PAGE TWO Ashland THE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Tidings Established 1876 Published Every Evening Sunday mickee , the printer ’ s dewl By Charies Sughroe Servants in Name Only • Western Newspaper Umori Except T H E ASHLAND PLANTING CO. O FFICIAL CITY AND ^ O U N T Y PAPER TELEPHONE 3b Subscription Price Delivered iu Jne month .................................. I Three m onths .............................. Six months .................................. One y e a r ....................................... City .65 ‘ 1.95 3.75 7.50 Mail and R ural R ou tes. One month .................................. 3 Three m onths .............................. Six months .................................. One year ....................................... .65 1.95 3.50 6.50 ADVERTISING RATES: Display Advertising dingle insertion, each inch. . . , YEARLY 30c CONTRACTS Display A dvertising One time a w eek.................... 2 7 Vic Two tim es a w eek.................... 25c Every other d a y .........................20c Local Readers. i.iar funeral rites— they place a juicy) roatS leads th e autoist to Eagle Point state of scenic beauty, can vouch for are so reasonable th a t no one can af- gion will take part the dedica- Each line, each tim e .................... 10c young pig on the grave for the delec­ and the new highway to C rater lake, ¡ th e enchantm ent aw aiting the to u ris t, ford to miss the opportunity. You ‘¿ton of the bronze plate at the high To run every other day for od <» R o y u c R i v e r V a l l e y Where a scene awaits the traveler who will accept the invitation nature ¡Will surely be more than paid for school month, each line, each tim e . . . 7c ta tio n of departed spirits. But that is sheer wastefulness— it is infinite­ To ran every issue for os« month which is but rarely equaled in m oun­ liolds out to him from Oregou’s ! homing, or more, each line, each t im e .. . . 5c ly better to eat the roast pork at a , tain scenery. All w riters who at- m ountains, hills, rivers, mountain Classified Column. banquet for the living. tem pt to do justice to the beauties stream s, lakes and valleys— enough IxADIES One cent the word each time. By R. KEMP WELCH Plans are coming nicely for the But to return to this w om an's’ of this renowned spot willingly co n -1 for one sum m er’s travel, and then To run every issue for one month or R eady-to-w ear G arm ents ta il­ Talent, Oregon vigilance committee. which form s' more, %c the word each time. cede their inability to depict its rare i there will be some left for another 'Armistice day celebration. We have ored during th e dull season— Legal R ate: During the days of the fifties and an o th er num ber of our course that the chief audience in the woman’s: beauty. visit. First. Time, per 8 point line . . . ,1 0 c court where Arbuckle is being tried.! sixties tlie beauties a n d convenience big assortm ent to choose from fnight, and he is a wonder. The Le­ i.xuo per 8 u point v,.uv ^ 6 lake a modern hotel pro- Each * ouvo« subsequent time, — every size and every price— Hne 7 . 7 . “'.“. ' ' ?.* ???' K e p t a PPear8 that each day the vigi-'O f the Oregon tra il passed from one vides COm forts for the public, and It I AMERICAN LEGION w onderful valu»“s. See the ex­ to another of the thousands who lance ladies are still in urgent need Card of Thanks, 31.00. is here an aerial cable line will soon QHICHESTEH S PILLS tra fine F rench Serge dressee Obituaries, 2% cents the line. of sustenance, so they take their trudged by ox team through the) carry people from the rim of the Ashland post had a party at the: T H E D IA M O V I» B U A N D . A* F raternal Orders and S ocieties. L'. d ir a i A uk y o u r ) > r « z a l.l 1er / \ at $ 1 0 .7 5 . A1I wool Polo cloth noted Rogue River valley on their C rater lake to the island, which will Armory Tuesday night. A big crowd; f. but we will confegs SOLO BV WHJQûiSÏS EVEftV'rtHKE from the 1 acific to the A tlantic, R eturning from the lake, autoists 'men and relatives. vertislng when an admission or o th er. charge Is made. to a shudder at picturing a room full thousands now travel by auto over («have extended and beautiful views! I E n tertain m en t com m ittee stayed of estim able women calmly eating th a t same trail, the present Pacific over the valley and su rro u n d in g !011 kitcben Police all evening and W hat C onstitutes A d vertising! From the roadside a s ^Ploduced a dandy feed, with the In order to allay a m isunderstand­ sandwiches, pickles and cake while highway. The tra il no longer has m ountains be- lireso m e hills and boggy hollows, ¡ they wind th eir way down to the Very able belp of their wives, etc. w hat conBti-' a fellow human being staggers ing among some as to conBti-1 tutes news and what advertising,i neath the shadow of the gallow s,1 but offers to th e to u rist a h ig h w ay , lower altitudes and back to Ashland! --------- ' we print this very simple rule whica writhes in the anguish of ghastly,- paved in modern a n d approved man- will be found a thriving town thnr- We are wel1 Pleased with the sup- TO PROSPECTIVE INVESTORS: atiate* betweene'them >r rS" A L ^ iu et u r e f tra g *C exposure and whose future, ner. with mechanical conveniences ■ oughly up to date, one keeping pacei*’*’1 getUng fOr the lyceuiu events, where an admission c h a rg e , 'vhate’er befalls, is blighted, blasted, in the towns along the way to m eet;'w ith the rapid growth of the valley. ! couise' 1 lie pe ople apparently real- O MANY pitiful tragedies occur thro unwise investment, that a Is made or a collection is ta k e n ' tainted with frightful memory. A nd1 all contingencies of accident. W here The best of hotels provide for the ize th a t they a re going to get their bank is doing great service to cus­ money’s worth. The season tickets I ? M ^ S i o L ISI? n ^ so c ie tie sai f 1^ e r ti i an° th e r fe“ ° W hU,Uan Hes dead from in form er days road stations m et the com forts of travelers, many of whom tom ers in putting them in touch kind as well as to individuals. a b itter and sfiameful cause.. But traveler, now a ttractiv e towns pro- btay and make th eir perm anent with safe securities, and sure-return All reports of such activities after, vi®llance’ even refined, femininej vide all desirable com forts and p leas-; homes here, a t the home of tfic- investments. they have occurred is news. vigilance, m ust have sustenance, it - ures Rogue river fru it, which has such an Specializing in this direction, the PUBLIC m ^ t i n X f ^ o c i S ’e l w h e r e to m one?! be g° ° d iOrm’ h might be di" Tourists from California, Wash- | enviable reputation in the east. The First National often can tell you of INFORMATION investm ent opportunities, and will co^trUaition V s^solirited^8 infti^hon fast for a few h hours— o u r s - b but u t it ington. Idaho and British Columbia orchards throughout the valley are always be glad to advise you SERVICE charged, or collection taken is NEWS. wouldn’t be practical and it would and all points east coming into Ore- a ra re sight and w orth a visit. any investm ents you may be consid­ -make vigilance ju st a little depress gon over this highway will find many ering. As the to u rist travels on down SOME FOLKS tnink these advertise­ We make a»» quotations on ing, ju st a shade discomforting. points of historic and commercial in­ the valley along its fertile and a t­ ments about the great drugless JOB WORK We are to understand that these terest; also find scenery picturesque tractiv e ranches he comes to Gold health science of Chiropractic are from ladies have undertaken a painful but in the extrem e, equal to the many Ray. where the California-Oregon solely intended to get more patients. T H E FRANK LIN PR IC E LIST. Such is not the case! necessary public task— but it need localities in Europe, where our trav ­ Power company draw s power from Chiropractic is com paratively new Same prices— Reasonable Price— no t be made more distressing by ab­ eling public has found pleasure in the river for transm ission to th e su r­ Many do not know the rem arkable to all. Ashland, Oregon stinence. They have given tlie past years. rounding country; paging through results achieved iu restoring and “O ldest A utoists entering the valley from Gold Hill, surrounded with its rich m aintaining health. As many as E ntered a t the Ashland, Oregon, w orld to understand th a t justice, as N ational possible SHOULD know. Mail adm inistered In a big California city, the southeast at the C alifornia line P oatoffice as Second Cl mines, then th e town of Rogue Hence these advertisem ents. Hence Bank in Matter. Is of a very dubious variety; that have presented to th eir eye a mag­ River, and then on to G rants Pass. the Jackson County" invitation to telephone. only by th eir presence, their sacri­ nificent view, the valley stretching 103 At G rants Pass to u rists desiring FEASTING AN D VIGILANCE ficial hearing of a vast volume of out to the northw est. To th e ir right, to visit the Marble caves of Oregon for fu rth er inform ation. No obli­ gation incurred. No charge for con­ salacious evidence and th e ir stern the new highway to K lam ath Falls, may take the Crescent City road to We are interested in the women’s sultation. ’vigilance over th e ir court and judge along E m igrant creek, may be seen H olland, and then by horseback over vigilance committee which has been The m ain idea of these advertise-1 can the country hope to see Justice as it passes around Green Spring the m ountain to the caves. Here a m ents is to get the story of Chiro­ form ed by the clubwomen of San trium ph. But they are weak, deli­ m ountain; to the east, above this "visit will greatly rew ard the tra v ­ practic to .more people more Francisco to “see th a t justice is cate souls and they must eat. Prob­ stretch of road, may be seen the eler. A guide will be found who quickly. doue in the Arbuckle case.” Things T elephone 103 TODAY ably the court an d attorneys eat, Dead Indian road leading to will cheerfully assist and explain the have come to a sorry pass w hen we DR. GEO. J. KINK too, bu t so fa r not in court. Courts Lake of the Woods, a resort patron­ various passages and points of TTi/riçte /or 25 The Plaza have to organize am ateur judges to m- have been transform ed into theaters, ized by Ashland and Medford peo- terest. judge the official judges— which is into fight arenas and even into hos-' pie and tourists. Before leaving the valley a t G ra n ts : apparently accepted as appropriate pitáis, nurseries and fashion shows, Passing on down the valley to Pass a side trip to Galice and Mer- • in San Francisco. 'but it has rem ained for the women’s | Ashland, cars may be parked in the lin may be added to the list of a t­ And we observe th a t the ladies vigilance com m itte to tu rn one into! public auto park, and a side trip up tractions. H ere placer and quartz fortified themselves with a luncheon a restau ran t and a dressing room .! Ashland canyon may be made, p art m ining form th e chief industry. The party a t the Palace hotel prior to F o r we are also informed th a t th ej way by auto and then by horseback m ountains present a wild and rug­ the tria l— a social affair of th a t ladies tak e out th e ir powder puffs " to Ashland m ountain. A rest cabin ged scene, strongly in contract with kind being quite indispensable to ju- and lipsticks at intervals and see to w ill be found on the route. The th e open country. dlclal vigilance. You can’t usher in? it th at their appearance is suitable beautiful views of this trip will Europe may derive some benefit a great moral innovation w ithout a ’to th eir great undertaking amply repay the to u rist for his from American tourists, through the suitablo celebration and feasting. An One would have expected these jaunt. delusion th a t “ distance lecids em- inconspicuous home luncheon under women to be awed with the unpleas­ Rogue Rivet* Valley chantm ent,” but the w riter, having1 the circum stances would have been ant responsibility they had assumed, At Talent, five miles below Ash­ traveled over the g re a ter p a rt of this so inappropriate io a sensational to be tense with the fearful sthkes land, W agner Creek canyon affords m urder trial And the banquet wa> involved, to be prayerful th a t th e 1 a great attractio n to to u rists who probably intended as a so rt of “ wake,” a funeral celebration on be­ worst charges against the prisoner i may wish to visit W agner pass. The We invite you to look half of the corpse of the victim, a could be disproven and to be t a u t 1 beauties of W agner canyon are well with the memory of the life th a t has known and enjoyed by the people of over our stock of Let MS fiU member of th eir sex whose e a rt hl ji gone In so sordid, so sham eful a way the valley aud many others also. glorification could scarcely be com­ Your Flashlight One would expect they would wishi At Medford the road leads to the plete w ithout this m ark of th e ir es­ with an EVEREADY to enhance the dignity and decorum southw est into the historic Apple- teem. of a court of such vital justice, to j gate valley. Here are miles of auto Flashlight Battery The Chinese have somewhat simi- ennoble, elevate, hallow the sort of ¡travel among its picturesque moan- IG up that idle flash­ justice and aspire to uphold, with ■ tains and winding river; its old lig h t— bring it here a selfish deportm ent, a silent a n d ' 7>lacer mines, where exciting scenes ♦ — let us fill it with a •* TIDINGS FASHION H IN TS > Impressive, im personal consecration, followed th e ’49 excitem ent of Cali- new, powerful, long-lived * ♦ And for some reason a vigilance fornia, where great am ounts of the E veready F la s h lig h t com m ittee th a t is in au g u rated with yellow metal were taken from the B a t t e r y a Palace hotel luncheon, th a t eats its stream s and hills and sent by .the and other Decorative TAILORED STYLES picnic lunch in the court room, th at old stage coach and heavily-armed Eveready Flashlight B at­ Material. powders its nose and primps its lips driver to the mints. teries are guaranteed to give leaves us w ith a feeling th a t the a stated definite number of Jacksonville, a t th e gateway to We willingly give prices hours of continuous service. m ajesty of justice would have been th e valley, was a thriving town of and figure amounts as capably upheld w ithout it— even several thousand people during the Our supply is complete— needed, in San Francisco. early days; now only rem ains a rem ­ we have Eveready Flash­ light Batteries for all sizes, nant of its form er renown by hold­ ‘‘F a tty ’’ Arbuckle has taken to ing on to the county seat; but its shapes and makes of Flash­ reading Kipling. It is a good way form er reputation is jealously kept lights. to occupy his time. He is not going in the memory of th e old pioneers. TH E PA IN T MAN McNAIR BROS. Don’t you thing it would pay you to buy a good hnyw nere soon. Off to the east from Medford a TH E REXALL STORE Touring In The S E R V IC E S National Bank Paints Wall Paper Sanitas D About One Third of Our Time Is Spent in Bed Dickerson & Son As long as irresponsible men can go forth and stock up on bad whisky and good pistols, the world can hardly be said to be safe for democ­ racy. Good guns and bad booze form a A n g ero n s combination for hum an­ ity. The — women — — are not putting up j much fruit in Johnston county this » year. The men are using all the fru it jars (None of your business.)» — Tishomingo (O kla.) Democrat. Will» lines that follow those of the D iscontinued Story natural lignre, with becoming new A man stuck a stick into a hor­ style poiuts iu its sleeves and collar, and just enough of rich decoration in nets’ nest to see if there was anybody its embroidery and sash, this tailored home. There waa. frock for fall and winter Is destined to be beloved of its wearer. (The B fll) FELTED COTTON or SILK FLOSS MATPRESS and a new pair of good PILLOWS? ^ B Cause for Admiration NOW A PROVEN FACT Indeed you will have when you put on our furs. They are so elegant and set off your gown to such high degree. Better inspect our furs before pur­ chasing. Large assortm ent of all the latest furs. Apply Early Before the F all Rains D eer h ead m o u n tin g a sp ecialty A C ar on Hand Now at the F. W. Bartlett ASHLAND FRUIT ASSOCIATION 115 W. Main Street INCREASES CROP YIELDS MEDFORD We have a new stock just in which we bought be­ fore the raise in the price of cotton. We are selling MATTRESSES at a LOWER PRICE than they have been sold in the past ten years. Better BUY NOW you will pay more later on. S E E T H E M IN O U R S H O W W IN D O W S J.P.Dodge&Sons Best Place to Trade Reliable Housefurnishers