f ass?, SHLAND climate without the aid of Medicine, cure* nine cases ont of ten of Asthma. This Is a proven fact. >1 ILARIA Germ, cannot survive 4 ■ three months in the rich oaone at Ashland. The pare domestic water helps. International News Wire Service VOLUME 3 (Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Voi. 43) ASHLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4.1921 NO. 28 LABOR RANKS DEPLETED: CRISIS FACED Grazing Edict For Modoc Reserve is Expected-K. Falls Henry Ford Wins Decision H S B $2,000,000 Legal Tilt KLAMATH FALLS. Or., Oct. 4— ! Decision as to w hether sheepmen will j be adm itted to grazing privileges on the Modoc reserve is expected to re- ---------------- suit from investigation made last week by J. W. Nelson, national chief MR. AND MRS. HOWARD ROHE RE-; of grazing for the forest service. Mr. TURN FROM SALEM AFTER “DO-1 Nelson 8 decision >» expected by the middle of October. 1N<» THE FAIR” ; FORMER Conference between the federal of- * fleer and members of the K lam ath LOCAL MAN HAS PRIZE HOG. Wool Growers’ association will be held here early in October for full! After “ doing the fair” and v is itin g . tu ^®i°n ° t the grazing question, according to J. H. Carnahan s p c t p - friends in Portland f e d other north-j tary of the woo, grower8 ern points in the state, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rose have returned from an MEDFORD, Or., Oct. 4 — Medford extended auto touring trip. desires to have a m embership in th e While attending the state fair a t' consolidated cham ber of commerce Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Rose met Lloyd of southern Oregon and will send H arris, a form er Ashland residteut Benj. C. Sheldon, H. L. W alther, V. and brother of Carl and Ralph Har>1 H. Vawter, O. O. A ien aen er ant, rig, employes of the Southern P a ­ John C. Mann to the meeting at Ash­ land at the tim e when this organiza­ cific company. Mr. H arris was the tion is to be perfected, which will be proud owner of two hogs on exhibl- { I have noticed th a t everybody during this month. lion that were carrying everything is interested in the big things a ---------------- It is now up to K lam ath, Ashland j before them in the way of medals town does, but there are a th o u ­ WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 4.— and G rants Pass to take sim ilar ac- and ribbons. Mr. H arris is now sand and one little ones th a t ¿Le of 7 h 7 The ’,oPulation of the state of Ore- 7 “ ’ “ S S° ° n &S th ree ° f the f° Ur everybody overlooks th a t make a farm ing near Salem. ------ une oi m e . _ l cham bers of southern Oreeon siir-l hogs weighed 825 pounds and, Mr j gon’ announced by the bureau of the nIfy their intentioD to partic * i big difference in the looks of a town. If I was boss of this town Rose says, was ‘chewing up nine- census, is 85.1 per cent native white the call for the Ashland meeting w il? I would take about a d o llar’s teen ribbons that decorated the side ¡and 13 per cent foreign-born white. b«j sent out w orth of sand and cement and ° f vhtiS ,’en•” ! 1910 the Percentage of foreign- The object of the C. C. C. is to co- give it to my street departm ent h«httr 7 a \eS \ hat AShlaDd eX* ib°™ WhitC WaS 16 8 * ¡ordinate the efforts W the commu- to fix up th e bum spots in the hihits were the btg bets that helped: The toreign-born white population nities toward advancing the welfar^ curbings around town. We home Jackson county win first place among which was 103,001 in 1910, de- of southern Oregon as a whole The folks are so used to looking a t the exhibits in a walkaway. The! creased to 102.151 in 1920, a do- tentative program Includes road im- them th a t we do not notice them, apple pear and peach exhibits of Al- crease of .8 per cent. The native provement, tourist development and bert Johnson, orchardlst. 601 Wal- white population in the same period the settlem ent of the irrigated agri­ . but the stran g er takes the meas­ ure of a town by the little things n u t street, won the highest prizes of- (“ creased from 552.0S9 to 666,995 'c u ltu ra l lands feretl at the fair. . j or 20.8 per cent. ' ' ! W ithin the next five years a t the th a t he sees kept up or neglected. It is the sum total of the little Howard has a long tale to tell! Less than tw o-thirds (64.7 per present rate of increase of ’ tourist concerning his travels. He sp e n t:c e n t) of the white people in the state travel, th a t crop will be worth 1 2 ? things th a t makes for the beauty of a place. considerable tune on the C olum bia, a >e native American born of native 000.000 to southern Oregon and river watching the fishermen, noted, Parents, the total native white of therefore every attention to its de HAZ KIK. Mr. Rose said, tor the “ hard ta c k ” ; native parentage being 4 9 7 .7 2 6 ,velopment is considered most in ? appetites and their ability to land while the foreign eleirtent is repre- portant. the “ big uns” of the salmon run sented by 102,151 foreign-born —______________ ___ th a t eventually reaches the consum- whites. 95,827 native whites who I^VITB NETHERLANDS, e r ’s table in canned form. had foreign-born parents, and 33,- PORTUGAL, BELGIUM ' ----------- 442 wbo had one parent foreign DISARM CONFERENCE born, the other being native. ' — —— The to tal population includes also WASHINGTON, D C., Oct. 4.— -’.144 negroes, 4,590 Indians, 3.090 K was decided here today to send Chinese, 4.151 Japanese. 142 Fili- invitations at once to B elgium ,1 i P os, 5 c Hawaiians. ir ■, ' 90 Hindus --------■” aud ----------------------------------- W ith the a Girls’ membership of tw enty-four .R etherlands and Portugal to p a rtie l-! | girls, Glee club was organ- ORE. STATE FAIR H a z IÇik DELEGATES C. OF C. IN ALLEGED PATENT NATIVE BORN OF W E RACE ON E —— Inadequate pressure in the Med­ ford w ater mains is handicapping the efforts of the fire departm ent of th at city in extinguishing a fire that broke out in the Barnum apartm ents at Medford, according to word re- - ceived here this afternoon. It is said th a t the apartm ent house, the finest LUMBERS H IP LOSS EsTIMATEl of its kind in Medford, is doomed to BETWEEN MILLION AND MIL ' complete destruction. Firem en, un­ able to play an adequate stream ofi HON AND A HALE; LOSS SUH w ater on the blazing structure, were TAI NED SINCE FTRHT OF YEAR waging an uneven battle at a late hour this afternoon. WASHINGTAN, D, C., Oct. 4 . - i Hard hit by an industrial depression the American Federation or Labor taces w hat la declared to be tint worst crisis In its history. The labor organization which has gloried in its supremacy over the labor movement of the entire world hhs suffered enormous loss of mem­ bership, it was learned from labor delegates. According to reliable sources of inform ation, the American Federa­ tion of Labor has lost between 1,- 000,000 and 1,500,000 members since the first of thia year. CHICAGO, 111., Oct. 4.— A de­ cision which will mean a saving of approxim ately $2,000,000 to Henry Ford was handed down by Judges Baker, Evans and Page in the United States circuit court of appeals today. The decision reversed the ruling of Judge Anderson a t Indianapolis.' aw arding damages of alm ost $2.000,- 000 to the K. W. Ignition company The southern Oregon term of the for the illegal infringem ent of pat­ ents belonging to the ignition com­ United States court convened in the pany. federal building at 10 o’clock this morning with Federal Judge C. E. Wolverton on the bench. Fifteencases MINE WORKERS CONDEMN are on the docket ‘for trial, includ­ KU KLUX KLAN; FORBID EDUCATORS WILL ing a number front the K lam ath, MINERS FROM JOINING ATTEND SESSIONS OF reservation, which means that the COUNTY INSTITUTE usual number of Indians hhve added; IND1ANAPLIOS, Ind., Oct. 4. fall Any member Mine their uicturesqueness to the ---------- of the United VUUDU miue — ---- , W. M. Smith, assistant state suuer- W orkers of America who joins the 8Canery Medford during the co u rt¡in teu d en t of schools will be one of __ . . . . from term. term. w.. in ..„ Kian, will be expelled Ku Klux the speakers at the Jackson countv T he federal court attaches arrived the union under th e term s of the teachers' institute, according io ad am endm ent to the constitution of the •ve8terd'ay afternoon and this morn- vices yesterday from Salem. He will union- adopted at the convention of hlg froiu Portla,ld Front the pres- visit the institutes at Canyon City ent outlook the term will last two ¡Burns. Lakeview, K lam ath Fails the workers being held here. weeks, in tte d States D istrict Attor-; Medford and G rants Pass and wiP EDWARD E. BRODIE, OREGON 7 Humpheys and Deputy be accompanied bv Karl K ilpatrick’ EDITOR. NOMINATED MIN­ nited States D,strict Attorney of the I diversity of Oregon E D ISTER TO SIAM BY HARDING ; Ihom as Maguire will conduct the. Ressier. of the Oregon A griculture prosecutions .n the cases in which | college, and .1. B. V Butler of the WASHINGTON. D. C., Oct. 4.— lhe government is plaintiff. E. M. j State Normal school President H arding today sent the! Mortou- deputy United States court senate the nomination of Edw ard E. clerk , will act a s clerk a t th e session. , S o u th e rn O regon will have th e Brodie. Oregon City, Or., president of the National Editorial association, pleasure of seeing the new United to be United States m inister to Siam. States m arshal for the Oregon d is -' trict. Major Clarence R. Hotchkiss, SIZE OF FAMILIES IN overseas veteran, who was sworn into last Saturday, succeeding UNITED STATES DECREASING office George F. Alexander, for the first j . . ° X l nS jPate in the international disarm a- ized yesterday afternoon at th e high Anu .....**» along with him cum« comes --- , WASHINGTON. D. C.. Oct. 3.— time. — ............. -•«.« mw KLAMATH FALLS, Or , Oct. 4.__ i e ery county of the state e x - |ment conference to be held in Wash- school under the faculty supervision The size of families in the United " ’d able and courteous frie n d ., Livestock entrms the Klamatl entries tor for the Klam ath ;cept four the percentage of foreign-' ington November 11, all other inter- ot Miss Leona M arsters, musical di- States is steadily decreasing, the bu- ,ohn D Mann, who has been chief county fair, to he held October 5 i are the i born white has decreased, and in 17 ested powers having agree T. J. Mackin, Leland; H. H .! clashed with London police todhy ii IK A G l'E NOT TO males of m ilitary age, 18 to 44. con­ JUObE TU£$t>AVf j c ung. W onder; G. T. McCormick, t a serious encounter in Trafalgai ywR HURM stitu te 43 per cent of th e male popu CHANGE STAND ON - ------------- - pupu- MORN IN 6 ugo, C. R. Moore, Lake Creek; J. j square this afternoon. Several p