PAGE TWO Wednesday, O c<^f Ä, ibsii ASHLAND DAILT TWIN 0 8 rjOa« try w ant from th a t conference in cessful, will greatly strengthen the tween large employers and employes, This is a subject which the pastor of the Presbyterian church has recently W ashington is 3,500,000 jobs, not financial situation in Europe and general strikes are outlawed Established 1878 General strikes have no existence introduced in the mid-week services th a t many empty, fruitless words on ease our own burden. Published. Every Evening Except a t present except in the scare-heads of his church, and is finding a grow- j the economic situation. A ugust is notew orthy as the Sunday A COLLEGE FUND i ing interest among his members. of yellow journalism. month (1 ) which brought the first THE ASHLAND PRESTINO CO. The following were elected officers recovery from the nine m onths’ con­ TOG MANY NEWSPAPER« ANY Jackson County boys and OFFICIAL CITY AND "COOWTT for the ensuing year: President. Rev. tinuous decline in iron production; PAPER girls entered High School this F. R. Leach; vice president, Cash TELEPHONE 3U fall. A m ajority of these will crave The Daily Clarion, A ttorney (2 ) which brought net railroad in ­ Wood; secretary-treasurer, W alter' a college education at the end of the Subscription Price Delivered in ¿4ty Phipps’ new daily a t Medford, has come to th e largest total since gov­ Frazer Brown. High School course. ernm ent operation; (3 ) which prac­ Jne m onth .................................. $ .65 suspended daily issue after a s un­ tically confirmed arrestm ent of the Three m onths . ........................... 1.95 It is possible for most of them if certain experience of a few months decline in wholesale prices, and (4 ) Six m onths . . . BOASTS AND SMILES they and their parents right now will On« v a a r ......... ............................ 7.50 s ta rt a special College F u n d at the — Viewing the newspaper game from which brought a halt to the long- Mail and R ural Routes. F irst National. Let work and th rift help you t o 1 the outside, it looks like a soft snap. continued decrease of our -fbreign One m onth . . . MEDFORD, Or., Oct. 5. — The forget your tribulations. trade. Three months . Regular deposits, some self-denial, Six months . . . ........................... 3.60 Mauy preachers, school teachers and River Valley M inisterial working after school and in vaca­ If any of us ever get into a hell it] The spirit of the day is conserva­ Rogue One year ......... lawyers get the newspaper itch aud, tive optimism; a b etter realization association opened its fall work will be because we kindled it. tions. will accomplish it. not realizing th a t the successful con­ When we set a trap for the rich ] ADVERTISING RATES: of the planning and work necessary by meeting a t the public library Mon­ duct of a newspaper is not due alone to actual trade revival and the day morning and resum ing its ses­ we generally catch a poor man in it. j Display Advertising « Single insertion, each in ch ............3 0< ! to ability to w rite fine essays or ex­ Agreements to get m arried, and knowledge th a t prosperity of a de­ sions, which were suspended for the YEARLY CONTRACTS ploit socialistic propaganda, but sirable perm anence can come only sum m er months a t its last meeting battles are both “ engagem ents.” Display Advertising ra th e r to souud business m anage­ with the passing of tim e and through in June. Laymen interested in the If you have money, don’t m ake’ One tim e a w eek.................... 27 Two tim es a w eek................ .. . 25c ) ment, frequently em bark in the pub­ the earnest co-operation of all our work, as well as m inisters, are en ­ love by w riting it in letters. Every other d a y ........................ 20c lication of a newspaper, nearly al­ people. rolled in this association, which is Seems like $10 fine for shooting Local Readers. Ashland Oregon ways im bued with altruistic reform open to all C hristian denominations. a husband is hardly enough. Each line, each tim e .....................10c motives, they can see where the! To ru n every other day for on* Money Is of no earthly value un­ The following new members were en­ month, each line, each time . . . 7c other newspaper is uot truly repre­ rolled: Cash Wood, Y. M. C. A. coun­ less swapped for som ething else. To tu n every issue for ocw month sentative of the in terest of the dear ty secretary: Rev. Charles C. H u le t,, Plain common sense is a ra ttlin g ' or more, each line, each t im e .. . . 5c people. The im agiuatiou conjures Classified Column. Presbyterian Sunday school mission­ good asset every day you live. strange combinations, political and One cent the word each time. Joy often comes by our just be­ ary; Rev. E. P. Lawrence, pastor of To run every issue for one month or otherw ise; tru sts and abuses in] ing willing to be joyous. the Medford Presbyterian church. more, the word each time. i which the other newspaper indulges, Be the same a t your home as down Cash Wood presented in a very in­ Ix'gal R ate: F irst Time, per 8 point line . . . . 10c to the extent that it becomes an teresting way the county Y. M. C. A. town, and vice versa. Each subsequent time, per 8 point "octopus” sapping the life of the Don’t be optimistic enough to work a n d w hat had been accomp­ By S. PATTERSON l i n e ...............................................Cc community. , lished in Jackson county after a think you can beat the other m an’s Card of Thanks, $1.00. Why filter Ashland w ater th a t A few months in the game dispels game. year’s effort. O bituaries. 2% cents the line. such halucinations, because usually you use for irrigation purposes, as F rate rn a l Orders and Societies. The speaker pointed out clearly Advertising for fraternal orders i the first two or th ree owners of a 75 per cent of the w ater th a t passes and forcefully th a t his work is not WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 4.— or societies charging a regular initi­ newspaper get "b u sted ” before the through the pipes of th e A shland one of duplication oh any work car­ The Pacific cable line oetween the ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ system is used for irrigation? Why paper can be put on its feet. ried on by th e church or any other islands of Yap and Guam, which has ligious and benevolent orders will he charged the regular rate for all ad The m istake is th a t the average filter it? For the benefit of those organization, but one of co-operation played an- im portant part in the con­ vertising when an admission or other citizen, with the newspaper itch, fails who want filtered w ater, let th e city w ith all other agencies for th e de­ troversy between the United States charge is made. to realize th at the duplication of ad­ buy at wholesale and sell to them velopment and upbuilding of C hris­ and Japan over the island of Yap, is What Constitutes Advertising! vertising mediums in any field in­ at cost, a small filter th a t can be tian m orals and manhood. He ex­ to be reopened. The question will In order to allay a m isunderstand­ creases the burden to the adver­ connected up with the w ater system , plained th at now on the surface it come again as the resu lt of a ten ta­ ing among some as to w hat constl- ‘ tiser by increasing Iris advertising and have filtered w ater on tap a t all may appear a t tim es«that th e Y. M tive agreem ent between Japan and tutes news and w hat advertising, times. The upkeep of these would C. A. work is one of athletics and the United States, it was announced we print this very simple rule whicn expense w ithout increasing his busi­ Is used by newspapers to differin- ness, and be knows th a t beforehand be placed where it belongs. general good times, th e underlying by the state (Department today. Look a t this w ater question in a atiate between them : “ ALL future and refuses to encourage the new an d dom inant purpose is the develop­ events, where an admission charge ! 45— People— 45 "The Fashion Show” seusible way. The all-w ise provi­ ing and elevating of the morals in enterprise, or, very soon discovers is made or a collection is ta k e n , Good O rchestra "The Olcl-time Song Revue” dence gave us this w ater to use. Why the county and w inning th e boys and IS ADVERTISING.” This applies to I it, when the monthly advertising Elaborate Costuining Saxaphone Q uartet W e sell not use what we want of it instead organizations and societies of every bills coine in, and w ithdraw s his young men to an acceptance of Jesus Beautiful Scenerj Three-act Farce Comedy kind as well as to individuals. patronage in order to reduce his of sending our money out of the Christ. Reference was_ made to the All reports of such activities after i overhead expense. That leaves the state and town for som ething th a t coming Older Boys’ conference to be they have occurred Is news. All coming social or organization new enterprise either stranded or io does not increase o u r w ater supply held in A shland October 21, 22, 23, meetings of societies where a© money continue a t a great financial loss to and practically of no benefit for 75» which will be open to all boys 15 CHOCOLATE contribution is solicited, initiation the owner. per cent of the w ater used? Let ua years of age apd older. , And few people have VANILLA Doors o p e n ................... 7:15 Seat Scale charged, or collection taken ie NBW8. put our money in about th ree reser­ The m embers lunched together a t STRAWBERRY money enough, or are patriotic Downstairs boxes . . . .$1.50 Curtain ........................8:15 We make ail quotations ea MAPLE NUT enough, to long continue a big voirs in the trib u taries of Ashland Hotel Medford, a fte r which the ses­ Balcony (4 r o w s ) . . . . 1.50 creek aud increase o u r w ater supply. sion was resum ed and the associa­ JOB WORK money-losing enterprise. Rem ainder of Balcony 1.00 from Ashland Creamery The Clarion has done the sensible Instead, we have o u r w ater going tion listened to a very able address War Tax 10 per cent extra trk franklin price list . thing— relinquished a field that had down the creek doing no good to by Rev. E. P. Lawrence on “ Mental Same prices— Reasonable Price— never the newspaper volume to ju sti­ anybody. Suggestion to r Physical H ealing.” The citizens of A shland, o r a t to all. fy the support of two newspapers. least some of them , a re getting tired Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, of having stran g ers come am ong us Postofflee as Second Class Mall and tell us w hat we ougth to do If Matter. they see a chance to fleece us on some contraption th a t they have for sale. Love is, or ought to be, our <$> Ashland is noted for being a home greatest bliss; city. Its beautiful parks, nice green Since every other joy, how dear lawns, its peach orchards and nice soever, gardens on most every fam ily lot. It Gives way to that, aud we leave <& (Courtesy of. Citizens Bank) is known for its beautiful roses and all for love. & The outstanding event of the past cherries th a t can’t be excelled. Why & — Rowe m onth is the striking «Depreciation ♦ in cotton prices as a result of boll is this? Ashland creek w ater tells all. Take away th e w ater an d you weevil and unfavorable growing take the biggest asset A shland has__ For young couples in love to fig­ w eather on top of the 28 per cent no more Ashland beautiful. The ure out how much it would cost them acreage reduction. Higher prices soil in Ashland is A fferen t from to live as man and wife m ight be will enable th e south, for many wise. But there is little of the wis­ m onths a backward elem ent in the that in any other city in th e west- dom of m athem atics in love general situation, to pay up its loans Being of a g ran ite form ation, you matches. In truth, love laughs at and liquidate its debts, a process ltave to keep it wet to raise any­ every figure except th a t of the th a t has already started through thing, and it takes lots of w ater There is no person, engineers in ­ adored one. sales of the old crop and hedge sales 1 ! cluded, th a t is com petent to tell on the fu tu re m arket of the new what w ater is required to irrig ate an There were 12,000 fatalities and crop. The influx of cotton goods 1,500,000 injuries in m otor m ishaps orders has shown the country to be acre of ground in A shland unless during the last year. W hat a terrible unusually bare of stocks. The rise he has lived here a year and a tte n d ­ toll is paid to carelessness— much of in the fu tu re m arket seemed to come ed to the requirem ents thereto. Now, let us get down to brass this carelessness being by pedes­ a t th e psychological moment. This tacks and use our money to increase trians. as well as by drivers. perform ance was duplicated to a de­ our w ater supply and keep o u r “Ash­ gree in the grain and stock m arkets land beautiful.” W hat the unemployed of the coun- and doubtless was som ew hat of a Let us cut our irrigation restric­ factor in bringing about th e im ­ tions and our spy system and use ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ provem ent in sentim ent th a t has oc­ what we have a God-given rig h t to * TIDINGS FASHION HINTS ♦ curred throughout the country. use and build for a b etter citizen­ Bonds exhibit an upward ten ­ ship and a more beautiful Ashland. dency, Liberty bonds and the rail­ Our present system m akes a man a REVEALING NEW IDEAS road issues m aking m arked advances. thief or he loses his crop. D on’t allow surfaces to rot— it costs less HERE’S one way to save on paint. Investors seem to feel th a t with Go to the recorder’s books and see T h a t w ay is to use the best paints. to paint them. easier money in prospect, opportuni­ where we derive the most revenue on P a in tin g Some think o f paint economy as “cost W e’ve made paints for western use for ties for large retu rn s with safety of from— for domestic use or irrig a­ SK our agent for our free per gallon.” T h at is wrong. Cheap paint 72 years. W e use pure PIO N E E R principal should be grasped w ithout tion? advice. He will show you doesn’t cover as much surface— you need W H IT E LEAD, pure linseed oil, zinc delay. The bonds were voted a year ago a color card which shows 32 and color, but we mix them in scientific more gallons. Gold im ports in August were al­ for a reservoir. Was it a Joke or has shades of this desirable paint. Cheap paint is more difficult to spread, proportions with long-time skill. We have a Fuller Specifica­ most $89.000,000, m aking the in­ it come to the point w here th e ma­ tion Department which will tell requires more labor, so the best paint costs crease th a t m onth the largest of any jority don’t count and the minority O ur white lead base must be fine enough you ail about the most desirable no more when you’ve put it on the house to pass through a silk screen with 40,000 m onth this year and giving us about rules? We hope not. color schemes, color harmony meshes to the square inch. T h at means than cheap paint does. 42 per cent of the w orld’s total mon­ and those other d e ta ils you want to know. etary stock of gold. M ore than that, it lasts five or more covering capacity and ease of spreading. W e NEWSPAPER STRIKES Take advantage of Fuller House Paints. Take years longer, if properly applied, while super-purifv the lead to make it “whiter” The adm inistration shows evi­ steps to paint now. Don’t let weather depre­ dence of its d e sire ’to facilitate early cheap paint on the average begins cracking which means clearer-toned colors. ciate your investment. (Newspapers are describing too in twelve months. Good paint is an in v e st­ recovery in agricu ltu re and in busi­ The finished product on the house is a many differences about wages under W. P. FULLER A. CO. ment that saves money by preventing de­ beautiful, elastic, tough protective coating. ness The farm credits act will have the caption of a general strike. Dept. 16, San Francisco far-reaching effect on the m arkets terioration o f the house. W e call these paints “Fuller’s Specifica­ It is a general fact th a t th ere have Pioneer Manufacturer of Paints, Varnishes, Enamel. for all ag ricu ltu ral products, even if “Cheap” paint is the only paint that tion House Paints” because they are the Stains, and PIONEER W HITE LEAD been very few strikes undertaken for 72 Years. Established 1849. the actual am ounts of money needed (during the pats year. very best made for the purpose. really costs you anything. Branches in 16 Cities in the West—Dealers everywhere. under the term s of the act should General strikes in th e newspaper Also makers of Rubber Cement Floor Paint, AU prove to be small. W ithout aw ait­ headlines th at never m aterialise are Purpose Varnishes, Silkenwhite Enamel, Fifteen-for- ing definite action by congress on Floors Varnish, Washable Wall Finish, Auto Enamel. Injurious to business and industries. Barn and Roof Paint, Porch and Step Paint and the railroad funding bill, the gov­ PIONEER W HITE LEAD. While there will be differences be- • SmC/F/CATVOM ernm ent is assisting the railroads w herever possible, the sale of $7,- 500,000 dollars of railroad certifi­ P h o e n ix P u r e P a in t Many new ideas, appear in this cates being the first step in this di­ The Beider Tractor P u r e P r e p a r e d P o in t SAVE THIS formal tailored frock for the coming rection. The national unemploy­ (Cut this out and paste it in your fall aud winter in which the vogue Manufactured by W. P. Fuller & Co. note book as a memo.) for embroidery and that for fringes m ent conference will bring about a and P.&0. Disc Plow paints are important to you so it’s im­ “Pure Prepared” and “Phoenix” are My house needs painting. Fuller’s Specification Hauao have been so artfully and beautifully b etter understanding of the present Fuller’s specifications for house paint­ portant to go to the right stores to get Paints arc sold by the following Agents: united. It takes the place of a formal conditions with respect to labor, with will do your plowing right now ing. Get either and you have the best them. Agents’ names and addresses lailoced suit and is perhaps even possible im provem ent in employ­ in your hard, sticky soil. that anyone can make—long- are printed in the memo, coupon to the iuora adaptable to many occasions ment. Taxation revision promises to Bargain in used sewing machine; service paints. right. Cut it out and put it in your ihan its forerunner. The picture tells pocket now. Where To Buy Them. These also a new carload of White sew­ its story ; but note Ijie shape of the afford a m easure of relief to Am er­ » neck and sleeves, the narrow lace ican business. The biggest plan on ing machines Just in, at jobs of painting it is advisable to obtain the services of a Master Painter fbraH vestee and strap belt, the ingenious th e adm inistration program Is, of placing of embroidery—they are all course, the lim itation of arm am ent Ashland, Ore, important. conference, which, if practically auc- Ashland Tidings M Organization Of Valley Ministers Made For Year r First N ation al B ank Why Filter the Water Is Query, Orchard Owner Ashland Lodge No. 944 B.P.O.E. --------- SHOW ... ■" « TONIGHT See See Brick Ice Cream * Nothing but Fun and Pretty Girls 4 Elks’ Show Z Bonds On Climb, Gold Imports Are Increasing-Report 4 a Wrong Ideas o n P a in t E co n o m y Free Advice T A * Fullers M e u s e P a in ts Peil's Corner Dickerson & Son »