PAGE FOUR THE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS MICKIE, TH E PRIN TER’S DEVIL Local and Personal ÇM ê u P Siskiyou Chapter No. 21 R. A. M. Masonic Hall, Ashland. N otice of M eeting. Special convocation Thursday eve­ ning, September 29, for work in the Royal Arch. Visiting and sojourn­ ing companions cordially welcome V. V. MILLS, H. P, W. H. DAY, Secretary. By Charles Sughine W ell, it May Possibly Be Hotter at the Equator * W t-ttn N tm o s tt Unis« VJOV4' Z O W te ' O F ALL ’W HOT PLAGES t EVER W TL IU , \% TU' UE AW-V4 EIGHT C H A M PEEN '. POS\-T\\)ELN VAA ALL W 1 COULOWT WALK AUOTWER S T E P T o SAVE MN U FE ! Last dance of the season at the Bungalow Wednesday uight. Big dance, fine time. Grunts P ass Mail Robbery—» Postal and railroad officials refuse to discuss the circum stances su r­ rounding the finding of a rifled reg­ istered mail pouch about a mile east of the Southern Pacific station a t noon yesterday by P. R. Kim bell, miner and prospector. The pouch was found in a ditch half full of water. A postal inspector was due to arrive this afternoon, according to W P. Quinlan, postm aster, who would not commit himself until a complete investigation had been made.— G rants Pass Courier. Q.C Have a fit— C. Orres. Clift Payne makes The time of your Bungalow W ednesday music. Last dance of 17tf lodge was made in sixteen minutes, showed neat rows of figures to prove The elapsed time for th e trip be- his deductions, and then the house cedar chests. tween Medford and the lake of fo u r: proceeded to slice here and trim 22t» ih o u rs and sixteen m inutes included there in accordance with th eir own four stops for the tire changes and ideas of how much money Uncle Sam life at the one stop between the Rogue Elk re- • could get along with— or without, night. Pine sort and Prospect to allow a ¿ ro v e ' D epartm ental estim ates of ex- the season. ot cattle to get out of the way. penses are being given the careful enue, $53,110,139; all other treasury ] the fact, favored his meter, saving departnients, $99,457,795; federal th a t he was more careful with the board for vocational education, $162-; use of the water. 655,184, Panam a canal, $10,000,000. Near the end of the discussion --------------------------- Mayor Lamkin stated th at those who IRRIGATORS LOCK WITS; ENGINEER INSISTS W ASTE A fter dinner at C rater lake, this “once over” nowadays under the Meet the crowd a t the Bungalow time with ordinary driving, the jo u r­ suspicious eye of Charlie Dawes, of- (Continued from Page 1) W ednesday night. Last dance of the ney was continued on to Klam ath ficial watchdog of the public treas- season. E arl Hosier, city w ater superin­ Falls via F ort K lam ath and Modoc j ury; bu t bureau chiefs— those who tendent, stated the use of a filtering point, a distance of sixty-six miles, decide how much they need to keep A lbert Taxi. Phone 183. 307-lm Remodeling and cleaning system would make the adoption of which was made in three hours and things going— are set in th eir ways Orres. pressure-reducing valves throughout twenty minutes. and hard to budge. The effects of Watch Yeo’s window. 299-tf Such a method, he said, Leaving K lam ath Falls a t 2 o’clock the war, when the personnel of . manv i , the , city- • * .... Paulserud’s suits can’t be beat for » a , y ! would facilitate the forcing of w ater Thursday afternoon, the trip, with departm ents increased en o rm ously,»« , price, style and quality. 21« Automobile insurance— Yeo, of , rf> .« II « ,» ..._ _ 7 ’ t0 the hlSher levela hl the city. William J. W arner as an extra pas­ are still felt; and, although efforts course. 299-tf senger, was made back to Medford have been made to re tu rn to norm al Under present conditions, water Rink Losses Retrieved— users oil the hillsides are sometimes “An express package containing H ear the new “ Fiddle-Oddity” via Pelican bay, Lake of th e Woods working conditions, it is im probable unable to obtain water, Medford th a t the com paratively cheaply op- $1,100 in government bonds and a played by Harold Isbell, In the La­ and the Dead* Indian tra il Mr. Sliibley said, “ If the water was reached a t 9:3‘0 o'clock last check for $728 in payment of back Salle' Q uartet October 1. w ilieeVer°hernin+n t Pre’War days) waste here was conserved and* used, night, the distance of ninety-six will ever be restored. interest on same, forwarded by the ... ,, , j the city s revenue would be increased Seats for Skovgaard now on sale miles from K lam ath Falls being treasury departm ent, was received Billion Required for Interest $1,600 per m onth.” 17tf made in seven hours, including sev- by Andrew C antrall Friday,” says at Rose Bros. The biggest single item in Secre- Reservoir Costly ---- ------------------------------eral stops. Of course, no effort was the Jacksonville Post. “ Bonds re­ tary Mellon’s list of estim ated ex- “The in te rest,” Mr. Shibley con­ NEW YORK, Sept. 28.— The Ger- ■ made to make tim e on the re tu rn ceived are to replace a like am ount tinued, “on the investm ent in a pendktures for this fiscal year is the of Liberty bonds engulfed in the man mark has established a n e w ' journey, and not a bit of tire or any $100,000 dam would am ount to $500 wreck of our banking house last low record, selling at .0078. At the other car trouble was encountered, in terest upon th e public debt, which year. It is believed th a t George present value it will be possible to although much tim e was lost through Is placed a t alm ost a billion dol­ per m onth, to say nothing of your lars, or nearly one-fourth of th e to­ operating expenses. T h at’s expensive Fick, now at McCloud, Calif., has purchase about 125 m arks for the striking a big bump. In the round trip from Medford tal requirem ents of th e governm ent. water. T h a t’s som ething to think likewise been reim bursed for bonds dollar. The previous value of the There is to be, it is estim ated, an about. The engineer you engage to lost in the bank failure. Recovery m ark before the war was about 25 the total mileage was 244 miles. expenditure of »545,206,204 to the solve your w ater problem should or these funds is largely due to well- cents. ' railroads, under th e transportation know som ething of power develop­ MEDFORD I B O R E R directed efforts on the part of At­ act of 1920, and »651,384,865 for ment. Your planned dam would c o s t! KILLED ON CXIUNTY torney D. W. Bagshaw.” MILAN, Italy, Sept. 28. — Foui GRAVEL PIT JOB the retirem ent of the public debt, asi about $300 per acre foot. Another more deaths have been reported in required by law. The debt payments thlnK’ moss growth would collect in Today it pays to look around be­ battles between the Fascisti, ex­ Include. Sinking fund, »265,754,- w ater confined in a dam of such fore buying. See Paulserud’s suits trem e nationalists, and the social­ ( Continued from Page 1) 865; w ar savings securities, »100,- a size as you conteiuPlate.” and overcoats. 2 1« ists. Two members of the Fascisti He was still conscious on arriving at 000,000; m iscellaneous debt redem- Orchardists Like Meters were killed In a clash with the o- the hospital, and Mr. Skinner hur- For pleating, see Orres. 17« tions, »100,000; purchase of librety doy and ^rdst, both j cialist forces n e ar Modena and two riedly went by auto to the Huson bonds from foreign repaym ents, »30,- m e,nbers ° r the city council, and others killed near Fogga. home and brought Mrs. Huson to 500,000; redem ptions of bondb and orcbardl9ts- asserted that they had leaves for Los Angeles—» i the bedsidb of h er dying husband, George E. Stannard left yesterday notes from estate t-axes, »25,000,-i^r *ed m eter system and found j The main injuries were a fractured 000; retirem en t of P ittm an a ct eer- th " at it saved them money. evening for Los Angeles, where he Both t pelvis and lacerations in th e groin, will enter the sophomore class of men wanted m eters and favored tiflcates, »70,000,000; retirement i which extended to th e abdom inal the University of Southern C alifor­ from F. R. B. franchise tax receipts, th e ir use as far as th eir personal in­ j cavity. There were num erous minor $60,000,000. nia, the college of dentistry. terests were concerned. Mr. Frost i i injuries. adm itted that his property was more,' Some Other Spendei« It is understood that the H uso» L e t us give th a t old suit a going or less of a clay nature. Mr. Joy family is poorly fixed financially The legislative branch of th e gov- said th at his property was of gran over. You’ll be surprised. Paolse- i and much sympathy is generally felt ernm ent estim ates th a t it will n e e d iite composition, but, regardless of ru d ’s. 21« A rem arkable ru n to C rater la k e ' IT — for the bereaved widow and children. $17,213,813 during the p re se n t! -*1- 1' jm _____ ________ — from Medford was niatfe last [year, while the executive d e p artm en t1 T o o I»ATK TO CLASSIFY. W edensday via Trail in a 1921 Max-; will get less th an two million, its! WANTED— ban furnisl7"»ma’rd_7n d well te a rin g car, with George V. j expenses being estim ated at $1,897 -' room for two high school stu ­ Adams of .th e A. W. W alker Autoi 751. r dents, ladies preferred. nquire company as driver and Seeley V.f 496 Beach street. 23-2* fh e estim ates lists their req u ire-1 Hall, transportation! m anager of t h e ! m ents as follows: FOR SALE — One Majestic range, C rater Lake company, and Mr. Fra- one small box heater. 549 East State departm ent, $10,344,000; idy Calf of th e Medford Mail-Trib­ Alain street. 23-3t* deparfm ent of justice, »17,000,000; une staff as passengers. Reserved seats now on sale at Rose ; post office d e p a rtm e n t,-$2.200,000; The distance of eighty-two miles Brothers. Auspices F irst Company, By H. K. REYNOLDS interior departm ent, including pen­ from th e Medford postoffice to the O. N G. s io n s and Indian claims, $332,000,- A TELEPHONE CALL (1. N. S. Staff Correspondent) C rater lake lodlge was made in the! WASHINGTON, D. C., Sept. 24, ¡000; departm ent of agriculture, GRAND CONCERT actual running tim e of three hours Grumbling as he pays his income »123,000,000; departm ent of com B rin g s THE FACTS and twelve m inutes, and the elapsed tax and irritated by the extra cent j merce, $19,923,000; departm ent of If you want to know about aero- [ tim e was fo u r hours and sixteen or two which he pushes across t h e i labor< $5,252,887; independent of­ plaues, you go to some one who has m ta a te. This is believed to be . . bar at , he a0(la [ountala, Mr A , er. fices, $13,484,516; D istrict of Col- made a specialty or aeroplanes. Any • 1 recor w e w stand for yeare. ■ age c it iIeI1 occasslonally fe e ls1 the umbia, $22,187,66’; miscellaneous body can tell you what an aeroplane is NOT The average tim e from pinch « K of » federal j , » ». » The Danish Violinist . a . running . . taxation, talks .» It $62,500,000; postal deficiency, »60,- Similarly, anybody can tell you Medford to the lake is from six to ,»v AND . __ 1 over with his neighbor, and decides 000.000; bureau of w ar risk in su r­ what the great urugless health sci­ seven hoars. The trip Wednesday , . , , . , . . _ . . 3 \ th a t an awful lot of money is need­ ance. $286,000,000; public health ence of Chiropractic is NOT. No one I was made in a stock car weighing ed to keep th e government running, service, $47,000,000; collecting rev- but a C hiropractor is competent to 2,065 pounds. Of coure, a larger but seldom realizes where all the tell you the FACTS about w hat C h i-! roppictic IS and w hat it DOES. car mighs shave a few m inutes off dollars th a t Uncle Sam gathers in to ' If you will telephone this record in a special trial. his treasury go. 108 The only special th in g arranged P ian ist Dr. Kinz will be glad to send you in-1 Secretary of th e Treasury Mellon, l tor this trip, which was designed in his first estim ate of the cost of form ative literatu re concerning Chi-i BA R BER ropractic. Simply say, “ Send me the | to see how fast the 1921 Maxwell PROGRAM M E • operating the government, figures! facts.” No obligation involved. No Children’s Work A Sonata in E M inor. . . . Emil Sjogren could* m ake it, was th a t the car for th a t about four and* a half billion effort will be made to “convert” you. the tria l was a United States mail- Specialty ALICE and AXEL SKOVGAARD This is a straightforward offer to dollars would be required to keep put you in possession of the facts, Le Deluge .......................Saint-Saëns carrying car, carrying the daily mail th e official wheels of the nation re­ Safety blades resharpened uncolored by either prejudice o r 1 from this city to the lake Mr. volving during the present fiscal Allegro from “Suite F antastiqu e” like new. Single bit, 30c n i,onflgflnd^T ........................................... Nicoleleff Adams is well known as one of the year. The secretary told congress Telephone 103 TODAY. doz. Dobule bit, 60c doz. Mazurka de C oncert. . . . W ieniawski best drivers in Oregon. how much the governm ent needed, The reports th a t reached Medford AXEL SKOVGAARD of this fast going on m ountain roads Frolic of the W ate rs................ Ravel to the effect th a t three jackrabbits Flower-Waltz from "Nutcracker Suits” ................................G rainger were run down and killed on the trip are erroneous, and probably ALICE McCLUNG-SKOVGAARD grew out of the fact th a t several A ndante from Concerto................ ....................................... Mendelssoh jackrabbits had th e ir fu r scorched. The G uitar ................ Carl Relnecke Mr. Adams is too dextrous a driver Melodie .......................Edwin Lemare to run over anything. It is tru e th a t a t times the w riter Meuuet from Quintet in E Major. ......................................... Boccherini began wondering how to properly Indian Snake-D ance. . Cecil Burleigh address St. Peter. This little m at­ F act. P rice W a r T ax F re ig h t T otal te r didn’t bother either Adams or AXEL SKOVGAARD Chassis ........... .................$390.00 Prelude Op. 32 No. 1 0 .Rachmaninoff Hall, as they, when the eventful $13.05 $112.90 $515.95 Waltz Caprice ...............................Scott tim e comes, will both go to the place R unabout . . . . ................. 420.00 23.00 112.90 555.90 A rab esq u e.............. Debussy where Jam es T. Grieve and Alex T ouring .......... ................. 450.00 24.20 112.90 587.10 Erotikon ........................................Greig Sparrow are expected to land, un­ T ruck ............. ................. 445.00 14.40 112.90 572.30 Finnish Dance ......................Palm gren less they mend their ways, and Coupe ............... 30.20 ................. 595.00 112.90 738.10 Etude de C oncert........................Liszt know perfectly how to address the gent in charge there. Sedan ............... ................. 660.00 ALICE McCLUNG-SKOVGAARD 32.90 112.90 805.80 Anyhow, the car left Medford at A rrangem ents of Classicol-Compo­ The above prices are delivered a t A shland. sitions (Selected) . . F ritz K reisler 8:50 a. m., and stopped at C rater Si. era Morena ......... Axel Skovgaard lodge at 12:06 p. m. The actual running tim e to Prospect wa§ one hour and fifty-rive minutes. Be­ AXEL SKOVGAARD tween Prospect and Anna Springs Skovgaard is pronounced “ Scow- camp the running tim e was one Gaw.” ASHLAND, OBEOON. hour and the five miles up from Anna Springs camp to C rater lake Remarkable Time Made to Crater Lake By Maxwell Ashland Armory Tomorrow Night used water should be willing to pay for. it. Mr. Shibley left this morning for Portland. He expects to return to Ashland in two weeks. LEA V IN G TO NIG HT ee D inty —S tarring- W e s le y B a rry He never went on a hunger strike, hut hunger struck him lots of times. Wesley Barry is at his best in “ Dintv.” THURSDAY ONLY Dorothy Dalton IN “ B E H IN D M A S K S ” E. R. I SAAC & Co. Successors to C. H Vaupel. THE QUALITY STO R E Mellon Explains Where the War Tax Money Goes ‘Skovgaard’ Alice McClung Skovgaard W. A. SHELL NEW F O R D P R IC E S Effective at once Including Demountable Rims and Starter HARRISON BROTHERS FORD and FORDSON DEALERS "Opportunity Day” -Thursday W onderful O pportunities are offered in 'th is Dollar Days Sale—come and see for yourself “ T h u rsd ay .” Only a few of the m any “ D ollar D ay s” Specials are listed here. »■ ■ ' ................. JA P CR EPE OUTING FL A N N E L 3 Y ards for $1.00 7 Y ards for $1.00 27 in. wide in fancy patterns and white a regular 18c value AU the new colors and a fine heavy quality, sold regularly at 35c yd. COTTON BA TTS $1.00 WOOL SERG E $1.00 Y ard 72x90 full com forter size $1.25 value. BLEACHED MUSLIN 6 Y ards fo r $1.00 36 in. w id e fin e q u a lity f o r th e needle. “ Bleached.” PERCALE 5 Y ards for $1.00 36 in. extra good quality in light and dark patterns. 36 in. wide in all the good colors for fall wear, sold reg­ ularly at $1.19 yd. PIL L O W CASES 4 for $1.00 42 and 45 inch linen finish pillow cases, sold regularly at 35c. W O M EN ’S HOSE 3 P airs for $1.00 Ribbed top, good quality cot­ ton, regular and out sizes. CHILDREN'S HOSE 3 P a irs for $1.00 HUCK T O W ELS 8 for $1.00 Extra heavy quality, sold reg­ ularly at 39c pr. Good size huck towels for fam ­ ily use, sold regularly at 20c. EMBROIDERY EDGES 9 Y ards for $1.00 CLUNY LACE 5 Y ards for $1.00 Em broidery edges and inser­ t i o n s , values to 15c yd. Real Cluney lace in several good pattern's, sold regularly at 25c yd. Extra! not a Dollar but a Bargain More Je rse y Ja ck ets in navy, black, brown and red. Our firs t shipm ent did not last long. A real bargain a t $5.48 1 - — ---- H ave your P icoting and H em stitching Done H ere The Store W here Your P atro n ag e Is A ppreciated