Tuesday. October 4, 1021 A f f li AND DAILY TIDINGS. PAGE TWO stop me, as I had been guilty of a 'ju s t never understood w hat it was. STANDARD GRADE FOR CRATER lot of meanness and it was the first He asked me to move to the back of LAKE DISCUSSED time a policeman ewer bothered me the bus. Established 1S7 6 Actual news developments in the Published Every Evening Except A luncheon meeting of the high­ and, turning the tables on him very On wa went until we arrived at Arbuckle case, from day to day, have 1 much to his surprise, I demanded the new addition to the wonderful way committee of the cham ber of Sunday THE ASHLAND'. PRINTING CO. been and are legitim ate news. But an explanation. He charged me with city." We hadlun ch, then a short lec-J commerce w ith the county court and OFFICIAL CITY AND ?GUNTY the column after column of salaci­ carrying concealed weapons a n d t u r e by a young man who said th a t ■ representatives of the state highway ous, irrelevant details, dished up by fortified his statem ent by saying one was to follow him the latches o f ! engineering departm ent, took place PAPER TELEPHONE 3» sensational newspapers, is not real the bulge in my coat showed th a t he whose shoes he was not worthy to at the Medford hotel last Saturday at news, nor is it proper m atter to be was right. Upon inspection he found loosen. This second man congratu-! which the m atter of finishing a »ubM-ripilon Price Delivered in City printed and circulated In homes. It }ne month .................................. $ *®“ Three months .............................. 1.&5J serves no good purpose to purvey not concealed weapons, but in every ¡lated us upon being his guests for standard grade on the C rater lake Six months .................................. ?•?*} masses of this nauseous m atter, day pocket a life-size package of famous the day ; intim ated th a t, as our host, highway between Trail a n d Prospect advertising literatu re setting forth we should believe all he said and was thoroughly discussed. A rrange One y e a r ..................................... 7.60 after day. The public became the m erits ot the addition now on comply with his requests. He spoke m ents were made whereby full en Mull nud Rural Route«. One month .................................. I • 66 i fam iliar with the salient facts, or al­ Three months .............................. LS5 legations, soon after the scandal was sale and the charitable inclination forty-five m inutes; dwelt on the mil* gineering data on this section wity ..................... £ 3.60 Six months .................................. 5 0 1 disclosed. L ittle or nothing has of the man who was kind enough to lions th a t had been made by people One year part with such a valuable piece of who knew nothing a t all. I told him — — been added to the sum total of actual ADVTER1IS1NG RATES. knowledge of the case by the thou- property at a tim e when it was about in th a t case I ought to go home with REMEMBER IT to go up. I was released w ithout a fortune. One woman who looked Display Advertising of words—-containing much Single insertion, each in c h ............30r sands bail and the officer of the law said me over said she thought It was pos­ YEARLY CONTRACTS objectionable m atter— which have 1-0-3 it was his mistake. However, in sible. In going out to this wonder- Display Advertising . been ground out, of the gossip-sensa- This is the telephone num ber yoi. One time a w eek.................... c j mill and printed in a certain was the first one he ever made, but ful addition we had already passed should get firmly fixed in your m ind Two tim es a w e e k ................... ¿ac my general personal appearance was several good farm s and th e distance IOS ¿'very other d a y .........................20c type of newspapers. had discouraged a few of our party, iis the telephone num ber of against me lx x a l Readers. The m anner in which they have but they rallied a t the speaking, and Dr. Geo J. K inz, (liiro p ra cto r Each line, each t i m e . . . . . ......... 10c t reated t be Arbuckle case in their Now, with all this inform ation at i when the o rato r of the day had fin- In illness, this telephone number m onth? eachr5iin e b each‘‘ u m er ?“ *7c «ews columns has been a searching hand and being a t flberty, I told one | ¡shed his oration, the salesmen were means expert attention AT ONCE. It To tun every issue for on« month ¡and convincing test of the ethical lady, who was particularly anxious ready to take us by the arm and means attention th at brings quick, sure, positive relief w ithout the use 6c standards of newspapers w ith regard ! for me to hurry and get in on the or more, each line, each tim e .. . show us over the addition. It was of drugs. Classified Column. to the quality of news used by them, ground floor, th a t I would join the all system atically done, each sales­ One cent the word each time. . If you are not fam iliar with the To run every issue for one month or It is not necessary, to keep the pub- party, as th at free lunch had a pow­ man having certain individuals as­ great drugless health science of Chi­ more, H e the word each time. . lie informed as to 'n o to rio u s cases erful pull with me. She explained signed to him, and those he worked, ropractic, you can get the facts by simply telephoning Legal R ate: like this, to deluge the news col- how much b etter the lot would be F lrst Time, per 8 point line . . . .10c umns daily with a mass of inconse- than the lunch, although the eata- paying no attention to the others. IOS Each subsequent time, per 8 point When this p articu lar salesm an could Ju st say, ‘Send me the facts.” Dr. l i n e ............................................... ..c quentals and an assortm ent of de- hies were of the best. I took issue not land his client, a fte r all efforts Geo. J. Kinz will gladly mail you in­ moralizing m atter that should not with her here and squared myself Card of Thanks, $1.00. i were made, then he was passed on form ative literatu re, w ithout cost or O bituaries, 2 f t cents the line. obligation. go before the public in prurient de- for an argum ent to the finish. When from one salesm an to another until F raternal Orders and S ocieties. .__ H , , 108 she took a good look a t my leau, not before the Advertising for fraternal orders tail Particularly he was finally put into the hands of TODAY or societies charging a regular initi- young. There should be no suppres­ thin, hungry appearance she dropped | the boss of th e division. s i o n fee and dues, no discount. R e -, sion of actual news, of course, in the subject. W hen one of the prospective huy- llglous and benevolent orders P® connection with the case. But every We got into the bus; were off. Ii charsed the regular rate for all ac-1 . ■ , ers became unruly and condemned vettising when I n admission or other conscientious newspaper is justified sat near the man with th e big mega-j the addition, he was favored by an charge is made. in blue-penciling the pernicious and phone so th a t I would miss nothing.i ----------- —-------;--------- ~ unnecessary details and gossip He told of the wonders of the city i early ride back to the city. A spe­ What Constitutes Advertising! . B * cial car was kept th ere for th a t p ur­ in musical yet earnest and convinc­ In order to allay a m isunderstand- a n K*eS- pose, the idba being not to allow ing among some ao to what consti-¡ ---------------------------------- ing tones. The placid lakes, upon tutes news and what advertising, } whose gentle bosoms the winged him to discourage others by what FOR OUR: we print this very simple rule whica he m ight say. It was alm ost impos- i fowels of the air sat softly, w h ile1 is used by newspapers to differin- «> THE PEOPLE S FORUM. sible not to buy, and th e only thing I atiate between them : “ ALL futu re <#><.-> <$><«> <§, the little birds in the treetopp nearby th at saved me was the fact th a t I ■ events, where an admission charge , sang th eir sweetest melodies. This could not borrow the moeny. Is made or a collection is taken ---------- was the world's greatest achieve­ 18 ADVERTISING.” This applies to Los Angeles is a gerat city. That “ Blessed are the poor.” organizations and societies of every jfact can eaa¡iy proven by any one ment in any m atter since time be­ M. C. REED. ^^A l^repinV sUof s^ch^actM tiea a f t e r ' th " one-half million people living gan where lakes and fowls assem ble, together. The m ountain peaks, they have occurred is news. there. They tell us there are two standing sublime 'm idst the be­ All coming social or organization s¡des to every question, but that meetings of societies where no money statem ent is not constitutional in the wildering beauty of a California sum- contribution is solicited, initiation set, bathing th e ir hoary heads in the charged, or collection taken is NEWS. City of Angels, when it comes to a ; morning dew, carried to th eir high­ question of its greatness among its ' est points by th e gentle breezes from ' We make all quotations on ■ own people. Now, if any one doubts the ocean’s brine th a t bidded wel-i JO E WORK I my word upon this particular point. i come to visitors from every land, from I respectfully invite him to go south, represents the highest achievements TH E I RANKLIN’ PR IC E LIST. stop at the largest city on the coast Same prices— Reasonable Price— 1 and take a ride out to some section in the m ountain line known to man. The scenery th e finest, th’e w ater the to all. ■where realty dealers have a special INCREASES CROP YIELDS purest, the people the best on earth. E ntered a t tha Ashland, Oregon, tra c t on sale. 1 m ust teR you about I told him th a t, personally, I was NOW A PROVEN FACT Poetoffice as Second Claee Mall it. Those of you who have been convinced from th a t on he could ad­ Matter. there during the past five years will dress his rem arks to others. I told Apply Early Before the Fall Rains readily recall the fact th a t in front him th a t it was a wonder how th e A Car on Hand Now at the ♦ of hotels, on the main business th o r­ place stood up under all these ♦ oughfares and especially on all four I slept and dreamed that life <§> crowning glories of the wqrld; in McNAIR BROS. ASHLAND FRUIT was beauty. ♦ sides of th a t square park in the cen- fact, I told him th a t at 1:04 o’clock ❖ I woke and round th at life was 'te r of town, scores of people are bus- ASSOCIATION on the morning of September 27 I <$|ily engaged in handing to the passer- duty. heard fu rn itu re and dishes rattlin g all sorts of cards and literatu re Was thy dream, then, a «had- • ♦ ! by describing l„ d M .ll the m erits e t l » " - r° " eJ m>' bed aBd 1 owy lie? .?■ Toil on, poor heart, unceas- some p articu lar tra c t “ just now be-j uitaiiiiiinimwitwmiMiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiHiimiiHiiiniiiiiHiiiimmiiimi s> ingly; ♦ ing opened up and put on the m ar­ •«• And thou shalt find thy dream ket for the especial benefit of the i buyer.” The owner of the tract has s> to be suddenly been seized with a philan­ • A tru th and noonday-light to thee. 4> thropic idea which must be immedi­ ately put into action So this litera­ — Ellen Sturgess Hooper. ♦ ♦ tu re is handed out free. This is not the only thing th a t is free. You get • • • a ride in a handsome big bus which It’s an old, old story about the will accommodate thirty or forty beauties of Oregon’s scenery and the people. These vehicles are standing geniality of its climate. But sup­ there with large signs in red letters j pose it is an old story. So Is th a t which read as follows: “ Free auto story which the lovelorn lad whis­ ride through the most beautiful p a rt' pered into the ear of his sw eetheart of Los Angeles; also will go th ro u g h 1 last evening. W as it, any the less the motion picture plants, where sweet to the lass because it was th a you can see how the movies arei same old story th a t young women made, and will show you the in ter­ have been hearing for uncounted esting sights throughout the city.” 1 All free, of course. Nor is this the centuries? end of th is liberality. It is distinctly Those alleged Russian crown jew­ stated on the canvas which deco­ els are about as num erous as alleged rates a portion of the side of this large bus th a t a free lunch will be Mayflower descendants. served at a given place a t noon. You Plain, old-fashioned honesty antf are not only in v ited , you are urged candor should be in evidence in the to go. I did not accept a t first, al­ though it was and always has been disarm am ent conference. ---------------....... 1 ■------- —s— my aim to get everything I can for nothing. Up to this tim e I had only ♦ TIDINGS FASHION HINTS ♦ accepted the free literatu re, which I hastily put in my inside pocket. I was w alking around the square try ­ And AMONG BEADED BLOUSES ing to find out which one of the many solicitors was offering the smoothness, most for nothing when a policeman held me up, saying I was a sus­ picious-looking character an d would have to be searched. I told him I did not think it was fair for him to Ashland Tidings W HAT IS “ FIT" NEW S? be in the hands of the.highw ay com- mission prior to its October meeting, It is planned on behalf of this pro- ject. Those present at the meeting were County Judge Gardner, Commission« er Owen, Ben Sheldon, H L. Wall- ther, Vernon Vawter, H. O. Frobach and a representative of the highway engineers. LITTLE AND OFTEN HE provehb says, “ L ittle and often fills the purse.” That ap­ plies to a savings account— you may deposit more than your friend who earns twlct as much, but hasn’t the th rift habit. T An often, mind, ing it account to which you add even if but little, is always in and you are interested in see grow. The First National would like to num ber you among its depositors. F irst N a tio n a l B a n k Ashland ’ Oregon A shland Lodge No. 944 B.P.O.E. ■ SHOW ■ WATCH Annual AGRICULTURAL lc e n l Sale OCTOBER 13-14-15 22# f See See “ The Fashion Show” “The Oldt-time Song Revue’ Saiaphone Q uartet Three-act Farce Comedy 4 5— People— 4 5 Good Orchestra Elaborate Costuming Beautiful Scenery Nothing but Fun and Pretty Girls Seat Scale Downstairs boxes . . . . $1.50 Balcony (4 r o w s ) . . . . 1.50 Rem ainder of Balcony 1.00 W ar Tax 10 per cent extra Doors o p e n ....................7:15 C urtain ........................8: li Elks’ S h o w Ü.----------------------------------- JJUU Jttu» 1 it took YEARS^VEARS fo develop CAMEL QUALITY We worked on Camels for years before we put them on the market. Years of testing—blending—experi­ menting with the world’s choicest tobaccos. W« Have Just Received a Shipment of And now, EVERY DAY, all our skill, m anufactur­ ing experience and lifelong knowledge of fine tobaccos are concentrated on making Camel the best cigarette that can he produced. Trunks and Traveling Bags There’s nothing else like Camel QUALITY. there’s nothing else like Camels wonderful fine tobacco flavor and FREEDOM FROM CIGA- RETTY AFTERTASTE. That’s why Camel popularity is growing faster than SLOW DEATH Here is a bended blouse which will compel many an admiring glance wherever it is worn. For the theater, dinner party or any other place where splendor-loving women undertake to look their best, it is sure to triumph. Those two rivals in beautiful fabrics —crepe de chine and georgettes—havo Joined forces in this blouse. Imagine It in sapphire blue crepe de chine with beads in sapphire blue and steel and failing flounces on the sleeves made of black georgette similarly beaded. Hcbaa, pains, nervousness, diffi. nilty in urinating, often mean •erious disorders. The world’s itandard remedy for kidney, liver, dadder and uric acid troubles— A better cigarette cannot be made. We put the utmost quality into TH IS ONE BRAND. LADIES OVER NIGHT BAGS These goods were bought at present market values which are much less than former prices, and we have marked them so as to give you a REAL BARGAIN We have the Wardrobe Trunk with all its conveni­ ences; the Steamer Trunk for those who want les< room; also medium-priced Trunks of all kinds. If you want anything in this line, do not fail to look- over our goods before buying—we can and will savi you money. J. P. Dodge & Sons COLP MEDAL ring quick relief end often ward oil eedly diseases. Known as the national of Holland for mora than 200 All druggists, in three aiseg the aaaa Cold Modal oa avary h*a ead accapt *o i— r ¿ ‘ Funeral Directors t. X t m O L D S TOBACCO CO.. W > a .tM -& ü « , M. C. »rihBMiuiniiHiiniinuiiuiiiiUHBiuumiimHtiiinniHUiiiiiHiiiiiiiiHiiiiiHHiiHiimiwimii Lady Assistant Reliable H ousefurnishers