R etnrne Frr>m R anch Visit— the Fascist! a t bay and facilitating esum aieg ana m arnera contributes I<*W vllftl tiCippCiO iivvUSv" Utt » “ UvvTy •S{J0lv6U v** vewa Ui kJLAO j UJ'OVCl VOVVUOiB| r en| \jlOg Mrs. J. Edw ard Thornton has re -jN itti’s re tu rn to »power. cbarts showing the latest production been raised by the game commission i first year, silver pheasants, g o ld e n , gulls. Joons and all other kinds of turned) from a few days’ outihg w ith , N itti, of course, enjoys great favor figure? of various Oregon crops. The from $1 a year to $2. ¡ pheasants, Reeves pheasants, part- ’ any kind, except those on which h e r ’sister.’ Mrs. Carl Mttrpfcy, on with a large body of pardoned de­ pureau of farm m anagem ent has a According, to a list of don’ts pre- ridge, F ranklin grouse or fool hen, there is an open seasoii. blâment— the Murphy ranch east of town. s e r te r s , for it was he ’Who granted large wheat production model asi pared by Capt. A. E Burgdkiif. state) swan, woodduck, wilk turkey, lOost _ TS entortaiued general am nesty to ■<-. them, giving I well as model equipment for ------------------ poultry ' I i B gaaie ¡t l ¡9 hum snowy plover, dtoves, pig- ' - - ------ « 1 U C n warden, a i u o u , 11 a U unlawful U I A W I U I I to O U U U ( i sandpiper, • » - ■ » » - > '» H»~ * . Portlacfi, an d P inehurst Visitor T -■'11 <2 (T them equal rights with the . soldiers Forest pathology is repre- W jtM n the corporate lim lim its its of any I eons, dowitchers, godwits. knots, W ------- - raising. ------- ---- U’jtnin tne corporate of any Ade gar ut dinnér W. De Carlow, of Pinehurst. j who had won the w ar on’ ttfe bloody sented by specimens mounted under j 61tv or town nublic nark o r c e m e - ■"L-’ . U L . Brada? evening. was in the city yesterday purchasing fields of Caporefto and the Piave. glass of th e more common tree leaf - tery^ or an any campus or grounds ranch supplies. The ex-jirenner. who now owns an diseases* and panels showing the ■¿■¿e- - — » » r r , » - of any public school, college or unl-> "land reblocked 'in ; --------------- -r--------- : im portant morning newspaper, 11 fungous diseases attacking stru ctu ral versity or within the bouudarlfee o f ’ will do your plowing right now- ¡lisle, at the O K . | B A R B E R C hristian Church Paese, is about to launch an am- tim bers in the northw est. • any w atershed reservation as aet in your hard, sticky soil. reet. 24-6 Corner Second and G streets. Mrs. bitious evening paper, II Montjo. j ».a The forest service’s exhibit g i v e s aside by the United States to C hildren’s W ork A Bargain in used sewing machine; ¿ O ' Josephine Champie; pastor: Bible How a simple university professor especial prominence to the p rotec-! wat®i' to cities and towns, or within also a new carload of W hite sew­ Specialty * AS school a t 10 o’clock. Morning wor-j could afford this would be a mystery Uon and use of the fourteen national i a a y j 8tate Or national game or bird ing machines jnst in»f at and wife motored Bhip *nt l i ; sermon topic, ’ F a ith .” were it not for thè generally accept-, . forests of Oregon. '• 1 1 Safety blades resharpened _____ rday for a week- Thia is the first of a series of ser- ed fact th a t he amassed ¡»m e h u n » ; like new. Single bit. 30e Peil's Corner ilatlves A fter ra­ mo ns which will occupy the morning drèd millions of lire during the war. SPORTSVti^w a R if doz. Dobule bit, 60c doz. il leave for Duns- h 'hour o u r all through October. The Taken as a whole, thé situation i& READY FOR DUCK fbianently. series will explain in detail the»plan, Italr bas greatly improved, and th erei > ‘ ' HUNTING TODAY of salvation. You ought to plan now *s every indication of a gradual and. - (Continued from Page 1 1 h at old suit a going to hear all these'serm ons. You need Perm anent settling down to w ork,] surprised. Paulae- ‘them. Christian Endeavor at 6:20; Peace and prosperity. October 15. The season iasts until 21tf ’leader,' Kate Buchanan; leader fo r' »November' 1. The bag lim it is ten 'Senior;», Mr. W ilm ot.1* Come to E n - 'V S. EXHIBIT AT of the birds during seven consecu­ isiiiuir— , doavop ;it will do you good. Eve- ALL STATE FAIRS tive days. There has been consider­ Davis, a tra v e lo g engineer niug worship, SO-'^ahnuWB topic, ATTRACTS CROWDS able grum bling about th e shorten­ from Dunsmuir, was an Ashland vis “ A Survey of the Gospel, According ing of th e season among local sports­ iior yesterday and lundhed ah« a t the to Cuke ” There will be "Christian | (Ó outinaea fr o m P a g e O n e ) men. ¡iijte/eiub. baptism at the close of the sermon ’ ■ ■ jfeùf ■ * • ’ v - * “Get the h a b i f - c o t h e to church | observations, such as ther- Mr. Dailey alos calls attention t o : I have all been sprung, and we beg to aunoun<-e that w e s Don’t forget to bring your lunch and bar° m*tör8’ rain ’ SIM >W ^Remodeling and ape still handling four standard lines of Automobiles, viz: ‘Órrés enjoy the fellowship with us after gUges' The bureau ° f c ro p , morning service. Then will follow H yatt P rairie Visitor-— T? T Chalmers ..............$1765 the congregational m eeting and elec­ Hudson ............ $2280 E C. B ahtlett was in Ashland tio n o f church officers (or the com-1 New Maxwell ........$1035 yesterday on business, from his sheep Irigyeari-» Essex ................ .,.$1620 \ our Laundry, in co-operation ranch on H yatt praijHe. with more than six thousand others, ------- ». invites your co-operation in the na- ! 1 hese Cars are all leaders in their class. Remember, CARD OF THANKS tional observance of For pleating, see. Orres. 17tf tal I « . . The Heider Tractor W. A. SHELL and P.&0. Disc Plow . THE 1 9 2 1 SENSATIONS Afi Invitation TO OUR PATRONS Visits Wife and Baby— Ralph Kearney, of P d j'tja W ’-is visiting his wife and baby a t the home of Mrs Kearney's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shelton, on third Street. We desite joe thank the friends of Ashland who so kindly administered lo onr comfort during the illness and | death of our daughter and sister * Especially do we thank the sanit&ri-j uni for its kind consideration. MR. and MRS. W. L. HART, WILBUR HART. Smoke American Eagle cigars. Made hi Ashland. 245 F ourth 8t. 3.000 HOBOKEN 16-lm o* L O N G S >1 O R E M E N Leaves for Klam ath Falls— ARE ON STRIKE »Mrs. J. R. Lilly left this morning NEW YORK, Oct. 1.— This moil­ for K lam ath Falls to visit h e r hus­ band, who is working for the South­ ing s . strike of longshoremen, which ern Pacific company and is stationed started on the Hoboken w aterfront there for a short time. She will be this morning, has'extended, d e s p f l * the house guest or Mrs. Louis Brad*- the efforts of the International Lon?^ ford. shorem en’s association. Tt is esti­ mated that nearly 12.000 men are Cliff Payne makes cedar chests. out this afternoon. Officials of the 22tt association said the strike was un­ authorized. The recalcitrants struck A i Yakim a, W ash.— in protect against th eir wage and the Mrs. A. G. Adams is in Yakima. horu terms of the ne wagreement Wash., this week on a business and made by the association with the steamship companies. pleasure trip. BERLIN, Oct. 1.— Forty thousand 1 cooks and waiters struck here today, i A meeting of the trustees of the G rants Pass cham ber of commerce Foreign visitors are leaving owing to* was called for this afternoon. at difficulty in getting meals. which it is hoped some definite a r­ Multnomah county rangem ent can be reached regard­ bills past ing the employment of a perm anent month $43.358 higher than same managing secretary for the associa­ month 1920. tion. A new system of the paying of Aiea. preferably on the quarterly t n i L STRIFE IN plan, also was to be considered.—• ITALIAN DISTRICTS G rants Pass Courier. IS SMOLDERING Tyre K ik> Did yon ever have a tire th at run and ran, and run, until you knew it ought to blow out, but didn’t, and every time you thought about it you felt kinda unnecessary— ’n ’ every thing? »Veil if Iliad one like th a t I ’d take it down to Leedom’s Tire Hospital and have him put a reliner in before it blows out. Yessir, any time 1 Leedom repairs a tire for you, you’ve got to get the service in miles or he isn’t satisfied. G rants P ass to H ire Secretary— Something new in Teo's window. (Continued from Page l) 2S M I mier, Nitti, and th at they have un­ limited funds at th eir disposal They Ketnrn From Portland-— are practically N ltti’s Red Guard, or- Mr. and »Mrs. Hal McNair have re­ ganlaed for the purpose of keeping turned from a week’s business trip to Portland. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. Have a fit— C. Orree. 17« Football Team E n tertained— Members of the high school foot­ ball team who left for Klam ath Falls yesterday m orning were enter­ tained by Mrs. L. J. H err Thursday evening with a dinner party. Mrs Herr was assisted in serving by Misses Isolen Campbell, M argaret Campbell and Thelma H err. The gridiron w arriors present were: Lee- lie Heer, Captain, Elton Ramsey, A l­ bert G uthrie, Charles Rush. Robert Herrin. Dale Young, Francis W inter. The boys were accompanied by Coach Hughes and Professor G. A. Briscoe. The meeting of the Parent-T each­ e rs’ association a t th e H aw thorne school Tuesday afternoon has beetr changed to W ednesday afternoon a t •I o ’clock. Mrs. Louis Dodge, presi­ dent of the association, states th®t the change was made because of a conflicting m eetiag of the Civic im ­ provement club. R eturns bVom P ortland— Claude Saunders has returned irom a two weeks’ vacation a t P o rt­ land and other points north. “ Doc” Saundters and Fred H errin aye spend­ ing a few days a t B ear creek endeav­ oring to entice th e “big uns” of th e finny tribe “ Service With a Smile’’ at Oct. 24-28, 1921 A, W. Walker Auto Co. Visit Your Laundry Week has been dedicated the country over to better acquaintance between the laundry and its patron« We feel th at you will be glad to , ' know what is going on in the in sti­ tution to which you en tru st so mucl^ of your washday work. We believe you will be interested in kuowing how your w ashing and ironing are done; w hat processes are used; the care whioh is exer­ cised in serving you. For our part, it will be a pleasure 1 to meet you personally, to m ake-you feei th a t o ur laundry is in fact YOUR laundry, and to assure you th a t yon will always be welcome here. Vioit Your Laundry October 24-29 ——- -rt- .'LU. J !. rut r Constance Talmadge in "Mamma’s Affair” THIS IS ONE OP HER BEST LAST TIME TONIGHT TELEPHONE 1-0-3 TODAY This telephone numlier should be framed and hung in the front parlor of your memory. Why? Because it means HEALTH to you— and health is your most valuable asset. 108 is the telephone num ber of » t Wallace Reid —in— ’’T h e H ell D ig g e r s ” W j - J * ■ ■ -■ A sh la n d P o st of th e AMERICAN LEGION PRESENT v", . v • * IOS TODAY A series of five exceptional entertainments, one each month, under the direction of the Midland Lyceum Bu­ reau. Season T i c k e t s ................... $2.20 School Children ...................... $1.10 Family Tickets. Good for family of five ........... $&.00 F irst C on cert T o n ig h t La Salle Male Quartet ARMORY Waffles they were! They are better because they are more evenly cooked, more easily cooked, more tastily cooked; and they are now b a k ed , not fried. All these things are true If and when waffles are table-cooked on the new Westméhoase Waffle Iron, which is, o f coarse, another electric household convenience. You do not grease the Westinghouse Waffle Iron. I t cooks quickly enough to care for a large table, and it gives you crisp o r fluffy waffles, as you please. See it a t any o f th e dealers’ listed below, and ask about th e m any new ways of serving and using Westinghouse Waffles. ■' 7.' " ft ‘ Dr. Geo. J. K iuz, Chiropractor Call this num ber TODAY. Ask Dr. Geo. J. Kinz about Chiropractic. Learn what Chiropractic DOES and WHY it can assure you health and happiness w ithout the use of drugs. Dr. Kinz will mail you all the facts or you can arrange for a personal in­ terview. No obligation in either case. . As you value your health, tele- phone , rWtiTsgiMoosc t o . CLCCTWC Phone 165 P OR SALE— Tomatoes for canning, 1 *4 cents per pound. W. D. Booth, 264 W eightm an. 26-1 FOR .SALE— Remington repeating shotgun. $18; shells, $1 R. I. Red breeding cockerels. 475 Beach street. 26-6* Medford, Oregon Ashland Laundry Co. BE SURE AND GO FOR RENT — Three comfortable light housekeeping rooms, unfur­ nished. Inquire 315 N. Pioneer avenue. 26-u 123-127 W. Main Street Receiving Hours from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. FOR SALE— Alfalfa hay, $7 per ton. F. Beswick, R.F.D. Box 176. 26-2* FOR SALE— One Wade drag saw, good as new, complete with two good blades and other equipm ent; one Myers irrigation pump, used two months, rapacity 2,000 gal­ lons per hour; one light Indian Twin motorcycle, run 1,000 miles, Anjou, Bose and Comice cull pears in perfect condition; will take any for sale a t Ashland F ru it and Pro­ kind of wood as part payment on any or all of the above articles; duce association. 26-4 sacrifice is taken soon. Adiims & Adams, 240 Third street Phone May Huy A uto-— 46°-_________ 26-1 Mart Baker raadfe the trip to G ryats Pass yesterday with Mr. Orres Mart says the trip Is won­ derful. He is about in th e notion of acquiring an autom obile for him self P arent-T eachers M eet VISIT T O LAUNDRY WEEK TONIGHT Jordan Electric Co. Ashland, Oregon Fobes Supply Co. Wholesale Distributors Portland, Oregon