pao » ASHLAND DAILY TOCTOS. * *nme* Hili Visitor— terial things, Hall believes. Home Wilmer Hilt, of Hilt, Calif., is in nowadays is too often only a place Ashland for a few days this week, to eat and sleep— a base, as it were, receiving treatment from a local doc­ from which forays are made upon L ocal an d P er so n a l tor. Mr. Hilt is a member of the the world at large for the things PHYSICIANS. ATTORNEYS. pioneer family for which the towaj that people now regard as important. -------------------------Side Lights ■ ■ 1 -------- — “In other words,” he said, “the home Dft. FRANK M. MOXON— hag re- BRlGKJS A HftlOOS— Attorneys-at of Hilt was named. linquished his practice in Ash- Law, Pioneer Block, Ashland. is only a means to an end— not the G ift Show er for Bride— Chas. S. Wilson— Fainting, paper- land. All accounts are payable I.« * —— ------------------- Mrs. Carl Smith, bride of a few hanging, tinting. Satisfaction guar-' Woolens for men and women sold end itself, and this makes for un­ at his office before a period of ROBERTS— Attorney-at-Law. 17tf rest when young wills clash and the toasted to seal 8-lm* by tbe yard— C. Orres. weeks and formerly Miss Zelda Heer, anteed. P. O. Box 244. fourteen days from date. Rooms 6 and 6, Citizens Bank Bid« income dwindles. There is not that was honored with a gift shower Fri- ....... • DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Practice in the delicious Portland A rrival— unity of interest that used to be so day afternoon by several girl friendfe Confined by Illness— CHIROPRACTORS. limited to eye, ear, nose and j B. W. Rosselle, expert coatmaker marked a feature of our home life, at the home of Mrs. Van Dyck, on q h Billings, of the Billings throat. -Office hours, 10 to 12 and' R. GEO. J. KINZ — Chiropractor. Budey flavor— 2 to 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash-| Suite 8. Examination Free. No. Morton street. agency, was confined to his home and tailor from Portland, has taken with the husband earning the money land, Ore. 73-tf a position at L. J. Orres’ tailoring and the wife safeguarding its out- 25, the Plaza. Office Phono 103. ---------- i yesterday by illness. establishment A. Horner, tailor, is go.” Residence Phone 401. A 10« per cent attraction for 100 ■ ■ UR. J. J. KM.MENS— Physician and spending a three days’ vacation at Hall also declared that changes Surgeon. Practice limited to per cent Americans in the LaSalle Smoke American Bugle cigars.; eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses wrought in war’s aftermath contrib­ Quartet at the Armory October 1 for Made in Ashland. 245 Fourth St.i Yreka, Calif. E. B. Angell, Chiropractic, Elec­ supplied. Oculist and aurist for uted muck to clogging the divorce trical Treatments, Mineral and tbe American Legion. 16-lm o’ ; S. P. R. R. Offices. M. and H.t Something new In Teo's window. courts. Many young fellows return­ Vlt-o-Net Baths. First National Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 567. Hank Building. Phone 48. 299-tf ing from overseas, he said, had con- C alled by B roth er's Illn ess— • A tten d K. P . Barbecue— DBS. SAWYER A CRANDALL traded the wanderlust. TAXI. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Ferguson le ft1 Arthur Troutfether, Mrs. A OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS “And what’s the remedy for all this morning for Portland, where! Jacoby and Miss Elfreida Jacoby Pioneer Building. PbOQd HOTEL ASHLAND this?” the interviewer asked. Phon« 260-R. Res. 274-J or 367-J 213. they were called by the serious ill­ were Ashland excursionists to the i 136-tf Q W ' 'M 'W c $> “More emphasis upon spiritual ness of Mr. Ferguson's brother, W. recent Knights of Pythias barbecue FOR SAIJC. values; less upon material well-be- TRANSFER AND L'XPRMSS. at Hornbrook, Calif. A. Ferguson New arrivals at the Hotel Ashland j ing,” he answered. “ America is suf-j FOR SALE— One mattress, one rug. T. U POWELL— GENERAL TRANS are; John C. Holste, San Francisco; leather rocker, lawn mower and FER — Good team and motor­ For high grade tailoring for men, Native scotch dance in native cps- Ben Mitchell. C. E. Rood, Portland; I faring more from the breaking up i garden tools. «57 Boulevard. trucks. Good service at a reason­ ! of family life than from industrial • and women— C. Orres. tume by an ex-member of the Scotch O. R. Flint, F. T. Lidyard, Rose­ 22-2 it it able price. Phone 83. ¡depression or any other cause. The Royal Highlanders, in the LaSalle burg; T Wigman, M. L. O’Donnell, Astor Li Visitors— FOR SALE— Genuine sweet potato FOR PROMPT and careful service Quartet October 1. Portland; Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Cal­ j disease from which we suffer isj be t with Auto-Trucks or Horse Drays, within us. The cure also