PAGE TWO THE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS that there is no topic of conversa­ W YCLIFFE’S WORK ON BIBLE tion worthy to interest them except Established 1876 the Arbuckle scandal and the Brum­ Published ¿very Evening Except Historians Uncertain a* to What field case. Sunday Fart He Actually Took in Trans­ THE ASHLAND PftlXILXG CO. lation into English. In its flounderings and* vacilla­ OFFICIAL CITY AND tions over the tax revision, congress PAPER John Wycliffe (1335-1384), who has has overtaxed the patience of the TELEPHONE 39 been called the "Morning Star of the By ADDISON BENNETT tirely to automobiles and accessor­ Reformation,” translated—or caused people. Subscription Price Delivered in City SALEM. Or., Sept. 26.— This was ies, and the overflow of scores is to be translated—the Bible from the )ne month .................................. $ .65 the tirst day of the sixtieth Oregon scattered around in different places. Vulgate (St. Jerome's Latin version) Three months .............................. 1 .9 5 1 LABOR IN RELATION TO state fair, hut the first days are Six months .................................. 3 .7 5 ’ But we will now go hack to the into English, with the assistance of PROBLEM OP READJUSTMENT One y e a r ....................................... 7.5 0 1 merely get-ready days, when the “&>g house” and take the next build­ Nicholas of Hereford and John Pur­ Mail mtd Rural Route*. vey. Wycliffe and his disciples la­ Large classes of labor have taken final touches are given to exhibits ing, which runs back and corners bored at the translation for some ten One month .................................. $ .65 Three months .............................. 1.95 their losses by severe wage cuts. already in place and those brought with the stadium at the east end ol or fifteen years. Scholars are not Six months .................................. 3.60 Among those which have accepted in by laggards are installed. Con­ the lawn. Here Is the splendid agreed as to exactly what part Wy­ One year ....................................... 6.50! I them have been many skilled crafts sidering it as a first Aty, I have no white concrete poultry house. It is cliffe himself took In the literary ADVERTISING RATES: j which have seen that in the long run hesitation in saying the fair was in a gem. It is 150 l'eet east and west work. Display Advertising “It is a known fact,” says the En­ ! wages on the new basis w'ill have a a better state of preparedness for by 100 feet north and south. It has Single insertion, each inch............30c, « , . , . . .. , the start than any of the eighteen broad aisles, plenty of space to show cyclopaedia Britannica, “that Wycliffe YEARLY CONTRACTS i purchasing power equivalent to that fairs 1 have attended and, given poultry, perfectly ventilated and has proclaimed the Bible as man’s su­ Display Ailvewiaing when wages were higher preme spiritual authority, and that he One time a week.....................27 *4 c Certain classes of labor contrast fair weather, it will more than like galvanized iron and fronts covered sought in consequence by every means Two times a w eek.....................25c unfavorably, however, with labor as ly eclipse, both In interest and at­ with wire netting. These so-called In his power to spread the knowledge Every other day......... . ............. 20c a whole. The time is not far dis- tendance, any of the fifty-nine that coops are from fourteen Inches to of it among the people. It Is, there­ Local R eaders. four feet in width, about thirty fore, In all likelihood due to the zeal of Each line, each tim e.....................10c tant when not only that uncertain have passed into history. I cannot help saying at the be­ To run every other day for od « inches deep and the same in height. Wycliffe and his followers that we group known as the ‘ general pub- month, each line, each time . . . 7c 7 . .. * ginning that the directors have made Of course, the pet stock, rabbits, etc., owe the two noble Fourteenth century To run every issue for o n , month llc’ but those sectlon8 of k conaist- They have occupy many of them. They are translations of the Bible which tradi­ Ing of other classes of workers and one great innovation. or more, each line, each tim e .. . . 6c tion has always associated with his C lassified Colum n. farmers, will have come to a realiza­ set their seal and their faces against nearly all filled and it will be the name, and which are the earliest com­ One cent the word each time. tion that labor pays its own wages, all species of gambling or alleged greatest poultry show ever held in plete renderings that we possess of To run every issue for one month or which are ultimately measured, not games of chance. No more on these Oregon. the Holy Scriptures into English. The more, %c the word each time. in money, but in goods. The money grounds, under the management of There are fowls Here from more first of these, the so-called early ver­ Legal R ate: First Time, per 8 point line . . . . 14)< wage only measures the estimated the present directors, can you throw than half the states of the union, sion, was probably completed about Each subsequent time, per 8 point worth to other consumers of the a ring over a pin and win a rag from Maine, Massachusetts, Georgia, 1382, at all events before 1384, the l i n e ...............................................Cc year of Wycliffe’s death. The second, goods produced by the wage earner baby; no more can you “ring the Florida and New York. It will be or later version, being a thorough re­ Card of Thanks, $1.00. duck” ; never again can you throw When any clas of labor attempts to a great show in a building of great vision of the first, is ascribed to the Obituaries, 2 V4 cents the line. F raternal Orders and Societies. force its wages out of line with a baseball at a son of Africa peer­ beauty and utility. I,have not seen year 1388 by Sir Frederic Madden Advertising for fraternal orders ing through a small hole in a or societies charging a regular initi­ other wages and the price level, that blanket. Everything like a "chance” all of the poultry shows held in this and Rev. Joshua Forshall in their country by a long shot, but 1 have edition of these two versions.—Detroit ation fee and dues, n> quotations on more horses on the ground than many years. No other physical feature JO 11 WORK On September 17, through the States. there ever were at any time before. of the ocean Is subject to more per­ from Wonderful improvements have kindness of H. B. Rankin, of the The reader may or may not remem­ sistent misinterpretation than is the THE FRANKIJN PRICE LIST. United States forest service, trans­ been made on the beautiful grounds Golf stream. It Is a pet theory of Same prices— Reasonable Price— portation was furnished for the since the last fair was held. At least ber that within the last year three many that the temperature of Europe to all. planting of 10,000 cutthroat fry a couple of miles of cement walks members of the fair board resigned is greatly affected by it, but this effect have been put down, so that it is — President Marsters, of Roseburg; Is not as extensive as is commonly Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, from the Butte Falls state hatchery Postoffice as Second Class Mail In the following streams tributary now possible to get all over the J. D. Farrell, of Portland, and E. V. thought. Practically starting at the Matter. to the North fork of Rogue river: «rounds, from building to building, Garter, of Ashland. These resigna­ Florida straits, where its volume is .Mill creek, Union creek, Bybee creek, without fear of mud or dust. Even tions were not caused by any friction made up by the union of currents, it ■ ceases to be a true current by the | Copeland creek, Wizard creek, Na­ in the camp grounds more than half or other discontent among the mem­ time not long after it reaches the bers, but came about through busi­ ♦ « tional creek. Park creek and Minne­ of the streets and walks have been Grand hanks* where it becomes sur­ ness reasons. cemented. Love is not to be reasoned €> haha creek. face drift, governed by the winds.— j •’ down, or lost ♦ Suppose the reader visits the The board as it now stands con­ Christian Science Monitor. Over 300,000 steelhead fry have 'v In high ambition, or a thirst <§> grounds with me, metaphorically sists of J. E. Reynolds, of La tor greatness; been liberated in lower Big Butte speaking. As we enter the gate Grande, acting president, and direc­ creek, and 60,000 are yet available r- ’Tis second life; it grows into Ant Families. the soul, passing up a fine walk some fifty tors, H C. Brown, of Portland; C. for distribution at the hatchery One of the most peculiar examples Warms every vein, and beats In <* More- cutthroat and rainbow trout feet in width and look to the east F . Mates, of Medford; W. H. Sav- of nature protection found In the j -e every pulse. across a lawn 160 by 760 feet in hge, of Corvallis, and J. R. Linn, of world is that afforded by the sugar ! Addison. <9 will also be liberated in the near dimensions, say six acres. Thsre Salem. These gentlemen work in ant of Australia. The sugar ant is i future. * ♦ we have before us one of the finest great harmony with the secretary, one of the smaller of the held ants of i Mr. Berrian has received orders displays of flowering shrubs and A. H. Lea. It is said that Mr. Lea that country. The meat ant, on the to clean out anti put in repair the other hand, Is a very pugnacious crea­ The bank is a tremendously strong fish ladder at Gold Ray dam, which plants to be found any place In this has arranged to go into business ture, so that there are few enemies country. Here and there we see 'elsewhere and will drop his duties of Its size which dare approach its factor in the economic life of the will be done in the near future. many majestic oaks, and many set­ here as soon ns the business of the nosL The sugar ant realizes this, so A dam with fishway around same nation American banking is on re­ markably sound basis, so that banks is nearing completion in Little Butte tees in their umbrageous foliage. present fair is settled up. It is too It seeks protection for Its own home in general are properly to be re­ creek, on the L. K. Haak and H. B. Walks border, cross and criss-cross had to lose Mr. Lea, for he has done hy building It at the base of the mound garded as safe and trustworthy. The Tronson places, one mile above the this lawn, and at the east end, reach­ wonders, and the board will have a at the meat ant Then it covers the nest entrance with leaves, so that they business handled by American banks town of Eagle Point, where steel­ ing clear across, is the great stadium difficult task to get a person to are hidden from sight. The meat ant equal him. - runs far into the billions annually, head eggs will be collected the com­ erected three or four years ago. works only during the day ; as soon as Old Building Made Over and yet this huge enterprise : ing spring, and the fishway has been j the sun sets, it goes Into its nest and Looking toward the southeast, we Is not easily disturbed, while darkness marked by consummate honesty on provided to allow the salmon to pass t h a t k in d . prevails. On the other hand, the sugar see the old agricultural implement the part of those who are engaged to the npper waters of the stream. ant comes out at night and feeds upon C h o l l y : I in banking. Trust the banks, be­ Racks in Antelope creek will also building, now all made over and well the honey of fiowers or the sap of auppooo y o u cause they merit your confidence. be maintained for the collection of painted. To the northeast Is the old small plants. In this way the two know I'm a familiar sign announcing that the eggs. species of ant do not come in contact suitor of your good people of the Christian church There are a few persons here in with each other, and the meat ant pro­ stator's? 'would be glad to have us eat dinner Ashland who seem to be going along* vides plenty of protection for the sugar j Bobbi«: Too with them. Just east of that is the from day to day, living on the theory ♦ ant, while the latter is having its day- ! TALENT NEW S Q —b nt y o a commodious dressing or retiring time sleep. All of which reminds one ' don't suit 'or. of the popular old farce of “Box and room for the women, and then the ♦ ♦ ♦ > ♦ * O Oox.”—Christian Science Monitor. ♦ dinky little dairy buildin«, not half There were about twenty-five out A REAL PUNCH. ♦ TIDING« FASHION MINTS ♦ big enough for Coos county, and Til­ A ♦ to the Community club Wednesday lamook county could fill it twice You think his Experience, the Great Teacher. afternoon. They had a social time Over. •tory has & real Observation more than hooks, ex­ punch to it? and lunch was served. perience rather than persons, are the That statement is not a kick; it is Sure thing. Ton Members of the Rebecca lodge Simply a statement of fact about prime educators. Books aid as one UNADORNED BUT SMART ea c h t to have has wit to use them to advantage, met and celebrated the eleventh an­ Which the directors feel just as I do. «een the way it persons most when seeming not to put me to Bleep. niversary Saturday night in the I. But the directors „assure me they serve us. Experience converts us to O. O. F. hall of Talent. will remedy this just as soon as pos­ ourselves when books fall us, and this Mr. Bailey, of Anderson Creek, sible. You see, in the early days of oftenest against our knoweldge and has brought up fifteen head of milk the fair Oregon was not much of a consent. And It remains question­ cows. He expects to start in the dairy state. Now It is vieing for able how far our attainments further dairy business. or hinder nature’s intentions, the art superiority with Illinois, Iowa and of education being still so com­ Miss Ruth Garvin made a trip to New York. With the all-the-year plicated and Incalculable a matter Medford Wednesday to see the pasture we have along the coast we 1MB LIONESS ANS TOE BUCS that not a few of the most striking dentist. # ought, and will, eventually eclipse characters have been formed, untram­ Mr. and Mrs. Morris Barlow, Mr. every other state in the union. meled by our «chools, under the more and Mrs. Chester Nighton and son, direct and potent Influence of life And what comes next on the east? Cleo, were over from Hilt Wednes­ 'Why, a replica of the dairy building, and things, operating under the pressure of necessity and seeming ac­ day on business. now given over to a new feature, a cident.—A. Bronson Alcott. Mr. and Mrs. John Bat?et left dog show— a dog show in this great Monday morning » » A w haa, where 'state of Oregon, occupying the same Bible v*. Newspaper. they expect to stay for the winter. space as our dairy products. Direc­ The following statements as to the . Mr. and Mrs. Earl Withrow and tor Jim Lin, one of Oregon’s livest relative value of the Bible and the i daughter, Mildred, a(re over from 'of live wires, recognized the com­ Sunday paper, were made by a Kan- ! Hilt visiting for a week or so with parison of dogs with butter, cheese sas city clergyman: The great ap­ the former’s mother, Mrs. Withrow. and cream, and said to'me: “We are peal In all good newspapers Is In their style of makeup. Their stories 'doing the best we can, Bennett, and I MKBBE are brief and well told. But no liter­ J hope when the sixty-first show opens He:0W hy did ature can be compared with the Bible. to have a dairy building to he proud The! aaaUng guite a fu« Mss marry a There are no stories so well or brief­ Abouti nsroua of. We think we have accomplished man twice her ly teld as those In the Bible. The And flies sad ants and fleas •8 * 7 ■much, but hope to accomplish far Bible tells the true facts. It Is Im­ Boasted thair She: Wanted more during the next year or two.” partial. And It will be used as an The plain tailored suit always finds Someone with And than they a example of true literature as long as Im plem ent Sheds F ille d business sense idmlrers. among the mosi tastefully “How many cubs da you we have a civilization, while some Looking from the entrance gate and experience. trussed women, and when it contrives “One” «b. replied, wkk « newspapers are Inclined to color He: One who south we see the new row of imple­ * 9 u t it’s a LJON— :o he original and clever they become their news and try to mold public understands all ment sheds, 250 feet long by 35 feet its enthusiastic devotees. Claiming sentiment into their way of t h in k , about alimony rheas two factors In dress distinction,, wide, and every inch of space taken. ing. and such things* :hs smart suit, pictured h s n \ lnvltsa This Is a brand new building. The I suppose. icratlaj. old Implement shed is given over en> Tidings “ wants’1 get results Ashland Tidings Wednesday, September 2ft, 1021 f STATE FAIR DECLARED BEST AND CLEANEST IN HISTORY September Otterings COTTON PETTICOATS Plain or floral patterns— 98c, 8 1 .7 5 , 8 1 9 5 JERSEY SILK PETTICOATS NEW SWEATERS The Princeton line of Knit Sweaters for fall is the best we have ever seen. Tuxedo and ripple skirts are both shown In wonderful weaves and beau­ tiful yarns. 83.95, 84.50, 85.95 and up to 89.54» WINTER UNDERWEAR A good fleeced union s u it.81-19 A fine fleeced union s u it.81 JR) Carter’s cotton union suit 82.25 Carter’s and Gilt Edge suits, in wool or part wool .........................82.9« up Buy Dr. D enton’s S leep ing Gar­ m ents and Lackaw ana Tw ins Underwear for children. ♦ FURS Just now furs are selling, and you will not find so good a se­ lection later as we are show­ ing now. WOOL SERGE 98c Wool serge in Brown, Copen lagen, light and dark Navy, and is the kind for children’s dresses. At 98e yard. NEW COATS AND SUITS Shown at very reasonable prices and, quality and workmansip considered, you will find them exceptional values. Let us show you how sterling coats and suits are made. C. B. L A M K I N BARGAINS IN Real Estate The Heider Tractor and P.&0. Disc Plow will