PAGE FO UR Mondar, October S, 1 9 S f T R E A S H L A N D D A IL Y T ID IN G S Local and Personal AfíCKZB, THE PRIN TER^ DEVTL Question-Why Didn’t He Ask the Boss? By Charles Sughroe • Wat, “ F o r XU£ UO oê OP M)KB, OOtfT SfAHD AROOUD g This W ssk'i M ntottc Calendar * E aster« S tar, Tuesday evening, October 4. regular meeting. Malta Comamndery, W ednesday evening, October S, stated conclave. Malta Commandery, Thursday eve­ ning, October 6, official visit from Grand Commander Shellenbarger, of Portland, and work in the Red Cross. H lllah Temple. Shrine stated ses­ sion, Friday evening, October 7. Apple Boxes Stole! Petty thieves are reported to have stolen fifty empty apple boxes from Powell’s cider mill, n ear Fourth street between A and B streets, yesterday’. The boxes were taken from the platform a fte r having been emptied of apples taken to the mill. A spirants for every kind of a federal i $2.50 and m aintain the bureau— I ness— something th a t a rrest and Gem Was Natural Thermometer. ‘ whereas, the same addicts today are prosecution have not succeeded in It was a wonderful sapphire, so job— from watchman to ambassadbr i out in th e city, stealing, committing doing. Finally, with such a bureau ' — have had to «‘see D augherty,” and i 11 * ‘5 th a t? ed the ^leb rated Do, tor Sorby to the discovery of the na- burglary and sometimes m urder to it will be possible to help the addict as all have not been taken care of, it ture of tbe nqU|d sometimes found i secure the money th a t the drug run- escape from the bondage of the drug has eld to some hard feelings in I inclosed In the cavities of crystals, j ner demands of them. by co-operating in diminishing the many quarters. The Sem ln Question contained a tube- “ Such a bureau will virtually put I doses and gradually liberating him M erchants’ noon lunch, 60c, Hotel Personal reasons also are said to i shaPed cavlt-v a quarter of an lnch the illegal drug seller out of busi-j or her from the habit.” Ashland Grill. 27-tf figure largely in in the attorney gen gen- i l0Qg and an which el&hteenth of an inch ■ i ■ , , i • i ■ — — — n g u ie largely the attorney dkuneter w*s so ,ar ,n jQ e ra l’s reported desire to retire from j itjJ bore that R 8ervedj by means of Leaves for K ansas City— his post. His own health is none too the liquid partially filling it. for a 1 Mrs. H. E McGee. 208 North Main AT THE MATINEE good, and Mrs D augherty is an in- thermometer. The contained liquid "Doesn’t your wife complain when street, will leave in the m orning for By GEORGE R HOLMES valid, necessitating his spending half-filled the bore at 50 degrees Fah- Kansas City, Mc^ and eastern points tnuch time traveling back and forth renheit, and completely filled it at 80 , you get home late to eupper?" (I. N. S. Staff C orrespondent) “No, It’s about an even break be­ between W ashington and Ohio. degrees. A study of the rate of ex- tween such times and those when 1 th at will include Nebraska, where WASHINGTON, D. C„ Oct. 3.— No confirm ation of the rum ors re- ‘? " ' On '» Mrs McGee wil lvisit friends and rel­ get home and find supper late." The first six months of the H ardiug .. ... elusion that it must be carbonic acid, atives. Mrs. McGee will retu rn to garding either Mellon or D augherty adm inistration having gone by w ith­ is obtainable, but the gossiping PRICE OF DRUGS Ashland. Arabia. out the occurrence of anything s ta rt­ persists around the capital. CAUSE OF CRIME, at. u n u . , l , Arabia is a peninsula in the south- ling, the teatable and cloakroom gos- PORTLAND OFFICER Should D augherty leave the cabi- ,_„x , l . Imogene allace, pianist and teach­ . . . . . . . . . . i . . . west of the Asiatic continent, forming er. Studio days, Friday and Satur­ sips of the national capital are p re -[n e t, the belief prevails th a t P re s I-' the connecting link between Asia and (Continued from Page 1) day. For further Inform ation, call dieting some radical changes in t h e f dent HartSng would name as his suc- Africa, lying between the Persian gfilf , Financial advice is seldom appreci­ Mrs. W. E. Moore, 171 Helman makeup of official W ashington fo r.ce sso r either form er Senator George and the Gulf of Oman on the east and underground channels, m ust pay ated until the wisdom of seeking it Sutherland, of Utah, or Jam es M. the Red sea on the west, the two con­ from $10 to $15 a day for his dbpe. street. Telephone 210-J. 27-6 the next six. has been instilled by the hard school It is the gossip of W ashington t h a t , Beck, of New York, a t present solid tinents being united at the Isthmus of I believe the city can take care of of experience. i Suez. Arabia is divided luto many before the new adm inistration cele- i tor general in the departm ent, Eight-pound Boy— This bank is large enough to help , kingdoms and principalities, each of the confirmed drug addicts for $2 or brates its first anniversary there will ' _ ______________ you. but not too large to welcome An eight-pound baby boy was born i which has its own capital, as follows: TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. be at least two, maybe three and , you. i The kingdom of Hejaz, with Mecca this morning at a Medford hospital j as Its cap ital; the emirate of Nejh FOR SALE— Hand power washing to Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Dews, of this possibly more, cabinet changes. The rum ors have recently become so cir­ and Hasa, with Riyadh as capital; machine, $8. A. C Redifer, 267 city. j the principality of Kowett, with Ku­ cum stantial th at they have found j Eighth street. ’ 27-3* weit as cap ital; the sultanate of th eir way iuto some m etropolitan Hotel Ashland Grill caters to home Oman, with Muscat as cap ital; the FOR SALE— Grapes, 207 Vista, or papers and have resulted in the ex phone 403-J. 27-2 Ashland, O re g o n emirate of Jabel Shammer, with Hail folks as well as commercial and to u r­ pected denials. The reports, how­ as capital; the emirate of Aslr, with WANTED— Boxmaker. Phone 6-F-l ist business. 27-tf ever, persist. Eborah as capital, and the lmamate 13. Apply to D. H. Jackson, .Ash­ The names chiefly concerned in of Yemen, with Sarla as capital. land. 27-2 ! G uardsm en R eturn— these rumored changes are Secretary And\ McCallan and J. Q. Adams, of Jthe Treasury Andrew W. Mellon Union wool grow er sells 60,000 SWEET CID ER- -Made fresh every • TURNING THE TABLES day, 4 0 cents gallon, delivered, i • F irst company, coast artillerym en, and A ttorney General H arry M. pounds wool a t 12% cents for coarse Phone 9 -F -ll. He—Don’t act the fooll ..... - who had been a t Camp Perry. Ohio, Daugherty. - —■i and 14% cents for fine wool. >She—There you go! You want a FOR SALE— Dodge touring car, i n ! with the Oregon rifle team for the According to the stories th a t c'ircu- i monopoly on everything. good condition. Automotive Shop, i national shooting m eet,"returned to late among the teatables of W ashing­ Hood River— Six miles of grading 2 7 tf! Ashland Saturday evening. on Loop highway at edge of Oregon ton, Secretary Mellon has tired of first-classi National forest to be completed thia WANTED — Boarders; LAST TIME TONIGHT public life after his brief first taste home cooking; reasonable prices.: Special breakfast, 60 b . from 6 to of it, and is desirous of getting back TOC Ì MEATE« SEAU1 FUL fall. Perm anent fish hatchery to be 713 E. Main. Phone 391-R. 27-3 Hotel Ashland Grill. MORE RENT constructed on Dead Point creek site 27-tf to the placid serenity of directing a PROFITEER­ donated by Oregon Lum ber company. I LINCOLN KALLON— X-ray score of big corporations and banks ING , diagnosis; Ashland Laboratory, Concert Bureau Man H e r e - with which he is connected. ■— j Dr Jarv is’ Sanitarium ; hours, 1 Bug Landlord Guy G. Emery, representing the* This is Secretary Mellon’s first to 5 p.m. Phone Ashland 126. ASHLAND PEACHES ——1*11 have to Elwin Concert bureau, is in the city taste of public life and political con­ Medford Laboratories, Sacred — m- AND GRAPES SCORE H eart H ospital; hours, 8 a.m. to on a visit with his old friend, M. C. tact a n d it is adm itted by his few raise your rent A T F A IR EX H IB IT S 12m.; evenings 'by appointm ent. et Reed. He and Mr. Reed have been intim ates th a t he has found it little six melon seeds Phone .Medford 714. Residence w orking together on the Chautauqua to his liking a month. Being naturally of a phone, Medford 61. 27-lm o (Continued from Page 1) circuit for the past four years. Mr. shy and retiring disposition, the sec­ FOR RENT— Three nice housekeen-' taken. —Also— Emery is simply charm ed with the retary of the treasury is said to have ing rooms; hot and cold water Mayor Gates, of Medford, is still beauty of Ashland. formed a pronounced dislike to the Come look them over. 128 Fae-j going strong. L ast night he pre- Two R eel Comedy, F u ll of L au g h s tory. 27tr rough give-and-take of W ashington : sented a new carnation called the Charles S. Wilson— Decorating, political life, and it would not su r­ THAT’S DIF- 4 4 9 9 : Ben Olcott to Governor Olcott and FOR SALE— 1920 Chevrolet touring, FERENT. hardwood finishing aifd graning. prise his intim ates should he em­ cheap; one 5-passenger Stude- i his party with an appropriate speech^ Fond Mama: Satisfaction guaranteed. P. O. Box brace the first opportunity to get baker, $125; Harley-Davidson mo­ N o, Johnny, j which could be heard throughout torcycle, $100; Saxon roadster, 244. back into private life. you ca n ’t $250. Rabinson Garage. Phone ■ the fair grounds. Saturday, as rep- Mellon D isheartened p la y w ith <0. 27-1 : reseutative of th e fair board, he gave Coming—-Friday—Saturday Main S treet l*roperty S o l d - those naughty Secretary Mellon has found rough the main speech at the dedication of b o y s n e x t Property west of the W hite Star sledding in W ashington with his tax door. ; the new G. A.R. building at the fair garage in the Shook building, hav­ program , and this is said to have in-' J o h n n ie : grounds, before a large audience ing a ninety-foot frontage on E a s t creased) his dislike for his job. One H o w ’d you I and he was given a most enthusiastic know t h e i r Main street, has been sold to Rev. of his first official acts was the pre­ B A R B ER mother forbid reception. W. R. Morenz-Oeser. of Medford, by sentation to congress of an estim ate I me to play wit Children's Work A Tn J . R. Helms, also of Medford The of how much money it would take to ’em? Specialty deal was made through th e agency of run th e federal governm ent for the the Lamkin realty office. Rev. Mor­ next fiscal year, based on the am ount Safety blades resharpened JUST W AIT enz-Oeser is planning to build a gas­ of expenditures which he saw would like new. Single bit, 30c' oline service station on th e property be necessary in the existing state of Mr*. Gossip is doz. Dobule bit, 60c doz. I in the near future. very quiet. things. She’s In a Congress, with an eye to re-elec­ train of thought. of C. Meeting Postponed— tion next year and realizing the po­ i[x.xn[Uù:ilJiZ’[lÆnJc2 Are trains of ptuSnlsnlanPnl The sem i-m onthly m eeting of the tency of an economy argum ent with that kind dan­ cham ber of commerce, which was th e average voter, slashed his esti­ gerous? I should say scheduled for Tuesday evening, Octo­ m ates unm ercifully. President H ard­ so. Just wait ber 4, will be postponed until T hurs­ ing was called in as a m ediator in * and ass how day, October 6. At this meeting a the resu ltan t dispute and, realizing many people are discussion of the Dead Indian, or the p a rty ’s need, the chief executive run down. I.ake of the Woods, road will occur, supported the congressional s id e ,' and E. P. Moore will tell w hat has with th e result that Mellon’s figures been done on this road. All those were discarded. interested are cordially invited to Many of the secretary’s tax rec­ the meeting at 8 o’clock in th e eve­ om m endations suffered the same fate ning in city hail. a t th e hands of house republicans in charge of fram ing the new revenue Medford V isitor— A wren, a cat and « m b m - v bill. The republicans of the senate I All lived together * * 4 were | E. G. Roberta, of Medford, was in finance committee likewise dlsbe- Late of the Geiser Grand Hotel, Baker, Oregon T ill one day the < the city Sunday visiting friends. garded aud cast aside a num ber of “Oh cat, the wren deadr his recommendations. M. C. Reed Returns— The net result of these experi­ The oat grew l _ __ M C. Reed, Chautauqua director ences is said to have increased the And therefore U ^ d S a t a U .dr1 and lecturer, has returned from a secretary’s dislike for a post w hich: And—-finding bird m t to her 1 b it GOOD MEMORY Ate the canary, teat in haslet p/p- trip to Los Angeles. San Diego and he was reluctant to accept in th e ! Mr. Jones—So you remember met h-ru; I I wonder If your sister will, also? other points in southern California. first place. The HMsal ¡a "Don’t took. hat Bobby— Sure. She said ehe’d never 0« For evil talas o W eeks W ants M ellon’s Post forget a feller what wae at stingy m STL Ashland Teacher M arried - If Mellon does resign, it is gener­ you. Miss Hazel Clark, form er A shland ally believed in W ashington th a t Sec­ school teacher a t the Ju n io r high retary of W ar John W. W eeks will k¡ school, was m arried Septem ber 21 at be shifted over to the treasu ry de­ Dcs Moines, Iowa, to Charles Odell* partm ent. where he has long desired ü j Capper, according to letters received to be. It is understood th a t Weeks Nfi * here by friends. Miss C lark tau g h t accepte dthe w ar portfolio with the b r I * in the Ashland schools th ree years understanding that- he would be ago and while here made man* given the treasury berth at the first 4 From 12 to 2 From 6 to 9 friends among the city’s younger opportunity. set. The case of A ttorney General D augherty is not like th a t of Mel­ Builds Home— lon. The attorney general has been £3 “Grandma” Herndon, mother of the grand m aster personage since W alter Herndon, Is having a nice March 4 last, and th e demands made Phone 44 100 Main St. bungalow built on Beach street. upon him have been tremendous. ‘Seek Ye Good Counsel’ The C i t i z e n s B a n k jç pfw ft ir« , Constance Talmadge Mamma’s Attatr” M O O N S H IN E W. A. SHELL g I Katherine MacDonald “S tran ger Than F ictio n ” 1 Hofe/ Ashland Grill f 1 Under New Management of Mr. B. F. Leach No need now to take your friends out of town for a fine dinner Is Unexcelled Differentials and Transmissions Should be greased every 500 miles Special Noon Lunch 60c. Special Breakfast 60c. We g r e a se ’em ^ A U T O M O T IV E SH O P Clean Rooms, Clean Beds and a Clean House