pagi ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS. F riday, September 30, 1021 G; R. R. addition to A shlandl88,82 ‘ Christian Band to Hold Service— The C hristian W orkers' band will Sidney T. P arks et ux. to Albert C. Karnowsky et ux., NE of hold th e evening service a t the Meth- NE section 33, township 38 odist church next Sunday. Local and Personal south, rang« 1 w e st................ 10 i Cha«. S. Wilson— Tainting, paper­ Carl B ernhard Millin et ux. to ---------------------S id e Lights-------------- — hanging, tinting. Sattsfactlen guar- Sidney T. Park9 et ux., NE For high grade tailoring lor m en jan teed . P. O. Bex 244. 3-lm* of NE section 33, township W ednesday A fternoon Club M eets— 38 south, range 1 w est......... 10 Miss Imogene W allace, of C entral and women— C. Orres. f Baby Girl— P oint, was the guest of honor at a --------- - Moseph B W are et ux. to City of A baby girl was born to Mr. and, m eeting of the W ednesday Afternoon Talent Visitor— Ashland, half interest in lot club a t the home of Mrs. F. J. Shinn. J Alonzo S. Spencer, Talent rancher,! Mrs. E R. Grieve, of Hornbrook,' on G ranite street, A sh lan d .. 10 Mrs. Shinn, hostess, was assisted by was a business visitor in the city ** Calif., September 28, at the home of John W. Mitchell et ux. to City Mrs. F. H. Johnson. Several musical yesterda.v ! Mrs. Cora Burns, 332 Harrison of Medford* lot 16, block 2. «elections were played by Miss Wal- —------- street. Conroy-Clancy addition to lace for the entertainm ent of th e Woolens for men and women sold --------- • Medford .................................... 10 17 tf I Forger to Serve Term — club members. The club plans to by the yard— C. Orres. The Ashland Printing Co. to R. J. Rowen must serve three m eet every two weeks or at least th e , City of Ashland, half interest years in the state penitentiary at second and fourth W ednesday o f ! Mundy Well Ceases More G r o u n d - in lot on G ranite street, Ash­ aver t h a t l Salem for a forgery charge commit­ Local “ oil magnates' every month. land ........................................... 10 --------- - the Mundy well, near Medford, is not ted more than four years ago, on Helen M. Sander et vir. to Good food, cooked right, served only m aking good progress with which he was convicted in the cir­ G eorge K in e h a n . N E of SW , a t reasonable prices. Hotel Ashland drilling, but th a t nearby land is be- cuit court, an appeal to th e supreme S% of N% of SE, section Crlll. 2 9 7 tf‘ ing leased by th e Mundy well inter- court of the state having confirmed k- 6, township 40 south, range 1 the findings of the lower court. His ---------- • ests. west ........................................... 10 .. bondsmen have been notified to pro- ‘C. W. Law et ux. to Jackson To A ttend Stanford— ------- - Something new in Teo’s window, duce him in order th a t the sentence Kenneth Perrine left this m orn­ County Creamery, lot 5, block ing for Palo Alto, where he will a t­ 299-tf may be served. The decision of the 2, Oak Park addition to Med­ higher court was received yesterday. tend Stanford university. ford ............................................ 1400 ' — G rants Pass Courier. R eturn I'roni Honeymoon— H. R. Adams, tho Plum ber, sells Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Jones, Native scotch dance m native cos­ plum bing fixtures and supplies newlyweds, m arried in this city a tum e by an ex-raember of the Scotch Phone 166-J, shop at 248 Fifth St. short time ago. have returned from 287-tf Royal H ighlanders, in the LaSalle 'a m onth’s honeymoon trip to Biggs, Calif. The young couple expect to Q uartet October 1. G lendale Girl D ies Here— The funeral of Miss Evelyn Hazel locate here. Ashland News in Paragraphs F ight B eetle M enace— H art, 18-year-old girl who died at a local hospital Wednesday night, was held at 2:30 o’clock this a fte r­ noon from the Dodge undertaking parlors. Burial was made in the M ountain View cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. W alter H art, of Glendale, pan» ents of the girl, arrived this m orn­ ing to attend the funeral. Miss H art arrived in Ashland about a m onth ago, coming here to obtain work in a local restaurant. A fund of 150,000 has been made available for fighting the beetle men-! Cleaning and repairing ou short ace in the tim ber of southern Ore-1 notice. K. Nelson, Hotel Ashland Bldg. 302tf gon and northern California, $60,- 000 of this sum to be d istrib u ted by the secretary of agricu ltu re and May Start B u sin ess H ere— '390,000 by the secretary of th e in ­ A. W. Lane, young business m a n . terio r, according to advices received of Eugene, is anxious to come t o ' by the state cham ber of commerce Ashland the la tte r part of this y e a r ! Trom R epresentative N. J. Sinnott. with the intention of possibly locat-i The work of com bating this menace ing in business here, according to will be carried on under the direction letters received here by friends of of W. B. Greeley, chief forester. H ear the new “ Fiddle-Oddity" the Eugene man. Mr. Lane, who is played by Harold Isbell, in the La­ attending the state fair, commends COURT NEW S the Jackson county exhibits at Salle Q uartet October 1. Salem. M arriage Licenses I, Expect Howard Rose Today— P eter J. Fick and Zola O. Knox Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rose, who. The LaSalle Q uartet (all ex-ser- have been making a m otoring tr i p ; vice men) will appear in A shland Circuit Court in the nortehrn p art of the state for October 1 at the Armory under the State vs. Peter Striff the past tew weeks, are expected to auspices of th e American Legion, Kodat. M andate. re tu rn today. I » - R. S. M urray et al. vs. S I M P S O N ’S \ “ THE ELHART WAY” Satisfactory Quality Satisfactory Service We stock COMPLETE LINE OF Canvas Shoes Brick Ice Cream Suitable for Hunting and Fishing W e carry several w ith Rubber, leath er soles. kinds. CHOCOLATE VANILLA STRAWBERRY’ MAPLE NUT Ashland Creamery ■ ■ 1 LYDtES Made Com position or R eady-to-w ear G arm ents ta il­ ored during th e dull s e a s o n - big assortm ent to choose from — every size and every price—— w onderful values. See th e ex­ tra fine French Serge dressen a t > 10.75. AU w ool P olo cloth coats at « 1 8 .7 5 . ORRES TAILOR SHOP Real E state Ti unsfers M atilda J. Adkins to H are’s Piano House, one-third in te r­ est in lot 9, block 14, M edford! 10 Charles A. Newstrom et ux to G. E. A rm strong, S% of NE, E% of SE section 34, town­ ship 36 south, range 2 e a s t.4000» Sarah Ray to Joseph A. Blais et ux., lots 1 and 2, block 17, Gold Hill .................................. 1000 A. E. Kellogg to I. W. Davies, lo ts 6 and 7, block 5, Dekums amended addition to Gold Hill ............................................. 200 •Joseph Grey et ux. to F. E. Os­ borne et ux., .89 acres in D L. C., township 37 south, range 2 west ........................... io Jackson County to O. C. Good- lett, lots 16 and 17, block Those are the years when you need to carry every d o llar’s worth of life insurance you can possibly ifford. Then, especially, you should get Travelers’ G uaranteed Low-cost Life Insurance— and secure the largest am ount of good life in su r­ ance th a t your dollar can buy. Billings Agency REAL ESTATE Ji 1NSL’RANCE Established 188» Phone 211 41 JL Main St. COMPLETE KITCHEN OUTFIT« HARDW ARE W ATELY we have been trying to ■^RBiap ui ojoui B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L Ope cent ATTORNEY». PHYSICIANS. DR. FRANK M. MOXDN— has re­ BRTGGS « BltfGGS—A ttorneys-hi Law, Pioneer Block, Ashland. linquished his practice in Ash­ land. All accounts are payable at his office before a period of L. A. ROBERTS— Attorney-at-Law. Rooms 6 and 6, Citizens' Bank fourteen days from date. Bldg. OR. ER N E ST A. WOODS— Practice CHIROPRACTORS. limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and DR. GEO. J. KINZ — Chiropractor 2 to 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash­ Suite 8. Examination Free. No. land, Ore. 73-tf 25, the Plaza. Office Phono 103. Residence Phone 401. OR. J. J . EMME NS— Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to ASHLAND HEALTUAl'OIUCM— DL eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses E. B. Angell, Chiropractic, Elec­ supplied. Oculist and aurlst for trical Treatm ents, Mineral aud S. P. R. It. Offices. M. and H. Vit-o-Net Baths. F irst National Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 567. Bank Building. Phone 48. DRS. S3\W YER & CRANDALL Monjj sjroj about the SERVICE the F irst Na­ tional Bank renders to all classes of people. We haven't more than scratched th e surface, b u t perhaps we have given you the notion th a t your pros­ perity and happiness would be In­ creased by a connection with thia bank. If so, wel’ll be glad to have you come in any time. First National Bank TAXI. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Pioneer Building. TO YOU al. HUDNUT’S TOILET ARTICLES Affidavit. Automobile insurance— Yeo, of E rnest S. W olgam ott vs. J. J. Mc- course. 299-tf I Mahon et a j Second amended com- plaint. Watch Yeo’s window. 299-tf Ola D. Sutton vs. L ydia H anscom . Summons. Sells Boulevard Home Edith Jones vs. Edward J. Jones Mrs. McGuire has sold her home Amended complaint. at 657 Boulevard to Mr. and Mrs. Bullock M ercantile Agency vs. Courts. Mrs McGuire intends to Sam King et ux. For money. leave Ashland Sunday for San Fran- Bullock M ercantile Agency vs. A r­ fCisco, where she will join her hus- th u r H. Davis. Judgm ent in justice ' band, who has taken a position i» court. ’ th a t city. John Cobleigh vs. Samuel Holmes. Tax foreclosure. A 100 per cent attractio n for 100 Em m a D. K itts et vir vs. W hite- per cent Americans in the LaSalle Shelby-Hunt Mining Company. To Q uartet at th e Armory October 1 lor quiet title the American Legion. Bullock M ercantile Agency vs. H arold H. Corliss. Judgm ent in jus­ E spee Fuel Man V isits— tice cdurt. R. S. Twogood, son-in-law of E. P. ' Moore, and C. W. Sturdevant, mem- Probate Court ’ bers of the fuel committee of the E state Chester W agner et al. ' Southern Pacific company, were in ’< m inors). Bond. ’ the city todfey on business and v isa ­ 1 E state John M. Kelgour. Order. ing with th e Moore family. E state Annie C antrall. Affidavit i and order. P au lseru d ’s suits can’t be beat for E state Ella Stone. Discharge of price, style and quality. 21 tf id m in istrato r. Estate Alice Martin. Vouchers, IT esbyterian C. E . M eets— The Christian Endeavor society o f ,lH‘ ord er’ o rd er- 'th e Presbyterian church will hold a K tate M argaret Caldwell Order. business meeting and social Friday E sIlte Myrtle Rusow. Bond. ! evening at 7:30 o’clock a t the Pres- Estate Nancy Ann Chapin. Ad- byterian church. The election of of- m itted to Probate. ficers will take place. ‘ E state Ellen Stone. Proof of pub- ------. : __ _______ _____ __-___ lication, order. i _ _ _ E state Geraldine Theiss. Motion .an d order. E state George A. Jackson. Proof« W e s e ll of publication, order of final settle­ m ent. , E state Stoughton p. Jones, de- ' ceased. Admitted to probate. When for at least ten or fifteen years they won’t be able to earn enough to help support the family, even if their m other does take them out of school to work— E R V IC E P ortland V isitor V a n d they need a roof oVer their heads, three meals a day, and a constantly - renewed supply of clothing— you can obtain at this store— everything the model cook or housekeeper could desire in pots, pans aud preserving k et­ tles. A little journey through our establishm ent will give you many suggestions as to things you should have. S u ite M ade to Order— et al. Summons. Mr. and Mrs Hall, of Portland. May B. Wells vs. W. A Smith. ¡'stopped in Ashland on th eir way to j y oret.josure Fresno, Calif., where they expect to I H attie Carroll vs. Fred Leo Car- I spend the w inter, and visited Mrs. J. roll Acceptance of service. ' M. Clyde, 121 Manzanita street, the Talent Irrigation D istrict vs. Ed­ ’ past week. The Halls were very win P. Hughes. Amended answer. much itelighted with our city and Ida Mae R ader vs. Arnold W right •the beauties of the park, and ex- Rader. Divorce, summons, motinn I pressed th e idea th a t Ashland should and affidavit; order of publication. i-advertise its wares. , M. A. Barron vs E. J. Farlow et When t h e Children Are Young noun Phone 260-R. Res. 274-J or 367-J . TAXI— Acklin’s 213. H l ■ Il FOR SALK. Rose Bros. Phom< 136-tt —— — — <—r T R A N SFER AND EX PR E SS. FOR SALE — A good tenor banjo, T. L POWELL— GENERAL TRANS $l6. Phone 62. 24-3t* FER — Good team and m otor­ trucks. Good service at a reason­ FOR SALE— Steel beam 10-incb able price. Phone 83. plow. $5.5«. A C. Redifer. 267 Eighth. 24-3* FOR PROMPT and careful service with Auto-Trucks or Horae Drays, KING APPLES— Splendid for cook­ call W hittle T ransfer Co., Phone ing; a good size; 75 cents a box. 117. Office 89 Oak street. Near delivered. Phone 9 -F -ll. Hotel Austin. FOR SALE — One Majestic range, EXPERT CAR RHPAIRING at tea one small box beater. 549 East sonable prices. Lithia Garage. Main street. 23-3t* 12-1 mo , FOR SALE— March pullet and yea^ F O R sale — real estate . i old hen. Phone 199. 19-tf| FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING — ! FOR SALE— Furnished or u n fu r­ M attresses made over, packing and i nished, 5-roorn modern bungalow; sleeping porch, large basem ent; erating. Douglass. 25 4 Fourth large lot; lawu: fruit, berries, St. Phone 63-R. 1 8tf flowers; garden; all in Al shape; priced right for quick sale. See. REGISTERED TOGGENBURG buck, Jack Faha, 55 Pine street. services $3.00. G. H. Bowman. 24-lm o* 635 Roca, phone 368-Y. 19-2w FOR SALE— 160 acres of land seven miles east of Ashland, 2 room WANTED — A good m ilch cow. i house, fair barn. 2,000,000 feet of tim ber, three-fourths mile irom Phone 9 -F -ll. school, several springs. 12 acres in cultivation. 50 acres fenced, WANTED— W ashing to do in my good term s a t 6 per cent, or will I own home. Mrs. L. M. Ring, 207 Vista street. 24-2* 1 trade for Ashland property. See C. B. Lamkin. ' 8-1 mo WANTED— To buy a box stove sec- ond hand, old fashioned, if iu good FOR SALE— Cozy convenient four- condition and reasonably priced. room cottage, with roomy base­ Call Mrs. A. Schuerman, phone ment and outbuildings. Good size 288-J. 19tf lot with plenty of friut. Nice lo­ cation with fine view. Desirable WANTED— About five acres with for small family who w ant mod­ improvements, small house pre­ erate priced home. Apply to own­ ferred, close to towu. State er on premises, 705 Penn. Ave. am ount. F rank Anderson, 1065 Corner Harrison. 4-1 mo Divlsadero St., San Francisco, Calif. 305-1 mo* Brick building and lot— fully occu­ pied at rental insuring good re CAR WASHING turns on investment. WANTED. EXPERT CAR WASHING and polish­ 25. acres with six room house, large ing. Lithia Garage, phone 114. barn. About 12 acres orchard. 2 12-lm o acres alfalfa, good ‘gasrdeu a p u farm land. C. B. L A M K I N Ashland, Oregon 28 BARGAINS IN “Oldest National Bank to Jackson County” Real Batate acres with fine dwelling, ham , packing house. 'A bout 20 acres in good orchard. Balance suitable for farm products. 7 acres with good fruit, house and chicken shed. Sightly location. City and Ranch Proporti«« H ouses to Went, CITIZENS’ BANK BUILDING Furnished six room dwelling on a paved street, one of the finest lo­ cations in. the city. Inquire a t FIR ST NATIONAL BANK itóllH ilì! Oregon Banking Laws Comply W ith the Law AND are designed to meet the problems of th e c itiz e n s of this partieular state. Printed Butter Wrappers This state-chartered bank oarriaa out not only the letter but th e spirit ot these banking laws. The C i t i z e n s B a n k Ashland, Oregon Buy Flour Now Ground from old wheat H ard W heat Flour, s a c k .$2.45 20 per cent off in barrel lots Soft W heat, per sack. ».-.$1.65 New Corn M eal.................. 30c G raham F lo u r .................. 40c Whole W heat ................... 45c Liberty Bell Cane and Ma­ ple Syrup, one-half gal­ lon can ........................... 70c Gallon cans ................... $1.30 Straw berry Preserves, in 16-ounce glass, a t ......... 25c Sugar— Special— 13 pounds for .................................. $1-00 Sack ................................$7 25 Plaza Market H. A. STEARNS 61 NORTH MAIN STREET, ASHLAND, OREGON U SE CCORDING to the ruling of the Oregon Dairy and Food Commission all dairy butter sold or exposed for sale in this state must be wrapped in butter paper upon which is printed the words “ Oregon Dairy Butter, 16 (or 32) ounces full weight,” with the name and address of the maker. A To enable patrous of the Tidings to easily comply with this ruling this office has put in a supply of the standard sizes of butter paper and will print it in lots of 100 sheets and up­ ward and deliver it by parcels post at the fol­ lowing prices; 100 Sheets, 16 or 32 ounces........... $1.75 ISO Sheets, 16 er 31 ouices...........$1.75 500 Sheets, 16 or >2 obbccs ......... $<.H Send your orders to us by mail accompan­ ied by tiie price of the paper and it will he promptly forwarded to you by parcel post, prepaid. We use the best butter paper obtainable, and our workmanship is of the b est Let us have your order and you will not regret it. A sh la n d T id in gs A s h la n d , O r e g o n i