« PAGE TW O TH E ASOLATO DAILY TIDINGS Monday. October Ä, IW ti ÉH Tidings ‘ banka. m unty W hen they prosper, the co m -1 shares in th eir thriving. from Alfred L. P ark h u rst, of P o r t­ land. which they operated this past Established 1876 season under an agreem ent w ith him Published Every Evening Except The United States treasury has and the national park service. This Sunday T H E A S H L A X D ^ P Ä K tT IN G CO. “th a t empty, all-gone feeling” in the transaction with Mr. P ark h u rst will „_______ ;______ i- if—«iw, spot where it used to have a fat and probably tak e place next March, an d OFFICIAL city and B ounty com fortable surplus. th e eompany has extensive improve­ PA PER TELEPHONE 39 m ents in view for next season. The company has this season spent T H E LA W -A B ID IN G C IT IZ E N •nbscription Price Delivered iu City the $20,000 agreed upon w itn the Jne month .................................. I .60 Three months .............................. 1.95 national park service, he said, and Any good citizen would take im -! Six months .................................. 3.75 will continue to m ake improvements One y e a r ....................................... 7.50 m ediate offense if it were to be The C rater Lake season for 1921 each year. Abdi and Rural Route». charged th a t he was not law a b ld -!ls now but a memory> for it official- Next season 35 more ten t houses One month .................................. I .65 The definition of the term , jy dQged Friday night. The lod^ft Three months .............................. 1.95 ing. will be erected, providing accomoda­ Hix m onths .................................. 3.50 law abiding, would mean that the closed up shop Thursday forenoon, tion for 70 more people, while an One y«a r ......... .. ^ 5 0 1 citizen followed the laws of th e land,; and aU officials and employees of additional wing for the lodge i9 con­ regardless or his personal thought the C rater Lake National P ark corn- tem plated, said Mr. Price. A builder AD VERTISING RATES: Display Advertising regarding the righteousness of tb v p a n y , and last guests departed for Single insertion, each in c h ............30c m andate. Laws represent the com-j Medford*, leaving th a t beautiful and^ he said, is now a t the lodge prepar­ ing sketches for th e proposed im­ YEARLY CONTRACTS posite wish ot the m ajority, and thet m ysterious region in th e tender Display Advertising provements. All plans, even to col­ basic principle of the American gov- hands of Alex Sparrow, superinten- One tim e a w eek.....................27 ors, m ust first be approved by the Two times a w eek.................... 25c ernm ent is the right of the m ajority dent of C rater N ational park, and his i national" nark serriJX Every other d a y ......................... 20c to rule When the m aioritv decreed i # » , . ... .. national park service. Local Readers. ™ , ,® m ajority decreeu torce of employes who will continue , The company wi„ have a caretaker Each line, each tim s .....................10c ,q ? „ sh N be outlawed ln improvement work a t the park u n tilja t the lodge from now on until the th e United States, every citizen, if he deep snow drives them out. T h e ! season. opens on J u iy x next To run «very other day for on« In moDth, each line, each tim e . . . 7c w ere a law-abiding citizen, would C rater Lake postoffice is closed a n d ¡ afMltlon tO the rangers on duty in To run every issue for uc< month put his chagrin and his appetite be- th e daily carrying service between or more, each line, each tim e. . . . 5c the park, Superintendent Sparrow ; hind hin: and follow the law until it Medford and the lake ceased Thurs- will visit Classified Column. C rater N ational park inight be repealed. Yet we find in | day One cent the word each time. monthly. To run every issue for one month or every community otherw ise reputa- D . 1Jt. A t more. H e ; ble people who are ready to K„ to R' W PnCe' PreS‘* n t ° ' company and acting general m a n ­ COURT NEWS F irst Time, per 8 point line . . . .10c any lim it to find a way to defeat the ager- M anager Kamps, of the lodge, Each subsequent time, per 8 point law A rbuckle’s bent of mind land­ Circuit Court l i n e ...............................................Cc ed him ju st where it should, but and Mr. K iefhaber, who has been act­ ing as m anager of th e company’s Card of ThankB, $1.00. Erw in D. K itts et vir. Whlte-Shel- hundreds applaud his ability to cir-j O bituaries, 2 y2 cents the line. Medford office, left early Friday eve­ by-H unt Mining Co. Foreclosure cnmvent the will of the m ajority and F rate rn a l Orders and Societies. ning b yauto for P ortland, where the G ertrude A. Bennett vs. C. L. Ben- Advertising for fratern al orders fill himself and his kind with quarts ■ sr societies charging a regular initi- of booze. The country is filled w ith ’ C rater Lake Uational P ark company ‘nett. Summons. will establish its headquarters a t once ation fee and dues, no discount. Re-,, . M argaret Hubbard vs. H. T. H ub­ ligious and benevolent orders will be out,aw s of thls kind, in an office a tth e M ultnomah hotel, bard. Divorce. charged the regular ra te for all ad Here in Jackson county recent de-l F ran k Randlow vs. J. C. Cass et vertising when an admission or other velopments have brought to light a finish up this season s business and make plans for next season’s busi­ al Motion. charge is made.____________________ num ber of cases where citizens have ness. AU the books and records ofj M argaret H ubbard vs. H. T. H ub­ W hat Constitutes Advertising! 1 been living upon the proceeds of the the company have been taken to P o rt­ bard. Affidavit, order. In order to allay a m isunderstand- I*illicit making and selling of liquor. land. - ¡ o r u y . which „ the law The past season, the first with (he Probate Court we print this very simple rule w h ic n i1“ *8 ^ree America, has a right to de- . , „ « Raleen Deane Swinson (m inor) is used by newspapers to dlfferin- mand th a t the violators of the law *' ia te r Lake National l a r k company atiate between them : ALL future be punished in a m anner th a t will charge, has been a wonderfully estate. Affidavit. events where an admission charge pyt thgm whefe they be • successful one, and breaks the ree­ l’s ADVERTISING0” CTWs applies to ¡«hed most severely, for the bootleg-; ord both in ^ te n d a n c e and financial Kca] Estate Transfers John T. Wiseman e t ux. to organizations and societies of ev ery , ger puts price enough upon his receipts. The attendance and t'inan- Leroy Buckingham et ux., kind as well as to individuals. , wares th a t he can pay an occasional 1 c*a ^ fisures are not yet obtainable. All reports of such activities a fte r' fine and know th a t it has come out ‘ bnt Mr- Price . W. D. to lot 2, block 18, before »^Parting for they have occurred is news. Medford ................ ............. . . $ 10 All coming social or organization of the pockets of the pdtrons of the P ° rtlund said th a t as soon as the F arm B ureau Co-operative Ex­ dishonest traffic. A light fine will books had been audlted a t th e Port- meetings of societies where no money contribution is solicited, initiation hot put the traffic down. change to R. S. Page, deed land office a public statem en t would charged, or collection taken is NEWS. to lot 3, block 33, Medford 2000 The only protest to law and order) be given o u t So successful had does not come from the m akers, the been the season, he said, th a t th ere Jackson County to C. P. Shep­ We make aii quotations on herd, quit claim deed to JOG WORK peddler and the patron of “ moon- *s 110 doub^ th a t th e C rater Nation- east 10 feet of lot 14, Hun- shine” liquor. But so long as the al Park c °mPa ny wi“ exercise its from sak er's addition to Ashland 13 T ill. J RAN KLIN PRICE LIST. protest is simply a vocal protest, t h e ° P ^ OQ and take over th e concessions Same prices— Reasonable Price— man is, of course, within his rights, to all. and when th e m ajority is convinced, then his way can become the law. Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, vétame« a« Seeond Claes Mall There have been violations of other laws, notably the state fish and gam e' Ashland CLOSED AT C M MIDNIGHT GRATITUDE *1 understand that you have cured yeuraelf of Insomnia.” “Yea, completely.** “ H moot be a great relief.” “Relief! I should say so. Why, I lie awake half the night thinking how I used to suffer from It.” SO IT GOES Wrinkles aren't considered nice In your togs, But they bring a goodly price In some dogs. NO SCARCITY All the world*« a stage. Y ea, and th e re *« no sca rcity of mon­ ologue artists. *’ HER IDEA I like an en­ gagement with seme snap about M l MIGHT MEAN E IT H E R . W h et business k a r e you in? / The film b u si­ ness. D o you m an u ­ factu re l a d l e s garm en ts or m ov­ ing pictures? Rehearsal of Elks Play Shows Merit Of ‘Purple Fiashas’ Prof. A. Jaskewski, a world fa­ mous scientist and authority on plant life, left Friday for the University ot California, a fte r a visit with Prof. A dress rehearsal which showed F. C Reimer, of the O. A. C. experi* plainly what real m erit lies back of inent station, who showed him over the leading orchards of the valley “ Purple Flashes,” the E lks’ show the Vining theater tomorrow and and furnished him with data on pear Wedtaesday, was held yesterday, and blight work and control. He also C. J. McNaughtan, professional show visited C rater lake and pronounced producer, announces everything set it, as do all travelers, one of the wonders of the world. Before the for the big show. revolution. Professor Jaskewski was With $5,000 w orth of scenery and 'connected with the imperial biolog­ costumes, a magnificent array of properties in keeping with the hand­ ical departm ent of the czar. The de­ some setting, a bevy of pretty girls partm ent of agriculture is routing who know how to sing and dance ■ his trip through America, and this and wear their clothes, a clean, country extended an invitation for clever comedy funny enough to make him to visit here and study agricul­ the hardest critic call it a real pro­ tural problems. duction. “ Purple Flashes” will be the biggest surprise and the best NEW DIRECTORS FOR (M>LD RI1M1E MINE local-talent offering ever staged in this city. At the directors' meeting of the People who have attended reehars- Goid Ridge Mining company Friday als are enthusiastic over the bril­ liant pertorm ance. It is on the plane 'night Lou Compton and Frank L. of the better class road shows, the Clark, of the board of directors, re­ local people in the cast only lending signed and W alter B. Robinson, of fu rth er enjoym ent by their personal the Blue Ldege mine, and Sam Rich­ ardson were installed in their places. touch. The vein now shows ten feet wide The song revues offer a veritable rainbow of color in the array of across the face at the 500-foot level gowns and lighting effects, and of­ and the showings of ore very high fer many popular song hits and grade. Work is being pushed to cut clever dancing Also, in the farce the vein at the 700-foot level and comedy, with its cast of nine princi­ iaises connecting all the other lev­ pals, each one is proving himself a els are near completion. During the bright particular star, whose talents construction of these raises some ex­ tremely high-grade specimens of ore will be a revelation. The seat sale is on at the Vining have been encountered. theater. There are still many good La Pine reported sm allest town in seats left for both nights. But patrons should call in and m ake their the United States in which a news­ reservations at once. It will be many paper is published; population forty, moons before such a tre a t is offeitd newspaper circulation 627. Eugene— Two miles of Siuslaw theater-going public again. road east from Mapleton gravel sur- Klamath Falls— Seventy-five thou- faced. Brownsville— American Legion to sand-dollar theater to be built on 1 build gymnasium and club room. Seventh and Main streets. COMPLETE KITCHEN OUTFITS you can obtain at this store— everything the model cook or housekeeper could desire in pots, pans and preserving ket­ tles. A little journey through our establishm ent will give you many suggestions as to things you should have. TW O -FACED. We An attorney may berate the law, i Dorothy Christian and V«ra Cham-1 ; Love reigns a very ty ran t in my stating he is not in sympathy with it, pie. <♦> breast. 'and otherw ise condemn the adm in­ Attended on his throne by all istration of the game laws of the Wednesday Evening Bridge his guard €> state as though th a t m ight excuse his i Entertained; O. W . Long Of furious wishes, fears, and <$> client had he been guilty as charged. ' Mrs. O. W. Long entertained the nice suspicions. <§> Such an attorney is apparently seek- j W ednesday Evening Bridge club F ri­ <$> — Otway. ❖ 1 ing a verdict rath er than trying t o 1 day evening a t her home on Bast & 4« «> 4» ♦ ♦ see th a t th e scales of justice balance. Main street. The event was in the Laws are made to be obeyed by form of a farew ell in honor of Mrs. By MAY BENEDICT Housewives are not using the the people until they are repealed by J. M. Maguire, who is leaving to broom as much as they were. In ci­ the sam e power th a t made them — The Social circle m et a t the Chris­ m ake her home in San Francisco. dentally, it may be noted th a t there th e will of th e m ajority. We may con­ tian church parlors on W ednesday There were four tables of bridge are fewer bald-headed husbands demn a law as unwise, for some of afternoon with a largo delegation of played, Mrs. J. Poor m aking the than there were. them are, but while it is the law of ladies present. The rooms were highest score, while th e consolation th e land we are not law-abiding citi- Mr. H arding has been in the presi­ zens if we do not shape our lives in tas,e|rully decorated with flowers, fell to Mrs, Guy Jacobs. An expen­ ’ autum n leaves a n d house ferns. Mu sive gift was bestowed upon Mrs. dency long enough to know th a t the keeping with it sic, visiting and bountiful refresh- Maguire as a token of the high es­ position is no snap. But he knew i m eats were features of the afternoon teem in which she was held by the th a t even before he was elected. ESPEE APPOINTS program . Mi9s Ella W hite received members of th e club. And Mrs S U P E R IN TE N D E N T FOR a prize of a fancy dish for being the Jacobs rendered a couple of solos in Somebody is going to w rite about COAST DIVISION best talk er in a fifteen-m inute con­ her usual pleasing m anner. Dainty the Elks some tim e w ithout calling te st, and Mrs. K atherine Morrison refreshm ents were served. them “ the antlered herd.” And then PORTLAND, Or., Sept. 30.— T h e , received a small picture of Madonna the Best People On E a rth vrill rise Those present of the club mem­ up and call him blessed. This phrase appointm ent of Thomas Ahern as su- fashion for being the most quiet lady bers besides the hostess were. Mes­ perintendent of the coast division of in the crowd. has become sadly hackneyed. dames J. C. Poor, Q. H. Hedberg, th e Southern Pacific company, with Those present were: Mesdames A. Dyrud, Guy Jacobs, C. A. Shutts, T rust the banks and deposit your headquarters a t San Francisco, to the Delhia Hale, Mary Hale, Tom Bry- F ran k Merrill, Roy Hale, J. R. L illy, money with them. This is the wisest ■position of superintendent of the Sac­ ’ant, Lloyd Bryant, Hazel Webber, J W alter Bevington and McRae. And course for you and th e best for the ram ento division, with headquarter» V. W right, Alta W einberger. Mabei guests of the club for th e evening a t th a t place, was announced Joday Jacobs, H attie Smith, O. W. Long, were: Mesdames F ran k Dean. Elsie by J. H. Dyer, general m anager of the Kate Christian, Ella W hite, John Churchman, W alter F ru lan and Elsie ♦ TIDINGS FASHION MINTS ♦ Southern Pacific company. Cochran, Minnie Henson, Luke Bon­ Alexander. The appointm ent comes as a result nin. Nell D unn, B ertha McKinny^ of th e vacancy caused by th e death of C. E. Horn, Gene H arris, H a y e / Teacup Club to NOW THE TUXEDO J. D. Brennan, superintendent of the Lilly. Reames, Dyrude, J. N. Den­ The Teacup club of the Methodist Sacram ento division. F. M. W orth- nis, Frank Crowson, M. M. Decker, church w ill meet tomorrow afternoon ington, for many years superinten-J J. Champie, W ilmot Cham berlain, at 2 o'clock a t the home of Mrs. A. d en t of the San Joaquin division, with ' H. S. Newton, Ruby Harvey, Olive Marske. 145 Sherman street. Mrs. headquarters a t Bakersfield, is a p -|B u rd is, K. Morrison, M. E. Rowley, Marske, as hostess, will be assisted pointed superintendent of the coast j Anan P arr, Gentry, C. H Spaulding, by Mesdames George N, Kram er, division, vice Thomas Ahem , tra n s -; Lizzie Driver, J. A. Putm an, Froboes. Charles C hattin, H arry H arrison and ferred O ther appointm ents caused ' and Misses R uth York, May Benedict, Miss Jessie Matthews. by this change are as follows: E. L King, superintendent of the Salt Lake division, with headquarters at Ogden, appointed superintendent of the P o rt­ land division, with headquarters a t L IT T L E AND O FTEN P o rtlan d ; W. L. Hack, assistant su­ HE provehb says, “ L ittle and p erin ten d en t of the Sacram ento di­ often fills the purse.” T hat ap­ vision, appointed superintendent of plies to a savings account— you may deposit more than your friend who the Salt Lake division; C. F. Donna- earns twict as much, bn t hasn’t the tin, assistant superintendent of the th rift habit. Los Angeles division, appointed su­ An account to which you add perintendent of the San Joaquin d i­ often, even if bu t little, is always In vision: W. M. Stillm an, assistant su­ mind, and you are interested in see­ perintendent of the Stockton d i­ ing it grow. vision, appointed assistant superin­ The F irst National would tendent of the Sacram ento division; like to num ber you among L. R. Smith, supervisor of tran sp o r­ its depositors. tation, with headquarters a t San Francisco, appointed assistant super­ When the sweater-coot began to grow luxurious and aristocratic it as­ intendent of the Stockton division; sumed a new name—it Is now the Tux­ A. J. Hancock, office m anager, gen­ edo. It L made in wool, fiber silk or eral m anager’s office, San Francisco, aflk. with much attention given to its appointed supervisor of tra n sp o rta ­ design and finish. Here it is shown in tion, headquarters at San Francisco; silk, with self-stripe; bordered by a C. M. Murphy, trainm aster, Los An­ •trip in contrasting stitch, finished by narrow fringe and belted with plaited geles division, appointed assistant superintendent Los Angeles division. girdle. all h a te double d eal­ ing so. At it we frown and hlsr, W e lik e one two- faced action, though. And th et one is— the klse Social Circle Has Large Attendance, Christian Church T F irst N a tio n a l B a n k Ashland VISITS CRATER I.A K E »-»♦ - ♦♦ a- TH E N W HA T One good turn deserves anoth­ er. B u t suppose yeu don’t know wtiloh way to turn» laws. NOTED RUSSIAN SCIENTIST SIM PSO N ’S HARDW ARE AL T ER ED . W l f e y : You used to say 1 was worth my w eight la gold. Hubby: Yes — but s i n c e y o u •a t ned the last 50 pounds, t h i n g s h ave changed. Ashland Lodge No. 944 B.P.O.E. ------ SHOW = = = = = ACCOUNTED FOR. D oes your w ife m ake her own bread? Oh, it isn’t that that gives me th a t haggard look. I ’ve Juet had the rrlp, you know. l in in g See “The Fashion Show’’ “The Old-time Song Revue” Saxaphone Q uartet Three-act Farce Comedy OVERFLO W GATH ERINGS. Is sh e pretty? P retty! Why, th a t girl is so pretty th et p len ­ ty o f fellow s are • U d to call on h er fa th er and m other. “ Purple Flashes ¿7 TUES, and w e See 4 5— People— 4 5 Good Orchestra Elaborate Costuming Beautiful Scenen Nothing but Fun a n d Pretty Girls Southern Pacific company pays' this year $16,700,000 for taxes, i wages and supplies. Seat Scale Downstairs boxes . . . . $1.50 Balcony (4 r o w s ) ... . 1.50 Rem ainder of Balcony 1.09 W ar Tax 10 per cent extra Doors open ........ . . . . .7:15 Curtain ............. ......... 8:15 Elks’ Show The Fordsoi Tractor Did It Ashland, Oregon, September 27. 1921. The Ford Motor & Tractor Company, Ashland, Oregon. Gentlemen: At this tim e I wish to thank you for your kindness in sending a man with a Ford Tractor and Disc to the Ashland High School to put our athletic field in shape. For a num ber of years we have had four mules and disc working an entire day getting our field in shape for the athletic activities. This year, in three hours, with a Ford Tractor, more work and better work was dtone than the en tire day— and occasionally two days— with the four-m ule team H ereafter we will depend upon the Fordson and not the mule. It is cheaper, it is quicker, and it is many times more satisfactory. Respectfully. GEO. A. BRISCOE. Superintendent Ashland City Schools. HARRISON BROTHERS FORD and FORDSON DEALERS ASHLAND, OREGON.