PAGE TWO THE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Saturday, October 1, 1 0 2 | colt umn after column of revolting men build cities. How many of this pound block of iron, the well would miles j paving is in progress from fctill be spouting. both ends, seven miles being already « • icious details of scandals and kind have we here? Established 1876 crimes are unrepresentative of clean Every one interested in doing “ But Mr. Pellett decided to ‘shoot’ I completed; about seven miles south Published Every Evening Except journalism . No newspaper is justi- things which should be done and will the well and ehereby lost one-third of Galesville, a detour via GQegi- Sunday THE ASHLAND M&U(Z1NG CO. fled in such a course, and the pub-f really be worth while, ate invited to of th e flow through an open crev -, dale to Stage Road pass is used from assa or cave. But another well W as7!30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; at Stage E. P. MOORE. OFFICIAL CITY AND UOVNTY llsher with a conscience will not in- i attend driven near the first, and both aref Road pass a short detour is used. dulge in this morbid, dem oralizing1 PAPER TELEPHONE 3!» pandering to the vulgar curiosity of ! flowing a t th e present time. Wolf Creek-Grave Creek — Five “ S. S. Stephens has a well at his j miles- paved. tuhacription Price Delivered in City those who revel In exploiting of vice and Imm oral filth. G arden place on the Pacific highways Grave Creek-Pleasant Valley— hie month , • • • » . . ♦ • • • • • • • • $ •6o iree m onths .............................. 1.85 which would flow* as strong as t h e ; E ight miles; good macadam. ..m o n th s .................................. 3.75 Pelasant Valley-Grants Pass— Ten CREATE EMPLOY'MENT Pellett wells if Mr. Stephens had One' 7.50¡ miles; paving operations have s ta rt­ drilled only a short distance deeper. aid Rural Routes. O n*. ed about two miles north of G rants $ .«5 As it is, the w ater flows out, thus The world w ar’s afterm ath of de­ T hree' 1.85 fh 8 Pass. Short detours are provided ’proving th a t the vein is artesian. six monti 3.50 pression can be overcome, says P res­ SALEM, Or., Oct. 1.— Selection of One year • **.-1 "Now comes the Lockwood well, around most of th is work; where de­ 6.50 ident Harding, by pursuing the tours are not available, traffic is a l­ “open, sure and onward way,” which a sta te director who will supervise with th e w ater rising to w ithin five AdDVERTTUteO RATES lowed to pass through, but for short involves “ liquidation, reorganiza- A m ericanization work through the feet of the top. The well is only delays. Display AOKerthtluK Single insertion, eacreJn e h ............30c I tion, readjustm ent, re-establishm ent, boards of directors of all schools in down to a depth of 225 feet. This G rants Pass— Through Medford, YEARLY CONTRACTS ¡ taking account of things done, and th e state will be the basic plan on well is ju st outside the city lim its of Ashland to California Line— Sixty- One r(fme ¿’ "week".. .'X * . .1 7 % c sober contem plation of things to be which operation of the state Ameri­ Phoenix, on th e south. The dug rive miles, paved done.” The unemployment confer­ canization work will be carried on, "Well on the Fish Orchard tract, tim es a w eek................'. 85c Medford-Crater Lake Highway- Every other d a y ................ 20c ence, to which these words were ad- according to announcem ent today by which the city of Phoenix bought Two routes are being used, one Local Readers. th e A m ericanization com m ittee fol­ 'from Mr. Fish, is of an unusually Each line, each t i m e . . . ..............10c ‘dressed, is devoting itself to the lowing a m eeting yesterday. via Central Point. Bybee bridge, stron gflow, and the well was not mighty problem of am eliorating in­ To run every other day for on* Trail and McLeod anti Prospect; the The director will be chosen after drilled. It is only a shallow well, month, each line, each tim e . . . 7c d u strial conditions in a spirit that 'details of the proposed scheme have having been dug by hand. Had this other via Eagle Point. Reese Creek To tu n every issue to r ocj month augurs success. or more, each line, each t im e .. . . 5c •well been drilled, no dbuht it would school house, Derby to McLeod and There is one way in which much been worked out. Classified Column. It was indicated th a t the legisla­ have been stronger than the Pellett Prospect. Traffic is advised to use could* be done to provide work for One cent the word each time. th e one via Central Point and Trail. To run every issue for one month or the involuntary idle, namely, mu­ tu re would not be asked to make an ■wells. ’ It is not thought th a t artesian The lodK/ Was c,osed on Friday‘ Sep' more, tec the word each time. nicipalities, counties and states could appropriation for the Americaniza- Legal Rate: tion campaign, but th a t a sum in ex w ater can be found on the east side tHmber 30- F irst Time, per 8 point line . . . . 10c hasten the startin g of projected pub­ K. E. HODGMAN, cess of $10,000 would be raised by I of th e valley in the opposite direc- lic works. Street and highway work, Each subsequent time, per 8 point Division Engineer. } tion from Talent, as the bedrock line ...................... ............. Cc th a t m anifestly should be done, but popular subscription. Card of Thanks, 31.00. The com m ittee was named by pitches a t an altogether different d i-, which may have been held in abey­ Obituaries, 2te cents the line. Governor Olcott a few months ago, rectlon and signs of coal and oil are< ance w aiting for lower cost of ma­ Fraternal Orders and Societies. and will hold meetings frequently present Advertising for fratern al orders terials or for other reasons, well until the work is well under way. •r societies charging a reg u lar inltl-1 might be started at once, And so atlon fee and dues, no discount. Re- ... . . . . . . . . . . , Uglous and benevolent orders will he with pub,ic buUdiI1KS and other pub- charged the regular ra te for all ad-! he works. Money expended on pro- vertlslng when an admission or o th e r: jects of this nature is not wasted, charge is ma d e . ___________________hut is put to use which will benefit W hat C onstitutes Advertising! the community, and at the same We’re goin gto have an eelphant In order to allay a m isunderstand- tim e render a double benefit by giv­ trade. ing among some ae to w hat constl-! ,ng ftmployinent to great num bers tutes news and what advertising, , x - W hite or gray, or any shade; wc print this very simple rule whlcn oi men out ot w ork- ir. ’ You bring yours on Friday night, ts used by newspapers to d lfferin -: ---- --------------------- -—— The condition of the Pacific high* Wrapped ln Pa Per and tlad “ P t i g h t - Artesian wells can be secured in atlate between them : “ ALL future APPLES events, where an admission charge ran *be invitations on white the Rogue River valley and several way between Roseburg and the Cali-' is made or a collection is taken already are doing heavy duty in this elephants, received by the Presbyte­ fornia line, as of this date, is as fol­ IS ADVERTISING.” This applies to One little apple, banging on a tree! rian young people this week. Twen­ * organisations and societies of every Eve said to Adam, “ Have a bite with section, according to Mary O. Carey, lows; m e?” of Talent, Ore. Two of these wells kind as well as to individuals. Roseburg-Myrtle Creek-—Tweaty ty-five of them gathered a t the All reports of such activities after are near Talent on the M. L. Pellett miles, pared. church last evening for the business "S u re,” said the serpent, with a bale­ orchard tract, she says. they have occurred is news. Myrtle Creek-Canyonville — Ten meeting and social. ful glance, All coming social or organization The following story has been pre­ miles; south of Myrtle Creek, take New officers were elected as fol­ meetings of societies where no money Don’t be a *fraid-cat,’ b etter tak e a pared by Mary Carey on the artesian detour via Riddle to Canyonville; lows: President, Frederick Koehl­ chance.” *” contribution is solicited, initiation charged, or collection taken is NEW8. j well proposition; ftlow and rough. er; vice president, M argaret John­ Adam ate the apple, fresh off the “ Taken from my own knowledge Canyonville— Galesville — Eleven son; secretary, Edith Robinson; We make ail quotations on limb— / which, perhaps from a geological miles; good macadam. treasurer. H erbert Doran. JOB WORK Fond and foolish Adam! That fin­ standpoint may not prove beyondj Galesville-Wolf Creek— Fourteen ished him. The society is an honor church on from argum ent, but from th e point of ob­ the franklin price list . More little apples, hanging on a servation it has been proven th a t a r ­ Same prices— Reasonable Price- bough. to all. Little W illie ate some; so did the tesian w ater can and has been se­ cured in this valley, especially in the cow. Entered a t the Ashland, Oregon, Talent section. How fa r down on Poatofflce as Second Class Mall Both soon discovered something the west side of the valley from T al­ Matter, wasn’t rig h t; ent I cannot say, but I believe there The vet and the doctor labored all is one artesian well in Jacksonville. th a t night. “ I wonder how many persons Vet hurried homeward at the peep know th a t there are two large flow­ PRESENTS ; Let us love tem perately; things <8> of dawn; ing artesian wells on w hat is known violent last not- * W illie had a narrow squeak, but the as the M. L. I’ellett orchard tract, cow passed on. And too much dotage ra th e r <$> just west of Talent? *> argues folly More little apples, dear old Uncle Si When Mark P ellett began the <* Than tru e affection. Biled in the biler when the state drilling of the first well many p er­ — Massinged w ent dry. sons said he was ‘crazy’ to put down ♦ ♦ any such well. However, he bor­ Fed some to th e deacon; nice olil « '«><#> <$> <»> W 4» <» ♦ ♦ man, but frail; rowed the money to put down this Now the deacon’s doing tw enty days well, which is some 800 feet in in jail. Some of those G A. R. veterans depth. At this depth a flow wgs^ A Three-Act Local Production of Fun and Fashions are as spry today as some men who Baldwin, Russet, Bellflower, Orav- struck which, at th e tim e of b reak ­ have ju st turned 40. Those men of enstein or Pip ing, spouted fourteen feet in th e a ir the Blue are not a whit older than Apples, oh, my brother, have an from an eight-inch hole. awful zip! they feel, and* many of them feel “ Had Mr P ellett been satisfied around in the th irties or forties. when he secured this flow, which had sufficient foj-ce th a t the w ater THE PEOPLE’S FORUM. ss 'ss T hat there should be young and would knock him off an eighty- < î» 3 > < $ > < $ > < £ < 3 > virile leadership in the United States senate goes w ithout saying. 50 PEOPLE GOOD ORCHESTRA But the w ithering seniority rule in What Should Ashland Do? LADIES THREE-ACT COMEDY AND MUSICAL REVUES that body blights prospects of speed Many things have been suggested; Ready-to-wear Garment« tail­ In legislating. but it is very different after telling BEAUTIFUL COSTUMER SPECIAL SCENERY us what to do, then showing us a ! ored daring the dull season-— big assortment to choose from The sensational newspapers which way to finance it — every size and every price— cater to the depraved tastes of an T he w riter believes in and re- j Admission, $1.00 and $1.50 (W ar Tax 10 percent Extra) element of the people by printing quests intelligent criticism — “ thu3 wonderful values. See the ex­ we grow.” Show us a b etter way. It tra fine French Serge dresses Doors Open 7:15;. Curtain, 8:15 will be welcome; but criticism with­ at >10.75. All wool Polo cloth ♦ TIDINGS FASHION HINTS * out showing a b etter way or one that coats at >18.75. is thought to be b etter is only knock­ ORRBS TAILOR SHOP ing, and knocking gets us nowhere. IN RED AND BLACK Having said a few words at the luncheon of the Commercial club at the Austin hotel last Tuesday, the secretary kindly suggested th a t we devote the evening next Tuesdtay at the city hall to a m ore extended dis­ cussion of “the good roads” prob­ lem the w riter desires to suggest. ’ Therefore, all interested in the schemes to build up Ashland, the things th a t are really worth while, together with an outline of ways to finance them are invited. He has a list of all the owners of lots situated a t the Lake of the Woods, and he takes this method of requesting each and every’ one, as well as all others who m ight be in­ terested, to w rite him a personal le t­ ter, telling w hat the conditions are there, what he thinks of the road, how he would like to have it Im­ proved, w hat the benefits would be 'if a good road were to be built there, and an idea of how many people M o to r C a rs B u s in e s s C a rs would acquire lots within the next five years, provided a really good road were built. 'the vogue for black has made such The object is to co-operate and mji Impression on the world of fashion enable the w riter and others to get thut designers of children’s clothes bm e taken advantage of It in the pro- assistance from the governm ent to ductlon of new things for fall. It ap­ build such a road. Please do this pears in this pretty dress with its so th a t he may have them prior tq waist ef black taffeta silk and band next Tuesday. Don’t leave it for embroidered dots of red. The skirt th e neighbor, bnt do it yourself and la red and black Scotch plaid with a see th a t he does it. wide belt that folds over a narrow Children build “ playhouses.” Some black sash of eire ribbon. Ashland Tidings Americanization Work In Schools Slate Campaign Young People Have "Elephant Trade” At Pres. Social Arlesian Wells Practical Writes Talent Woman! ♦ points 1 6 and 7 of the new goals. Eight new members presented their names at the meeting The elephant trade was quite hilarious and the opening of the packages revealed some wonderful things, all the way from cheap per­ fume to hair nets and old shoes. Other games followed and then the elephants were ferd on animal crackers and salted peanuts. A good sing and the Mizpeh” sent all home in happy mood. In v estig ate Our Ideal Arcola. Hot W ater H eating System for Sm all or Large H ouses Our N ew Line o f H eating Stoves A re Now’ In P ro v o st B ros. Tidings “ w ants” get results Cause for Admiration Indeed you will have when you put on our furs. T hey.are so elegant and set off your gown to such high degree. Better inspect our furs before pur­ chasing. Large assortm ent of all the latest furs. D eer head m o u n tin g a sp ecialty F. W. Bartlett 115 W. Main Street MEDFORl» S E R V IC E TO YOU < ATELY we have been trying to •"“*l|e:)ap u{ azoiu m . ou }{ sjjjoj jaj about the SERVICE the F irst Na­ tional Bank renders to all classes of people. We haven’t more than scratched the surface, but perhaps we have given you the notion th a t your pros­ perity and happiness would be in­ creased by a connection with this bank. If so, wel’ll be glad to h..v«* you come in any time. N a tio n a l B a n k Ashland, Oregon “Oldest National Bank in Jackson County’ Ashland Lodge No. 944 B.P.O.E. * u M a m ,,, & Tuesday and Wednesday See Reserved Seats Selling at Theatre The first cost practically the last Dodge Brothers Dodge Brothers G eo. L . T r e ic h le r M otor C o. M kD FO R D . OREGON Phone . . . 304 A: 100.2] T . 1 n i' I f i s p i We Have Ju st Received a Shipment of Trunks and Traveling Bags LADIES OVER NIGHT BAGS These goods were bought at present market values which are much less than former prices, and we have marked them so as to give you a REAL BARGAIN We have the Wardrobe Trunk with all its conveni­ ences; the Steamer Trunk for those who want Ies< room; also medium-priced Trunks of all kinds. If you want anything in this line, do not fail to look over our goods before buying—we can and will sav< vou monev. J. P. Dodge & Sons Funeral Directors Ladv Assistant Reliable H ousefurnishers —■