PAGE TWO ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS. Thursday, October 0, lO iil Read the Tidings Subscription Bargain W eek Ad on Page F our-It W ill Pay You crossing while th e car passes than to Ashland Tidings be gathered up in fragm ents anti car­ Established 1876 tetnpting to make it appear th a t Dr. I WASHINGTON, D C., Oct. 4.__ Richard Brumfield had been killed The pruning and paring of congres- in th e wreck of his autohobile. sional appropriations by Budget Di- Published Every Evening Except ried to the cemetery. Sunday Blew Off Victim’s Head rector Dawes was declared by Sena- TH E ASH CO. GOVERNMENT - OW NED R A IL ­ - LAND PRINTING _____ ______ The state will fu rth er c o n ten d ; tor Reed in the senate today as “im- O FFIC IA L (TTY AND ÛOVNTY WAYS j th a t the dentist, following the wreck- pudent and an insolent assertion of PA PE R 1 ing of his roadster, blew off Russell’s authority to revise and set aside the TELEPHONE 39 head with a stick of dynam ite and constitutional powers of the legisla­ The United States has had an ex­ removed the jaws of the victim so tive body.” tabscriptiou Price D elivered la City perience with governm ent operation )ne mouth .................................. $ .66 of railways th at has left, the senti­ ' th at th ere could be no chance of Three mouths .............................. 1.95 using the teeth to identify the m u r­ Portland* laying off fifteen city in­ ment for public ownership weaker Six months .................................. 3.75 dered man as Russell. The jaw s and spectors for lack of funds. One y e a r ....................................... 7.50 than before the experim ent. But ..ROSEBURG, Or., Oct. 6.— oth er parts of the head have never Mail and Rural Routes. under the leadership of W illiam Me xj. , | Charged with the brutal m urder of been foune*. Besides his own cloth­ One month .................................. $ .65 H arrisburg hop crop this year Adoo and other able, advocates of n „ ,, , Three months .............................. 1.95 » i i Dennis Russell and with an attem pt ing, Brumfield is alleged to have worth 130,000. state and federal socialism, there Six months .................................. 3.50 w Ww ° 7 ; . pIaced placed his c own ring on the dead 1 ****** * One year ....................................... 6.50 are still many who pin th e ir faith t o ’ !° the nationally-owned and operated ' Dl‘ Rl -V- A? <$> <* <9> penalty in Oregon is “ to hang by the ; Wood ashes are helpful. To provide warm quarters for the neck until dead.” in some homes, the husband who The prosecution, in outlining its stayed at home of nights to get ac­ stock. The first frosts h u rt worst, i To put up the biggest hen or t u r - ! Case’ announced it expected to prove quainted with his wife would not key to fatten for Thanksgiving. lhat D r Brumfield viisted the cabin have the opportunity, unles he sat To set fall fru it trees. Many ° f Dennis Bussell, who was a ranch- up until after she came in from the claim they get a year’s growth over ®r living near Roseburg, the night dance, the th eater or the card party. . nf Ti,K. IO n _ j r.___ .. with ... of July 13, _ plied Russell next spring s trees. To sow rye and vetch. It both j drugged liquor, took him out for a That celebrated old figure of “rid e” in. his roadster, beat in the speech about beating swords into improves the soil and furnishes win­ skull of the rancher and then shot plowshares takes on a past-tense te r and spring pasture. To think, as you go to the m ovies,! hlm twice in the back to m ake su rS flavor, as there no longer are many n x-1 <4 ♦ ai fu n .. Of the old-fashioned corn h u s tin g s' I li he was dead' R x. win rth er try to swords and not so many plowshares. month in bygone i prove Brumfield exchanged clothes so popular this with the dead man and ran his auto­ ! « Better to wait a m inute at the days. mobile over an em bankm ent, a t- { To provide a big supply of w inter —■------------1 wood. It is far more pleasant to do l Ì *> TIDINGS FASHIO N H IN TS > it now than next January, besides making b etter fuel. A College Fund ANY Jackson County boys and girls entered High School this fall. A m ajority of these will crave a college education at the end of the High School course. M It is possible for moBt of them if they and their parents right now will s ta rt a special College F und at the F irst National. Regular deposits, some self-denial, working after school and in vaca­ tions, will accomplish it. National Bank Ashland Oregon OUR CAR OP Y IS ON THE TRACK NOW IT IS THE BEST OF UTAH COAL (live us a trial order and you will be pleased Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co. “ In the Heart of Town” O . A . PAU LSERU D □ 4 J /A V- if /fo to t zn SOFT AND ELABORATE HIGH SCHOOL FORENSICS There is a flourishing forensic so­ ciety at the high school this winter. This is a move in the right direc­ tion. Scholarship and speaking abil­ ity are surely of equal im portane with athletics. If the debating team could be given the praise, the din­ ners, the hooting which is given the football or basketball team s, we m ight develop some men and women of real intellectual ability in our own school — Contributed. Canvas Shoes ladies If the fashion reporter were com­ pelled to point out the outstanding stylo featured In new fall hats she would be apt to say “soft” and “elabo- ra te .” Three representative models In the picture include a wide-fcrimmed ■hat, with soft crown, of panne velvet, a small hat of duvetyn adorned with flat rosettes of narrow ribbon, and an off-the-face model of duvetyn em­ broidered with white beads. ORRE9 TAILOR SHOP W e carry several kinds. w ith Rubber, Made C om position leath er soles. or \\ e Have Just Received a Shipment of T ru n k s and T r a v e lin g B a g s LADIES OVER NIGHT BAGS ft is si gnifican t that more than half the m otorists of the Pacific Coast u se Zero- lane for Correct Lubrica­ tion, and the number is Such wide-spread approval o f Zerolene is its b est reco m m en d a tio n ts Suitable (or Hunting and Fishing It is best to throw the m antle of charity over the m istakes of your neighbor. You may need a circus ten t to cover your own.— Lena (111 ) Star. Bendy-to-w ear Garment«. ta il­ ored during th e dull season__ big assortm ent to choose from — every size an(j every price— w onderful values. See th e ex­ tra fin e F rench Serge d resses a t S i 0.7 5 . A ll w ool P olo cloth coats at $ 1 8 .7 5 . T a Get a Correct Lubrica­ tion Chart for your car. U se Zerolene for Correct Lubrication. standard oil company These goods were bought nt present market values which are much less than former prices, and we have marked them so as to give you a REAL BARGAIN We have the Wardrobe Trunk with all its conveni­ ences; the Steamer Trunk for those who want les room; also medium-priced Trunks of all kinds. It you want anything in this line, do not fail to look over our goods before buying—we can and will save you monev. J. P. Dodge & Sons Funeral Directors ASHLAND' OREGOf Lady Assistant Reliable Housefurnishers