MOD THRU ASaSLAJm DAILY TIDINGS. 299-tf possible discount, legal expenses tad printing of all th e bonds in this no-j t|m e m entioned, said bonds tfc be India Physician Here— dated December 1, 1921, and to ma­ Dr H unt, a native physician of ture December I , 1931;* to h e a r in ­ Local and Personal /India, now of London, was in Ash­ terest at the ra te of 6% per a n n u m ; A îTORNEÏS. PHYSICIANS. to be general obligation bonds; to land yesterday interview ing the m in­ ---------------- — Side Lights ----- be made payable ax the office of the DR. FRANK M. MOXON— has re­ BRIGGS & BRIGGS—A ttorneys-at- isters about a project for the Chris­ Fiscal Agency of th e S tate of Oregon Law, Pioneer Block, Ashland. linquished his practice in Ash­ tian industrial education of children in New York City. Said bonds are Drives to Yreka— Motor to Rogue River— land. All accounts ars payable . — . • ; . Dr. H unt may return not optional. at his office before a period of L. A. ROBERTS— Attorney-at-Luw Miss Emily Kaiser, Miss K. J. V. 0. N. Smith, J. W. Milner and of India. Rooms 6 and 6, Citizens* Bank Bonds mentioned in paragraphs fourteen days from date. ■Raine, Mrs. B. L. Sullivan and Mrs. S. P atetrson motored to Rogue River shortly and lecture here. Bldg. enum erated one to three, inclusive j Sylvan Provost motored to Yreka, yesterday on a short business trip. UR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Practice hereof, have already been authorized CHIROPRACTORS. NOTICE limited to eye, ear, nose and ___________ _____________ _________ and bonds mentioned in paragraph ---------• Calif., yesterday in the K aiser c a r , throat Office hours, 10 to 12 and DR. QBO , KIN’Z — chiropractor. four hereof are to be voted on by G E N U IN E to attend the Siskiyou county fair. F or high grade tailoring for men the electors of the City of Ashland 2 to 5. Swedenborg Bldg., Ash- SuIt# g Examination Free. No. Calling for bids on bonds of the City and women— C. Orres. of Ashland, Oregon, in the aggre­ at a future date, consequently, itI land, Ore.___________________7d-n 25, the Plazu. Office Phone 103 . Native scotch dance in native cos-; gate of approxim ately Sixty-three m ust be understood th a t bids on the OR. J. J . KMMENS— Physician and , . . _____________ bonds mentioned in paragraph four Thousand Dollars ($63,000.00). tum e by an ex-member of th e Scotch ' Measure W ater in Mains— Surgeon. Practice limited to'A SH LA N D REALTllATORILM— Di. are conditional upon the favorable Notice is hereby given, T hat by Royal H ighlanders, in the LaSalle Following discussions of the w ater eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses K B Angell. Chiropractic, Elec­ virtue of a resolution passed by the outcome of the said election. Q uartet October 1. situation during the past few days Common Council of the City of Ash­ supplied. Oculist and aurlst for trical Treatm ents, Mineral aud All bonds tiereinabove mentioned E arl Hosier, city w ater superintend­ land on the 23rd day of September, will have an approving opinion of ! S. P. R. R. Offices, M. f \ and H. Vit-o-Net Baths. F irst National Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 567. ent, expects to receive price quota- 1921, the Common Council of the the City A ttorney of the City of R ank Building. Phone 48. W. C. T U. Meets — tobacco makes 5 0 The ladles of the W. C. T. U. met ’tlons within the next few days on a City of Ashland will, a t eight o’clock Ashland and bonds mentioned In DRS. HA\WYER & CRANDALL TAXI. P. M., October 11, 1921, proceed to paragraphs one and four hereof will a t the home of Mrs. F. H. W alker, ¡ w ater m easuring device to be placed OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS ^ood cigarettes for consider sealed bids on bonds to be also have an approving opinion fu r­ Pioneer Building. Rose Bros. Photic • TAXI— Acklin’s on Liberty street, Monday afternoon. | where the flow of Ashland creek en- issued b y ,th e City of Ashland, Ore­ nished by the City of Ashland of 10c Phone 2C0-R. Res. 274-J or 367-J. 213. 136-1 i Besides a large num ber of the m em -’’ters the city mains. Possible purch-« gon, which bonds are p articu larly Teal, Minor & W infree, Attorneys J- of Portland, Oregon; all bids will hers, several guests were present. An? ase of such a device is being c o n -: described as follows, to-w lt: We wantyeu te have the TRANSFER AND EÎPRH8H. FOR RALE. be made in w riting and be accom­ irfj'sidered by the city council. I F irst: Certain bonds to be known enjoyable and profitable afternoo beat paper for “ BULL.” panied with a certified check in the ______ 'a s “ Improvement R efunding Bondb,” FOR SALE — One Majestic range, r . U POWELL— GENERAL TRANS­ So now you can receive was spent and appetizing refresh- I aggregating $37,000.00, said bonds sum of at least $300.00; said bit?; one small box heater. 549 East FER — Gpod team and m otor­ with each package a hook raents were served by the h o stess, Woolens for men and women sold to be 74 in num ber: denomination^ and certified check m ust be placed trucks. Good service at a rMwod- Main street. 23-3t* of 24 leaves of 17tf $500.00 each; to be dated December in a sealed envelope, addressed to by the yard— C. Orres. and her assistants able price. Phone 83. the very finest cigarette 1, 1921, and to m ature December 1. the City Recorder of the City of Ash­ 1 FOR SALE— Genuine sweet p o ta to ' paper in the world. 1931: to bear interest a t the rate of land, Oregon, and placed on file in squash and mammoth chili squash, j FOR PROMPT and careful serried Motor to Shasta Valley— Smoke American Eagle cigars. the office of said Recorder not later with Auto-Trucks or Horse Drays 6% per annum ; to be payable at the Will deliver 100 pounds or more.I call V* ‘ilttl© T ransfer Co., Phone Made in Ashland. 245 Fourth a* ¡i Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Crowson and Fiscal Agency of the State of Oregon than five P. M. of th e date of the W. E. Pierson, Boulevard, tele­ 117. Office 89 Oak street. Near 16-lmo* ‘ daughter, Ima, Mr. and Mrs. C. C in New York City, and being general consideration of said bitte, 1. e., Oc­ phone 4 85-J. 19-6 Hotel Austin. "Crowson and daughter, Clarice, an d obligation bonds of said City. These tober 11, 1921. In case of the acceptance of any ___ FOR SALE March pullet and y e a r EXPERT CAR REPAIRING at rea Mrs, J E. Callahan and son, Jerry, bonds are not optional Siskiyou Shopper— to be bid and the iailu re o£ tbe bidder to old hen. Phone 199, 1 9 -L , 90nab,8 prlceg. L ith u GHrage. Seconu: C ertain oonds Mrs. Jesse *Bar ham. of the Barham ¡m otored over to L ittle Shasta val- Bonds” take the bonds bid for a t the proper j known as “ Improvement 12-lm o th e am ount of the certified j mill, near Siskiyou, was trading Sunday, where they visited the (not B a n c r o f t ) , SWEET CIDER— Made fresh every aggregating i day. 40c gallon delivered. Phone ith Ashland m erchants y e s t e r d a y . H a i g h t family. They returned $5500.00; said bonds to be in the check may, a t th e option of th e Com- j If you want to buy or sell anything in CAR WASHING 9 -F -ll. i'borne Monday. denom ination of $500.00 each an d mon Council, be declared forfeited EXPERT CAR WASHING and polish- num bered from one to eleven, in­ to the City of A shland; bids may be Chas. S. Wilson— Painting, paper­ I made on all of th e above mentioned FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING — iag. Lithlu Garage, phone 114 Something new In Teo's window. clusive; said bonds to be dated De­ bondb or upon any p a rt thereof. Mattresses made over, packing and hanging. tinting. Satisfaction guar- •_______________ 12-lm o cember 1. 1921, and to m ature De­ 299-tf cember 1, 1931; to bear in terest at crating. Douglass, 254 Fourth The Common Council of the City or Want any kind of Notary work anteed. P. O. Box 244. 8-lm * done it will be to your advantage FOR SALB—REAL ESTATE. St. Phone 63-R. 18tf the ra te of 6% per annum ; to be of A shland reserves th e rig h t to re­ to call on ject any and all bids. /Exhibit* Heavy Grape Bunch— payable a t the office of th e City M oves to Eden V alley— APPLE JUICE, guaranteed to make Any fu rth e r inform ation reg ard ­ A four and a half pound bunch T reasu rer of the City of Ashland, miles east of Ashland, 3 room ing said bonds may be obtained at “T uss” Hewes, of Beach street, delicious jelly, 40c gallon. Phone of grapes, grown by A. H. Davenhill Oregon; being general obligation the office of th e City R ecorder of bouse, fair burn. 2,000,000 feet who has been quite ill, has been i of bonds of th e said City. Said bonds rn l 9 -F -ll. tim ber, three-fourths mile lrom If there are any bargains in ‘on his farm in the Valley View dis- are optional bonds and th e City re Ashland, Oregon. moved to the home of his brother school, several springs, 12 acres they have them. Dated this 24th day of September. Iric t, is on exibition a t the cham ber serves th e rig h t to tak e up and can­ WANTED. Lem, in Eden Valley, where he will in cultivation. 50 acres fenced, 1921. ■’of commerce. The weight of the cel said bonds on the paym ent of the good term s a t 6 per cent, or will GERTRUDE BIEDE. be cored for. WA.> i rbi/~“ \ tiii iliruisit hottni hihi grapes. Rose of Peru variety, jsp face value thereof with in terest oc- trade for Ashland property. Sec City Recorder of Ashland, Oregon. — room for two high school stu- i C. B. Lamkin crued to date of payment, at any 8-1 mo .th o u g h t to be exceptional. (tints, ladies preferred. nquire sim i-annual coupon period, at or A 100 per cent attraction for 100 —i 196 Beach street. 23-2* after five years from the date of the per cent Americans in the LaSalle DR SALE— Cozy convenient four- Seats for Skovgaard now on sale said bonds. Q uartet at the Armory October 1 for room cottage, with roomy base­ WANTED— To buy 10 tons alfalfa T hird: Certain (B ancroft) Im- 1 at Rose Bros. 17tf ment and outbuildings. Good size hav, baled. Call 322 W imer or the American Legion. * provement B o n d s , aggregating tot with plenty of friut. Nice lo­ phone 470-J. 22-3’ ¡$2887.12; to be dated December» 1. cation w ith fine view. Desirable ‘ Ashland Hotel Arrivals— ; 1921; to bear in terest at the rate of Recovers From lll n o se - WANTED— Laundry work to do in for sm all family who want mod­ H. A. Pierson, Los Angeles. Calif; 69; per annum ; to be payable a t th e my own home. 2<3 G ranite or: erate priced home Apply to own­ W. E. Snider is on the street E E. Rorapaugh, Eugene; Mr. and;office of the City T reasu rer of said 22-3* phone 46, er on premises. 795 Penn. Ave. again after a several days’ illness. 1 ,M rs. J. C. W illiams, Fresno, Calif; ¡ ^ ‘v: bonds to be numbered from Corner Harrison. 4-1 mo WANTED— To buy a box stove sec Mrs. O. R. Brown. Seattle; M arion. nom,natlon of bonds „umbered» from ond hand, old fashioned, if in good Brick building and lot-—fully occu­ Good food, cooKed right, served Brown, Seattle; Gladys Clothier, I 771 to 779, both inclusive, to be condition and reasonably priced, at reasonable prices. Hotel Ashland pied at rental insuring good re Seattle; Lew Sherm an, San Fran- $300 00 each, and bond num bered (’all Mrs. A. Scbuerman, phone tu rn s on Investment. Grill. 297tf 2 8 8-J. l» tf cisco; Mr. and Mrs. Wilcoxson, Liv- 7 80 to be in the am ount of $187.12; are designed to meet the problem* and to be otherw ise in the usual form Siskiyou Visitor— WANTED— About five acres with ¡25. acres with six room house, large . of statu to ry Bancroft Bonds. of the citizens of this particular improvements, sm all boose pre-; barn. About 12 acres orchard, 2 F ourth: Certain bonds in the na- U. S. Ragland, of Siskiyou, was in F. N. Smith. G ladstone; J. S. Me- state. autei acres alfalfa, good (gttrden £^ni> ferred. close to town, Keown, Aloha. ture of refunding bonds (not yet the city Wednesday evening. farm land. amount. Frank Anderson. 1065 ______ . ¡specifically named and not yet This state-chartered bunk carries out St Divlsadero Sen Francisco. ..¡v o ted ), to aggregate approxim ately 305-1 mo* 128 fc» acres with fine dwelling, barn. H. R. Adams, the Plum ber, sells H ear the aew “W ddtoO ddity” l $18,000.00. to be applied to th e r e ­ Calif not only the le tte r but the spirit oi . i . i !-ass-s packing house. About 20 acres in plumbing fixtures and supplies played by Harold Isbell, in the U a-ipay}nR of various loans for miscel- good orchard. Balance suitable these banking laws. ---------- i laneous purposes made by certain Phone 166-J, shop a t 248 Fifth St. C. B. L A M K I N for farm products. Salle Q uartet October 1. Special Funds of said City and also " 287-tf to be applied to the paying of any Livestock Special Train — 7 scree with good fruit, house and Child Breaks Arm— The Southern Pacific Sompany has chicken shed. Sightly location. BARGAINS ÍN The little daughter of J. M. added a “ Livestock Special” train Furnished six room dwelling on u Highes, 126 South Pioneer avenue. to th eir regular runs out of Ash- Real Estate AsMand, Oregon paved street, one of the finest lo­ sustained a broken arm in a recent f land. according to George N. Kra- cations in the city. fall while roller skating. mer, ]ocal station agent. The train v u y anti Rauch Propert ies |w ill leave Ashland every Tuesday Inquire a t FIRST NATIONAL RANK Your opportunity to see Skov evening a t 7 o’clock and arrive in Houses to R ent. gaard September 29, 1921. Seats at Brooklyn, Ore., at 5:15 o’clock FOR RENT. I Rose Bros. 1 7 tf: W ednesday afternoon. Mr. K ram er ¡FOR RENT— Nicely furnished room, CITIZENS’ BANK BUILDING states th a t th e tra in previously ran Injurtxl in Fall— close In Phone 274-J. 22-3 a t uncertain intervals, depending on Grandma W heeler, m other of Mrs. th e size of the shipm ents to be made. FOR RENT— Furnished room with IN TER URBAN AUTOCAR OO. John Groves, was severely bruised bath privilege; short distance from Effective March 2ft, 1020. and injured recently when she fell business center, 8. P. depot, higli Daily (Except Sunday) Confined to Home— school and east side school; pre down a flight of cellar stairs. Mrs. LV. MEDFORD LV. ASHLAND _ , , , t Mrs. W alter and daughter Ruth, fer two gentlemen or two ladles. 7:15 a. m. 7:16 a. m Groves is taking care of her m other 1 - .. . ’ of Portland, are guests of Mrs. Wal- 8:00 a. m. but will rent singly. 606 Allison 8:00 a. m. at present. street. 2 2 -3 t' I te r’s mother, Mrs. A. H. Russell. 8:45 a. m. 8:45 a. m. AND U SE 9:80 a. m. FOR RENT— 2% acres of fru it and 9:30 a. in. 530002005348235323234848020000020201532323234823000200020009050001 S u its Made to Order— 10:15 a. m. ¡10:15 a. m. Automobile insurance— Yeo, of j berries and good garden ground, 11:00 a. m. 11:00 a. m. Cleaning and repairing on short with 6 room house. Address 267 course. 299-tf 18:00 Noon ; 12:00 Noon notice. K. Nelson, Hotel Ashland Maple 8 t l>-6* 12:4S p.m. 12:45 p. m. Bldg. 302tf Portland Visitor— 1:30 p. m. 1:30 p. m. 2:15 p. m. 2:15 p .m . Mrs. Ju lia McQuilken is here from 3:00 p. m. 3:00 p. m. Successful Hunter— P ortland on a business and pleasure 3:45 p. m. 3:46 p. m. “ Bud” Storm, of the East Side trip combined. She is visiting a t her 4:80 p. in. 4:30 p. m. meat m arket, Is a m eat killer by own home, which is occupied by the 5:16 p. m. 6:15 p. m. day and a deer hu n ter in the late D. P. Blue family, on Ashland street. 0:00 p. m. 6:00 p m. 7:00 p. m. will do your plowing right now 7:00 p. m. afternoon According to friends, f CCORDING to the luling of the Oregon 8:45 p. m. 8:45 p. m. Sat. only Storm left the city lim its for a hunU j Dairy and Food Commission ail dairy 9:30 p. m. in year hard, stiofcy mo U. 9:30 p. m. ing excursion on an afternoon of this i 10:30 p. m Sat. only 12:16 Mldgt Bargain in need sewing machine; butter sold or exposed for sale in this state week and brought home venison in SUNDAY ONLY must be wrapped in butter paper upon which LV. MEDFXJRD LV. ASHLAND also a new carload of White sew­ tim e for dinner th a t evening. 9:00 a. m. ing machines just in, at 9:00 a. m. is printed the words “Oregon Dairy Butter, to 10:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. 16 (or 32) ounces full weight,” with the name The LaSalle Q uartet (all ex-ser­ J 1:00 a. m. 11:00 a m. H E way to econo»| Peil's Corner vice men) will appear in A shland 12:00 N oon, 12:00 Noon and address of the rnaicer. 1:00 p. m. i 1:00 p. m. October 1 at the Armory under the mize on clothes is 2 00 p. m. 2:00 p. m. To enable patrons of the Tidings to easily auspices of the American Legion. 3:00 p. m. 3:00 p. m. to buy good clothes; comply with this ruling this office has put in 4 :00 p. in. 4:00 p. ui. Called by B rother’s Death— 5:00 p. m. 5:00 p. m. a supply of the standard sizes of butter paper d ep en d ab le woolens, 6:30 p. m. 6:30 p. m H. J. Carter, 321 Alta avenue, left and will print it in lots of 100 sheets and up­ 9:30 p. m. 9:30 p. m. durable lin in gs and] th is morning for Portland where he Ashlnnd W aiting— East Side P h ar­ ward and deliver it by parcels post at the fo l­ was called by the death of his bro­ macy. honest needle work. lowing prices. JACKSON VILIÆ-.MEDFORD ther, Robert Carter, who will be b u r­ Au autom obilist parked his car DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY ied at Montesano, Wash. You can be sure of] on a hilL LV. J’S’XV’Lfc S LV. NŒDFORD UO Sheets. 16 or 32 ounces..........$1.75 7:20 a. m. 7:40 a. m. Some kids fooled with the these essentials to long 8:10 a. m. 9:00 a. m. brake«— and a big plate glass ......... $2.75 250 Sheets, 16 or 32 ounces 10:00 a. m. 10:30 a. m. window at the bottom stopped wear w h en y o u buy 11:30 a. m. 12:00 Noon the runaway. 1:00 p. m. $4.00 1:30 p. m. 596 Sheets, 16 or 32 opnees clothes u tailored to I 2:00 p. m. I 3:00 p. m. m erchant demanded $1,000 3:45 p. nf. for The 4:30 p. m. the broken glass and dam ­ measure by Bom .” 5:00 p. m. j 6:30 p. m. Send your orders to us by mail accompan­ aged stock, and the automobile 7:00 p. m 9:30 p. m. W h e n th e body begins to •tiffc ied by the price of the paper and it will be 8 :00 p. m.| owner had to pay. 7:30 p m . Sat. only A nd because o f econ» I 9:80 p. m. and m ovem ent becom es painful i 10:30 p. m. Sat. only promptly forwarded to you by parcel post, Hard luck? WE RUN ON SUNDAY* . is usually an indication that th omies made possible b y prepaid. MEDPXjRD-ROSEBURG No— lack of forfwight kidneys are out of order. Kee Daily und Sunday large sales, we can offer these organs healthy by takin He should have reulUed that We use the best butter paper obtainable, We «arry several kinds. Made LV. MEDFORD LV. ROSEBURG accidents do happen, a n d pro­ you a mighty fine suit 11:00 a .m . 10 0 p.m . and our workmanship is o f the best. Let us w ith Rubber, Compos It ion or tected him self w ith a T ravelers: MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS have your order and you will not regret it. Automobile Policy. or overcoat for $30 or! leather notes. Daily and Sunday LV. MEDFORD LV. G’T’S PASS $35; other good values] 10:00 a. m ’ 8:00 a. ni. 1 :00 p. m. 11:00 a. m. at high er or lo w e r The world’s standard remedy for kidnej 4 :00 p. m. 1:00 p. m. beer, bladder and uric add troublw 6:16 p. m. 4:30 p. m. prices, if you prefer* Famous since 169& Take regularly an REAL H8TATR A INSURANCE G rants Pass W aiting Room— The A s h la n d , O r e g o n keep in good health. Io three sixes, el Bonbonniere. P h o to lOO. druggists. Guaranteed as repreeentet 41 ML Main SL Office and W aiting Room: No. 5 M aas m i 1 GeM Medal ee ever* he S. Front St.. Nash Hotel Building,'! UlulMnPllllli Watch Yeo’» window, B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L Ashland News in Paragraphs B ull DURHAM REALTY, INSURANCE, LOANS i BEAVER REALTY CO. Oregon Banking Laws The Citizens Bank With the Law Printed Butter Wrappers The Beider Tractor and P.&0. Disc Plow A Canvas Shoes SQUEEZED TO DEATH T Hard Luck? Suitable for Hunting and Fishing CQkDMEDAL A sh la n d Tidings 0. A. PAULSERUI r I Billings Agency