A shland D aily T idings SHLAND climate without the aid ot Medicine, cure« nine caie« ottt of ten of Asthma. This 1« a proven fact. A p i iLARIA Germs cannot survive A • three month« in the rloh osone at Ashland. The pure domestic water helps. International News Wire Service ________ _ VOLUME 3 (Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Vol. 43) ____ _______ « - * ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1921 No. 23 100 ARE KILLED AS STORM SWEEPS JAPAN Consolidate R. R. Properties Plans Of Commission <$ IN S IS T S « MASS MEETING AT CITY HALL DEVELOPS A DISCUSSION ; . FREE-FOR-ALL METER QUES­ TION IS ARGUED BY ORCHARD- ISTS. ♦ Before a meeting of fifty inter­ ested citizens and irrigation farm ­ ers at the city hall yesterday eve­ ning, K enneth Shibley, San F ran ­ cisco engineer and m anager of the C alifornia F ilter company, re ite ra t­ ed his statem ent made before the city council Monday evening to the effect th at an enorm ous waste of w ater was prevalent in Ashland His talk, which was virtually the same as th a t made before the council and published in yesterday’s Tidings, was followed by a free-for-all dis­ cussion among the audience, mem­ bers of which directed rapid-fire questions at the speaker. At times the trend of discussion threatened to make the installation of m eters, which would necessitate an expenditure of approximately $30,000, the issue in the many-cor­ nered debate. Much opposition among the irri­ gation farm ers against m eter in stal­ lation was expressed, not on the ground of the initial expense for such action. but because of the claimed added expense to the users Oppouents, among whom were in­ cluded John H. Dill, orchardist and farm er, asserted th a t m etering of the w ater supply would m ake it im­ possible for the growers to continue on a money-making basis. The orchardists contended th at, owing to n ature of the soil here, which is said to be largely of graqite composition, more water was needetf here than in the m ajority of places throughout the country which have taken as a basis for figures of two acre feet of w ater per year, the maximum necessary demand for irrigation purposes. Figures from the city w ater departm ent show a use of three acre feet in Ashland. In spite of all argum ents brought out by the orchardists. Mr. Shibley m aintained th a t a great am ount of w ater was wasted in Ashland. He Aid not attem pt to say how or where the waste was. lie said the solution should be left to the engi­ neer and insisted th at a w ater su r­ vey should be made. “The waste is existant,” he said, “and at the most only 3,500,000 gallons of w ater can be accounted for. w here­ as between 5,500 and 6.000,000 gal­ lons are being used daily. I ’m not tryin-g to blame the irrig ato rs; I don’t know where the loss exists.’’ As a source of possible loss, Mr. Shibley rem arked th a t there were 2,000 w ater service taps on the city system. The average ratio, he claimed, was five persons to every tap. It was contended by the irrigators th a t the greatest am ount of waste, if any, was by the owners of small tracts and city-law ns. It was as­ serted by many th at no waste at all existed. Some qualified th eir re­ m arks with “ not th a t much waste.’ ------------- ® WASHINGTON, D. C„ Sept. 2§.— Plans for the consoiida- tion of the railway properties of the United States into nine- •> teen systems was announced ♦ today by the in terstate com- merce commission. ■?> The proposed plans are in ac- ♦ cordance with the provisions '•> of the in terstate commerce act and is intended as a recommen- ® dation for the solution of the nation’s transportation diffl- culties. <$> <$> <§> <$> i- -$> $ <§> > <$> P A $>4. ; $ French Money Misuse Is Charged By Germany H az IÇik GRAVEL PIT JOB Arrest Of River Pirates Discloses ‘ Chicago W et Ring ---------- ♦ v CHICAGO. Sept. 28.- An ■§> illic it liq u o r rin g t h a t is he- ■•s> •$> lieved to have smuggled in vast -•> ?> quantities of contraband booze • ; ?> into Chicago was uncovered to- * ?> day with the arrest ' of ten • “river pirates." The men were •> arrested as they waited for the THREE H UNDRED FISHERMEN I arrival of the launch which is I »ROW NED; D 1 S P A T C H E S •> believed by officers to have a <•>- FROM ABROAD ARK STOPPED •> shipm ent of liquor on board . <♦> The police and federal agents 4^ AND PA PER S CARRY LOCAL »> are endeavoring to find the Q launch. NEWS ONLY. A <$• <$> <$• •'»> A *> <*• <■?' '»> TOK1O, Sept. 28.— The death toll MEDFORD, Or., Sept. 28.— Milton resulting from a terrific storm which BERLIN, Sept. 28.— Sensational W. Huson, an employe a t the county has swept northern and western disclosures of the method in which gravel pit near this city, died •Japan mounted to nearly 400 today. the French used the money supplied i' yesterday noon a t the Sacred H eart Three hundred fishermen are re­ by Germany for the upkeep of th e| j hospital from injuries sustained in ported to have lost their lives in the French arm y of occupation a t the an accident at the pit plant early Toyama district alone. It is esti­ time when Germany could b a re ly 1 Tuesday forenoon. He was 49 years mated th a t more than 3,000,000 meet her indemnity and obligations, old, resided a t Sunset Place, between I homes are inundated. Nogoya and was unleashed today amid a storm here and Jacksonville, and leaves a Sometimes 1- wonder, if I was a Kobe are the centers the hardest hit ; of dissension in the reichstag There will be eighteen or twenty j wlfe and several children. Every- by the storm. Reports received here hew guy, just from a great center! one ¡tine in the official treasury A telegram has been received state th at the harbor of Nogoya pre­ cars a t the Siskiyou county fair from th in g possible was done to save th e of population, With a pocketful of report was th a t Germany, upon Ashland today as a result of th e ! un£oi'tu n ate man s life, but 10 no from A. J. McCallen stating th at sents a scene of disaster. W ire com­ 'money, a headful of ideas and a ! orders from the French generals, Chamber of Commerce co m m ittee's! avaib had won the tw enty- m unication has been badly in ter­ hatful of bunk, whether I would | had 8UPPlied- 731,000 m arks for the Oregon efforts at having Ashland make a ' be accident occurred a t 8:40 erection of houses for im m oral p u r - itbird Place medal in the national rupted and no dispatches from little noise at the neighboring coun- ° ’c,ock in the morning, incidental to look upon everybody in a small poses in the French zone of m ilita ry ' rifle matches recently held in Camp abroad are being received. Newspa­ ty ’s annual showdown of what It ear* the startin g up of the plant, which community who opened their mouth, occupation. j p e rry, Ohio. This is a signal honor, pers here are going to press with do. The sta rt was not quite as uni i had beeu closed down for some time offered a suggestion, or asked a Tbe cost of m aintaining the a l­ as tw enty-third place is a high rank only the local news. form as the committee had expected, pafd' A force of ten or fifteen em- question, as a “gossip” and “moss- lied arm ies of occupation was esti­ ami places Oregon again in the fore- some startin g earlier aud some later ployes was assembled waiting for FILM ACTRESS 'back.” Somebody with calons hands mated to be half th at of the rem ain­ i most ranks. Last year the state than the schedude of 2,30 o ’clock operations to be resumed, including TESTIFIES AGAINST had to come first and blaze the trail, der of Germany. j team made a very poor showing, and The com m ittee hopes th a t the plan ■ Ilu8on’ who was in tem porary charge “FATTY” ARBUCKLE or the place would never have looked it is due in no small m easure to the of having all cars meet at the Yreka lu tbe ab3ence of the regular man WASHINGTON, D. C., Sept. 28.— skill of the local F irst company men, attractive enough to some bf us’ city lim its and effect a parade will who hel d th at position. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 27.— "Wo A fter everything was put in read- *ven t0 llg b t> and besides. som etim es| Controversy is brewing in the Ger- A. J. McCallen and J. Q. Adams, be a success. went into the room and found Vir­ iness to sta rt th e plant, which lfl It is not a b a d idea to look a strang-1 man reichstag over the clause iu- th a t this medal was won this year. ginia Rappe on the b ed ju lly clothed, h .11 there ' will be a delegation an<- o -'er over b®iore take too firm a l i v i n g of the reparations ......... commis-; In addition to competition with gether o£, operated operate«» by a a fifty-horsepower ntty-horsepow er m mo- _________ bat with her h air down, moaning as 100 representative citizens, includ- j to r’ L Skinner, of the California- hold on him, lest he pan out like ¡«ion in the German-American treaty teams from every state in the union, if she was in pain,” testified Zeb i on the groundl th a t it would make th e local men went up against scores ing quite a sprinkling of the old i Oregon Pow er company staff, start- the stran g er in “ ’Osler Jo e.’’ the present German government as­ HAZ KIK. Of inen from rifle team s all over the Prevost. one of the state's s ta r w it­ pioneer descendants, at today’s p ro -' ed up tbe rao£or with Huson, w h o ; nesses against Arbuckle a t the fifth sume for the German people respon-, (’nited States gram of the fair and rodeo a t Yreka. t was to have operated the machinery ■ SEXATB »TARTS jsibility for the world war. according; McCallen’ and Adams are now on session of his prelim inary hearing ________________ ___ _ (a fte r it had been placed in opera- ‘ to official advices received by r e r ! llieir way batk lo Ashland by way on a charge of m urdering the film tion, beside him. ! FIGHT AGAINST R. R. Canadian Pacific route Their actress. Scarcely had the machinery gotten! TRANSPORTATION TAX publican senators and which are u m tof She testified th at when she e n ­ derstood to have been transm itted ABhland trieud8 and t he F irst com- in full operation when a wire on ______- tered the room Miss Rappe was to the state departm ent. pany hoys will welcome their re- the cable of the drum of the elec­ WASHINGTON, D. C., Sept. 28.— I _________________ screaming, “ I’m dying; oh, I know ! turn. tric hoist, to the horror of Mr. Skin- The senate agricultural bloc has ¡SOUND KNELL OF i’m dying!” Miss Prevost said thnt F ir S f C o m p a n y an.tl others in sight, caughi started a fight against the retention “ HELP" AGENT AT the girl then started tearing off her , Huson’s sleeve and he was wound of half the present tran sp o rtatio n tax NATIONAL .TINI EREN. E fljjf g g jjJ j clothing. Arbuckle helped her tear around the drum four tim es before on freight, pullm an and passenger j off her waist and then started te a r­ Skovgaard, the noted Danish vio­ th e m achinery came to a stop, al­ railroad rates, as proposed by t h e . WASHINGTON. I). C., Sept. 28.- ing off the rest of her clothing. She linist, will give Ashland music lov­ though Mr. Skinner had turned off revision bill Senator McNary has The abolition of all private employ- and Mrs. Delmont finished the re ­ ers a music feast Thursday night at th e cu rren t immediately he had seen offered an am endm ent for the re-I ment agencies and the establishm ent m ainder of the clothing. the Armory under the auspices of H uson’s sleeve caught on the cable peal of all transportation taxes by of a fedbral employment system to Miss Prevost corroborate«! the ice the F irst company, Oregon National The momentum, however, caused the Jan u ary 1, 1922, as provided by the ' bring the w orkers and jobs together story told yesterday by Semnacher. drum to continue to revolve several guard. house tax bill. was advocated before the national She said The m andate for the delivery to m anager for Miss Rappe Music lovers are requested to 'tim e s, ----------------- . „ ------------ unemployment conference by a long th at Mrs. Delmont ordered. “ Don’t (he state prison at Salem of Pater bring flowers of every kind and de- Tbe injured man was extricated WASHINGTON. D. Sept.. 28.—- list of witnesses. do th a t!” and Arbuckle stopped. F. (Dutch Fete» Strauff and Frank scription in order th a t the stage may quickly and a doctor was hurriedly A drive for an am endm ent to the “Vicious, dishonest, and labor vul- be decorated as attractively as pos- summoned to give first aid, and also senate rules to perm it cloiture or re- ( tudes” were term s used by witnesses Rod at, convicted of the attem pted INDIANAPOLIS. Tnd„ Sept. 28.— robbery of the Gold Hill hank last sible. nn ambulance. It was seen at once striction of debate, to be invoked by : in describing, the m anner in which The G rand Army of the Republic, April, has been received, and the Reserved seats are now on sale a t ‘ tb a t bis injuries were probably th e m ajority, instead of tw o-thirds the private employment agencies in national encampment here, went two men will be taken to Salem a t Rose Brothers, and Ashland people 1 fatal, and Huson was taken to the vote, as at present, was s ta rte d by a operate. They are described as in­ on record a« condemning the Ku once, exact day and time kept secret are advised to get them reserved at j hospital a fte r being given first aid. group of republican senators friend­ creasing unemployment ra th e r than by the sheriff’s office, which fears Klnx Kian once. The F irst company is under; ly to the administration today. decreasing it. (Continued on Page 4) the two men will make a dash for contract with Mr. Skovgaard where-! liberty. The pair recently w ithdrew N ew Yendotne by they receive a large portion of Mr. and Mrs W. A. Hudnell will th e ir appeals to the suprem e court the advance seat sale, consequently take charge of the Vendome a p a rt­ for a new trial. Influential friends every one wishing to help the First ments and room in »r bouse October 1. have promised assistance in placing company is ask ed to buy seats in ad­ (heir cases before the board of par­ vance and thereby a large sum so dons. paid goes to the f i r s t company. The men were convicted, and the Practically all of the money received entire case hangs on the question of the night of the perform ance goes Identification, and the testim ony of to Mr. Skovgaard. consequently the an ex-convict th at he had been advance seat sale will be of the “ tipped off” th a t the robbery was greatest help to the F irst company to occur on a certain night. The and will insure b etter seats for the chief witness for the state said he ticket purchasers. * An apple exhibition will be held “ couldn't tell them from a China­ Mr. Skovgaard comes to Ashland at Medford in October, according to m an” at the prelim inary hearing, as an a rtis t and is being presented the plans of the Medford chamber but was very positive ‘at the trial, to th e Ashland public at a price far though adm itting the cobbers had of commerce. Although this dis­ less than is ordinarily charged at A shland a H om e City their faces blackened, wore masks, play will be held at the exhibit room his performances. “This is a home city with g a r­ aud it was m idnight in the back at Medford, it will not be a Med­ Captain Briggs, of the F irst com­ ford affair, but for all of the Rogue dens; we need more w ater,’’ re­ Voom of the Gold Hill bank. pany, stated today th a t any one a t­ m arked one resident. A nother was Both men have prison records, River valley. tending who did not think th a t he It is estimated that there will be applauded when he stated. “We have which weighed heavily against them. got his money’s worth a t th e per­ in the neighborhood of 1,000 cars fine w ater here; very seldom any one Strauff was pardoned Christm as day, form ance would have his money re­ of apples this year. At no time in dies. No irrigation, no tow n.’’ 1918. Both- protest their inno­ turned at the door, which is an ex­ In advocating the filter, Mr. Shlb the hiBtory of the Rogue River val- cence vigorously. tremely liberal offer to any au d i­ ‘ ley has there been the tonnage in ley explained th at the purifying of ence apples as during this year and due the city's w ater would make the in­ S.OOO JAPANESE The F irst company, in order to stallation ’of m eters possible by ob­ /to the moisture which fell during DOCK WORKERS provide itself with club rooms, is viating clogged meters. The filter, STOP SHIPYARDS^ la®t winter and spring the apples indebted to the F irst N ational hank ______ _ ¡ have attained remarkable size. he said, would cost approximately in the sum of about $600. and it Is I $1 50 per capita per day to oper-| YOKOHAMA, Japan, Sept. 28.— • The committee which is to have necessary for the Ashland public to, Five thousand dockyard workers ■ charge of the Rogue River valley ate, inclusive of operation costs and j respond in order to help them pay i the interest and depreciation of thej have struck here and are demanding 1'apple exposition has not as yet been i a 30 per cent increase in wages. investm ent. It was stated the aver­ th is no-inconsiderable sum. appointed, so that no announcement Clippings which have been re­ The strike will seriously interfere can be made as to the manner In age home owner in Ashland spends ceived from newspapers from differ­ at least $10 per year in. w ater pipe, with the naval construction program which apples will be displayed. ent cities all over the coast indicate now being carried out in the Yoko­ There undoubtedly will be plate dis­ repairs, according to a local plumb­ th at Mr. Skovgaard has been re­ er, because of the debris gathering hama shipyards and will add to the plays of the various varieties and ceived with the utm ost enthusiasm . in the w ater fixtures. delay th a t has already been oc­ instead ot full-sized commercial They have a ll,b e e n lavish in their casioned by the labor troubles in boxes, one-layer boxes will be sub­ commendation , (Continued on Page Four) other Japanese shipyard«. stituted. 100 ASHLANDERS ATTAIN HONORS IN SISKIYOU CO. FAIR Advance Seat Sale Armory Program to (J q /J Robbers to Start Prison Term Soon D Valley Apple Show Preparations Are Made-Next Month 1