P A G » POUR THE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Wednesday, October 5, 102f Mission Club Meets— To Move to D unsm uir— CAPACITY HOUSE dation of a n atu ral filter. Kilgore; 2 p, m., United States vs. Mission study class will meet with Mr. and Mrs J. L. Creeks, having Mr. Koon refused to advance any Kilgore Bros., and the United States FOR FIRST NIGHT Mrs. F ran k Shinn, on Oak street, to ­ been given a new “ home” car by the NO MATTER WHAT follow Kilgore •PURPLE FLASH ES' definite opinion regarding the .sys­ vs. Jake Bear, to morrow at 2:30 o’clock. Chapters ; Southern Pacific company, will leave tem w ithout an investigation. He Bros. This Week's Masook- Calendar YOUR TROUBLE 2 and 3 of “ The Why and How of ’ soon for Dunsmuir, Calif., where Mr. stated th at very few filters were Saturday, 10 a. m., United States (Continued from ra g e One) Foreign Missions” will be reviewed. Creeks will be employed by the rail­ used in city w ater systems. vs. Eison et al. 1 If you are not as well as you should All ladies interested are invited. road company. The car is furnished H. H arrison, Mrs. Ben Bowers, Jr., A settling lank, under certain Monday, 10 a. in., McComber-Sav- i he— if you have tried other health in hardwood, has living room, bed­ conditions, he said, would clear the idge Lum ber company vs. Big Pines agencies w ithout lasting benefit— Malta Commandery, Thursday eve;, Have you played on the newly- room, bath and kitchen with built-in and Mrs. H ubert Bentley as models. water. In outlining his plans, Mr. w hatever your trouble, telephone Lum ber company. nlng, October 6, official visit from The gowns worn by the ladies in Oovered pool and billiard tables at features. “ Surprise” is the name Koon presented a blank form of the 103 Grand Commander Shellenbarger, The case of the United States vs. Irw in's United Cigar Store? 29-3 given the car by Mrs. Creeks. Don­ this revue (and, in fact, throughout potential w ritten agreem ent with the This is the telephone number of of Portland, and work in the Red M artha Sconchin et al has not yet the en tire show) were elaborate and ald Frazier, son of Mrs. Creeks, left city. The agreem ent called for an Dr. Geo J. Kinz, Cldropractor been set. Cross. worthy of the highest class road a t - 1 M erchants’ noon lunch, 60c, Hotel yeslerday for Palo Alto, Calif., where traction. engineer’s report before a mass m eet­ Telephone Dr. King TODAY Asl. Hlllah Temple, Shrine stated see-' in all the cases about seventy-five he will attend Stanford university to Ashland Grill. 27-tf for inform ation concerning the great ing of citizens. Mr. Gbon favored sion, Friday evening, October 7. witnesses have been summoned, A chorus of the Misses Thelma drugless health science of Chiroprac- continue his course in journalism . the use of meters, stating: “ I t’s about fifty of whom are witnesses ! tic. Heer, M arjorie McElvaney, Beth „ Teacup Club Meets— Johnson, M argaret Campbell, Joyce ervoir, the w ater is waster, water for the government. No m atter what your trouble, Ut-Lue ttwibt- The Teacup club of the Methodist The pool and b illiard tables at Johnson, E dith Hazen, Carlyle Von out meters, and you m ust have w ater learn something about Chiropractic, George Iceuhour and his class of i church met yesterday afternoon at Irw in’s United Cigar Store have been the greatest science of physical re­ Dyke, H arriette Huger, Maxine Rose, that will go through m eters if you hoys of the Presbyterian Sunday the newly-completed home of Mrs. recovered. Drop in and play a game juvenation in the world today. expect to install them .” Cleo W lltse a n d Cramen Rose was Chiropractic does not need to give school had a short hike and a weinle A. A. Marske, 135 Sherman street, on good tables. f ft 29-3 a feature of the show, and in woib- « .w a list of “diseases” which it can roast supper last evening. The club members spent a pleasant B A R B ER derful appearance, nifty dancing and MINOR GASES ARE help. It recognizes but one “dis­ ---------- afternoon visiting, doing fancy work. Get your auto name plates today catchy singing were a pleasure to ease”— ill health. And it takes the C hildren’s W ork A TRIED BY FEDERAL Special breakfast, 60s. from 6 to inspecting the new home and ar- “ ill” out of ‘ ill health." and boost for the w inter fair. 29-tf hear and see. Specialty Telephone Dr. Kinz today. You COURT ON TUESDAY 9 Hotel Ashland Grill. 27-tf ranging a musical program , a fte r A special orchestra, a beautiful will receive, without cost or obliga­ ---------- which refreshm ents were served. Buys New Car— Safety blades resharpened tion, inform ation which may mean setting and a snappy perform ance all («caves for B erkeley—- (Continued from Page l i Thirty-five ladies w'ere present. At Mark Baker is the proud posses­ helped make “ Purple Flashes” the • I like new. Single bit, 30c the world to you. John H. Scitt, w’ho had been stay­ the business m eeting the following sor of a new Chevrolet purchased J , doz. Dobule bit, 60c doz. show it was, and the Elks, the direc­ United States M arshal E verett T. ing at the W. M. Barber home, on officers were elected: Mrs. W alter from the local agency. to r and the members of the cast de­ Stretcher are here on duty. G ranite street, for the past several Herndon, re-elected president; Mrs. There are a num ber of crim inal serve the highest praise and thanks weeks, left this week for Berkeley, H. J. C arter, vice president, and Mrs. You can secure your auto name for giving Ashland such a splendid cases yet to be tried, which will be il Calif., where he will visit his daugh­ A. A. Marske, secretary and treas­ plates at E nders’ Store, the A utom o­ out of the way, it is expected, by the production -THURSDAY— O N L Y ter before rtauruing to his home in urer. tive Shop, Simpson’s H ardw are Store, end of this week. The most im­ The show repeats again this eve­ Modesto • ‘ the Ford Garage, $2 per pair. 29-tf ning, and it is expected another portant of these cases is th at of the Buy a pair of those handsome Ash­ United States against Eisen. a deputy capacity house will attend. Imogene Wallace, pianlste and land auto name plates and help MASQUERADE IS state game warden; Whillock, a teacher. Studio days, Friday and Sat­ finance the w inter fair as well as GENOA DELEGATES farm er, a n d Brumfield (not the urday For further inform ation, cal’ boost for Ashland; $2 per pair at the much-discussed doctor) from Doug­ EN G IN EER FAILS Mrs. W. E. Moore, 171 Helman Chamber of Commerce. 29-tf (Continued from Page 1) las county, on the charge of conspir­ street. Telephone 210-J. TO SELL SERVICE 27-6 acy and having a still in their pos­ whole evening!” she snapped. W atch Y eo’s window. 299-tf BEFO R E COUNCIL! session. A large still will be in tro ­ But they evidently don’t raise I «eaves for ' F r i s c o - ----------- I , duced as evidence by the govern­ them “ green” out in Persia. His Here From Corvallis— Alvin Neville, Straw berry lane, has ment in this case. (Continued from Page 1) Mrs. A. C. Keller, an A shland resi­ liighness responded with a gracious gone to San Francisco, where he will — lu ­ The last case for trial, next Mon­ tak ^ up a business course in a San dent, was home on business last smile, a gracious bow and a gracious council favored the use of meters. day a t 10 a. m., is the civil suit of week-end from Corvallis, where she raising of the hat as he passed out Francisco business college. Councilman Frost, who took first; the MaComber-Savidge Lum ber com­ te 1 the door, but w ithout bestowing a is staying and sending her children prize for the finest apple exhibit at pany, a California concern, against Trinity guild will meet tomorrow to college blessed sou. The Spanish-speaking t lie state fair, stated th at he was (T hursday) afternoon, 2:30, in the w aiters around Maxim’s said the girl’ irrig atin g an. acre and a half for $12 the Big Pines Lumber company, of parish house. All members urged to Remodeling and cleaning — C. said some rough things about the ou th e m eter system, and th a t he Medford. be present. The tentative docket for the term prince. Orres. had previously paid $12 for one acre FRIDAY—SATURDAY a fte r today is as follows: Last year Panam a’s delegate and on the old flat-rate system. The Thursday, 10 a. m„ United States one of th e delegates from Uruguay prize apples, Mr. F ro st said, were i were frequent dancers a t the Kur- from th e m etered tra c t of land. Mr. vs. Jason; 2 p. m., United States vs. I saal. This year a num ber of dele­ Frost stated th a t he used an aver- Fred Hood. Thursday, 10 a. m., United States gates sip wine around the dance age of one-half of th e am ount rec­ floor, but th e toddling and shimmy- ommended for orchard use in a re­ vs Fred and Charles Hood; 2 p. m„ The Screen’s Most Beautiful Actress ! iug are executed largely by young port m ade some tim e ago by an en­ I nited States vs. Casey et al. Friday, 10 a. m.. United States vs. secretaries with stenographers and gineer in going over the w ater situ ­ —In— Scratch Feed alone will not make hens lay. Yon will save girl secretaries from headquarters ation here. of the league money and get more eggs by feeding Crystalized Opinion Urged O rientals Stick to W ork Mr. Koon, in his ta lk before the K ER R ’S EGG PRODUCER Attached to the Salles des R efor­ city council, sta te d th a t the a ttitu d e mations. where th e assembly holds of the w ater users and the council W ith ■—! its m eetings, is the Hotel Victoria. should be crystalized into a common K ER R ’S SCRATCH FEED The Victoria has a sm all bar, presid­ in terest— som ething definite to q u ar­ K ER R ’S F eed s are a ll food. G uaranteed ab so lu tely fiv e from ed over by a pink-cheeked Swiss bar­ rel ab o u t.” He said th a t he had re­ cheap by-product« and undesirable ingredients. maid who learned to mix drinks from ceived seven different answ ers from OUR CAR OF an American bartender in a hotel at as many people in reference to solv­ K err’s Egg Producer is a mash feed which contains all of Lucerne. ing the w ater problem. He listed the elements for high and sustained egg production. Feed Here a visitor may find Senor Gas- these answ ers as follows: Pipes too Have you a set of tires on it to your flock and make every hen lay her full quota of tao de Cunha, am bassador to P aris small, th e city needs a dam or res­ your car that have run eggs. and head of the Brazilian delegation, ervoir, the w ater is wasted, w ater and ran and run, and For Sale by who barely missed election as presi­ from the lower system in Ashland every timé you start to dent of the league assembly, m ount­ creek is not needed, m eter and filter ed on a stool and shaking dice with the w ater, m ore storage, more w ater make a little drive you get a fellow delegate for a whisky sour. 22^_rco_iPeter3, and la^t, recom m en- out and look ’em over and Grouped around him are other dele-, J. N. DENNIS guess which oue of ’em TOO LA TE TO CLASSIFY. gates demanding everything from 3.53 East Main Phone 214 will blow out first, and beer to brandy, and over in th e cor­ FOR RENT— Very desirable We Supply A ll Your Needs In D a ily and P ou ltry Feeds. corn- every time you think of ner, taking tea, th e head of th e Siam­ IS ON THE TRACK NOW pletely furnished apartm ent. 478 ese delegation. Prince Charoon, and Boulevard. Phone 247-R. ’em you kinda feel like— 29-3 his daughter, a strikingly attractive oh, well, kinda like you girl, who this year, as last, is th e un­ tO R SALE— Eight-room house, with didn’t care flguch whether two and one-half lots, $1,200. In­ IT IS THE BEST OF UTAH COAL disputed belle of the assembly m eet­ quire 248 F ifth street. 29-tf you went or not? All ing. right—then is just the The Indian delegates amuse them ­ WANTED — Plain sewing. 872 Boulevard. 29-5* selves shooting a queer form of bil­ time to drive down to Successors to C. H- Vaupel. liards. The South Americans organ­ WANTED— N ursing; train ed nurse, Give us a trial order aud you will be pleased Leedom’s Tire Hospital ize bridge parties. A rth u r Balfour $25 per week. 435 B street. and trade ’em in on a new takes long walks a t niglit along the 29-2t* set of Masons and Leedom lake, unaccompanied. The Chinese W ANTED— Girl for office work. In ­ will allow you all they are “ You Can’t Afford to Shop Elsewhere” and Japanese delegations seem to do quire a t Bagley Canning Company, worth. Yes, sir, Mason nothing but work. Talent Phone 36 4 -J-l. 29-tf »« Local and Personal A Ä W. A. SHELL Marguerite Clark Scrambled W ives” Katherine MacDonald POULTRYMEN Feed More Mash “S tra n g e r T han F iction” Tyre K^ik:* Coal Ashland Feed & Grocery E. R. I SAAC & Co. T H E QUALITY STORE Opportunity Day”-Thursday Join the throng of thrifty shoppers that will be here Thursday EXTRA—Five tfozeu Cotton Taffeta.Petticoats, guaran­ teed 100 per cent perfect workmanship and 100 per cent correct style; $2.00 values; Thursday only, your opportunity, e a c h ............................................. ,............. $1.48 Muslin, 16c Yard Linen Damask, $2.98 Yd 36 in wide fine bleached Muslin No Dressing” fine quality for the needle sold regularly a t 22c yd. 70 in. wide fine satin all pure linen Damask in a rose p atten : u»l(iregularly a t $3.50 yd., your opportunity Thursday $2.98 yd. 2. in. good quality for gowns and skirts, comes fancy stripes and white, sold regularly a t 18c yd. Crepe Aprons, $1.98 Each, Polly Prim style, made of best quality Jap crepe in all bright colors, trim m ed with fancy ric rac, sizes 1, 2, 3, sold regularly a t $2.48. Dress Satin, $1.89 Yard Outing Flannel Gowns, $1.39 36 in. wide extra good quality in black only. The popular shade this season. Sold regu­ larly at $2.25. Made of heavy quality white outing, high neck, loug sleeve, sizes 16 and 17. Table Cloths, $1.48 Each New Laces, 5c Yard New laces in vales and torchons good quality, values to 15c yd 58x58 Mercerized hem stitched, ready for use only a limited amount, sold regularly at $2.00 each. 54-inch all pure wool Serge, in navy blue only; fine, heavy quality for suits and dresses. Opportunity day, Thurs­ day. y a r d ........................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $2 48 Have your hemstitching and picoting done here, store where your patronage is appreciated Used Car Bargains One Stoddard Roadster (See Window Display) Outing Flannel, 15c Yard Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co- The Price $160.00 One Reo Touring Price $200.00 One Ford Bug Price $300.00 One Maxwell Touring Price $360.00 One Oakland Six Touring Price $660.00 CARS SOLD w ith sm all cash p ay­ m ent and m on th ly instalm ents. Busy Corner Motor Co. Main at Riverside St. Medford, Oregon FOR RENT — Four-room cottage, partly furnished; no bedding ex­ cept m attresses. 855 B street. 29-tf builds some tire—you’ll say so, too, when you look ’em over. “ In the Heart of Town” FOR SALE — If orders are placed* this evening or tom orrow, I can deliver from car a t $8.25 per cord of best grade yellow pine, perfect­ ly dry, in four-foot lengths. A. G. Adams, tem porary phone 424-L. 29-1 PEACHES— Good peaches fo r 4 and 2 % cents a pound; last chance for peaches, and only a few left. Come and get them . 527 Terrace street. Phone 508-J. 29-1* A MAN comes into th e world w ithout his consent and leaves w ithout his will. D uring hia stay-on earth his time is spent in one continuous round of contraries and m isunder­ standings In his infancy he is an angel; in his boyhood he is every­ thing from a lizard up. In, his duties he is a darn fo o t If he raises a fam ily he is a chum p; If he raises a check he is a thief, and the law raises h— 1 with him. If he is a poor m an he is a poor m an­ ager and has no sense; if he is rich he is dishonest, but considered sm ajt. If he is in politics he is a g ra fte r and a crook; if he is out of politics you can’t place him and he is an undesirable citizen. If he goes to church he is a hypo­ crite, a n d if he stays away from church he is a sinner. I f he do­ nates to foreign missions he does it for show; if he doesn’t he is stingy and a tightw ad. W hen he first comes into th e world every­ body wants to kiss him ; before he goes ou t they all w ant to kick him. If he dies young th ere was a grand fu tu re before him ; if he lives to a ripe old age he 1 b only in th e way and is living to save funeral ex­ penses. But, regardless of all the above, I am still selling W atkins Products. C. M. MILLS, Sales­ man. 611 Beach street, for the J. R. W atkins Co. il- 1 * IVithout Profit " SPECIAL FOR THURSDAY ONLY «• A v ery good school hose for children, double knee, all sizes up to 9% a t one price Thursday Only 6 pairs $1.00 Buy your w in ter underw ear during th is H arvest Sale. (¡T fl f t ,r e& v GOODS Profits are being shared w ith you dur- ing this H arvest Sale «