pagi « m u * AIHLAND DAILY TDHM». Monday, October 8, IM I STATEMENT OF THE OWNER SHIP, MANAGEMENT. CIR­ CULATION, ETC., REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST 24, 1912. Local and Personal Of ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS, PHYSICIANS. ATTORNEYS. published daily, at Ashland, Ore- -----------------------Side Lights > - -§on, for October 1st, 1921. Santo Domingo ia rich in historic , 17«: Have a fiv —C. Orre«. Interest. It is the oldest of all the : : State of Oregon, County of Jack- DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Practice fcklGGS &. HlUGGS—Attorneyi-av limlted to ejvs, ear, nose and! Law* PtoD> cleaned and reblocked in l‘®r^ slaves from Africa to make light- phone 37 2-J-2. 25-6* EXPERT CAR WASHING and polish­ beginning Monday are: Rocky moun­ gon. 21,f I i . l l style. Jack Carllal., at U>. O K. " U”! * «*■„ * **“ tain and plateau regions— Cool and price, style and quality. 3. That the known bondhold­ KING APPLES— Splendid for cook-! ing. Lithia Garage, phone 114. i. . , _ Here was founded the first university 12-lm o generally fair. Pacific states— Nor­ barber shop, Oak street. 24-6 of the New world wben ,n 1538 a ers, mortgagees, and other secur­ lug; a good size; 75 cents a box, j Truck Causes Mixup— ity holders owning or holding 1 mal temperature and generally fair delivered. Phone 9 -F -ll. — . royal charter was granted for the es- FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE. per cent or more of total amount A motor truck in the possession To Make Home H ere— except for rain on north coast. tabiiahment of the University of St. FOR SALE -March pullet and yeaj FOR SALE-—Furnished or unfur­ of bonds, mortgages, or other se­ of “Tobe” Morris, of this city, and old hen. Phone Í99. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Chilton, of Thonuuk 19-tf curities are: None. nished, 5-rooin modern bungalow, 4. That the two paragraphs Today it pays to look around be­ said to be the property of the Bales Portiand. are gue8t8 of Mr. and sleeping porch, large basement: FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING — next above, giving the names of Mr SIMPLE IDEA FOR CALENDAR fore buying. See Paulserud’s suits & Shewin Sawmill company, of M e d -R A Avery, Qf the Nelj|ft large lot; lawn: fruit, berries, Mattresses made over, packing and the owners, stockholders, and se­ flowers; garden: all in A1 shape; and overcoats 21tf lord, was seized here Saturday by and Mrs. Chilton are in love with crating. Douglass, 254 Fourth ------■---- curity holders, if any, contain not local police. The truck was held for Ashland and its b ea u tifu l. environ- priced) right for quick sale. Seq 18tf Arrangement only the list of stockholders and • St. Phone 63-R. Jack Fahs, 55 Pine street. by Which It la Easy to Find the Medford concern. Police state security holders as they appear <'rater latke Season Ends— ment and are planning on perma­ FOUND. 24-1 mo * Data Wanted. upon the books of the company, that Morris tested the truck at Med­ Notwithstanding that the Crates nently locating here. but also, in cases where the stock­ FOUND— Vest sweater, near depot FOR SALE— 160 acres of land seven lake season has officially closed. If ford by * driving it around the block,” holder or security bolder appears , The following simple method of Owner can have same by describ­ miles east of Ashland, H room the fine weather continues in that a trip that eventually ended in Ash­ l.eave for Florirta- (lading the day of the week for any i upon the books of the company ing article, and paying tor this no­ boose, fair barn, 2,000,666 feet land, where Morris started in tffP as trustee or in any other fidu­ region the world wonder will be vis- tice. 25-l-3t of timber, three-fourth« mile irom The G. W. Kennard family, who date la a month, when the first day i ciary relation, the name of the ited by many Ashland residents with- wood^auding business. Tha police- school, several springs, 12 acres i have been visiting in Columbus, of January is known, has been hand- ( person or corporation for whom ed down among ns for two centuries. ' in cultivation. 50 acre» fenced, in the next week or two The fact state that Morris failed to make an ÍNTER URBAN ACTOCAR CO. such trustee is acting, is given: initial payment and meet daily ob ll-' Ohio’ ,eaVing this week for Jack‘ Supposing that the new year be- ; also that the said two paragraphs good terms at 6 per cent, or will that there are no longer any hotel Effective March 20, 1020. trade for Ashland property. See gations of $7 a day on the track. sonville’ Fla., where they will spend gins on Wednesday, we place that dav j contain statements embracing af­ Daily (fixee))« Monday ) accommodations at the lake will not 8-1 mo ______ ; the winter. They ordered their opposite the latter A, with the follow • fiant’s full knowledge and belief LV. MEDFORD LV. ASHLAND* C. B. Lankin' bother these folk in the least, for ing days opposite the next six letters. , as to the circumstances and con­ 7:15 a. m. „. „ ..... Daily Tidings to follow them. 7:15 a. m. Chas. S. Wilson— Painting, paper- ______ they will take along their own eata­ 8:00 a. m. and with Tuesday opposite G. The 8:00 a. m. FOR SALE— Cozy convenient four- ditions under which stockholders 8:45 a. m. 8:45 a. m. room cottage, with roomy base­ bles and bedding and camp out. or hanging, tinting. Satisfaction guar- first days of the 12 months are op­ and security holders who do not Deer Hunters Return— 9:30 a. m. 9:30 a. m. ment and outbuildings. Good siza appear upon the books of the com­ anteed. P. O. Box 244. 8-1 m* posite the initials of this sentence: may spend the night at Prospect or 10:15 a. m. 10:15 a. m. lot with plenty of friut. Nice lo­ Shy Peirsou and Betiiuy Bowers pany as trustees, hold stock and “At Dover dwell George Brown. Esq., the Rogue Elk resort. 11:00 a. m. 11:00 a. m. cation with fine view. Desirable went hunting for deer last week. good Carlos Finch and David Friar.’’ securities in a capacity other than --------- - ! City Hall Meeting— 12:00 Noon for small family who want mod­ that of a bona fide owner; and 12:00 Noon For the ordinary year the initial Benny says Shy led the pack mules 12:45 p. m. 12:45 p.m. erate priced home. Apply to own­ Woolens for men and women so ld ! All those interested in the Dead this affiant has no reason to be­ and he did the hunting. However days of the months, as above, are 1 :30 p m. 1:30 p. m. er on premises, 705 Penn. Ave. lieve that any other person, as­ by the yard— C. Orres. 1 7 » | Indian road improvement to the Saturday, Tuesday. 2:15 p. m. 2:15 p. m. i Corner Harrison. 4-1 mo that may be, they brought home the Wednesday, sociation or corporation has any ---------- Lake o’ Woods and eventually toi Thursday, Sunday, Tuesday, Friday. 3:00 p. m. 3:00 p. m. interest, direct or indirect in the deer meat In the form o f two big, Ashland Miss Celebrates Eleventh l Crater lake should attend the m a ss! 3:45 p. m. Monday, Wednesday, Saturday and 3:45 p. m. rick building and lot— fully occu­ said stock, bonds, or other secur­ 4:80 p. m. 4: 30 p. m. pied at rental insuring good re Birth Anniversary at Fraley Home— ! meeting at the city hall Thursday fine bucks, and the writer, through Monday. ities than as so stated by him. 5:15 p. m. i their kindness, has been eatin g veni­ 5:15 p. m. turns on investment. As the first, eighth, fifteenth, twen­ 5. That the average number of Miss Lena Burton was given a ¡evening. The meeting will be a very; 6 :00 p ra. 6:00 p. m. son copies of each issue of this publi­ ty-second and the twenty-ninth day In birthday party Saturday afternoon important one. I 7:00 p. m. 7:00 p. m. cation sold or distributed, through each month are en the same day of 8:45 p. m. Sat . ooiy at the home of Mrs. C. W. Fraley, 8:45 p. m. 1 26. acres with six room house, large the mails or otherwise, to paid barn About 12 acres orchard. 2 the week, It follows that the 1st of 9:30 p. ra. 9:30 p. m. Mountain avenue. A few school subscribers during the six months H. R. Adams, the Plumber, sells acres alfalfa, good garden yjn<9 December and the 29th fall on F and 10:30 p.m . Sat. •uiy 12:15 Midgl preceding the date shown above frienefe gathered in the afternoon and plumbing fixtures and supplies. farm land. the 81st on A. The first and last day SUNDAY ONLY is 1.718. Phone 166-J, shop at 248 Fifth St of each year, excepting leap year, fall LV. MEDFORD LV. ASHLAND BERT R GREER, 287-tf 9:00 a. m. 9:00 a. m. i on the same day of the week. For Editor. packing houae. About 20 acres in 10:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. leap year a w the seven letters, be­ Sworn to and subscribed be­ Postpone Band P ractice— good orchard. Balance suitable 11:00 a. in. 11:00 a m. DO YOU ginning A with (ht week day that fore me this 1st day of October. for farm products. 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon The hand practice scheduled tor stood originally for B on New Year’s 1921. 1:00 p. m. 1:00 p. m. BELIEVE TH IS? this evening has ben postponed until G. H. BILLINGS, day.—Edward H. Williams Jr., Wes- 2:00 p. m. 2:00 p. m. acres with good fruit, house and Notary Public. terdale, .VL, in New Yotk Herald. Monday evening of next week, ac­ 3:00 p. m. 3:00 p. m. The re ular semi-monthly meet­ chicken shed. Sightly location. (My commission expires June 6, The great drugless liealth science of 4:00 p. m. 4:00 p. in. cording to Director Loveland. Neces­ ing of the Civic club will be held in Chiropractic is th e m ost wonder- 1924). 5:00 p. m. 5:00 p. m. Worth One*« Salt. six room dwelling on u ful scien ce o f physical rejuvena­ sity of band members* appearance at Chautauqua-Pioueer hall Tuesday e a w s E à s a à ? 6:30 p. m 6:30 p. m. Furnished The phrase “not worth hts salt,” dates paved street, one of the finest lo­ the rehearsal of “Purple Flashes,” afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. All mem­ tion in th e world today. 9:30 p. m. 9:30 p. in. to the time when salt was regu- cations in th® city. Better, quicker, more lasting re­ the Elks’ show, this evening was the bers and friends are urged to be 1 Ashland Waitlug— Bust Side Phar- doied out to the soldier aa part sults are secured through Chiroprac­ cause of the postponement. • K «d • l««l .....................W A .k f o u r H r u o y l.i , macy. e r * li»l*s«nouA t f r u n d present. There will be discussion o f his pay, and one's rank was desig­ Inquire at tic than in any other way. 1*11U la 1 U 4 find ¿¿old metallic' JACK SONVlLJxE-MEDb'ORD boxes, scaled with Blue K.ub ns his place at the table in ref- Chiropractic is the better way, the and reports as to what has been done FUNET NATIONAL RANK four . ▼ DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY T a k e b o o th e r . B u y o f jra » m t t l t f . A s k fA r C Ir t-C m g -T E H H Good food, cooked right, served and of plans under way. Several at­ to the position of the salt—mem- modern way. of attaining and retain­ LV. J’S’NVLK LV. MEDFORD . D IA M O N D B U A N D F I L L H , for ing health. yorsknow nfifi Best, Safest .Always Re'. *1 it o( the family and honored guests at reasonable prices. Hetel Ashland tractive offers have been made to the 7:20 a. m. 7:40 a. m. FOR RENT. No matter what your particular Grill. soldbywujggistseveeywnlrf 9:00 a. ui. 8:20 a. m. 2 9 7 » club to help raise money for the new betog placed above the salt, while re- trouble may be, CHIROPRACTIC Is 10:00 a. in. 10:30 a. m. tataem and aervants sat below it. The the answer. community club house. Mrs. SheJ> Arab considers as sacred the guest } 1 :30 a m. FOR RENT — Three comfortable 12:00 Noon light housekeeping rooms, unfur­ Whether you believe this or not, Ohio V isitors— 1 :00 p. m. 1 :30 p. in. will sew for th e culbwomen during who >»*« partaken o f bis s a lt, a cu sto m Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKinnis. nished. Inquire 315 N. Pioneer you can get some mighty interesting 2:00 p. in. 3: 00 p. in. LADIES November and give all her earnings that might well be ad o p te d elsew h ere . avenue. 26-* and convincing literature, telling you of Springfield, Ohio, expect to visit 3:45 p. m. 4 :3,0 p. m. all about Chiropractic, by telephon­ relatives and friends in Ashland this to the fund. During October Mr In Africa a handful of s a lt will p u r­ 5:00 p. m. Rowdy te-wenr Garments tail­ 5:30 p. m. ing Shell will cut the hair of any boy chase a bride, and while we have all 7:00 p .m . FOR RENT — Modern furnished 9:30 p. m. ored daring the dull s e a s o n - week. The McKinnis family is en beard o f those rare mortals who are apartment, close ln^ adults only. 103 * .:0 0 p . m. Sat. only 7:30 pm . under 12 and give the full price to big assortment to choose from Phone 122 Inquire 166 Hargu 0:80 p. a . This is the telephone number of i route to California for the winter. the clubwomen. Urge your sons to om tit their weight in gold, or whose Sat. only 10:30 p. m. —every size and every price— J perhaps longer. Mrs. McKinnis is a price is above rubles, apparently no dine. 25» Dr. Geo. .1, Kinz, Chiropractor WE RUN ON SUNDAYS. I » L ! J . - J - - . . -J ■ u n it J g m MEDFORD-ROSEBURG Call this number today. Dr. Kinz niece of Mrs. Val Inlow, .Mountain get several haircuts this month. Dr. one in 'that section has achieved the wonderful values. See the ex­ .Mattie Shaw has a proposition that distinction of being worth bis weight Dally and Sunday will gladly send you informative avenue. tra fine French Serge dresse® C. B. L A M K I N literature No obligation. LV. MEDFORD LV. ROSEBURG will interest us, especially those who In sa lt What a find Lot’s wife would at 816.75. All wool Polo cloth 11:00 a.m . LOO P. m to an African tribal king! delightful coats at $18.75. MEDPXJRD-GRANTS PASS Anjou, Bose and Cornice cull pears! have .. already X heard her ««« b «««« BARGAINS IN tor solo at A.hland Fruit and p ,„- readl "BS' Tl*e salva'!>‘ '-o0"1 W,U be --L2 UI Daily and Sunday ORRES TAILOR SHOP Hints From Gladstone. under way by Wednesday and w e 1 LV. G*T8 PASS LV. MEDFORD Real Estate dues association. 26-4 10:00 a. m j 8:00 a. in. want your plans ancf donations. If ' Gladstone was once asked to give 1:00 p. m. 11:00 a. in. yon know of any ways for individual sume suggestions for platform aspir­ 4:00 p. m. I Visits in Missouri— 1:00 p. m. ants and It is said that it was atten­ mo:, y making, com« and tell us tion to these rules which In no sitia 11 txty and Ranch Prepeatle* 6:16 p. m. 4:30 p. m. W. L. Headey, Holey Htreet, i s ; Grants Pass Waiting Room— The, aboui them. Mrs. Sugg is planning degree accounted for Gladstone's own Rnuwe to teent. spending vacation days in Missouri.! “ THE ELHART WAY” Bonbonniere. Phone x60. to make doll hats for ‘Christmas. Mrs. power in “swaying audiences” ; 1. where he is visiting friends and rela- j Office and Waiting Room: No. 5 Fp to Date With Quality Wilshire is going to itake orders for Study plainness of language, always S. Front St.. Nash Hotel Building, tives. Merchandise 2. GITUCENB- BANK BCUJBING dahlia bulbs. Stand )>y th© ship, for preferring the simpler word. it is sailing on. R ead “Our Village Shortness of sentences. X Distinctness Remodeling and cleaning — C. Room.” by Edith Barnard Delans of articulation. 4. Test and question Orres. your own argument« beforehand, not in the October Ladies’ Home Journal, waiting for critics or opponent. 5. W e s e ll and decide about th© title for a simi­ Sock a thorough digestion of and Jacksonville Visitor— lar article on our ,<>wn community familiarity with your subject, and rely J. V. Wright was a Jacksonville club house. mainly on these to prompt the proper visitor Friday of last week Mr. Lamb has od > o: his splendid wards. 8. Remember that if you are to sway an audience, you mast, be- and* they need a roof over their Something new in Teo's window. plans which you w'fll hear about on