PAG E FO UR TBE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS S o ' y o o o u e a -oxjûGHX SCHOOL < m mm o le ho * ab ’S W U IU ILUMCX^Y' v f S A PREYXS S>AAUU O v G< VJOtlLD, JEKFT6R a l l ' Still Loyal to the Home Town By Charles Sughnw •Wo M1CKIE, TH E PRINTER’S DEW L ^AJRUHQTOU'S UV)B? SAY, SOU OuGW XO SO OUT (C S ome uve -fOiWU, aikax it? aruugtou '. r e s As DEAD R lkG ER FOE l NOOR O u O ‘HOME XOV4U OFFICE*, HOW W U 1 GET TO XTDMJH CAuao o ÂUMGtOUÇ W. A. SHELL riffe a .e W T Ö tf B A R B E R I A < .s \\^ ; Iftjflffi l vv Children's Work A Specialty Safety blades resharpened like new. Single bit, 30e doz. Dobule bit. 60c dot. Ashland Armory TONIGHT R eserv ed se a ts now on sale at Rose Brothers. Auspices First Company, Albert Taxi. Phone 183. 307-lm Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carlisle, of I COVNTY E X H IB IT S Rogers, Miss Knopp and Miss Rid- ted here th a t the shutdown was due O. N G. --------- Santa Monica, arrived in Ashland ings, members of the faculty, will ; to economic and not political causes, i STATE F A IR ARE GRAND CONCERT ¡Takes Up P ark Addition— yesterday Mr. Carlisle fixes, cleans coach the members of the society Oil men here say th a t the big com IN W INNING CLASS j To discuss the advisability of in-¡and reblocks old hats in fall style.; for various oratorical and d eb atin g 1 panies in the region of Tampico are Siskiyou C hapter No. 21 , eluding Diamond lake in C rater Lake He will open a workshop at the O.K. contests. Elected officers of the o r-* showing their honesty of purpose by ( Continued from Page 1 ) N ational park, members of the recre- b arb er shop on Oak street R. A. M. ganization are as follows: President, j continuing development and drilling i atlon committee of the Portland ready has a system worked out along H erbert Dorn; vice president, John j new wells in preparation for the time Masonic H all, Axhlantl. ! chamber of commerce met yesterday A gain— The P etrified Lady — The Danish Violinist Galey; secretary, Dan Bowerman; i when it will be impossible to resume this line. afternoon. The Portland organiza- Although The Tidings se v e ra l1 AND treasurer, Pauline Plum mer. ! shipm ents of oil on a large scale. Hood River alone competes with N otice of M eeting. jtio n has never taken a stand to in d l-! weeks ago explained the full origin Medford in th e p e lr linT— their ex~ \ A constitution was adopted and Complaint has been made here and Special convocation Thursday eve­ ‘ ta te w hether it believes the inclusion ; of the “ petrified lady” or “ m ysteri-j hibits this year being th e ir first am- Monday evening of each week set for I in other cities th at collections are, ning, September 29, for work in the to be desirable or not. Decision w ill. ous woman" hoax in C rater N ational bitious effort. In color, size and the meetings. being made for famine sufferers ini ^ “¿ o m ^ n io n V 'co rcia il? 11 welcome’ ! be made i° ,lo™ 8 th * « e e tin g and a park, the same inform ation con- variety the Jackson county exhibit The membership of the society Russia and other countries when V. V. MILLS, H. P. recommendation will be passed to tinues to crop out in various p arts leads by a mile, but in condition Mexico has problems which will tax totals sixteen students. are: i the Pianist • W. II. DAY, Secretary. th e b oard of d ire c to rs of th e c h a in - ; ^ he late,J isJ he fo1" 1 some of the Hood River displays are Frederick Koehler, Eugene They W illard,; intelli8ence and generosity of the Local and Personal ‘Skovgaard’ Alice McClung Skovgaard superior. In apples Jackson county I John Galey. Bernard Joy. Donald ! nation’ unless Sreat changes take PROGRAMME paper from W ashington, D. C.: th is year m akes a b etter showing« Snyd»er. M aurits Galo Agues G rif- p lace b etw een now and the coming ” 'w in te r aonaia in r, .viiuor ...E m il Sjogren __j * » ._ _. ___«i ____ “ From the national park service ■n,«« Friends of Jerry O’Neal and Mrs. ; Boys Bond— th an u su al, and while the color o fifith . Clara McDonough. Pauline I, ALICE and AXEL SKOVGAARD Carl Loveland, director of the B epresentative Sinnott has received th e apples cannot quite -reach the Plum m er, Florence Hoover. Mildred; Blanche Hulen *were surprised to TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. Le Deluge .......................Saint-Saëns hear of the couple's m arriage yester- ; Ashland band, has enrolled tw enty a ^etter explanation of the origin brilliance of the Mount Hood dis- Hoover. Lourdes Raine, Dan Bower- Allegro from “Suite Fantastique" L*iy at Yreka, Calif. The couple Musically inclined high school boys tbe m ysterious statu e of a woman trict, we believe a fair observer j man, M argaret McCoy. Paul Koehler WATKINS PRODUCTS— 137— If were unexpectedly confronted by a ¡fo r the form ation of a boys’ bond, ^ound carved on a rock in C rater Na- would considsr Jackson county and ¡-and Dorothy Hoag, who will be an you are pleased with them, t e l l 1 ........................................... Nicoleleff huinber of Ashland friends who had The interested high school b o y 8 ltiona^ park> saying th a t P ark Super- Hood River nearly equal as far as honorary member. your neighbors; if not, tell me. Ma"6rka de C oncert. . . . Wieniawski AXEL SKOVGAARD At Fourth and A streets a t my motored to Yreka to attend the Sis-! joined the boys’ band following a *ntendent Sparrow reports it was th e apple fair displays are concerned. place, or send me an order by mail Frolic of the W aters................Rave! The membership is limited to kiyou county fair. Mrs. H attie Ab- talk made at a high school assembly Probably sculptured by Dr. E arl R. Ju d g in g starts today, but the aw ards and I will deliver it. C. M. Miles, Flower-W altz from "N utcracker Membership bott. m other of Mrs. O’Neal, is visit- by Mr. Loveland. The first prac- wbile employed by the war de- will not be made until the end of twenty-five students. salesman for the J. R. W atkins will be open to ten more students. Suits” ................................G rainge- ing her son. Charles Logan, a ti-ic e meeting was held yesterday eve- Partm ent during the season of 1917.“ the week. Co. 24-1*. Membership in th e society requires ALICE McCLUNG-SKOVGAARD Yreka. Mr. and Mrs. O’Neil havei nlng at the high school.. Mr. Love- ---------- In the display of grasses and taken apartm ents in the Camp build- (land explains th a t the band is open Today it pays to look around be­ grains Jackson county has the best th a t the prospective member should WANTED — A good milch cow. Andante from C oncerto................ Phone 9 -F -ll. .................................... Mendelssoli ing fo the boys in the grade schools and | fore buying. See P aulserud’s suits showing in its history and, accord­ hand his or her name to a member of th e society for approval. zany interested young men who are and overcoats. . 21tf ing to those In a position to know, WANTED— W ashing to db in my The G uitar ................ Carl Relnecke own home. Mrs. L. M. Ring, 207 Melodie .......................Edwin Lemare Big dauce a t Talent Friday night not attending school. He requests ---------- will carry off th e blue ribbon in this Rev. Evans, of the Baptist church, Vista street. 24-2* Menuet from Quintet ln E .Major. , departm ent. The w heat, barley and under new management. Spot dances. th a t any one owning second-hand in- At Lake o ’ Woods— and Rev. Koeler, of the Presbyterian I ’ 7— T~ ......................................... Boccherini Mr’ and MrB- L aur®1 Stock, who a lfa lfa d isp la y , are m arvelous, and rhnrph 24-2* strum enta th a t they wish to dispose church tallied - .u h . .ria o !»’ ORcAxALE — A good tenor banjo. $15. Phone 62. of should bring them to his offices bave been visiting in Ashland a t the o a laym an com p aring them wltl>- C alifornia B u sin ess Trip— his hand two months ago. reached under th e counter, pulled merit was announced at the office of H. G Enders is on a business trip! out a peach and presented it to th e Secretary of the Treasury de la JEWISH YEAR NEAR END Reiuodeliug and cleaning — C. D ° Dunsm uir and other northern Cal-: doubting lady, w ith the compliments H uerta, it was explained th a t both Orres. ifo rn iaz towns, and he incidentally of Jackson county. A fter a few gen­ Germany antJ Russia were prepar­ The Jewish New Year, known as Hard Wheat Flour, sack. $2.45 Liberty Bell Cane and Ma- took in the fair at Yreka yesterday. “Rosh H ashanah," will be observed erous bites th e recipient acknowl­ ing to coin vast am ounts of silver Christian Endeavor M eets— 20 per cent off iu barrel pie Syrup, one-half g al- ^>y Hebrews the world over begin- edged th a t she couldn’t tell the dif­ currency and th at this gave assur­ lots The Presbyterian C hristian En­ From D unsm uir— Ion can .................... . . 70c hing Sunday night and lasting until ference. and considered the feat a ance of an advance in the price of i deavor society will have an “ele­ Gallon c a n s .............. . . $1.30 Engineer Jam es and wife, of Soft Wheat, per sack. . . $1.55 Among orthodox truly m arvelous one. “ But I haven’t the metal. phant” party tom orrow night a t its D unsm uir, are A shland visitors for a feunset Monday. Straw berry Preserves. in If the advance in silver comes and Hebrews, Tuesday also will figure in read anything ab o u t the invention in New Corn M eal.................. 30c business meeting. There will be few days. 16-ounce glass, a t . . . . 25c the papers,” she rem arked in d ep art­ is large enough to stim ulate active th e new year celebration. some real lively doiu’s. Sugar— Special— 13 pounds Graham Flour ................ 40c production on a large scale, it will Most Hebrews regard the new year ing. for ............................. • A ttend Yreka F a i r - This may sound fishy, but it isn’t. be a gerat relief to Mexico, as thou­ fiay as one of th e two most signifi­ Whole W heat .................... 45c Sack .......................... Paulserud's su its can ’t be beat for R obert W arner, Mrs. Selma Gray, C. C. Cate vouches for it and C. C. sands of m iners are reported to be cant holy days In the calendar, ran k ­ --------------------------- — ■ price, sty le and quality. 2 1 tf Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Applegate ing with the day of atonem ent, hasn’t told a lie since he came to in idleness in the mining states. and Mrs. D. Perozzi motored to Still another advance Is needed, which comes ten days later. Unlike Salem. He hasn’t had time. Cliff Payne makes cedar cheats. jYreka. Calif., yesterday to attend Miss Alameda J. F u ller is in and this is in oil. The present sus- the secular new year, Rosh H ashan­ 22tf th e Siskiyou county fair. Mr. and charge of th e Boys’ and G irls’ c lu b ' pension, of industry in the oil fields ah is counted an occasion for spiri- Mrs. Applegate and Mrs. Perozzi exhibit from Jackson county, and in the vicinity of Tampico has h ad ' Äial stim ulation and direction. H. A. STEARNS started in the express company nothing could be n earer o r m ore a t­ a far-reaching effect and will be felt According to rabbinical legend, ag en t’s machine, but owing to car New Y ear’s day m arks the anniver­ tractive th an th is display. Included more poignantly as w inter ap­ Cl NORTH MAIN STREET, ASHLAND. OREGON trouble were forced to abandon the sary of the creation of th e world. is a bull calf exhibited by C. Bohn proaches. auto and join Mr. W arner, who took Practical suspension of oil expor­ This tradition makes the ensuing e rt and a Shorthorn heifer by H. th e en tire party tq Yreka. Year the 5682d o fthe existence of Grey the only livestock products tation has deprived the Mexican gov­ sent from Jackson county The ernm ent of an im portant source of ; the world. A pple Crop Good— judging started th is m orning, but revenue, and this revenue is badly American Hebrews will obsetrve Apple shipping will begin in earn ­ the New Y ear by public worship In the results will not be announced needed. W ith the income from the THURSDAY ONLY est next week, according to C. N. synagogue and temple a n d by the until the la tte r p a rt of the week. TMC THEATER B O im F U oil fields, the Mexican government Davis, locan m anager of the Oregon exchange of greetings on th e p art o f Among th e Jackson county people has been able to do much to relieve Growers’ Packing corporation. The friends and relatives in the home. here are th e following: W illiam H. conditions in many sections by car­ association started two carloads of The intent of the day is to renew Talt, of th e F irst National bank; C. rying on public work. And it will Grimes, Delicious and Jonathan ap­ friendship and strengthen fellow­ E. Gates. Fred W ahl, of the F arm ers be hard to continue th is work w ith­ ples for the Chicago m arket last ship among those bound to one an ­ -and F ru itg ro w ers’ bank; Jack Stew­ out the retu rn s from the oil fields week, and will ship a carload of other by ties of love and m utual a rt, George H ilton, Mr. and Mrs. and a t the same time meet other ex­ IN Newtowns Wednesday. It is esti­ 'service. Mike Tucker, of A shland; Mr. and penses. mated th a t the local crop will re ­ Mrs. N. S. Bennett, € . C. Cate, Elm er Tampico and its surrounding te r­ quire forty-five cars for movement. OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla., Sept. Oatman, Miss Poole and A. B. Cor­ ritory have also given employment nell. About a car a day will be loaded to thousands who have been unable 29.— A Santa Fe train was boarded after this week.— G rants Pass Cour­ h e a r here early this m orning by six to get work in th eir own sections of W hat would society look like if its ier. masks were torn away? And the Mexico, and if these thousands must masked men. who forced th e clerks A. H. S. TO M EET lives of its men and women revealed scatter through th e country it will to throw off five pouches of mail. KLAMATH FA LLS; as they really are? A lpha Chapter V isits at M edford— dftcrease local problems, which are The robbers then leaped from the FOOTBALL CLASH One girl had her suspicions— and Alpha chapter, No 1, O. E. S., train and escaped. One pouch con­ already serious enough in many played the game to find out! visited Resmes chapter, No. 66, ab tained registered m a lt places. In addition to this, Mexico The total (Continued from Page One) Medford last night, fifty members femount of th e loot Is undeterm inedl The rest is a romance of mystery, is not so far removed from its days love and adventure th at throbs with strong, and the officers of Alpha m entary law have organized the Ash­ of revolution th a t It need not feel a th rill a minute. chapter dem onstrated the work by NEW Y O RK ,. Sept. 29. — Babe land High School Forensic society uneasy about having a large element the initiation of two candidates Ruth, the home-run king, is ill with The society was organized Monday th a t is idle, discontented and needy. there. As usual, the Ashland ladies the grip and will not participate in evening a t a m eeting of th e in terest­ Aniericain V indicated. FRIDAY—SATURDAY acquitted themselves in the Ashland ed students. When oil companies first suspend­ the im portant Yank-Athletic baseball way— le tte r perfect. The Medford O rganization of the society was ef­ ed shipm ents the cry was raised that series which opened today in P h ila­ chapter tendered them a fine ban­ delphia. fected fo r' the benefit of the stu ­ it was unw arranted action by Amer­ quet after the ceremony. dent body and the train in g it will ican oil producers to force term s -m — If the universe is really one thou­ afford to the students interested in from the Mexican government, but F ar Sale — Grapes, Agaums, 7 sand times as large as we thought It th a t kind of w ork. An entertaining now th a t Dutch, English and other cents; other varieties also. 121 w as, how large did w e th in k it w as? program fo r th e y ear is being foreign producers in the Vera Cruz Laurel street. 24-2 — L ife planned by th e society. M iss Loeta fields are unable to sip it is adm it- O’Neal— Hu leu W edding—• Buy Flour Now Ground from old wheat Plaza Market Tyre IQik:* If I had a perfectly good Ford or Chev­ rolet and needed a new tire, I’d go right down to Leedom’s Tire Hospital and spend myself 13.50 for a Mason, and I know I’d get all the miles I pay for— Yes sir— any time Leedom sells a Ma­ son it’s got to wear out not blow o u t Dorothy Dalton «B E H IN D M A SK S” W ALLY REID "The Hell Diggers”