PAGE FOÜR THE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Tuesday, October 4, lftÄl B. P. W heeler; deacons, F. D. Swin­ Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Stearns visited sions of each week is the method of gle, Jam es A. Putm an, William friends in G rants Pass Sunday. Local and Personal research used by the club, Each Swink, J. M. Morgan, D. N. Davis, E. member makes reports on the sub­ Hunt, J. V. W right, F. E. French and] H ilt Visitors— jects of study outlined by the club. T U i W eek's Maeonir Calendar John Cochran; trustees, C. G. McAl- Mr. and Mrs. Fay Potter, of the; The members now are studying liestr. J. V. W right and F rank Swin-jMoon Lum ber company, near Hilt, astronom y and the countries of Swe- gle; clerk. Mrs. W. A. Cooper. Calif., were A shland visitors S a tu r­ den and Norway. day. Members of the club are: Mes­ Malta Comamndery, Wednesday- Charles S. Wilson— j-Decorating. M erchants’ noon lunch, 60c, Hotel dames Fred D. W agner, president; evening, October 5, stated conclave. 27-tf R attlesn n k es on E xh ib ition — Adrims, secretary and treasu rer; J. Malta Commandery, Thursday eve­ hardwood finishing and graning. Ashland Grill. P. O. Box Four rattlesnakes, caught by M. W agner, Emil Pell, Fred Engle, ' ning, October 6, official visit from Satisfaction guaranteed 344. Frank Larken, M illard Grubb and Henry Galey, Louis Dodge, E. V. C ar­ .Missionary Ladies Meet— Grand Commander Shellenbarger. Beacher Tlanford Sunday afternoon ter, George Andrews, *H. A. Stearns, ! The Missionary society of the of Portland, and work in the Red* on the ridge back of Grizzly peak, R ailroad W reck— E. A. Woods, Victor Mills, R. L. i Christian church will meet Friday, Cross. ten miles north of Ashland, are a t­ Burdic, Malmgren, H. L. Badger, A Southern Pacific company October 7, at the church an d is plan­ H illah Temple, Shrine stated ses- tracting large crowds to the display Robertson, Sayles and P. K. Ham-i freiglit train was held up for two ning on especially good meeting. aion, Friday evening. October hours at Gregory when two of the j The Medford ladies have been invit window of MftchelMfe clothing store, mond; Misses Blanche Hicks and: where they are on exhibition. The W infred W atson cars buckled and telescoped intoned up for the afternoon. Salvage Room E rected— rattlesn ak e hunters “ bagged” five The Civic Improvement club sal- each other at 4 o’clock this morning,J ---------- of the reptiles, pinning them down NATIVE BORN OF vage room was prected this m o rn in g , according to word received here.i Teacher Begins W o r k - W HITE RACE ON on vacant property ju st east of The cars, which contained merchant-, Miss Ruth York began her school with forked sticks and afterw£