a 8HLAND climat® without the aid * * of Medicine, cures nine cases out of ten of Asthma. This Is a proven fact. A shland D aily T idings International News Wire Service VOLUME 3 (Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Voi. 48) I ALARIA Germ» cannot survive ‘ ■ three months In the rich usouo at Ashland. The pure domestic water helps. ASHLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1921 NO. 32 FOURTH GAME OF SERIES STOPPED BY RAIN 6010 0 VICTORY £. £. Marcy, Well Known Garageman Dies at Portland — — AA .«X XX & $ Harding' Meets Opposition In Cutting' Freight Rates Committees For Winter Fair To Meet October 10 BAD ARM MAY E. E. Marcy, 50, proprietor of the Meeting of all committees oil the] Overland-Marcy garage on East Main w inter fair will be held at the chatn- 05826673 street for the past two years, died 1 her of commerce room the evening this morning shortly a fte r m idnight of October 10. It is very im portant in a Portland hospital following an th at there be a full attendance. ASHLAND WALKS AWAY WITH illness of several weeks. Mr. Marcy zr • Forum luncheon at the Ashland SMOTHERING VICTORY; MANY had been in poor health for a con­ hotel Tuesday noon, October 11. j TWENTY THOUSAND FANS AKI siderable time. He entered the P o rt­ Mayor C. a E. Gates, of Medford, will SUBS USED; BOYS’ GLEE CLUB land hospital a few weeks ago. At DRENCHED IN RAIN THA'I ' be the principal speaker. Topic on) IS ORGANIZED AT TH E HIGH th a t time hopes were entertained for the state fair and the 1925 exposition K EEPS PLAYERS OFF FIELD liis recovery. SCHOOL at Portland. Come and greet the E. E. Marcy came to Ashland two genial mayor. Some unusual s tu n ts 1 ABSCESS ON ARM OF RUTH years ago from southern Idaho. He LANCED. and songs will be given. e imaged in the garage business The second in the series of semi­ By GRANT SELBY shortly after his arrival here, taking monthly evening talks will be given (Tidings High School R eporter) his place as one of A shland’s leading POLO GROUNDS, New York, Urt on Tuesday evening, October 18, by Smothered in glory and cheered business men He was a member of MEDFORD, Ore., Oct. 8.— C, C. Bert Moses. Subject, ‘‘Advertising 8 — Today’s baseball game het wear by a large delegation of Ashland the E lks’ lodge. WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 8.— A shland.” This will be an interest­ the Giants and the New York Yang The body will arriv e in Ashland Cate, county farm bureau agent, and rooters, the gridiron w arriors of the President H arding met with railroad ing topic and a general discussion I J. Bichan arrived here today w ith a ees, the fourth game ot the series tomorrow morning, accompanied by local high school romped over the company executives today and took will occur. carload of high-grade Jersey cows Mrs. Marcy and daughter. Miss Mabel was postponed this afternoon be up the m atter of reduction in freight G rants Pass field yesterday a fte r­ Smith. Funeral services will be held th at will be placed on the m arket at cause of rain. The storm broke ou1 rates, indicating his desire th a t the noon for a victorious score of 61 to from the Stock undertaking parlors ! a private sale to be held here a t Gib- shortly after 12 o’clock and drenched railroads give the m atter careful con­ 0. Moving with rapid, machine-like tomorrow afternoon at 3 o’clock I son s livery stable Tuesday after- sideration at an early date me playing field, driving the bleach precision, the boys in crimson and under the auspices of the E lk s’j erites to cover alm ost ait hour be­ The railroad executives, headed noon of next week at 1 o’clock. The white fought their way to the Grants lodge. Burial will be made in the I fore the time set for the start of the by T. DeW itt Cuyler, of the Associ­ If I was a small dealer and cows were purchased in the W illam­ Mountain View cemetery. game. Pass goal with a persistence th at ation of Railway Executives, in­ bought 100 gallons of syrup, or ette valley. piled up score after score in quick Fully 20,Out* fans braved the un formed the president that they felt something, from a traveling man The cows were purchased as a re­ succession. certain weather on a chance that the reduction of freight rates m ust go and then, the traveling man called sult of a recent movement started G rants Pass kicked off to Ashland teams m ight be able to play. The hand in baud with the reduction of on the biggest merchant in town among dairym en to stock th e valley and the local boys secured the ball. layoff was a boon to both teams, as operating expenses and th a t the oper­ and told him that if he sold me with high-grade dairy cows. The In the first quarter Ashland husky it gave the pitchers of the Yankees ating expenses could not be m ateri­ he couldn’t sell to him, it would county farm bureau is behind the back field men shoved across two and the Giants an extra day of rest. make me awful mad Then if the ally reduced unless wages of railroad movement and has taken charge of .MEDFORD. O re., Oct. 8. — F red ! touchdowns and failed to kick one The Yanks are in need of a day ot employes were reduced. traveling man refused to ship the the project and aim s to only break goal, the score standing 13 to 0. race, as far as their pitchers are goods on account of the big mer­ even in a financial way. In the second q u arter Ashland Concerned, and more so than the chant’s bluff, I would be madder1 BOYS’ GLEE CLUB ORGANIZED It is stated by farm ers th a t an took the offensive, making big g a in s., Hants, since they have lost Babe still. I just couldn’t hardly hold overabundance of cattle feed exists Albert G uthrie smashed his second j Ruth because of a boil on the left myself. HAZ KIK in the valley. The claim is made The first meeting of the Boyt touchdown, while Howard Hobson, a arm . The king of home-run sw at­ th at unless the farm s are stocked Glee club was held Wednesday eve substitute end for Raymond Brow­ ters had the boil lanced last night ning under the direction of Mb ers, got away with a pass for a touch­ I wenty-three members of the Chi-i with more cows the feed will be aud it is giving him so much pain wasted. Marsters. The constitution wa down. Browers was taken from the cago city council, appointed commit­ th a t bin wife announced that he tees m aking a tour of the w e ste rn 1 J R. McCracken, of the Valley drawn up and the following office) game because of a slight injury. would be unable to play In the re­ View district, leader of the dairy, elected: Rush was taken out of the game states investigating ’high costs, high maining games of the series. President, Raymond Bowers; vie a fte r being hu rt while making one rents and public m ark ets,” now eu project of the farm bureau, has sug­ gested that the cows be properly\ president. Raymond Ruger; seer] route to Portland, were given an un­ of the first touchdowns, of the game. ta r y - tr e a s u r e r . H a rle n M cW illiam f placed where they will be properly The first half ended 27 to 0 in favod scheduled reception this morning fed by the farm ers. Mr. McCracken librarian, Harvey W illhight. when members of the Ashland cityj of Ashland. states th a t the cows should be kept The principal w it n e s I ^ B __ council and committees representing The second half started with A. in a large barn a n d not perm itted to! H S. hitting the line heavier than the cham ber of commerce en ter­ WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 8 .-> fense in the acquittal was the de ever. The good work of the team' tained) the delegation with a twenty remain outdoors during nights or I n - ! MEDFORD, Ore., Oct. 8.— Rogue; The United States governm ent won fendant’s father, Charles Hood. Sr clem ent w eather m inutes’ auto drive about the city. m ade it possible for Coach Hughes i River valley fru it comes to the front like to see Japan an d China reach in educated .Indian, licensed t to use many substitutes. W ith Ram The tour was made during the twen­ I again, this tim e with apples, and in­ an agreem ent concerning Shantung pleat) before the departm ent of th LrVESTOt K C( »NDITIONS son and G uthrie putting over a few ty m inutes the train stopped at Ash­ He became conf up id i_ . dicates th a t the Rogue river section in tile negotiations now’ in progress interior. RETURN t o NORMAL, land this morning. m ore touchdowns, the game ended of the valley this year has the finest between Tokio and Pekin, it was his testimony on the brands and, The condition of the Pacific high HEAD M IR E CORPORATION The party was taken up Ashland 61 to 0 in favor of Ashland. Spitzenberg apples of x the United stated in high official circles today. identity nf the cows the Hood family* wav of this date is as follows: Stales. A large crowd of rooters went canyon and around Scenic drive. Ex­ Charles Evans Hughes, secretary was selling to fittingly celebrate the, Roseburg-Myrtle Creek— Twenty NEW \ ORK, Oct. 8.— President citem ent for the m orning was caused down to encourage the boys. of state, is in receipt of China’s la t­ Fourth of July at Bly. but made a miles; paved. Guy Conner received the follow­ G rant Selby and Mingus Aitkin got by th e arrival of Victor Mills and Mayer of the w ar finance co rp o ra­ ing telegram yesterday from the As­ est note to Japan in which she re­ rood witness for his son, despite the Myrtle Creek-Canyonville — Ter the crowd together and led the yells his party of Chicago’s city dads at tion declared today th a t the work of sociated F ru it company, of Chicago, fused to entertain the Japanese pro­ comment. mile». The bridge across thh i ’mp h red stays around home most ofi th e Southern Pacific depot three restoring normal conditions in the which concern is one of the country’s posals as a basis for settlem ent. The for the support of the team. qua is completed so th a t traffic car m inutes late, ju st in tim e to see the livestock industry was m aking rapid larges t fru it distributors with hope was expressed in the highest the time, and is 23. past. That is; now use the main highway. Macad train s ta rt for Portland. Members progress and th at the finance cor­ branches in th e Im portant cities of adm inistration q u arters th a t the Pe­ the way of my people. If we were am is completed from Myrtle Creek of the Ashland welcoming com m it­ poration is ready to stand behind the east, west and middle west: kin refusal doesn't close the door to not civilized he would have to get to the Umpqua river, a distance 01 tee succeeded in having the train the work with all the necessary “ Eism ann Spitzeubergs most ®»:au-| fu rth er negotiations. If China and out and hustle for him self.” six miles, and the rem aining three stopped within a sh o rt distance ofi funds. At this rem ark everybody in the miles to Canyonville is being macad tiful apples of this variety e v e r1 Japan can get together on the Shan­ the depot while the Chicago men ! “The livestock industry is funda­ handled.” tung question, it will remove this court room smiled but the defendant, amized The road over this stretch m ental.” he declared, “and we are sprinted for th eir special car. This telegram referred to six cars controversy and a potentially danger­ who was resplendent in a new brown is fair. G. M. f r o s t, Ashland councilman,; prepared to lend as much money as shipped the company through Mr. ous situation from possible consider­ suit of the latest campus cut, new Canyonville - Galesville — Eleven who has acquired additional fame may be necessary.*’ Conner from th e F. D Eism ann ation by the disarm am ent conference shoes ant) a modestly-striped silk miles. Good macadam. Mayer has ju st returned from a ranch a t Rogue River, $2.25 Med­ while considering the far east ques­ shirt of the shipyard era. TALENT, Ore., Oct. 8. — The with his prize-winning exhibit at the Galesville - Wolf Creek— Fourteen state fair, supplied members of th e ’ trip through the livestock country. ford f.o.b. Hood in his own behalf testified miles. Paving is in progress from tion. southern Oregon experiment, station tliat he had sold the red cow to Ut­ both ends, nine miles already being now has fruitiijg a very large and Chicago party with boxes o( apples ter and Casteel, F ort K lam ath butch­ completed. About seven miles south improved Petite or French prune and grapes. The fruit was supple­ 99 ers. for $50. and th at his brand was of Galesville, between the hours of which should be seen by every one mented by bottles of lithia water and boxes of graphs supplied by the on it. and th at he had found it graz­ 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., south-bound interested in this fruit The prune ing on the banks of Wood river. He traffic is detoured over the old road growers of this valley and also the cham ber of commerce. The personnel of the party fol­ sold twelve head, of stock belonging via Glendale and over the Tunnel experim ent station have found th at lows: to the Hood family for $450, which road to W olf Creek. This detour is the French prune is the most pro­ Alderman Sheldon W. Govler,! included a $100 advance, he testi­ in good condition to Glendale. The ductive of all prunes in the Rogue fied. He gave his fath er $200 River valley. The only objection to chairm an committee on high costs 1 unenl road detour is narrow and this sum. and th e family made the steep, but will be used for one-way the standard type of this variety is and high rents; Alderman M. F. eagle scream a t Bly July 4 on the traffic only. All north-bound tra f­ its small size. For this reason prune Kavanaugh, chairm an committee on public m arkets; Aldermen Robert J. proceeds. growers have been hoping th a t an fic will use the main highway at all Among the jurors called in th> hours. Short delays may be neces­ improved or larger type of this prune Mulcahy, M artin S. Furm an. Edw J. Kaindl, John Czekala, Thomas P. tn a l this morning of Hood and his sary between Stage Road pass and would be produced. Devereux. John J. Touhy, Thomas R. cousin was W. A. Gates, a grocery- Cow creek, where construction is In In February, 1914, Professor Rei­ Caspers, Jam es F. Kovarik, Scott M. man. Mr. Gates, asked if he had en­ progress. m er visited the prune district around countered any experiences with the Saratoga, Calif., ant) found th a t a Hogan. Jam es McNichols, S. S. W alk- Wolf Creek-Grave Creek — Eighi aborigines, responded jD the af-i miles. Good macadam. single branch had appeared on a nor­ owiak, Jam es B. Bowler, Matt Franz, firmative mal French prune which bore fruit Charles G. Hendricks, Christ A. Jen ­ $ Pleasant Valley-Grants Pass— Ten sen. John-H . Lyle, A. O. Anderson. “ With what resu lts?” asked At­ miles. Paving operations have start­ twice as large as the rem ainder of, torney Manning. the tree and the surrounding tre e s .’ John S. Clark; Russell J. Poole, sec­ ed about two miles north of G rants “ D is a stro u s,” replied Mr. G ates. Scions of this new type were pro­ retary committee on high costs and Pass. Short detours are provided 1 retained my doorknob.” cured and grafted into a standard I high rents; William F. H arrah s e r-! around most of this work Where A few moments later Mr. Gates detours are not available, traffic is prune tree at the experim ent station geant-at-arras. * as excused from service. near Talent. These have now pro­ allowed to pass through with but You can give th at $1.50 to the The taking of testimony will be­ short delays. duced three crops, and every year gin this afternoon. the fruit on this new type has been community club house if you want; Grants Pass-Through Medford-Ash- to. I t’s our loss. We are willing Thursday afternoon Ed Justin a land-Califomia Line — Sixty - five twice as large as the fru it on the re­ rancho,. p i„ sh Ore th at you get the credit. Pay your m ainder of the tree. miles. Paved. *l»o on conviction of a charge of The fruit growers of th e valley Daily Tidings subscription this week Medford-Crater Lake Highway— being in illegal possession of a still are invited to come to the experiment and save the $1.50. Two routes are being used, one via The evidence was circum stantial. station to see this valuable new fru it Central Point, Trail and McLeod to Figures show 100 new buildings It is now expected that the ses­ this week. As the crop on this tree Prospect, the other via Eagle Point, in Corvallis since first of year. sions of the federal court for the Reese Creek school house and Derby must be harvested next Monday, Astoria F ranklin avenue to get present term of court will be con­ to McLeod and Prospect. those interested in the m atter are Traffic $10,275 improvements. City wood cluded next Thursday. urgently requested to visit the sta­ advised to take the one via Trail contract let. tion on Saturday, October 8. Crater lake lodge closed for the sea* E stacada— State tro u t fish hatch­ One dollar and 50 cents saved is son October 1. The Bagley Cannery company, of ery to be built on Delph creek. $1.50 made. Pay yonr Daily Tidings Very truly yours, (Continued on Page Pour) Riddle— Oregon Growers’ local subscription this week and save $1 50 (O»pyr1