FAQS TÄRM Wednesday, October 5, IM I Ashland News in Paragraphs Local and Personal ...... Side Lights 1 G rants Pass S h e r iff’s Office Em pty .......... ......... Visit at M edford— Misses Hazel Smith and Lillian George Lewis, sheriff, and Ernest McMillan were in Medford yesterday Lister, deputy, have been called to Medford on the Jack Maloney, Jack visiting friends. Casey and Joe Ray trial. The trio --------- - were arrested for operating a still Hotel Ashland Grill caters to home laat November.— Grants Pass Cour-1 folk9 as well as commercial and tour- ier 1st business. 27-tf Cliff Payne makes cedar chests. Is Great G randfather— With the birth of a son to Mr. and 22tt Mrs. Gilbert Black, of Seattle, Prof. H. G. Gilmore, of this city, is now a Nevada Arrivals— Prank Gilbert Mrs. Grace D. Cautmill and little great grandfather. black Is a grandson of Mr. Gilmore. daughter. Jane -Annette, of Sparks, Nev., arrived and are visiting at the ---------- home of the former’s parents, Mr.' Let us give that old suit a going and Mrs. D. M. Davis. 872 Boule-, over. You’ll be surprised. Paulse- 21tf rud’s. vard. Smoke American Eagle cigars. Jew eler O ffers Prizes— O. H. Johnson, local jeweler, has Made lu Ashland. 246 Fourth St. 16-lmo* offered a $25 lady’s gold watch , as i a prize to be offered at the Rogue ; River Valley apple exposition to be Hunters Return— . J. Ruger and Clinton Harkins' h^ld in Medford during this month have returned from Elk creek and at a date not yet determined. The Buck lake, where they had been Medford chamber of commerce in­ spending the past four days duck and tends to make th e show a valley af­ deer hunting. The hunters brought fair. home two deer, in addition to bag­ Woolens for men and women sold ging a number of ducks. by the yard— C. Orres. 17tf Have a fit— C. Orres. 17tf Rogue River V isitor— John McClaren, of Rogue River, was an Ashland business visitor yesterday. For pleating, see Orres. 17tf A t F orest G r o v e - Rev. and Mrs. Charles A. Ed­ wards are at Forest Grove, where Rev. Edwards is attending the Ore­ gon conference of the Methodist Episcopal church. Rev. and Mrs. Edwards will return the early part of next week. Something new In Teo’s window. 299-tf Prisoner Taken to Yreka-— Harold Hicks, alias Eddie Davis, 19, colored, arrested here Monday by local police following orders of the police at Yreka, Calif., was taken to Yreka yesterday by Sheriff Calk­ ins, of that place. The boy is ac­ cused of stealing clothes and other articles at Dorris, Calif. He was taken off the Klamath Falls stage by the local police. » Boy Seoul H ik e - Troop 2, Boy Scouts, under the leadership of their scoutmaster, C. F. Koehler, will hike to the moun­ tains in the neighborhod of Mount Wagner next Saturday morning. The start will be made promptly at 730 o’clock from the Presbyterian church. Old hats cleaned and reblocked in fall style. Jack Carlisle, at the O.K. barber shop. Oak street. 24-6 Farm A ssociation In Good Condition The Ashland branch of the Na­ tional Farm Loan Federation is in a very good financial condition, ac­ cording to G. A. Z. Harris, bank ex­ aminer, who was in the city this week. He stated that the federation carries $150,000 in loans with no delinquents. Several new applica­ tions now are awaiting approval. Law suits centering around the con­ stitutionality of the farm loan act tied up the sale of bonds by the fed­ eration for more than a year, Mr. Harris said. Banks now are making efforts to sell the bonds to meet the demands of new applicants. woman ot today, A woman spends derfce that he Is leading a dog's life, B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L Methodist Hold her money for attire and a man —Stonewall (Okla.) News. his money for a tire —*Pterce One cent the word each time. 82nd Conference i spends One more thing this country need# (Colo.) Leader. is fewer fashion magazines and more ATTORNEYÍ. PHYSICIANS. Session at Chicago The man who growls every day cook books.— Edinburg (Tex.) Re- DR. ER N E ST A. WOODS— Practice BRIGGS A BfUGGS— Attorneys-at- ■hows each day by indisputable evt- vlew. CHICAGO, Ot. 4 — The eighty- second session of the Rock R iver' conference of the Methodist Episco­ pal church begau today In the Tho- burn Methodist Episcopal church, here. The sessions will continue‘ until October 11. As the Rock River conference is the second largest of the Methodist churches in the United States, many delegates arrived last night and more were registering today. Bishop Thomas Nicholson is the presiding officer of the session, as­ sisted by District Superintendent Po- • lemus H. Swift and Rev. John H. De- I Laney, pastor of the Thoburn church and the conference host. Important changes in pastorates of Methodist churches will be a n -1 nounced by Bishop Nicholson on the closing day of the conference. One of the outstanding features of the seven-day program will be a course of lectures by Prof. Harry F. Ward, of the Union Theological sem­ inary. on the topic “The Future of the Church in Modern Industry.” They will be delivered on three days, starting tomorrow, and will be open to the public. Participation of laymen in the con-1 ference this year was expected to be larger than ever before, because of the growth of the centenary move­ ment, Meetings of the laymen’s electoral conference and the lay­ men’s association, the Woman’s Home and Foreign Missionary socle- j ties, have been arranged. Whose fault is it when your husband is cross at breakfast? If you hit your thumb With a ham m er you w o u ld n ’t blam e y o u r thumb for hurting. Then why blame your husband whose nerves may have been pounded by coffee, and whose rest probably has been broken by the irritation of the caffeine it contains? If you stay awake half the night you don’t feel any too cheerful. The caffeine of coffee and the thein of tea are known drugs. If their use is persisted in, sooner or later the nervous system may give way. Then you may have insomnia, or disturbed sleep. Your nerves and tissues will be robbed of that stability essential for normal and happy living. You can avoid this possibility if you’ll stop drinking tea and coffee and drink instead, rich, pleas­ ing Postum. Postum is the deli­ cious cereal beverage with a coffee-like flavor. It affords the advantages of a hot drink, without the ill effects of tea or coffee. Order Postum from your grocer today. Try it with the family for a few days, and see what a dif­ ference there’ll be—how it will permit Nature to bring sound sleep and stro n g , s tu rd y , quiet nerves. Sold by grocers. P o s t u m com es in tw o forms: In stan t P o stu m (in tins) m ade in stan tly in th e cup by th e addition of boiling water. P o stu m Cereal (in packages of larger bulk, for those w ho pre­ fer to make th e drink while the m eal is b eing prepared! m ade by boiling for 20 m inutes. BANKING SYSTEM STRONGER Patriotic service of the country in time of war has made the American banking system popular with the people. There is not a week or a day or an hour that the country banks are not called upon to render such service. There is no place of business H. R. Adams, the Plumber, bells plumbing fixtures and supplied. where so many people call for ad­ Phone 166-J, shop at 248 Fifth St. vice in matters of every-day busi­ 287-tt ness as at the home bank. Mattera in regard to loans, invest- P ou ltry M eeting— insurance. building or A meeting of the poultry raisers ' Inents of Ashland and vicinity is called for changes in business are discussed next Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock over the bank counters. It is all a part of the day’s work in the city hall. The purpose of this with the banks in our cities and meeting is to further the interests of the poultrymen and it is hoped that country towns to serve their cus­ a permanent organization will be tomers in this way. It goes in with the other service formed at this time. All interested the bank renders of taking deposits, people are urged to be present. making loans and selling exchange. Paulserud’s suits can’t be beat for TH E TICKLER price, style and quality. 21tf Men are not necessarily big guns just because they are big bores.— j Mirwouri Visitors— Mr. and Mrs. George Slmond and Chicago Daily News. V. T. Witty, of Memphis, Tenn., wh$ There is really very little econom­ have been touring the country as ic difference between the man and members of a large party composed of members of the Memphis chamber of commerce, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harrison. ‘Seek Ye Good Counsel' Financial advice is seldom appreci­ ated until the wisdom of seeking it has been instilled by the hard school of experience. This bank is large enough to help you, but not too large to welcome jron, The Citizens Bank A shland, Oregon R eturns IVoni C a lif o r n ia - Mrs. E. D. Briggs returned yester-! day evening front Oakland, Calif., where she had been visiting her son.' G. C. Briggs, for the past several. weeks. Mrs. Briggs was met at Red­ ding by her son and dhughter-in-iaw. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Briggs, who drove to Redding. 1 Anjou, Bose and Comice cull pears for sale at Ashland Fruit and Pro­ duc» association. 26-4 C. B. L A M K I N BARGAINS IN Real C ity T R A N SFE R AND EX PR E SS. FOR RALF.. FOR SALE— Apple press, hardwood P. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS PER — Good team aud motor­ frame; 60-pound pair fruit scales. trucks. Good service at a reason­ » 41 Granite street. 28-2 able price. Phone 83. FOR SALE— Nearly new Ford se-j Am; will take late Ford roadster FOR PROMPT and careful service with Auto-Trucks or Horse Drays, in on trade. 1023 East Main. call V blttle Transfer Co., Phone 28-6’ -- --------------------------- ---------------------- - ! 117. Office 89 Oak street, Near FOR SALE— Nursery stock, fruit, Hotel Austin. shade and ornamentals; berries of FOR SA LE— R EAL ESTATE. all kinds; grapes, etc.; grown by the Oregon Nursery Company., SALE— Four-room house, elec James Lowe, agent, 107 Second! FOR trie lights, garage and two lots. street. Phone 313-R 28-tf $750. Call 403-X-2, Medford. 28-3* ‘FOR SALE— Hand power washing machine. $8. A. C Redifer, 267 27-3' FOR SALE— Furnished or unfur­ Eighth street. nished, 5-room modern bungalow sleeping porch, large basement; FOR SALE— Dodge touring car, in good condition. Automotive Shop. large lot; lawn; fruit, berries, 27tf flower»; garden; all in A l shape; priced) right for quick sale. See FOR SALE— Remington repeating Jack Fahs, 55 Pine street. shotgnu, $18; shells, $1 R. I. 24-lino* Red breeding cockerels. 475 1 Reach street. 26-6* WOOD LOT FOR SALE— 200 acres £ miles west of Ashland, 4000 • SWEET CIDER— Made fresh every' cords wood on it, mostly fir. : day. 40 cents gallon, delivered. Shack, good barn, springs. Price Phone 9 -F -ll. only $12.50 per acre. Worth that for pasture. Terms. W. D. Hodg- ¡FOR SALE— Dry, fir and pipe wood. sou. owner. Gooding, Idaho. ll-4 w 4 feet and 16 inches Phone Toll Gate or write Siskiyou. Mr. L. D Dollarhide. 25-6* FOR SALE— 160 acres of land seven miles east of Ashland, 3 room house, fair baru, 2,000,60« feet ¡FOR SALE— First-class alfalfa hav, of timber, three-fourths mile trom $9 per ton in stack or $13.50 tie school, several spring», 12 acres tivered. L. S. Hackler. Talent, or in cultivation, 50 acres fenced, I phone 372-J-2. 26-6* good term« at 6 per cent, or will KING APPLES— Splendid ror cook­ trade for Ashland property. See ing; a good size; 75 cents a box, 8-1 iuo C. B. Lamkln. delivered. Phone 9 -F -ll. FOR SALE— March pullet and y e a j1, FOR SALE— Cozy consentent four room cottage, with roomy base­ 19-tf old hen. Phone 199. ment and outbuildings. Good size lot with plenty of frlut. Nice lo­ | FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING — cation with flue view. Desirable Mattresses made over, packing anti for small family who want mod­ crating. Douglass. 254 Fourth erate priced home. Apply to own­ St. Phone 63-R. 18tf er on premises, 705 Penn. Ave. Corner Harrison. 4-1 mo HELP WANTED. WANTED— Working or silent part­ ■ Brick building and lot—-fully occu- ner for money-making business; ; pied at rental insuring good re $1,500 required. 173 Helraan turns on investment. street. E. P. Moore. 28-2* WANTED— Boxmaker. Phone 6-F- 25 acres with six room bouse, large barn. About 12 acres orchard, 2 13. Apply to D. H. Jackson, Ash­ acres alfalfa, good 'garden ajnd land. 27-3 farm land. WANTED— Bookkeeping, large or small sets of books; best of refer­ ences. Address Box 29, Tidings. _______ 25-5* I ■■■■ I I II » I ■ L I ! 1 ----------- J EXPERT CAR WASHING and polish­ ing. Lithia Garage, phone 114. Furnished six room dwelling on a paved street, one of the finest lo­ cations in the city. Canvas Shoes sua}’ M e-o-iP /y, h o w y o u ’ll ta k e a p ip e — an d Before you’re a day, older you want to let th e idea slip under your hat that this is the oper. seas? on to start som ething w it1 a a joy’us jimmy p ip e — and some Prince Albert* Because, a j >ipe packed with Prince AT bert satisfies a man as he wa* s never satis­ fied before—aa id keeps him satisfied t A ad, you can prove it* W hy — P. A.’s flavor aad £ ragrance and coolness 2nd its freedom 28Vj acres with fine dwelling, barn. packing house. About 20 acres in good orchard. Balance suitable for farm products. 7 acres with good fruit, house and chicken shed. Sightly locatlou CAR W ASHING from iSite and parch out by our exclusive ented p tocess) are a reve­ lation to .the man who never could get acquainted with a pipe! P. < A. has made a pipe a thi ng of joy to four men when $ one was smoked before! Ever roll' up a cigarette with Prince Albert? Man, man — but y o u ’ve got a party comil ’-g your way! Talk about a cigarette smoke; we ti Ml you it’s a peach! W e carry several w ith the national jo y smoke Rubber, kinds. Inquire at FEHBT NATIONAL BANK FOR RENT. FOR RENT—Sleeping room, with board is desired. 160 First street 28-3* FOR RENT — Three comfortable light housekeeping rooms, unfur­ nished. Inquire 315 N. Pioneer avenue. FOR RENT — Modern furnished apartment, clone in; adults only. Phone 122 Inquire 166 Harga- dine. w e e s i ■■ CHAIR DOCTOR Five baby buggies and other thing" for sale; continual change with good bargains. Chair Doctor. Third and A, opposite freight de­ pot. 28-1 mo* Made Com position leath er soles. or When tb e Children Are Young and they need a roof over their heads, throe fltoalfc BM, np Q a constantly - re»a6W» * clothing— When tor at least ten. or fifteen years they won’t be able to earu enough to help support the family, even if their mother does take them out of school to work— P r in c t A l b t r t is so ld in to p p y red b a g s, t i d y r»d tin s, h e n jis m e pound an d h all p o u n d tin h u m idors a n d in th s p o u n d c r y s ta l g la ss h u m id o r w ith spon gt m o isto n sr to p . C op yrigh t ISSI b y R. J- R eynolds Tobacco Co. W inston-Salem , N .C . aud Ranri» Properties Houses to .... Suitable for Hunting and Fishing E sta te CITIZENS’ BANK BUILDING DR. LINCOLN RALLON— X-ray ASHLAND HEALTHA’l'O K li M— b r. diagnosis; Ashland Laboratory, E. B. Angell, Chlropraetlc. Elec­ Dr Jarvis’ Sanitarium; hours, 1 trical Treatments, Mineral and Phone Ashland 126 p.m. to Vit-o-Net Baths. First National Medford Laboratories, Sacred I Hank Building. Phone 48. Heart Hospital; hours, 8 a.m. to es 12m.; evenings by appointment. EXPERT CAR REPAIRING at rea­ sonable prices. Llthla Garage. Phone Medford 714. Residence 12-lm o phone, Medford 61. ___ 27-1 mo POSITION W ANTED For high grade tailoring for men and women— C. Orres. Klamath Falls Country Club— Plans for organization of a coun­ try club on Klamath lake, having as To Paint Presbyteidan Church— The Presbyterian church is shin­ members representative men from San Francisco. Oakland, Portland ing with a new coat of paint being and other cities, as well as Klamath applied by John Rigg, who has been Falls, were revealfed yesterday by C. awarded the contract by the direc­ W. Wood, Oakland and Fresno cap­ tors of the church. italist; W. H. Ingles, retired cap­ Automobile insurance— Yeo, of italist of San Francisco, and Paul course. 299-tf Watson, owner and manager of the Shasta Springs hotel, who leave to­ day after a week’s hunting at Eagle! A shlanders A tten d Talent Party—- Ridge. The visitors are enthusiastic: Several autos loaded with Ash over the possibilities of such an or- landers attended the recent com- ganization and believe it will meet munity party given at Talent for the with great favor in the large cities, school teachers of that place. Ap- — Klamath Falls Record. proximately 200 children, teachers ---------- i and visitors attended the party. Today it pays to look around be- ---------- fore buying. See Paulserud’s suits Charles S. Wilson— Decorating, and overcoats. 21tfi hardwood finishing and graoing. Satisfaction guaranteed. P. O. Box Aerial Squadron P asses— 244. The remainder of the men of the Ninety-first aerial squadron, about GOOD SHOWING AT fifty men, passed through here on MUNDY OIL WELL this morning’s south-bound train en route from Camp Lewis and Eugene “Work is progresisng nicely at the to Mather field. Sacramento. About oil well,” said J. F. Mundy today, twenty men’ of the squadron passed “and we are expecting something big through here Monday in eight air­ soon. We are down about 1,100 planes and by train for Sacramento. feet, and have been in a crystalized lime and sand mixed for abont 280 S u its M ade to Order— feet. This is very hard and slow Cleaning and repairing on short! drilling as a result. We have a good notice. K. Nelson. Hotel Ashland showing of paraffine oil and gas in Bldg. 302« i this sand and hope to strike oil when we get through it.” Law, Pioneer Block, Ashland. limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and L. A. ROBERTS— Attorney-at-Law. 2 to 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash­ Rooms 6 and 6, Citizens’ Bank land, Ore. ________ 73-tf Bldg. DR. J. 3. EMMEN8— Physician and CHIROPRACTORS. Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses DR. GEO. J. KINZ — Chiropractor. supplied. Oculist and aurist for Suite 8. Examination Free. No. 8. P. R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. 25, the Plaza. Office Phone 103. Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 667. Residence Phone 401. LADIES B eady-to-w ear G arm ents ta il­ ored during th e dull season— big assortm en t to choose from — ev ery size and every p r ic e - w onderful values. See th e ex­ tra fin e French S erge di c o n n at » 1 6 .7 5 . AU wool PoJo d o th coats a t » 1 8 .7 5 . ORRES TAILOR SHOP Those are the years when you ueed to carry every dollar’s worth of life insurance you can possibly afford. Then, especially. you should get Travelers' Guaranteed Low-cost Life Insurance—and secure the largest amount of good life insur­ ance that your dollar can buy. Bfflings Agency jy“ ““«*?. RBAL BHTATE A INSURANCE