F ifS R «• THE ASHLAND DAJCLT TIDINGS Fnda>. » K lober 7, lOÄt THHrS Read the Tidings Subscription Bargain Weeh Ad on Page Four-It Will Pay You Ashland News in Paragraphs Local and Personal For high grade ~ tailoring for m en, and women— C. Orres. . ______ Motor to Centra! .Point— Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Mills motored « h » r 14 A. R. >111 meet rw October 14 instead instead of October 21. The pla«d of meet- ing will be the same as arinounced— a t Mrs. H. W. Andrews’ home, be- vend the old norm al school, - — -- --— — — - —a—- -----------— LA Dttifl R eady-to-w ear G arm ents ta il­ ored during th e dull s e a s o n - big assortm en t to choose from — every size and every price— w onderful values. See the ex­ tra fine French Serge dresses a t $ 1 6 .7 5 . A ll wool P olo clottl coats at $ 1 8 .7 1 . to Central Point yesterday on busi- --------------— '«— ‘— Bide L ig h t s -------------------------- ne8F Charles S. W ilson— Decorating, _______ hardwood finishing and graning. Hotel Ashland Grill caters to home Suits Made to Order— Have you played on the newly- i Satl.tactiou suaranteed. P. O. Box Cleaning and repairing on short folks as well as commercial and tour- K. Nelson, Hotel Ashland covered pool and billiard tables a t ¡244. 27-tf notice. i§t business. 3 0 2 ti! Irw in's United Cigar Store? 29-3 ORREM TAILOR SHOP Bldg. Today it pays to look around be­ D unsm uir Visitor— fore buying. See Pnulserud’s suits Fred Nf. W alker, a retired clothing Mason Guests— m erchant of Dunsmuir, motored over M. S. Meyers, of Salem, and W. G. to Ashland Thursday and is stopping 1 Shellenberger, of Portland, are at the Ashland hotel as guests of th e at the Hotel Ashland. Masonic lodge, Malta commandery, a going Let us give th a t old suit over. You’ll be surprised. Paulæ - ^ The pool and b illiard tables atj 21tf ru d ’s. Irw in’s United Cigar Store have been ! recovered. Drop iu and play a game H ilt Visitor— • on good tables. 29-3 Intelligent housewives, when, you shop Saturday, see C. Welson, of Hilt. Calif. . is visit- ing Ashland friends /o r a few dtays our window display of Aluminum and'note price— R ogue R iver V isito r - this week. Till Anderson, of Rogue River, Percolators a t ............................................ $L35 Woolens for men and women sold. waR a visitor in the yesterday, Double (lookers ......................................... 1-35 by the yard— C. Orres. . 17tf H. R. Adams, th e Plum ber, oeils plumbing fixtures and supplies, i Tea Kettle ....... .......................................... 1-35 M otor lo Jacksonville— Phone 166-J, shop a t 243 Fifth Si Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Orres and Theo­ 287-tf See other items at equally low prices. -> dore Russell motored to Jackson­ v i l l e and Medford Wednesday on Plan Cam ping Trip— The Epw orth league of the Metb-1 business. odist church is planning a two days’ , Buy a pair of those handsome Ash-f camping trip a t Johnson’s Paradise: kland auto name plates and h e lp , Saturday and Sunday. The league finance the w inter fair as well as and its friends will leave Ashland High-Grade Aluminum Double High-Ova<9? Aluminum Stew Pans boost, for A shland; $2 per pair a t the early Saturday evening and retu rn ij Boiler Cham ber of Commerce. 29-tf late Sunday evening. ALUMINUM SALE FRFF M LOW PRICE AND _ — T o th e fir s t fifte e n h o u sew iv es w ho purchase $3.00 of Medford Visitors— Mrs. Rose Schiefler and Mrs. Kopp, both of Medford, were business .vis- Hors in Ashland Wednesday. --------- Vou can secure your auto name plates at Enders’ Store, the Automo- tlve Shop, Simpson’s H ardw are Store, ♦ue'Fvrd Garage, $2 per pair. 29-tf P au lseru d ’s suits can’t be beat for price style and quality. 21tf ______ htrm ev R esid en t V isits— Mrs. Monte Briggs, form er Ash- land resident, is visiting her brother, Donald Whitney, on Gresham street, after visiting her m other a t G rants Pass. Keeps Swedeuburg H om e— Smoke American Eagle cigars. Miss Louise Lennert is taking care Made in Ashland. 245 F ourth St. of the Swedenburg home and the 1 6-lm o1* daughters of Dr. and Mrs. Sweden- burg while the la tte r are on a six M oves to H argadine Street— Mr. and Mrs. Jones, of the Lithia m onths’ trip in eastern and southern bakery, have moved to the L. J. states. Orres property at 370 H argadine 1 7 ti1 stfreet. Have a fit— C. Orres G lass L ak e Oven W are. Swenson & McRae Fnrniture Co. 357 East Main Street **•» r ./ .4 >i n .* Well 1 H •ii'A T H E R m en have said it — y o u 'll say it t o o !’ F o r C h e s t e r f ie ld s have “ put across” so m e th in g new . A n ew flavor, y es, b u t greater O th an t h a t ! A n e w kind o f cig a rette e n jo y ­ m en t. C hesterfield s satisfy! L ik e a lo n g to o l drink w hen y o u ’re t h ir s t y ! L ik e a th ick , ju ic y steak w h en y o u ’re h u n gry 1 L ik e a — VV e ll—th e pointkathat Cheater- lie Ids do it — T h e y satisfy. T h ank s to th e bUnd— T urkish, blended w ith B urley and other choice h o m e-g ro w n tob accos, in ♦ <•* of k <#- * n r"f_.,“"~l' ' ~ ''"~*"' " ~ j BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL j One cent the. w ord each time. PH YSICIANS. ATTORNEYS. DR. E R N E ST A. WOODS— Practice. BRIGGS A BRIGGS— A ttorney s-at- limited to eye, ear, nose and Law, Pioneer Block, Ashland. throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and ---------- «----- —------- - . .— .. . — 2 to 6. Swedeuburg Bldg., Ash- L. A. ROBERTS— Attorney-at-Law land, Ore. 73-tf Rooms 6 and 6, Citizens’ Bank Bldg. Uft. EMMENS— Physician and CHIROPRACTORS Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear. nose and throat. Glasses i ^ G E O . L K IN Z C hiropractor. fliinnllerl — . . .. supplied. Or.nliAt Oculist »nH and nuriaf aurlst fnr for Exam ination free. Suite 8. No. S. P. R. R. Offices, M. end H. 25, the Plaza. Office phone 103: Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone E67. residence phone 401. i. J. R. LINCOLN KALLON— X-ray ASHLAND HRALTH ATORIl M— Dr Diagnosis; Ashland Laboratory, E. B. Angell, Chiropractic, Elec­ Dr Jarvis' Sanitarium ; hours, 1 trical Treatm ents, Mineral and to 5 p.m. Phone Ashland 126. Vlt-o-Net Baths. F irst National Medford • Laboratories, Sacred Bank Building. Phone 48. H eart H ospital; hours, 8 a.m. t o -------- ----------------- _----- -------- 12m.; evenings by appointm ent J EXPERT CAR REPAIRING at re» Phone Medford 714. Residence souable prices. L ithia Garage, phone, Medford 61. 27-lm o 12-1 mo CHAIR DOCTOR CAR WASHING EXPERT CAR WASHING and polish- Five baby buggies and other things ing. Lithia Garage, phone 114. for sale; continual chauge with ----------- --------------- ------------ ----- — good bargains. C hair Doctor. FOR SALE. Third and A, opposite freight d e- FOR SALE— ! pot - —- —— — —— — Sixten-inch oak. $4.2& $4.25,1 per tier; sixteen-inch m an zau ita,' T R A N SFER AND EX PR E SS. $4.75 tier. Phone 385-ft, 30-6 -- ------------------------------------------------ )• L. POWELL— GENERALTRANS FOR SALE— Nearly new Ford se- FE R — Good team and taolu, dta.ii; will take late Ford roadster trucks. Good service at a reaaoa- in on trade. 1023 East Main. uble price. Phone 83. 28-5 FOR PROMPT and careful, ear tie r ¡'FO R SALE— Nursery stock, fruit w ith Auto-Trucks or Horse Drays shade and ornam entals; berries oi call W hittle Transfer Co., Phone all kinds; grapes, etc.; grown by 117. Office 89 Oak street, Neat the Oregon Nursery Company. Hotel Austin. Jam es Lowe, agent, 107 Second, FO R SA LP— R EAL ESTATE. street. Phone 313-R 28-tf FO R SALE — R e m in g to n rep e a tin g FOR SALK— Furnished or u n fu r­ s h o tg u n , $18; shells. $1. ft T- nished, 5-rooui modern bungalow; Red b re e d in g cockerels. 475 Bleeping porch, large «basement; Beach street. 30-6* large lot; lawn; fruit, berries, flowers; garden; all in A1 shape; priced light for quick sale. Set« Jack Pahs. 55 Pine street. 24-lm o* KING APPLES— Splendid tor cook­ ing; a good size; 75 cents a box. FOR SALE- 160 acres of land seven miles east of Ashland. 3 room delivered. Phone 9 -F -ll. bouse, fair barn. 2,000,000 feet FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING — of tim ber, three-fourths mile iron» M attresses made over, packing and school, sever?! springs, 12 acres iu cultivation. 50 acres fenced, crating. Douglass, 25 4 Fourth good term s at 6 per cen t, or will St. Phone 6 3-R. 18tf trade for Ashland property. Set REGISTERED TOGGENBURG buck C. B. Lamklu. 8-1 mo services $3.00. G. H. Bowman. 635 Roca, phone 368-Y. 19-2W I FOR SALE— Cozy at anient four- room cottage, with roomy base- FOR RENT. _ m ent and outbuildings. Good size lot w ith plenty of frln t. Nice lo­ FOR RENT — Four-room cottage, cation with fine view. Desirable partly furnished; no bedding ex­ for small family who want mod­ cept m attresses. 855 B street. erate priced home. Ypply to own­ 29-tf er on premises. 705 Penn. Ave. 4-1 mo FOR RENT— Very desirable com-. Corner Harrison. pletely furnished apartm ent. 478 FOR SALK. Boulevard. Phone '247-R. 29-3 FOR RENT — Three comfortable Brick building and lot— fully occu­ pied at rental insuring good re light housekeeping rooms, unfur­ turns on investment. nished. Inquire 315 N. Pioneer avenue. ______ 26-0 .i .i ■ ■ i i ____ 1 25 . acres with six room house, large 1 barn. About 12 acres orchard, 2 C. B. L A K I N acres .ilfalfa, good -gardon ajnd farm land. M BARGAINS IN R eal E sta te 28 4fe acres with fine dwelling, barn, packing house. About 29 acres in good orchard. Balance suitable for farm products. acres with good fruit, house unit chicken shed. Sightly location. City and R an di Properties H ouses to B ent. Furnished six room dwelling on a paved street, one of the fluent lo­ cutions in the city. CITIZENS’ BANK BUILDING Used Car Bargains Inquire at FIRST NATIONAL HANK -s— POSITION WANTED WANTED— Position as housekeeper by a middle-aged woman in a re fined bachelor or widower’s home preferred. Address P. O. Box 595. Ashland. Ore. 30-3* W ANTED — Plain One Stoddard Roadster Price $160.00 Price $200.00 sewing. Boulevard. 872 29-5’ HELP WANTED. WANTED— At ouce, women to cu< fru it a t Bagley Canning Co., T a l­ ent, Ore.; transportation free Phone 864-J-l • — One Ford Bug V Price $300.00 W hen t h e Children One M axwell Touring ? X. Price $360.00 ROCK BOTTOM One Oakland Six Touring ’Mt Your personal finances, too. may have been somewhat depressed, but now with a little attention to sys­ tem atic saving they will take the up­ ward path and the blend ca n t be copied F irst National offers splendid co-operation in achieving financial independence. C IG A R E T T E S First National Bank H ae* y o u Oregon M«n th o noia a ir - tight to*» of eo? f**- ‘• a * #*** * *** '•«**♦> LioacTT & M yers T obacco C o . Are Young a n d they need a roof over their heads, three meals a day, and a constantly - renewed supply of c lo th in g ^ When for at least ten or fifteen years they won’t be able to earn , Price $660.001 enough to help support the family, CARS SOLD with small cash pay­ ment and monthly instalments. T he Ashland ' ,~r One Reo Touring • z 7 * * \ Business depression has reached rock X bottom, so those who know say, and. conditions will be good this fall. ' ' a the ed'uct proportions to bring out the finest qualities each. _the perfected goodness of whole wheat and malted barley —delicious, nourishing, ready to cat, AH grocers. .. SWEET CIDER— Made fresh every­ day. 40 cents gallon, delivered. ¡ Phone 9-F-l 1. . T h e y talk $ret of th e ch an g e th a t cam e o v er Jones. S om e said it w a s psychology. S om e said it w a s a m iracle. All said it w a s a m y ste ry . W h e n th e y a sk ed Jo n es, he said it w a s lib era­ tion from s la v e ry — sla v e ry to th e try in g pan, and to grease an d starch . Jo n es u sed to take h is b reak fast fried, and follow ed th is w ith a h e a v y lunch. In th o se d a y s th e y said a t th e office: "O ld Jo n es h a s a sec re t so rro w an d h e’s so re o n th e w o rld .” O ne d a y Jo n e s s ta rte d late— no tim e for th e u su al b reakfast to be cooked. Jo n es h ad a b reak fast on G ra p e -N u ts w ith good cream . H e w a s delighted w ith th e c risp ­ n ess a n d rich flavor. F e lt satisfied and ‘‘fe d .’ T rie d it again a t lunch. K ep t on b reak fastin g th a t w a y — often lunching, too. Jo n es began to “ perk u p ,” talk u p , s te p u p — G E T up. “ L e t Jo n es s h o w y ou h o w to do th is,” th ey began to sa y a t th e office. A s to lo n e s— he said : “ T h a t’s a g reat food G R A P E -N U T S .” T h e re a re th o u sa n d s of Jo n eses, b o th kinds — reckless feeders and w ise feeders. “There’s a Reason” for Grape-Nuts . . ' FOR SALE— Dodge touring ear, in FOR SALE— Eight-room house, with good condition. Automotive Shop. two and one-half lots, $1.200. In- 27tf{ quire 248 Fifth street. 29-tf A lum inum W are w e w ill g iv e free a p iece o f th e fam ous When Mr. Jones was saved from the frying pan x 'I even if their m other does take them out of school to work— Those are the years when you need to carry every dollar’s worth of life insurance you can possibly ifford. Then, especially, you should get Travelers,’ G uaranteed Low-coet Life Insurance—-and secure the largest am ount of good life insur­ ance th a t your dollar can buy. Busy Corner Motor Co. Billings Agency A nmVRANCE Main at Riverside St. Medford, Oregon