditorium en­ joyed the splendid program given by the school children. The affair was in the n atu re of a get-acquainted LS'AL--- ! meeting for the people of the com­ munity and the new teachers. Fol­ lowing the program , light refresh­ ments of punch and wafers were served. The refreshm ents were pre­ pared by the cooking class under the supervision of the domestic science ■ teacher. Miss Avis Knips. The! large crowd, the enthusiasm shown j and the evidence of a splendid spirit of co-operation indicate the begin­ G randm other made her own soap, ning of a most successful school salted and smoked her own m eats, year. Following is th e program : baked her own bread, and did her own washing. Folk Games and Songs..................... ................F irst and Second Grades She had a reputation as a house­ Violin Solo ........................... Mr. Petit keeper, but her home w asn’t half as Recitation ................C atherine Estes livable as those we dwell in today. The modern hom e-m aker regards Bubble Song .................................. the home as a place In which to live, ..............Third and F o u rth Grades ra th e r than a workshop o r factory. K lapdans .........................F ifth Grade Good housekeeping today consists Piano Solo ............Rosetta B urnette of taking advantage in the most eco­ nomical and efficient way of the D ram itization of ‘‘Rip Van housekeeping helps which science W inkle" ......................................... and invention offer. ........... Seventh and Eighth Grades And forem ost among these is the Song ............................... G irls’ Chorus modern laundry — an institution Song ............................... Boys’ Chorus which relieves you of all the toil and Talent won an o th er athletic vic­ drudgery of wash day. Let us show you how much we can tory over Phoenix Thursday. Sep­ tem ber 29, when the girls’ baseball lighten your housework, how many tasks we can tak e off your hands, team defeated the Phoenix team by and how much more tim e we can a score of 35 to 20. Both schools give you for your family. are represented by good team s and We clean everything th a t is wash­ the game was close and exciting able. thoroughly and aseptically, and from s ta rt to finish. Only five in­ the charge for our services is most nings were played, and when Talent reasonable. Send us your family bundle this came to bat in the second half of the week and! see for yourself. Our rep­ fifth inning Phoenix was leading by resentative will call— ju st phone us one score. A batting rally, which when to send him. brought in sixteen tallies, gave Tal­ ent the large end of th e score. The Talent high school soccer Phone 165 HEATERS and WOOD and COAL combined at VERY LOW and attrac­ tive prices. It will PAY YOU to look us over if you want a STOVE of any kind. Select your stove now while our stock is full and have it delivered later. A New and Large Stock of Furniture, Rugs and Linoleums AT LOW EST PRICES IN THE VALLEY All of our goods are marked iu plain figures—no attempt to deceive or mislead. believe in and give to every one a “ SQUARE DEAL.” Funeral Directors, first class service and moderate prices. Lady assistant A P lace to L ive I n - J. P. Dodge & Sons Reliable Houseturnishers B a s a s i « ® « » Hofe/ Ashland drill Or J u st a W orkshop? Ashland Laundry Co. \Ve z Under New Management of Mr. B. F. Leach Late of the Geiser Grand Hotel, Baker, Oregon No need now to take your friends out of town for a fine dinner idc* rani æ æ arc’ Is Unexcelled Special Noon Lunch 60c. Special Breakfast 60c. From 12 to 2 From 6 to 9 bnl uh bili Clean Rooms, Clean Beds and a Clean House » • * B R I N O T H E C H I L D R E N —No charge tinder 7 years of age. a w it