PAGE FOUR TBE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Friday, September 30, 1021 miles’ strip of roadway on the old turned a verdict that the tragic af­ Fred E. Engle, the city ministers and which It has been asked to settle, the JACKSON COUNTY Green Mountain road, which soon fair was purely accidental, caused their wives; Program committee— secretary said. The majority o'f CARRIES OFF FIRST will be in course of construction. by Mr. Huson being caught by the Mesdames W. M. Poley, chairman, A. these strikes, he said, had been HONORS AT FAIR Both county courts of Klamath and cable and wound about the drum of A ssociation W an w Growers— C. Galey, and J. H. Fuller; Decora- caused by reductions in wages. Jackson counties have been conduct- (the electric hoist. The members of tion committee— Mesdames S. A., - ________________ A pples show ing spray (a rsen a te of (Continued from Page 1) Ing correspondence bearing on th is: the jury were C M. Kidd, Leon B Peters,Jr., Harvey and H B. Carter, ' teat)) will require to be wiped to re­ highway for some time and Jackson ) Haskins, C. A. Meeker, G. I. Hutch- Refreshment committee— Mesdames l / l / l / P f l f PFT1 move same before being accepted for 85.05; Hood P.lver, third, 84, county has reported that its roadway finson, John A. Westerlund and G Albert Williams, A. F. Abbott and * eastern or foreign shipment. Such has Southern Oregon district—Jack- —— u u u v i C U U O l l U t l l U U u p u u a been under construction upon a ' R. Lindley.— Medford Mail-Tribune. Goldwyn is picking the cast now C. B. Lamkin. son, first. 96.4; Douglas, second, are the orders received at the Fruit 'gixty-foot basis to the edge of Klam- for Albert Payson Terhune’s story, 89.7 association from a government in-»ath —Klamath Falls Herald, “Grand Larceny,” which Wallace Cliff Payne makes cedar chests. Won ley will spector stationed at Medford This ’ _____ _ Blue Mountain district— Union, direct. They got a let­ applies to all sections of the west. „ . „ 22tt ter from Ponxi the other lay asking first, 81.8. for a part. Claims, he knows all Mr. Briggs of the association said [ Remodeling and cleaning — C. Central Oregon district— Lake, Orres. about it. at first thought it looked like a big Albert Taxi. Phone 183. 307-lm first, 86; Malheur, second, 66.5. PITTSBURGH, Pa., Sept. 30.—A job, but growers who are trying it “A ''ertaip Rich Man,” Benj. B. Columbia river district — Morrow, /sudeten and violent storm, accom- For pleating, see Orres. 17tf ; Hampt'>n‘s masterpiece, will soon be out say it can be quickly and easily first, 79.8; Wasco, second, 66.5. Christian Endeavorers Eleet Officers released by Hodkinson. I understand panied by a sixty-mile gale, swept done with an old -pair of cotton o , „ Smoke American Eagle cigars. A reorganization and election of that t- e officials of the Dannemora I over the Pittsburgh district today gloves, and at a very small expense j n ’ ■ " 1 Eai? wil1 soon release A officers for the Christian rbnmh H Made in Ashland. 245 Fourth St j leaving a wide trail of wreckage and Cr rt. ■» Rich Man, too. Hi3 sentence per box. WASHINGTON, D C., Sept. 30.— ruin. Heavy damage resulted in 16-lmo» Christian Endeavor society was held h~ : < pi red! Fifty "human documents” of unem­ neighboring counties, where dwell­ at a meeting of the young people The George L. Treichier Motor, Visits brother Here— b a r b e r A Vitagraph serial will be ployment reached the capital this ings and farm houses were shifted Sunday evening. The following of- company has on display at Medford Charles Putnam, of Sau Jose, ficers were elected for the intermedi- call -c -‘Breaking Through.” '¡ ‘lat . morning by motor truck from New 1 by the high winds. < ’‘Sm ilin’ Through” and Children’s Work A a few days one of the Hew Dodge Calif., is in Ashland viisting his ¡ate classi Edward Short, president; gi “1 t . J . r.g Through.” I’d liki ! » ee j i York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, Many buildings were unroofed in Brothers’ sedans. Specialty 25-1 brother, F. L. Putnam, The two'^ Kate Buchanan, vice president; Ruby a ib” '- of near-stars I could name in Their sponsor, Urbain Ledoux “shep- Washington county and a church was a production entitled “Al! Through.” herd of the shorn lambs of labor,” brothers have not met before for. Dollar, treasurer; Frank Bloomfield, lifted off its foundation at Sturgeon. Safety blades resharpened Far Sale — Grapes, Agaums, 7 nineteen years. secretary; Miss Dorothea Abraham, Hodkinson will release “Cameron announced that the men will picket I a. Many telephone lines were like new. Single bit. 30c cents; other varieties also. 121 superintendent; Mrs. Lova Buchan­ of the iioyal Mounted,” the picturiza- the national unemployment confer- i broken down by the storm doz. Dobule bit, 60c doz. Big dance at Talent Friday night an, pianist, and Miss Abbie Short, tion of Ralph Connor’s great novel.z ence and that later they will “sit at Laurel street. 24-2 under new management. Spot dances. 'chorister. Afficers of the senior so- Gaston Glass, Irving Cummings and ¡the threshold of the White House.” ) Vivien? Osborne are “among those 24-2* biety are: L. Harvey, president; present'' in the cast. Old hats cleaned and reblocked in WASHINGTON. D C„ Sept. 30 — fall style. Jack Carlisle, at the O.K. ■ Despite the widespj-ead unemploy- 'Ralpli Dormandy. rice president; K. K. Lincoln will play a leading ! raeht, the department of labor is now) Let us give that old suit a going barber shop. Oak street. 24-6 over. You’ll be surprised. Paulse- "Elsie Crowson, secretary and treas­ art in “The Storm,” a shortly-to-be .confronted with more labor troubles) egun A. J. Bimberg Production. rud’s. 21tf urer; Mrs. Jessie Judkins, pianist, Only trouble is it may be old stuff than at any time since the armistice. Preserve Timber Strips— and Mrs. Ruby Harvey, chairman of when released, ’cause Lloyd George Secretary of Labor Davis announced the society committee. The county court this forenoon Coroner’s Inquest— is playing a leading part in The t today. held a consultation with Jack Kim­ Storm right at the moment! A coroner’s inquest was held The department has 609 strikes ball, representative of the Wever- yesterday afternoon into the death Have a fit—C. Orres. 17tf Bebe Daniels will make “The Speed hauser timber interests, relative to of Melvin W. Huson, who sustained Girl” for Realart. Sounds like “The TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. the preservation of certain strips of fatal injuries at the county gravel Speed Girl" might be fast. .And if Today it pays to look around be­ she is, how are they ever going to FOR RENT — Modern furnished timber along the proposed Jenny-’ pit, one mile northeast of Medford, fore buying. See Paulserud’s suits get her by the censors ? apartment, close in; adults only. Cayden creek, fourteen and one-half last Tuesday morning. The jury re- and overcoats. At all seasons of the year Pacific Long Distance 21tf Phone 122 inquire 166 Harga- Irene Castle, star of “French dine. telephone service helps to keep up the volume of 25tf Heels,” soon to be released by Hod- i Oregon trade. The invitation to “ Buy Oregon Pro­ kinson, has quite recovered from her • WANTED—Three or four more ap-J recent indisposition and is looking ducts becomes a reality when communication be pie pickers on Monday. Phone about for a suitable story for her I FRIDAY— SATURDAY Davenhill, ll-F-5. 26-2» next picture. F I LM TMC 1MC4TER StAUTWJU tween distant parts of the state is made easy. Busi FOR SALE — ness transactions between buyer and seller can lx> A good range. 614 Raoul W alsh—by the w ay did yon Boulevard. know he is the brother o f the ath- 25-2 arranged quickly, economically and satisfactorily ■ HE ANTS AND THE GXASSUOPPEN'* .G eorge?—has begun work on over our long distance lines. “Kindred o f the Dust" from the novel h OR RENT—Large first-floor front by Peter B. Kyne. room; gas for cooking; also light housekeeping room with sleeping THE STAR SUPREME W illiam D e M ille will direct Mil­ porch attached. Near Lithia foun Use all your business aids. Extend your territory dred Harris in “M iss Lola B ett” for tain, on Granite street. Phone Local and Personal Jobless Men to Picket Conference And White House Wrecks Property In Penn. District W. A. SHELL E a^Ll e s Wallace Reid —in- Fam ous Players-Lasky. That’s the play which scored such a triumph on the speaking sta g e with Carroi McComas in the leading role. It ought to be a good B etti Or should I say a Lulu? —« R. W. "The Hell Diggers" The Victor Takes the Spoils! A story of a land where the van­ quished goes down and the game of life played without rules. TWO REELS GIGGLES SUNDAY-MONDAY Constance Talmadge —in— ’’M a m m a ’s A ffair** .O'* AH summer the grasshopper sang And never got busy at ail - utJ e e r « l at the ant and his gang Who laid up provisions for Fall. UlA the 1m*ther grew cold And fodder was frightfully scant il^ 1»r*»shoppe*' got. we are told . * be merry Hal Ha! from the ant! ,M°ral is brief and complete, Ualess you will work, you can’t eatf” J r. YOU CAN’T AFFORD TO SHOP ELSEWHERE Sensational Sale of Silks Saturday Y°n * i a? CC t0 buy Silks at bar£ain Pric«s. Come SATURDAY. will tell the story: The following items DRESS SATIN, $1.89 YARD CREPE DE CHINE, $1.89 YARD 36 inches wide, in black only; fine quality dress satin. Sold regularly at $2 95 a yard. 40 inches wide, in several good colors, both light and dark; good quality. Sold regUi larlv at $2.25 yard. DRESS SATIN, $2.48 SILK POPLIN, 98c YARD 3C inches wide, in all the new and wanted colors for fal1 and winter wear, such as navy, brown, grey, Pekin blue, rose, tan and black. $1.25 value. 36 inches wide, fine quality yarn dyed Z !’® -----j— , vvuxvu 1U J, U kin h‘Z S aVy5 U“ l't,yi comes blue, navy blue, grey, brown and black. Sold regularly at $2.75. CHARMEUSE, $2.98 YARD 40 inches wide, in black only; extra fine heavy quality. Sold regularly at $3.48 yard’ MESSALINE, $1.95 YARD 36 inches wide; good, heavv quality, in twenty new shades, both light and dark Regular $2.25 value. Dollar Day Prices lor Saturday domestics 6 yards Fine Muslin fo r..................... $1.00 i yards Outing F la n n e l...................... J.OO 6 yards Heavy Unbleached M uslin... 1.00 4 1-2 yards Romper Cloth f o r ............ 1.00 4 Pillow Cases f o r ............................. i 00 3 Bath Towels f o r ........................... ] qq 8 Huek Towels f o r ............................. j oo 6 yards part Linen Crash fo r.............. 1.00 5 yards Ja p Crepe f o r ......................... j QO 5 yards 36-inch Percale for . . . . . 1 00 $1.25 Cotton Batt, 12x90 o Your Dollar is Worth More Here $1.25 Bungalow A p ro n s ...................... $1.00 59c yard Sateen Bloomers, 2 fo r........ 1.00 $1.25 Petticoats, e a c h .......................... i.00 $1.25 Outing Flannel Gowns fo r.......... 1.00 5 pairs Ladies’ Cotton Hose f o r ........ 1.00 pairs Boys’ Heavy Hose fo r............ 1.00 5 yards Bungalow Cretonne f o r ........ 1.00 36-inch Wool Serge, in colors, y a r d .. 1.00 9 yards Embroidery Edges f o r .......... 1.00 60x60 Jap Lunch C lo th ..................... to p E. R. IS A A C & CO. S U C C E S S O R TO C . H. VAUPEL THE hOR SALE— Dry fir and pine wood, 4 feet and 16 inches. Phone Toll Gate or write Siskiyou. Mr. L. D Dollarhide. 25-6» FOR SALE—First-class alfalfa hay, $9 per ton in stack or $13.50 de ’ivered. L. S.'Hackler, Talent, or phone 372-J-2. 25-6» CHURCHES ENTERTAIN ASHLAND TEACHERS; RECEPTION TONIGHT FOUND—Vest sweater, near depot. Also “AN UNHAPPY FINISH” All-Year Telephone Service Q U A L IT Y S T O R E Have yonr Picoting and Hemstitching- Done Here The Store Where Your Patronage Is Appreciated Following an annual custom, the Ashland Ministerial association. In­ cluding all the protestant churches of the city, will entertain the grade and! high school teachers with a pub­ lic reception at the Baptist church at 8 o’clock this evening. The an­ nouncement was made this morning by Rev. W. Judson Oldfield, chair­ man of the committee on arrange­ ments. The reception is open to the public. The welcoming address will be made by Rev. Charles A. Edwards, pastor of the Methodist-EplscopaJ church. G. A. Briscoe, city super­ intendent of schools will respond for the school teachers. The program to be observed fol­ lows: Singing by a male quartet, Dr. Tilton, Rev. Walter A. Evans, Percy Stratton and G. H. Yeo; piano solo by Miss Kaegi; reading by Dr. Mattie Shaw, and a vocal solo by- Mrs. Guy Jacobs. Rev. Oldfield will give a reading. Refreshments will be served at the reception. The following committees are la charge of the entertainment; A rran­ gement committee— Rev W. Judson Oldfield, chairman, Josephine Cham- pie and Rev. Walter A. Evans; Re­ ception committee— Mrs. Ella Mills, chairman, Mesdames V. O. N. Smith, Gordon MacCracken. Guy Jacobs, Tyre IQik:> If I had a tire with a hole in it I wouldn’t run it with a hoot, until it blows out and ruins a good tube, I’d take it right down to Leedom’s Tire Hos- ital and if it can e repaired he can do it, and if it isn’t worth repairing he will tell you. Yes sir, any time Lee- dom fixes a tire it’s done rig h t E Owner can have same by describ­ ing article and paying for this no- tice- ______ 25-1-31 FOR SALE — Siskiyou Mount Gra- venstein apples, $1 to $1.50 per box; bring box. 117 N Main sw 25-1*I and increase your sales by use of long distance serv ice. It is the modern way—efficient—prompt_ convenient. Ask for Pacific Long Distance. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company OCTOBER - '♦¿•J I Beginning Saturday October 1st HOME DRESSMAKERS OPPORTUNITY READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS The extraordinary offering in Woolen Dress Goods, Suitings and Coatings arc just in time for fall sewing. Racks are crowded to overflowing, and this sale will do what the weather man has not done—force out the garments and turn the stock quickly. Prices almost half what von paid last year. One lot of finest Suitings and Coatings that were $7.00 to $10.00, a t — $4.95 Yard Another lot that were . . 6.00 to $6.75, at $3.95 90 Ladies’ Suits 125 Ladies’ and Misses’ ( ’oats J 00 Dresses And all through the Garment Section profits have been shared with you for this earlv sale. Harvest your winter supply of Underwear, Hosiery, Furs, Waists, Petticoats, Sweaters m fact, all your dry goods and women’s wearables. COME EARLY COME OFTEN F loods