PAGE FOFR THE A8HLAM) B A U T TIDINGS Friday. October 7, 1MH Southern Oregon Presbyter» Broken M e l o d y Syncopators, Herrin Buys Rams—• At Rogue Rivet-*— of South W ales is engaged in min­ ferent industries, and the size of the Armory Saturday night, October 8. immediate development of dorm itory Fred H errin unloaded ten th o r­ ing, the committee finds, andi min town should be definitely limited by The presbytery of southern Ore­ towns at L lautrisant station and a t oughbred R am bioullett ram s this ing is concentrated in valleys unfit- a perm anent agricultural belt within gon will meet next Tuesday at Charge Dismissed— Bridgend. The form er would be a Natkse to Chicken R aisers morning, which he purchased from Rogue River. The opening sermon On motion of County Prosecutor Bullard Brothers, of Woodlands, ted for housing purposes, with all J its own boundaries./’ ' town of about 30,000 population, The meeting to ho hold a t the city 1 the serious disadvantages of the coal Will be. preached by Rev. E. W. W ar­ Rawles Moore, the bmbezzkgnent The committee recommends the under the proposed Utopian plans. hall tomorrow (S aturday) a t 2 rington, the retirin g m oderator, w-ho charge sworn out in Justice Ta>\or’s Calif. This stock is out of a $3,000 1 dust and smoke nuisance and seri­ o’clock will be one of the most in n sire and is the finest band of th o r­ ous pollution of rivers also has resigned his pastorate at portant to chicken raiseis th a t has Roseburg to become secretary of the court several days ago by A. T. Ed oughbred ram s th a t has been brought “ Housing of miners outside the ever been held In the Rogue River Y. M. C A. at Corvallis. W ednesday munstou against C J. Morris, of into the valley. 1 valleys and off the coal m easures is, EXCELLENT SERVICE •»alley. The results of this meeting evening is given to emphasis of the Ashland, has been dismissed. The ! therefore, proposed, and the com- dismissal was chiefly for the reason Chicago City Council to Stop Here— i m ittee suggests fifteen localities as will largely a Meet your p ro fits i n ’ subject of evangelism. Rev. C. F. th a t the witnesses for the plaintiff the business. Re there. A. N. K ram er, local Southern Pa­ Did you forget to order some­ Koehler, of Ashland, will preach the could not be found. The charge cific company agent, states th a t a centers for grouped housing schemes thing this morning and you to serve particu lar valleys or groups sermon. Rev. C. C. Hulet will ac­ grew out of the sale of some w oot •“just know your grocerman group of tw enty-three of the Chi­ Mrs. W. T. Abbott E ntertained— of valieys. company Rev, Kqehlar from Ash­ belonging to Edm unston. cago city council will arriv e in Ash­ won’ deliver this late?" Get Mrs. H. C. Galey entertained this land. “ It should be built away from the land on train No. 13 tomorrow in the habit of buying your afternoon at the home of Mrs. Louis' industrial centers, it should be al­ Imogene Wallace, pianiste and morning. They have a special coach groceries where they give per­ Dodge in honor o f Mrs \V. T. Ab­ most purely residential in character, Good news, Kingsbury, Saturday teacher. Studio days, Friday and Sat­ andl are on a to u r of inspection. F. fect delivery satisfaction. It is bott. sister-in-law of Mrs. Dodge, i night 3Ì-2 urday. For fu rth er inform ation, cal) J. Shinn and others expect to drive th e residents should belong to dlf- our aim to please you at any who has been visiting in A shland' Mrs. W. E. Moore, 171 Helman them about the city during the tw en­ time and at all times. during the sum m er months. The en­ M otor to E a g le Point— street. Telephone 210-J, 27.6 ty m inutes’ stop here. tertainm ent is a farewell party in Mrs. W alter Jam es Motored up honor of Mrs. Abbott, who will leave from Eagle Point, where she Is visit­ A nother big dance a t Jacksonville Monday for her home ln Los An-: B A R B E R LOCAL BOY' ADMITTED TO FRAT. ing, to attend “ Purple Flashes’’ a t Friday, October 7. Spot dances. geles. the Vining. C hildren’s W ork A 30-2 --------------- I Irving P orter, a popular Ashland Specialty Special breakfast, 60s. from 6 to lad who is attending the* Oregon Mothers interested in kindergarten A shland Girl M arries— ». Hotel Ashland Grill. 27-tf and special training for young chil­ A gricultural college, this being his Safety blades resharpened Miss Philomene A rant, a form er first year, now is a full-fledged like new. Single bit, 30c dren are invited to meet with Mrs. S. Ashland girl, who has been a tele­ Sigma Chi, having been pledged to j doz. Dobule bit, 60c doz. Broken M e 1 o d y Syncopa ton». E. W illard from 3 to 5 on Froday phone operator a t Oakland for the this fratern ity a few days ago. The Direct from S eattle Hip. and Saturday. 128 South Pioneer past three years, was m arried last Sigma Chi house is on Twenty-sec­ avenue Phone 480-J. 30-2* Sunday to Loyd Kipp, of Marysville ond street, close to the Commerce Paint Presbyterian Church— ite Calif. Mr. Kipp is a business man building, now under construction, a The Presbyterian church is a t­ Espco Man at Red Bluff__ Brakeman Charles R. Day has a, of Marysville and M rs Kipp is a building much needed^at the present r tracting quite a bit of attention, as daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. A rant, time, ik e is happy and busy, as his it stands forth in its new coat of th irty days’ leave of absence from! of this city. num erous friends will be glad to paint. The contract of painting'lias the Southern Pacific company and know. He will be pleased to see any been aw arded to J. E. Jones, who is has gone to Red Bluff to take charge; If the person who took Mrs. Shu- home folks who may wandter his I of his uncle’s meat m arket while the doing a fine job of work. owner is in San Francisco on a busi­ lai s purse Tuesday will retu rn ring way. Don’t you believe it. There are a dozen differ and cuff links to 131 N orth Main The big guys, the little guys and ness trip. ent qualities. Some of them poor, some good aud to avoid trouble, they may keep the ’BROKEN MELODY the whole bloomin’ crowd will be money. M irrors tell tales. , 30-3* M erchants’ uoon iunch, 60c, H otel' some ol them high grade. Each has its correspend- i t SYNCOPATORS’’ AT ARMORY there. Where? Applegate. W hen?: Ashland Grill. 27-tf I Saturday. October 8. 30-2* mg grade price. Some grades sell as low as $1.25 SATURDAY NIGHT ¡ Watch Yeo’s window. 299-tf Local and Personal W. A. SHELL Some Folks Think Aluminum Tea Kettles Are All Alike V isits at K lam ath F a lls__ V Islt at G ran ts Pass-. Old-Timer Visits__ C. J. Poley, form er Ashland realty dealer and well known here, is in the city visiting relatives aud friends. Mr. Poley is a brother of Mrs. Lou Reader, 71 Gresham street, aud is an uncle of W. M. Poley. Mr. Poley Kingsbury, Saturday will remain in this vicinity for a few 3 l ..> weeks and will m ake a short trip to C rater lake before leaving for his Portland home, where he now is in the real estate business. Mr. Poley arrived in Ashland yesterday eve ning. G. W. Noble and wife left yester­ H. G. Enders, Sr., and wife motored day tor a visit of a couple of months over to Grants Pass W ednesday and! at Klam ath Falls with th eir two Miss Roy accompanied them home sons. Mrs. Chester De Lap will oc­ and will be their house guest for a I cupy their residence in their ab -| week. sence. ? e 1 ° d - Sv,,c°PjUo^ - Lots of jazz. u daue<’ orchestra. j night. ORDER YOUR J ocK W ood NOW Winter is coming—priees are right. Supply may be lim­ ited later, as shipments from factor»’ have already stopped. LUMBER PHONE 20 E. R. I saac & Co. Successors to C. H- Vaupel. THE QUALITY STORE You Can. t Afford to Shop Elsewhere” • ai.i°rt d V\ aists’ made heavy quality Crepe de Chine, in es and white just the waist you will want to wear with your jum per dress—$10.00 value, sizes 36 to 46—on sale Saturday, each .... $8 75 K overall Aprons, $1.26 Made of best quality percale, in light and dark patterns, trim m ed with ric-rac. Gowns, $1.25 Made of heavy quality outiug flannel, in pink and blue stripes; made with ion*: sleeves: sizes 16 and 17. Slipover Sweaters, $3.50 C hildren’s Slipover Sweaters, ail wool; come In tan and blue and blue a n d lta n : size« 24. 26. *. o Sheet Blankets, $3.00 Made extra heavy, to w ear well, of best quality long-staple cot­ ton; come in white, tan and gray. Cape Gloves, $2.25 Pair Women’s Gloves, in brown aud tan; well made, with one-but­ ton clasp. Wool Finish Blankets, $5.25 Pair Large size, in new palids— blue, tan. pink, gray and lavender; extrq heavy quality. Wool Velour Ponting $3.98 Yard Dress Satin, $2.48 Yard 6 4-inch All-wool Coating, in, the new c o lo n for fall and winter. 36 inches wide, heavy quality; comes in black, navy, Pekin, gray and brown; regular value 32.75. Speeml showing of Comforters Saturday. See them in " mdow. Filled with both cotton and wool, with good covering. Priced from ............ .....................$2.75 to $7.48 Have your hemstitching and picoting done here. store where your patronage is appreciated The Preparations to handle a large: crowd at the dhnee to be given to-' morrow evening at the arm ofy. un­ der th e auspices of the F irst com­ pany, coast artillery , ’h a v e ' been made. Music supplied by the Bro­ ken Melody Syncopators, of Seattle, musicians now on th eir way to Los Angeles for a w inter engagem ent, 3 will be a featu re of the evening’s en­ tertainm ent. The m usical company is said to have a big rep u tatio n on the Pacific coast and has recently completed a ten m onths’ engage­ ment with the Seattle H ippodrom e. Automobile I course. insurance >— Teo, o:1 LXIRMEB OFFICE I 299-tf BOY IS MADE The prettiest drive. RAIL HEAD Kingsbury, Saturday night. 31-2 LONDON, Oct. 7.— E n g lan d has had two disastrous coal s trik e s since P ortland A rrival— W. J. Hansen, mechanic for a P o rt­ the war ended, and sunxlry o th e r land tracto r concern, is in th e city threats. The South Wales regional survey for a few days on business connect­ ed with Emil Pell’s farm implement committee, a branch of th e m inistry house. of health, thinks living in 'depressive conditions, huddled like amts in dirty Broken M e l o d y Syncopate™ . 'alley s a t the pit m ouths has a di­ They pro Best on earth (or any other p la c e). rect bearing on unrest. pose to remedy the living conditions For pleating, see Orres. i7 tf and alleviate th e unrest by a new housing scheme. " * ’Depressing surrpu»d.ing8 and! Baptist C onference__ Dr. Young, of Portland, will hold sameness of occupation have . m arked effect in causing discontent a teachers and w orkers’ conference at the Baptist church this evening and un rest,” reads a s trik in g sen at 730 o’clock. AU interested in tence of the report. O ne-third of the m ale popualtion Sunday school work are invited. Something new m i m TGO LATE TO CLASSIFY? window. 2»9-tf PHONE your next job of plumbing: to Jerry O’Neal. B eaver Building. Phone 138. • Attend Phoenix Banquet— com fort Messrs. J. H. Fuller, M. C, Reed WANTED— M ending and making. Phone 3 I1 -J. 31.4 and C. F Koehler will attend the Men’s Brotherhood banquet at the — Oak ■cordwoori. Phone l-F -5. A. R. Pfrown. Phoenix church tonight. 31-6 WANTED— To engage young lady Cliff Payne makes cedar chests. to assist in k in d e rg a rte n 128 S. I loneer avenue. ’ 31-2* 22tf OR SALE—Sowing m achines, $4, and $6; good ru n n in g condi­ tion; gu aran teed . Douglas, 253 Fourth stre e t. Phone 63-R. The “Snakes" A f l * — ‘ 31-tf The case of snakes in the window SEWING MACHINES, clocks and of Dickerson’s paint shop is a ttra c t­ Phonograph« repaired. Douglas, ing much attention this week. A 253 F o u rth stre et. P h o n e 63-R. pair of lively, good-sized ra ttle rs and 31-tf three little ones, captured recently ALL KINDS o f upholstering and on Grizzly peak, make a display that m attress w ork done In exchange causes the onlooker to he thankful for discarded.1 fu rn itu re . Douglas. ZoJ F o u rth street. Phone 63-R. they are in a glass-covered box. 31-tf 1. Hyomei’s germ -killing medica­ NOTICE o f APPODiTMENT OF VIEWERS IN THE MATTER OF tion is tlie only sensible and safe way THE CONSTRUCTION OF A of treatin g catarrh. Goes rig h t to SEWER IN MEAITE STREET the spot Breathed through the nose SEW ER DISTRICT. and mouth. Guaranteed satisfaction R ecorder's Office, Ashland. Oregon, Oc t. 7, 1921. or money refunded Sold by McNair Notice is hereby given, to th e own­ Bros. ers of property affected by th e con­ stru ctio n of a sew er in Meade Street Get your auto name plates today Sewer D istrict th a t th e Common and boost for the w inter fair. 29-tf Council of th e City of A shland, a t a m eeting held Septem ber 20th. 1921 appointed a Board of V iew ers, con­ A nother big dance. Kingsbury. sisting of Ira Shoudy. W. F. Loomis Saturday night 31-2 ana O. W inter, to d eterm in e a n d as* sess the special benefits accruing to any lot o r parcel of land from the Baby Girl Born— construction of a sew er in th e dis­ A ten-pound baby girl was born trict aforesaid, and designated the yesterday to Mr and Mrs. Francis intersection of Meade an d Pearl Stringer, C hestnut street. Streets as the place of m eeting, and Monday. O ctober 17th. 1921, a t 2 o clock, as th e tim e for such Asthma Sufferer Cured-__ m eeting of th e said view ers to pro­ J. H. Erskine, of Brownsville, ceed to assess th e special benefits. who has been relieved of asthm a at The viewers may ta k e evidence different times by coming to Ash­ and otherw ise in v estig ate in reiktion land. has had to retu rn again today, thereto and in relation to the special benefits accru in g to any lo t o r p ar­ a fte r a two m onths’ sojourn on his cel of land affected. farm near Brownsville, where his GERTRUDE BIEDE, City Recorder ailm ent again returned, and now in ­ Date of first publication, October tends to rem ain perm anently. 7th, 1921. Remodeling Orres. and cleaning — C, but we do uot stock that grade because there is no service or satisfaction in it. On such thin, flimsy ware the ouly guarantee we could make would he that it would uot leak while you were buying it. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF GOOD AND HIGH GRADE ALUMINUM WARE. BUT WE DO NOT STOCK THE CHEAP FLIMSY KIND THAT IS MADE SPECIALLY FOR SALES. It don’t pay H igh-grade Aluminum Tea K ettb to victimize the good housewife with that kind, WE MEET ALL PRICE COMPETITION ON DEPENDABLE ALUMINUMWARE Come in and look over our fine ,Us,day and we will lake pleasure io explain togetlm r'0 ><>U' ' "" q,’iekl-v te!' ,lle difference when you w the articles MIN UM. PAY Y0U T o SH0P around A LITTLE BEFORE YOU BUY ALU ia.ii [D h fig 1 Eg 1 SIMPSON’S HARDWARE ?!Uc SUBSCRIPTION BARGAIN WEEK Next week w ill be Bargain W eek at the D ally Tidings Ollice. Beginning Monday and continu­ ing to the next Saturday night yearly subscrip­ tions to the Dally Tidings w ill be accepted al greatly reduced rales, as fo llo w s: In the City on carrier routes, regular price 97.50. Bargain Week 96.00, saving 91.50 Outside the City and Rural Routes, regular price 96.50. Bargain Week $5.00, saving $1.50 The above rale applies to both old and new subscribers. Pay up your arrears to October 1st at the old rale, then pay the bargain week price tor a year in advance. BARGAIN WEEK— NEXT WEEK ONEY CLOSES SATURDAY NIGHT AT 5 P.M.