ftaiorda), Octobet ft, IM I TUB AMRLAWO DAILY TIlHVOft Let us give that eld suit * going family have moved from 614 over. You’ll be surprised, Pauls#- yard to the old Maguire home 21tf Boulevard. E. H. Rees and rad’s. have taken tbs home vacated Patton family. M. L, Patton Family Move»— M. L. Patton, manager of the local Standard Oil company agency, and Watch Yeo's window. Ashland News in Paragraphs Local and Personal ......... ........ Side Lights ™»> r.... Today it pays to look around be­ For high grade tailoring for men fore buying. See Paulssrud’a suits and women— C. Orres. and overcoats. 21t' Have you played on the newly- Hotel Ashland Grill caters to home covered pool and billiard tables at 29-3 folks as well as commercial and tour­ Irwin’s United Cigar Store? ist business. 27-tf C ongregational D elegates— Rev. W. Judbon Oldfield, pastor of the Congregational church; H. C. > alrs. Julius P. Wolfe is reported to be speedily recovering from an oper­ Galey and Mesdames A. F. Abbott j ation undergone at a Medford hos­ and H. B. Carter have been named | as the local delegates to the state pital recently. conference of the Congregational! Charles S. Wilson— Decorating, , churches to he held at Eugene, Ore., hardwood finishing and granlng. ¡October 10, 11 and 12. The party Satisfaction guaranteed P. O. Box will leave Modday morning for Eu­ gene. 244. I H. R. Adams, the Piuraoer. »»uisi Have a fit— C. Orres. 17tf ¡ plumbing fixtures and supplies. I j Phone 166-J, shop at 248 Fifth St Idthia Park P icnic— 287-tf The Junior Christian Endeavor of the Congregational church indulged Paul&erud’a suits can’t be beat for in a picnic lunch yesterday evening! price, style and quality. 21tf at Lithia park. Mrs. H B. Carter! and Mrs. W. Judson Oldfield chaper-j Move Front Medford—• oned the party. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Johnson, ior- --------- - raer Medford residents, have moved Buy a pair of those handsome Ash- to Ashland anc9 have taken a home' land auto name plates and help: on North Laurel street, finance the winter fair as well as- — . . boost for Ashland; $2 per pair at the) Woolens for men and women sold Chamber of Commerce. 29-tf by the yard— C. Orres. 17tf Im proving After O peration­ NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. 5. of I Jackson County, State of Oregon, that a school meeting of said district will j be held at the City Hall on the 31st day of October, 1921, at one o’clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of discussing the budget hereinafter set out j with the levying board, and to vote on the proposition of levying a special I district tax. Polls open two to seven. The total amount of money needed by the said school district during the fiscal year beginning on June 30, 1922, and ending June 30, 1923. is estimated in the following budget and includes the amounts to be received . from the county school fund, state school fund, elementary school fund, spe­ cial district tax. and all other moneys of the district. This budget does not necessitate an increase over the tax levy of the preceding year: BUDGET ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES Personal Service— No. 1. Superintendent .............. 1 2. Principals— Senior H ig h .................. 1 Junior H ig h ................ 1 Hawthorne .................. 1 3. Teachers— Athletic— Boys ......... 1 1 Smith- Hughes ......... • 3 I • 14 2 8 7 4. Janitors— 1 » Senior High ............. Junior High and Haw- o4» thorne ......................... 6 Clerk and census ......... 6.’ Stenographer.................. 7 Other Sevices— Nurse ........................... Truancv ....................... Salary per year >3.000.00 Total $3.000.00 2.100.00 1.800.00 1,500.00 2,100.60 1,800.00 1,500.00 • '•« •••• • 1.850.00 1,750 00 3*,300’00 16.800.00 2,500.00 16.400.00 9.450.00 1,160.00 1,200.90 1,250.00 1,306.00 1.350.00 1.686.00 750.00 100.60 T o t a l ........................... ................ ................ Material and Supplies— 1. Furniture (desks, stoves, curtains, etc.........$ 600.09 2 S u p p lie s ................ ................................................. 2,177.50 3. Library books ....................................................... 830.00 4. Flags ...................................................................... 25 00 Playground equipment ..................................... 260.00 6. Janitors’ s u p p lie s ............................................. . 600.06 7. Fuel ....................................................................... 3,515.00 8. Light and p o w e r .................................................. 500.00 9. Water, telephone, telegraph and freight. 350.00 10. Postage and stationery .............................. 375.00 $59,410.00 Total ............................................................... .............. Construction— Blackboards . ............................................................. >1,830.00 Comptometer— typewriters ...................................................... $ 9,122.50* Total Maintenance and. Repaii Senior High building and grounds. • ft 960.00 Junior High building and grounds......................... 950.00 Hawthorne building and grounds. 600.00 $ 1,830 on Total ............................................................... .............. Indebtedness— 1. Bonded, and interest thereon ......................... >6,750.00 3. All other indebtedness, and interest thereon. 2,000.00 > 2.500.00 Total 8,750.00 600.00 Insurance Miscellaneous— Commencement ................................> 200 00 Total Emergency— Senior High Junior High Hawthorne . QHIGHESTER SPILLS irwmsw»* ftft Mfc SftfexAhiftyi Retrivi« « « I M O 299-tf SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 5 V < p This original estimate is made in compliance with section 231-A of the school laws of 1921 and shows in parallel columns the unit costs of the several services, material and supplies for the three fiscal years next preceding the current year, the detail expenditures for the last one of said) three pre­ ceding fiscal years and the budget allowances and expenditures for six months of the current year ( “Six months of the current year” means six months of the last school year.) EXPENDITURES Expenditures and budget allowance for six months of last school year Estimated expendi­ tures for the ensuing school year ITEM Personal Service— 1 Superintendent . . . ..$ 3.000.00 2. Principals— Senior High . . . 2.100.00 Junior High . . . 1,800.00 Hawthorne . . . . 1,500.00 3. Teachers— 3 at $1,100.00. . . . 3,300.00 Athletic, boys . . . . 1,850.00 Smith - H ughes. . . 1,760.00 7 at $1,350 . . . . . 9,450.00 8 at $1,300.00 . . . 10,400.00 2 at $1.250.00. ___ 2,500.00 14 at $1.200.00. . . 16,800.00 4. Janitors— Senior High . . . 2 at $1,080 ___ 5. Clerk— census .. . . 500.00 6. Stenographer . . . . Other services— Nurse . . . . . . . . ♦ 760 00 Truancy . . . . , lOOlOO Total— Per. Services. ..$ 5 9 ,4 1 0 .0 0 Material and Supplies— 1. Furniture ( d e s k s . etc ) ........................ $ 2. Supplies ...................... 3. Library books ......... 4. Flags ........................... 5 Playground equipment 6. Janitors’ supplies . . 7 Fuel ............................. 8. Light and power . . . 9. W a t e r , telephone. telegraph and freight .................... 10. Postage and station- erv ........................... 500.00 2.177.50 830.00 25.00 250.00 600.00 500.00 Expendi­ tures In detail Expenditures for three fiscal years next preceding the last school year Detailed expendi­ tures for the last year of the three- year period Budget allowance in detail $ 1,680.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2.250.00 1,390.28 1,209.98 900.34 1.825.00 1,500.00 1,100.00 1,300.00 1,300.00 1,000.00 1,300 00 1,000.00 6,300.00 1,710.00 1,620.00 18,135.15 450.00 4.588.98 1,165.00 1.066.00 6.533.27 4,199.80 2.000 00 2,360.00 5,500.00 7,200.00 6,840.00 5,690.94 1.996.00 281.56 225.00 1,000.00 1,390.00 500.00 300.00 63.00 75.00 $32,993.21 $37.630 00 >38,643.69 $ « $ 400.00 1,049.23 207.32 25.00 103.00 268.15 2,727.17 255.65 ft* 6,6oo:oo Second year Give yearly totals First year Give yearly totals .................. ................................ .................. ............. .................. .................. .................................. ........................................... .................................. ........................... 1 a 2.406.67 355.51 306.06 ...................................... ............„ ......................... .............. . . . .................... 16.36 250.00 2,185.00 400.00 80.00 200,00 480.00 2,400.00 250.0« • • • • ' >30,942.26 >29.784.55 $ 5.283.92 > 4.163.08 426.38 1.671.89 533.65 25.00 165.33 242.05 1,464.61 303.45 < 350.00 226.22 350.00 866.97 375.00 274.52 160.00 206.07 Total— Material and sup­ plies ..............................> 9,122.50 > 6.620.16 $ 6,666.60 $ 5,904.40 Total— Construction 2.160.00 500.00 250.00 Boult* at 657 family by tbs ORIGINAL ESTIMATE AND ACCOUNTING SHEET . . $ 1,830.00 795.33 612.88 > 612.89 795.33 398.87 $ 422.27 $ 1,650.00 > 1,269.61 Total— Maintenance and Repairs ............... ft 2.500.00 > 9,828.17 > 1,650.00 > 1,269.51 > 1.286.08 $ 4.732.44 ........................................... $ 4,732.44 > 7.833.37 4?« Indebtedness— 1. Bonifed, and interest thereon .................. $ 6,750.00 3. All other indebtedness and interest there- OH e • e • • • • . • • 2.000.00 > 3,760.00 Total— Indebtedness ft 5.750.00 2,000 00 > 6,750.00 eoe ft 6,750.00 200,00 100.00 43.35 Total— Miscellaneous $ 200.00 100.00 43.35 94.98 Emergency— Senior High .............. > Junior H ig h .............. Hawthorne ................ 500,00 250,00 250.00 352,795.00 >51.443.72 >45,839 47 . > 1.060.00 Grand T o t a l......... .>83,412.60 620.48 1 Insurance ...................... Total— In su ra n ce......... > Miscellaneous— Commencement . . . . $ Total— Emergency > 55.00 55.00 8 1,882.45 > 1,882.45 $ 9,130.78 858.50 I • • ' >56,376.70 >44.979.66 I. F. S. Engle, do hereby certify that the above «stim ate of expenditures for the year 1922-1923 was prepared by me and that the expenditures and budget allowance lor six months of the current year and the expenditures for the three fiscal years next-nroeedinR the current year as shown above have been compiled from the records in my charge and are lure and correct copies thereof. , F. S .ENGLE. ’ • District Clerk. " T .- ■" -I L I. - 2 0 0 .dO 500.00 260.00 250.00 Total $ 1,000.00 Total estimated amount of money for all * purposes during the y e a r ...................................... $83,412.50 i The above form of estimated expenditures may be clipped from this, blank by the budget committee and after being made out by tetid committee may be certified to as correct on the margin and filed with the distrt't clerk.) ESTIMATE^ RECEIPTS From county school fund during *the coming school y e a r ............................................................... $15.000.00 (Use amount of county school fund received last year as basis in making estimate.) From state school fund during the coming school y e a r ............................................................................. 2.600.00 (Use amount of state school fund received last year as basis in making estimate.) From elementary school fund during the coming school y e a r ........................... .'.. . . . 7.500.00 Estimated amount to be received from all other sources during the coming school year ............ 2.800.00 Total estimated receipts, not including proposed tax ............................................................... RECAPITULATION Total estimated expense for the year.................... $83.412.50 Total estimated receipts, not including proposed t a x ............................................................................... 27,800.00 Just Received ~a .Large Shipment of •tuN This is first quality material and the price is rig’ht. Repair the roof before the fall rains. We carry a complete line of Roof Paints. $27.800 00 Balance, amount to be raised by district tax ................................................................................ $55.612.50 Dated this 8th Aiy of October, 1921. Attest: F. S. ENGLE. ROSA DODGE GALEY. District Clerk. Chairman Board of Directors. Dickers®« Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, etc. j ATTORNEY». DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Practice BRlGGS A BRiOOS— Attorneys-at- limited to eye, ear, nose and Law, Pioneer Block, Ashland. throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and' 2 to 5. Swedenhurg Bldg., Ash­ L. A. ROBERT»— Attorney-at-Law. Rooms 5 and 6, Citizens’ Bank land, Ore. 73-tf Bldg. . OR. J. J. E3LMENS— Physician and CHIROPRACTORS. Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses DR. GEO. J. KINZ — Chiropractor. supplied. Oculist and aurist for Examination free. Suite 8, No. 8. P. R. R. Offices, M. and H. 25, the Plaza. Office phone 103; Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 567. residence phone 401. DR. LINCOLN KALLON— X-ray ASHLAXI) HEALTUATOR11M—-Dr. dSa gnosis; Ashland Laboratory, E. B. Angell, Chiropractic. Elec­ I)r Jarvis’ Sanitarium; hours, 1 trical Treatments, Mineral and to 5 p.m .. Phone Ashland 126. Vit-o-Net Baths. First National Medford Laboratories, Sacred Bank Building. Phone 4S. Heart Hospital; hours, 8 a.m. to 12m.: evenings by appointment. PHONE your next job of plumbing Pbon« Medford 714. Resident?« to Jerry O’Neal, Beaver Building. Phone 138. phone, Medford 61. 27-1 mo CAR WASHING CHAIR DOCTOR EXPERT CAR WASHING and polish­ Five baby buggies and other things ing. Lithia Garage, phone 114. lor sale; continual change with good bargains. Chair Doctor. ¡EXPERT CAR REPAIRING at rea­ Third and A, opposite freight de­ sonable prices. Lithia Garage. pot. 28-lrno’ 12-lmo TRANSFER AND EXPRRSR. f'OR SA1JE. r. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS FOR SALE— Sewing machines, $4, FER — Good team and motor­ $5 and $6; good running condi­ trucks. Good service at a reason­ tion; guaranteed. Douglas, 253 able price. Phone 83. Fourth street. Phone 63-R. . _ ........................... 3 l t ' FOR PROMPT and careful service with Au to-Trucks or Horse Dray« SEWING MACHINES, clocks and call Whittle Transfer Co., Phone phonographs repaired. Douglas. 117. Office 8« Oak street. Near 253 Fourth street. Phone 63-R. Hotel Austin. * 31-tf FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. ALL KINDS of upholstering and mattress work done in exchange FOR SALE— Eight-room house. With two and one-half lots, $1.290. In­ for discarded furniture. Douglas. quire 248 Fifth street. 29-tf 253 Fourth street. Phone 63-R. 31-tf FOR SALE— Furnished or unfur­ nished, 5-room modern bungalow; FOR SALE— Oak cord wood. Phone sleeping porch, large basement; l-F-5. A. R. Brown. 31-6» large lot; lawn; fruit, berries, FOR SALE-—Sixten-inch oak. $4.25 flowers; garden; all in A1 shape; per tier; sixteen-lnch manzanita, priced right for quick aale. See $4.75 tier. Phone 385-R. 30-6 Jack Fahs. 55 Pine street. 24-lm o* FOR SALE— Nearly new Ford se- dfen; will take late Ford roadster FOR SALE— 160 acres of »and seven in ou trade. 1023 East Main. miles east of Ashland, 3 room 28-5* house, fair barn. 2,000,000 feet of timbdr, three-fourths mUe from FOR SALE— Nursery stock, fruit, school, several springs. 12 acres shade and ornamentals: berries of in enltlvatlon. 50 acres fenced, nil kinds: grapes, etc.; grown by good terms at € per cent, or will the Oregon Nursery Company, trade for Ashland property. See j James Lowe, agent, 107 Second C. B. Lamkin 8-1 mo street. Phone 31."-R 28-tf FOR SA LE— Dodge to u rin g e a r. in good co n d itio n . A utom otive Shop. day. 40 cents Phone 9 -F -ll. 9,888.17 600.00 600.00 PHYSICIANS. S W E E T C ID E R — M ade fre sh every Maintenance and Repairs— Senior High buildings and g r o u n d s................$ 950.00 Junior High buildings and g r o u n d s................ 950.00 Hawthorne buildings and grounds ............... 600.00 Buildings «and grounds ................ . . . > 8,750,00 B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L 27tf Construction— Blackboard's ................ $. Comptometer typewrit- ©rs • • • • • • • • • • • • * , . . 1.830.00 1,200.00 PAGI T H R U •****" gallon, delivered. KING APPLES— Splendid for cook­ ing; a good size: 75 cents a box, delivered Phone 9 -F -ll. room cottage, with rooiuy base­ ment and outbuildings. Good site lot with plenty of friut. Nice lo­ cation with fine view. Desirable for small family who wact mod­ erate priced borne. Apply to owu- 705 Pena. Ave. er on 4-1 uso irrtaon. Corner FOR HALF?. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING — ’ Brick building and lot— fully occu­ Mattresses made over, packing and i pied at rental insuring good ru crating. Douglass. 254 Fourth turns on Investment. St. Phone 63-R. 18tf 25. acres with six room house, large INTERUKRAN AUTOCAR CO. barn. About 12 acres orchard, 2 E ffective March 2 0 . 1 0 20. acres alfalfa, good 'garden a>n<9 Daily (E xcept ) farm land. LV. MEDFORD LV. AND 7:15 a. m. 7:15 a. m. ¡ 2 8Vj acres with fine dwelliug, barn, 8:00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. packing house. About 20 acres in 8:45 a. m. 8:45 a. m. good orchard. Balance suitable 9:30 a. m. 9:80 a. m. for farm products. 10:15 a. m. 10:15 a .m . 11:00 a. m. 11:00 a. m 7 acres with good fruit, bouse and 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon chicken shed. Sightly location. 12:45 p. m. 12:45 p.jn. 1:30 p m. 1:30 p. m. Furnished six room dwelling on a 2:15 p. m. 2:16 p. in. paved street, one of the finest lo­ 3:00 p. m. 3 :0 0 p. m. cations in the city. 3:46 p. m. 3:45 p. m. 4 :30 p. in. I Inquire at 4:30 p. m. 6:16 p. m. 5:15 p. in. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 6:00 p. m. 6:00 p m. 7:00 p. m. 7:00 p. m. POSITION WANTED 8:45 p. m. Sat. only 8:45 p. m. 9:30 p. m. 9ffto fc « WANTED— Position as housekeeper 10:30 p. m Bat. only i li t t i by a middle-aged woman in a re­ SUNDAY ONLY fined bachelor or widower’s horn«; LV. AftSLAND LV. MEDFORD preferred. Address P. O. Box 595. 9:00 a. m. 9:00 a. m. Ashland. Ore. 30-3» 10:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. 11:00 a. m. 11:00 a- ra. WANTED. 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon L:00 p.m . WANTED — Plain sewing. 872 1:00 p. m ., 2:00 p. a . Boulevard. 29-6» 2:00 p. m. 3:00 p. in. 3:00 p. m. comfort 4:00 p. m. WANTED— Mending and 4:00 p. m. 31-4» making. Phone 311-J. 5:00 p. m. 5:00 p. in. 6:30 p. m. 6:30 p. m. HELP WANTED. 9:30 p. m. 9:30 p. in. Ashland Waiting— East Side Phar­ WANTED— To engage young lad? macy. to assist in kindergarten 128 S JACKSONVILLE-MEDFORD Pioneer avenue. 31-2» DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY LV. J’S’NV’LK WANTED— At once, women to cu< LV. MEDFORD 7:30 a.m . 7:40 a. m. fruit at Bagley Canning Co.. Tal- 8:80 a. m. 9:0« a. m. free ent, Ore.; transportation 10:00 a. m. 10:30 a. m. 30-tf Phone 364-J-l 11:30 a. m. 12:00 Noon 1:00 p. m. 1:20 p. m. 2:00 p. m. 3:00 p. m. 3:45 p. m. 4:3,0 p. m. 5:00 p. m. 5:30 p. m. 7:66 p. a . 9:30 p. m. 8 :0 0 p. m. Sat. only 7:30 p m. After you've had an automobile 9:50 p. a . Sat. only 10:30 p. m. accident and somebody’s property WB RUN ON SUNDAYS. MEDFORD-ROSEBURG bus been damaged, it Is oertalnly Daily and Sunday a great satisfaction to realize tin t LV. MEDFORD LV. ROSEBURG1 the damage is already paid for— 11:00 a.m . L00 p. m- that the reasonable premium MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS Daily and Sunda; lay which you paid on your Travelers’ LV. G’T ’fl PASS Automobile Policy has saved vou LV. MEDFORD 10:00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 1 :00 p. m. the worry of having a large bill 11:00 a. m 4:60 p. lu. hanging over you at a time when 1:00 p. m. 6:14! p. m. you have plenty of other uses for 4:30 p. m. Grants Pass Waiting Room— The your money Bonbonniere. PbOSM 160. Office and Waiting Room: No. 5 After your first accident you S. Front St.. Nash Hotoi Building, will never drive without this in­ surance. Already Paid For C. B. L A M K I N BARGAINS IN R eftl E s t a t e City and R anch Propertie» H ouses to Dent. CITIZENS’ HANK BUILDING Get it now. Then you won’t have to lose to learn Its value. H u n gs Agency • INSURANCE