= j A shland D aily T idings a 8HLAND clim ate w ith ou t * * of M edicine, cure« nine oaaee o f ten o f A sthm a. Thia la a fact. International News Wire Servie* International News Wire Service - — — • J VOLUME 3 (Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tiding», Voi. 43) ALARIA Germa cannot survive th ree m onths in th e rich ozone at A shland. The pure dom estic w ater halpa. n ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 29, 1921 No. 24 5 KILLED IN POWDER FACTORY EXPLOSION Hi A U 0 T il M n r JaP “ Rockfeller n . 11. 0 . IU I t IL l I Stabbed to Death I Beggar Assassin KLAMATH PALLS, FOOTBALL CLASH Kansas City Explosion TaRes Toll-Four Killed ♦ • •TOKIO, Sept. 29.- -Zanjiro :'$> Yasuda, known as the Rocke- feller of Jap an ," and one of the I w ealthiest men in the Japanese empire, was m urdered here to- • day by an assassin who secured :■* an audience with him under the HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL TEAM -> guise of soliciting funds. LEAVES EOK KLAMATH FALLS I The wealthy Jap was stabbed to death. He leaves a fortune FRIDAY MORNING; STUDENTS ’!•* estim ated at 51,000,000,000 ORGANIZE FORENSIC StM*IEY\., •' and was the head of a dozen large banks. ■*; $ <$> <» <$> <£ ♦ i <$> j STATE WILL PAY $521,820.83 IN H az K ik * -, k M E O AS FLAME Rioting Follows On Strike oi 5,000 Japanese Workers > ----- w YOKOHAMA, Sept. 29.— •• S e rio u t rio tin g has b ro k en o ut •> h e re fo llow ing a s tr ik e of 5,- ♦> 000 d o c k y a rd w o rk e rs in th e '*> s h ip y a rd s y e ste rd ay . M any s tr ik e r s h av e been a rre s te d . ♦> S eam en a n d dockm en of th e •• Nippon Y usen K a ish a com pany •> a r e th re a te n in g a s y m p a th e tic •> s tr ik e w hich w ould tie up J a p a n 's g re a te s t sh ip p in g firm . •> * •> SERIES <>F SHOCKS ARE FELT • AT TEN M IL E S’ DISTA N CE) • <• C A R E L E SS M iA D IN G OF E X ­ i PLOSIVES ON TRUCK IS CAUSE. ♦ W ith the coming clash between, ---------------------- A shland and Klam ath Falls high j - PERTH AMBOY, N, J„ Sept. 29. schools on the gridiron this coining L0C3I rf^d — Five men were Instantly killed and Saturday at the “ box" city football three others wounded when ex- SALEM, Sept. 29.— Sam A. Kozer, enthusiasm a t the high school is rife ’plosives th a t were being loaded on a KANSAS CITY, Kan., Sept. 29.— -j Secretary of state, has delivered a for a big rally sendoff for the local truck at H arlan by the men blew up Four men are dead and another Isi pigskin battlers, who will leave A sh­ »varrant for $521,820.83 in favor of in a plant of the DuPout-Nemour dying as the result of an explosion j land tomorrow morning. The game O. P. Hoff, state treasu rer, to cover company. a t the Excelsior Powder company's . is the first of the season, and hopes in terest due October 1 on all out­ ' A series of explosions resulted, p lan t, four miles south of the city are high «for a victory to give an ' U its, today. The roar of the ex­ Mesdames Emil Peil, C. H. Pierce standing highway bonds. ¡lim OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL- 'the shocks of which were felt ten added impetus to the football sea­ and A. H. P rach t were appointed plosion was heard in the business, , «ucuc. LEGE Corvallis, Sept. 29.— Jack so n ; hway. P rio r to April 1, 1917, the state of son ju st starting. members of a committee to have district here. Several w orkm en; county is represented by fifty-nine Che men were employed in aalvag- The Ashland team has been “go­ charge of the Ashland Red Cross Oregon had no bonded indebtedness. were seriously injured. of thp 3,178 students now registered i ing pipes tbat had been used in tb “ ing stro n g ” under an intensive pro­ drive to s ta rt November 11, a t a On that date $250,000 worth of 1 m anufacture of guncotton. It is be- The blast destroyed one building, j at the college, it was learned today, Excuse me. Guess yesterday gram of training under Coach meeting of the executive board of» irurai credit bonds were issued, explosion, when figures of enrollm ent by coun :? eVed that some of the explosive Fire which followed the I was too deep for some folks. Hughes since the opening of school. the local chapter of the Red Cross which, on June l, 1917, was in­ Today a fellow asked me who I was finally controlled after two ties became available at the regia-!” “ 1 re,na,ned in one or m or" of the The average weight of the team is a t the E lks’ parlor Monday after­ creased by $200,000, m aking a total ,pipes. The workmen, believing the hours of persistent fighting in which tra r's office. m eant by “ Osler Jo e.” Well, 150 pounds. A shland’s huskies will noon. Plans for the drive have not ¡ the firem en’s lives were continually , ,, , . . „ were carelessly Osler Joe is a very pathetic old i, . of $450,000 of these securities bear­ . . rhis is the )argest number of stu -' pipes harmless, return Sunday evening yet been announced. The local drive throw ing them on a truck when one song wherein it is recited an oily In jeopardy by reason of their close dents ever sent £rom JacksOQ for funds will be supplem entary to in g 4 per cent interest. suddenly blew up with a loutf roar. Thp stran g er came down th e road .proximity to adjoining building con- tv accordIng to the recordfa High school students interested in April 1, 1917, the first highway h campaign of national scope. pieces were hurled a n , m g j n g h explosives.______ tot.,1 registration represents all Ore- Jagged great force of 1q metal directions where a beautiful bu t unsophisti­ debate, public speaking and parlia- Among the indigent cases report­ bonds were issued in the sum of cated m other was a t the gate gon counties. thirty-eight other ____ _____________ Subsequent issues of ed by the Red Cross at its executive $500,000 F. DAVIS, EARLY (Continued on Page ’4) fondling her first child. The states and fourteen foreign coun- ..mi L uuiw rii lu re ig n meetfhg was th at or a m other who these securities have been author- PIONEER ROGUE I lle S . . . . u u v u u u t j f ic ttu h n il stran g er made a lot of to-do over Multnomah county leads utl nJ J had been seriously IU and taken to iaed since th a t date until there are _______ ALLEY, D E A D jOtjier counties the child and finally th e m other «unties ¡n in Oregon Oreaon in in point n oint of nf fXC C c/V C U a local hospital at an expense of, ° * outstanding highway bonds in went away from Osler Joe, and , n u m b ers, w ith 571 students enrolled. aggregating $28,640,000. '$103.50 to the local Red Cross chap­ Oregon the song tells the whole sad story Jam es Francis Davis,, a resident of ‘ W ashington ranks - first among iu< the < ■-- ------ ter. The m other’s two children, who The interest charge annuelly on in Osler Joe’s own words. It is Rogue River valley since 1869, d le d 'sta te s outside of Oregon, with 307, had never been to school, a re b ein g itbese bouds w>* am ouuts to $1,356, really a tear-raiser. Rfead it. {at his late home in Gold Hill Tues- :'au[ these provisions of th e e x istin g ,, „ , . TT.,_ „ tjj |aw E b e r R. D avis, Gold Hill; Mrs. F. J. he used for the storage of the treas­ 1 lowed by the perform ers and other For the payment of the interest on tax ax ,aws aws. 1)011, Gold Hill; Mrs. W. H. Fergu­ urer's. hooks and recordb, and the 1 attractions. SALEM, Sept 29.— There is a 'th e bonds which may be issued to son, Gold Beach, Ore., and Jam es E. safe moved forward for the keeping The races of the day also bad an pay the bonus to ex-service men or ELSINORE. Utah, Sept. 29.— , Davis and Emery L Davis, both of ... of the county funds. F urth er room small Jackson county delegation 'Ashland color, Murphy Brother* will be obtained by the assessor’s of­ here, but with Mayor Gates at its' *na e oana to them, a levy of a tax 'Three residences and a new sch o o l, Gold Hill w inning both the relay race and two Gf one mill annually on the assess­ building were completely wrecked by F uneral services were held at fice moving across the street to the head they are making a decided /running races. F>ed W. Herrin bat» building purchased from Luke Ryan splash, Mayor Gates is not only a able property of the state is au th o r­ fen earthquake today. Every resi- Rock Point cemetery at Gold Hill T on exhibition the finest hunch of of the the so-called so-called deuce and business house was more ’this morning a t 10 o’clock, Rev. D member of th e state fair board, but ized and * is outside » s e of last spring for th a t purpose. sheep. Panghorne, the aviator, k y LOUIS P. KIRBY 6 per cent tax limi- or less damaged. The loss is esti- E. Millard, of Medford, conducting The tax rolls and other documents is the livest wire on it. and yester- cans,ltl,t pulled off a wonderful aerial per I. N. S. Staff CorrespondenL m ated a t $100 ,0 0 0 . 1 the services. and books stored in the official day at the opening ceremonies acted MEXICO CITY. Sept. 29.— Eco­ .formance. The Ashland delegation woodshed and loft thereof, or a large as m ajor domo. Last night he gave/ nomists in Mexico are finding th a t* , was in evidence a t various places anti part of them, will be sheltered in th e I ! and was given a venison dinner at experim ents in protection call for as{ lunched a t hotels, court bouse park basem ent of the new vault, if th ere the Hotel Marion, attended by a much caution as experiments in t and at the auto camp ground. is room after the surplus books of num ber of state fair dignitaries, and The cham ber of commerce com- chemistry. the clerk’s office have been quar­ h e and Jim Linn, also a member of hnittee appreciates the response of T he last experim ent to fail was the state fair board and owner of tered. protection of the flour mills. The •the owners of cars and the harmoni- Many grand juries in the past ' the Marion hotel, made an official government has now decided to re- bus way in which they responded to have recommended th a t a vault b e inspection of the fair this morning. iAhe parade feature. As the cloth move the new Import .Ihty on H om clot built fo preserve the county records, Mayor Gates is supposed to have ex­ beginning October !. Ashlan<1 banners are the propert beginning October 1. 1 and the storage of records in tne clusive charge of the chicken show Millers, among whom are many or the cham ber of commerce for th. woodshed was a. “ talking argum ent” the largest collection of winged^ influential men In Mexico, a few purpose of loaning to cars on psrad. in the campaign last w inter to move beauties ever gathered under o n e ' months ago appealed to the govern- occasions, it is desired th a t the par­ roof, but th a t Is not the limit of his the court house to Medford. . ment for relief, saying th a t because ties having such banners will please activities by any means. of the high price of wheat in Mexico retu rn them to the cham ber of com meirce office. Some banners that IRISH DELEGATES they were unable to operate t b e i r i ~ ~ 7 \ '7C*'72 u“ “ a t*rs 11 C. C Cate and Elm er Oatman, in INVITED BY LLOYD mills a t a profit and compete w ith 7 r / p ^ P h i n e county fair ai v » l U U U 5 PaS" th e c h e s n e r f l n n r « h i n n ^ l ____ f GraUt8 b*Ve »»Ot yet been tw- GEORGE TO CONFER charge of the Jackson county ex- the cheaper flour shipped here t from j i hibit, completed th eir labors at .. i turned. ; toreign mills. LONDON, Sept. 29. — Prem ier o’clock this morning. For three day Accordingly, a decree was issued MEXICO CITY, Sept. 29,— Rebel Lloyd George has replied to Eamon and nights they have been at it, and requiring im porters to pay duty on , rion against the Mexican governtnen De V alera’s note inviting th e Sinn one or two hours of sleep each night shipm ents of flour. T l_9j P _ ” ved rin Yucatan, reported to be headed b> Fein to send delegates to the Irish i . had to suffice. When one realizes; satisfactory to millers and w heat that there are over 500 separate and G eneral Alveredo, form er secretur» peace conference October 11. growers, but was not so pleasing to o t , he tream tr,. 1« under ar distinct products on exhibition, it The prem ier reiterated the cab-1 bakers and consumers, especially as cordlns w „ . p , « , ^ rMe, ved „ in e t’s declaration that Irish indepen , a space little larger than a hotel bed Mexico s crop shortage th re a te n , The rosolulion „ reporle(1 dence cannot be recognized and pro­ room, some idea of the work in high food prices this fall and w in­ spreading to the adjoining state oi tested that the basis of negotiations v°ri’ed may be realized te r Conviction th a t Mexico will Campeche. Several have already The Jackson -.county exhibit is cannot be reached through cor­ need foreign flour— and from the been killed in the conflicts betweei good one, although Mr. Cate says the respondence bargain counter— this w inter, it is Alveredo’s troops and those sup pear exhibit this year is not up to said, this caused the decision to re- porting the regime of Presiden DUBLIN. Sept. 29. — Optimism the one a year a S°- move the im port duty. Obregon. over the early settlem ent of the Irish *ong haul by train, the pack- Many other steps have been taken 1 peace problem was aroused by Iloyd ‘ lng and unpacking, also works to prevent, if possible, distress d u r­ BEAUMONT, Texas, Sept. 29.— George’s latest note, which was re- bar(* b*P> being impossible to ship ing the coming w inter and to stim u­ A forty-five-thousand-barrel tank o ceived here today and immediately pears tbis distance and not have the late industry. One of these was the gasoline was burned at the Ma« considered by the Sinn Fein cabinet. resu,ts of It. Cate says th a t the next reduction of the export duty on “The prem ier’s letter justifies full j *’m e there m ust be some sort of pro­ uolia Refinery company here toda : henequin from 6 to 2 cents. This in a fire which started when lighi confidence in the proposed peace tective covering for the pears— cot- was in the hope of im proving condi­ conference.” said one member of the ton b a tting for example— and al- ning struck one of the tanks Th tions in Yucatan and neighboring tank instantly burst into flames. Tb cablnet. (C ontinued on P age 4) I •— (C ontinued on P age F ou r) lo < « 1 1 1 / STATE F I ARE IN WINNING CLASS .7 With Acclaim At Siskiyou Co Fair ** MEXICO TO STOP T DOTY ON l