¥ * ’ pAQH F o rm ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS For pleating, see Orres. 17tf Espee Has Big B i l l - Installation of a large m otor at —00 A tten d Teachers' R eception— the Southern Pacific yards and plac­ Approximately 200 teachers and ing the entire plant on a m eter sys­ Wednesday Afternoon Club to Meet residents interested in school wel­ tem has increased the electric cur­ The Wednesday AftaThoon. club fare attended the public reception rent source of revenue $3,500 to of the Presbyterian church will meet given, a t the H aw thorne school an­ $4,000, according to a statem ent nt the home of Mrs. F ran k Shinn, nex Friday evening by the Parent- made by E. O. E asterling to the city 174 Oak street, on W ednesday, Sep­ Teachers’ association in honor of council. tember- 28, a t 2:30. All ladies of Ashland grade and high school the congregation who a te interested teachers. The entertainm ent lasted Remodeling and cleaning — C. in the social work of the church are until 10:30 o’clock in the evening. Orres. invited to attend and bring any new Besid?s G. A. Briscoe, city superin­ idea or suggestion th a t may help the tendent of city schools, who deliv­ L iglu Rill to Be H igh— work along. ered the main address,' the follow­ The electric light bill for the city ing took part in the entertainm ent for the month of Septem ber prom­ Hot Tamales at Rose Brothers—• program : Misses Daura Prescott, ises to be in the neighborhood of They're fine. 10-4 Florence Alien, K athryn Miller and $1,000, as against th e m inim um Mrs. G. M. bates. charge of $600 for cu rren t sup; G o lfer R etu rn s— plied by the Californkf-Oregon A fter an unsuccessful attem pt to Let us give th a t old suit a going Power, Councilman Shinn stated at regain the national am ateur golf over. You’ll be surprised. Paulse­ a recent council meeting. It was title, which he had held on several ru d ’s. 21tf decided to sh u t off the street form er occasions, H. Chandler Egan, stream er lights! in places more re­ of this city, will arrive here today B aptists Hold Picnic— mote from the business section. from St. Louis, Mo., where he acted The seventh annual picnic of the as captain of the invading northw est Baptist Volunteer class was held in Cliff Payne makes cedar chests. team, which included .golfers from the church parlors Septem ber 23. 22« Portland, Seattle and Victoria, B. C. Dinner was served at noon. Electiou — Medford Clarion. of officers then took place and the Salem Visitor— following appointm ents were made: Mrs. Powers of Salem, who hud Have a fit— C. Orres. 17tf Mrs. Elizabeth W right, president; been in Ashland for a few days on Mrs. Cora B utterfield, vice presi­ business, retu rn ed home this m orn­ R eturns P'roin Portland-— teacher; ing. Mrs. Powers is devoting h er­ Mrs. E. E Marcev has returned dent; Mrs. Ella Oxford, Mrs Mary C. Hale, assistant teach­ self to her aim of a state farm home from Portland, where she accom­ er; Mrs. Betty Jay Hawks, secre­ for boys and girls or Oregon, which panied her husband to a hospital in Mrs. 1A» N. is said to have brig h t prospects of th at city. Portland doctors en ter­ tary and treasu rer; Smith, assistant secretary and treas­ success in the n e ar future. tain hope for the recovery of Mr. urer. Those present were: Rev. Marcey. W alter L. Evans, Mesdames W alter The tim e of your life at the Evans, Eulalia W right, H. R. Can­ Bungalow W ednesday night. Fine Today it pays to look around be­ ine, I. W. Sperry, Mary C. Hale, music. Last dance of the season. fore buying. See P aulserud’s suits and overcoats. 21tf A ulletta Harvey, Callie Dozier, Anice McClanahan, Ida N. Smith, Eva Central P o in t V isitor— Miss Imogene W allace, of Cen­ Held, Cora B utterfield, Jessica Por­ Baptise Sunday School Picnic— Thirty-one members of Junior Bap­ ter, Nellie Peters, G race Holmes, tra l Point, was an A shland visitor tist Young People’s union enjoyed an Carrie Miller, Dr. Mattie B. Shaw, yesterday. Miss W allace intends to all-day hiking a n d picnic expedition little Jam es Ernest Evans, W alter open a music studio in this city soon. to the old Ashland mines Friday of L. Evans, Jr., Lois Marie Evans. last week. Weinie and m arshm al­ Dessel Ammour, Virgil Ammour, Mr Leave« to.’ S a le m - Mrs. C B. Lumkin, left last eve­ low roasts featured the day’s enter­ Paul Held. ning for Salem to visit her sister tainm ent. and to view the state fair. Last dhnee of th e season at the Big Paulserud's suits can’t be beat for Bungalow W ednesday night. I Fisherm an R eturns— price, style and quality. 21tf dance, fine time. Rev. J. H. Doran, retu rn ed from City to Purchase Wire— his outing trip to N ew port yester­ A request by E. O. E asterling, city day. His friends a re said to be electrician, th a t $2,000 worth oi feasting on salm on today. electric light wiring be purchased -------- - B A R B E R by the city, was granted by the city : Meet the crowd a t th e Bungalow C hildren's W ork A council at a recent meting. Wednesday night. L ast dance of the Specialty season. Local and Personal W. A. SHELL y W eather P u m a s ; — , Safety blades resharpened W eather conditions as forecasted Leaves for Vrek*— like new. Single bit, 30c for the ensuing week by the weather Charley Slade w ent to Yreka to­ doz. Dobule bit, 60c doz. bureau at W ashington. D. C., follow; day to spend th e fa ir week a t th a t Pacific Coast States— F air in place He was born th ere, his p a r­ California and considerable cloudi­ ents being early pioneers. ness and showers in Oregon and W ashington; norm al tem perature. A ttend S iskiyou Fair — I C A N S E D U C E YOUR W E IG H T * R O U N D A N orthern Rocky Mountain and George W. Dunn will take his DAY W IT H M T S A F tjiS U R E. IN E X P t N- S IV E D R U -& L E S S M E TH O D . R e s u l t s Plateau Regions— Generally fair, ex-J mother, Mrs. Mary H ill Dunn, to G U A R A N T E E ^ O R M O N E T R E fU K O E P > W R IT E T O D A Y FoW F R E t IN F O R M A T IO N cept local rains W ednesday or T h u rs-[ the Siskiyou county fair a t Yreka F .IIZ A B E T H M A R S M C L t t, O b e s ity S p e c ia lis t day; norm al tem perature. with the Ashland C ham ber of Com­ S u ite 8 0 7 - S B ro a d w a y B ld g -. P o r tla n d , O r e . E. H. BOWIE, Forecaster. merce excursion tom orrow . Mrs. Dunn’s father was one of the earliest pioneers and sihe rem em bers from her girlhood tim es of atten d ­ ing various festivities a t Y reka as far back as the tim es when “ m otor­ ing” was done by m ule back and horse back. She was anxious to a t­ tend on this occasion, to keep h e r­ self up to d ate by ¡going over the Siskiyous on the P acific highway paved to the state lin e by Jackson county and the state o f Oregon. WHY BE FAT? çgâ; a i alitti Ji t fe u . In eveçy field there is a leader / The uniform high quality of Red Crown gasoline, and the unfailing satisfaction long expe­ rienced through its use, have made “Red Crown" the favorite motor feel, relied upon by the majority of motorists. : W ith the leadership of “Red Crown” has grown a system of service. At Standard Oil Service Stations you are assured of quick, courteous and efficient service. Garages, and other dealers, too, sell Red Crown gasoline. Look for the Red Crown sign before you fill, — the sign that signals “Power and Mileage.” STANDARD OIL COMPANY (C J N i m i i) OU Tuesday, ¡September 2 1 , ItKil Special children’s matinee tomor­ not until after his death th a t his row (W ednesday), 4:15 p m. Wes­ sons sold it to a collector, who, in ley Barry in “Dinty.” turn, sold it to the Spanish museum, where the instrum ent descended from father to son in many genera­ tions. The price demanded tor the violin was $13,000, and was paid by Skovgaard This violin fulfills the most euthuisastic expectations as all will believe who hear its tone. CURTAIL WATER WASÍE-C. OF C. The elim ination of waste In the m atter of the city’s w ater supply was urged by Kenneth Shlbley, San Francisco engineer, at a Cham ber of Commercé forum luncheon given this noon a t the Hotel Ashland, a t­ tended by forty members and guests. G. M. F rost and H. E. Elmore, members of a recent delegation of business men to K lam ath Falls, gave an account of the entertainm ent given at th a t city a n d the work be­ ing done by the É lam ath Falls Cham her of commerce. Carl Loveland, director of the Ashland band, entertained the din­ ers with several musical selections. E. T. Moore, who has been in charge of the work on the recently completed Green Springs road, gave a brief talk on the ‘ build­ ing of a city,” liking his subject with the possibilities for develop­ ment since the opening of the Green Springs road. W ith the road’s com­ pletion g reater travel between Ash­ land and K lam ath Falls is expected. The road makes a . . sh . . o rter V • route to C rater lake possible. Mr. Moore urged th at a great am ount of tim ­ ber land on the Green Springs road be made trib u tary to Ashland. Plans for the completipn of the road b e­ yond the sum m it are being made Members of the Cham ber of Com­ merce commended the m anagem ent of the Hotel Ashland on the excel­ lent menu prepared for the forum luncheon. debris before reaching the filter. He tion, F. H. W alker, city engineer, recommended th a t screen be placed rem arked th at “ I don’t believe th at a t the power house to catch floating the people who oppose the council’s m aterial. 1 action know what they are talking In reference to the w ater situa- ! about." ! WATEli WASTE I IS OUTRAGEOUS, SAYS ENGINEER (Continued from Page 1) tank basin of 20,0(l0,u00 guliou ca­ pacity would be necessary. Trys E xperim ent Mr. Shibley based his statem ents on a settling experim ent made with debris taken from a clogged meter and shaken in a ja r of w ater. He adm itted th a t a settling basin, as planned, would take the heavier m a­ terial out but would) still leave the “ bath tubs black.” He stated th a t the mica and debris contained in the city’s w ater during the freshet periods was nearly the same gravity of the water and difficult for a settl­ ing tank to handle efficiently. In his experiment, he said, three hours settling “ hardly made an im pression.” He stated th a t with the use of chem­ icals the water would need at least four hours additional time. If filters are installed, Mr. Shib­ ley recommended th a t one he placed on Crowson’s hill, up the canyon, j and one below the lower dam. j “ Bring an expert engineer in here,” he em phasized,” to look over the situation and take his advice.” Surprise was expressed that irri­ gation was being done from domestic pipes. Mr. Shibley stated th at such a condition was unusual The proposed system presented by Mr. Shibley would) have an auxiliary settling tank which by use of chem­ icals would settle 70 per cent of the S E R V IC E TOO LA TE TO CLASSIFY. HIGH SCHOOL GLASS FOR RENT— Furnished room with OFFICERS ELECTED; bath privilege; short distance from FOOTBALL PROGRAM business center, S. P. depot, highi school and east side school; pre­ fer two gentlemen or two ladies, Following permission granted by but will rent singly. 606 Allison B. C. Forsythe, principal of the high street. 22-3t* school, the last study hour of F ri­ day afternoon was given over to the WANTED— To buy 10 tons alfalfa hay, baled. Call 322 Wimer or election of class officers. The class phone 470-J. 22-3'’ officers elected are Senior Class— President, O .« M. FOR SALE— Wood and coal range, ' with new water coil, cheap for Johnson; vice president, M arjory quick sale. 140 Factory street. McElvaney; secretary, Carolfn Til­ 22-1», ton; treasu rer, Thelm a H eer; ser­ FOR SALE— W hite Leghorn p u lle ts,, geant-at-arm s, M aurits Jalo ; faculty winter layers, 3 months old, 75c adviser, Mr. Hughes. each. Phone 264-L. 298 Harga-i Ju n io r Class— President, C harlie dine. 22-1 R usk; vice president, Llle W entner; WANTED— Laundry work to do in secretary, M argaret Campbell; my own home. 24 3 Granite or treasu rer, Guthevy; sergeant-at- phone 4 6. 22-3* arm s, Annis W illiams; faculty ad ­ FOR SALE— One m attress, one rug, viser, Miss iMarysters. Class colors leather rocker, lawn mower and are purple and gold. garden tools. 657 Boulevard. 22-2* Sophomore— President, Raymond Bowers; vice president, Mr. Thorn­ FOR RENT— Nicely furnished room,' ton; secretary, Maxine Rose; tre a s­ close in Phone 274-J. 22-3 urer, G ertrude C arlton; sergeant-at- arms, Hugh Bates: faculty adviser, Miss Ridings. Freshm an — President, H arry Snyder; vice president. Lawrence P orter; secretary-treasurer, Dale •Leslie; faculty adviser, Miss Minnie w ill »Io your plow ing right now Poley. in your hard, sticky soil. The Heider Tractor and P.&0. Disc Plow M otorists R eturn— The Ashland football schedule for Mr. and Mrs. F red W ilson have this season is as follows : returned from a tw o weeks’ auto Saturday, October 1— Ashland vs. trip through C alifornia Klamath, at Klamath. October 7— Ashland vs G rants Pass a t G rants Pass. October 15— Ashland vs. K lam ath If you want to buy o r sell anything in Falls a t Ashland. October 22— Ashland vs. G rants Pass a t Ashland. October 29— Ashland vs. Medford at or W ant .any kind of N otary work Ashland. done It will he to your advantage November 5— Ashland vs. Rose­ to call on burg a t Ashland. November 24— Ashland vs. Med­ fo rd a t Medford. 1 If there are any bargain^ in town November 24, which is Thanksgiv­ they have them . ing, will be th e big game of the sea­ son, probably for the championship. Bargain in used sew in g m achine; also a new carload o f W hite sew ­ in g m achines ju st in, at TIMR DEPON1TH HERE are retired farm ers, with incomes, and well-to- T women (fc persons, who may tem porarily have idle funds. To them we recoin mend Time Deposits Accounts. With such an account at the First National, your friends will be pro­ tected, drawing good interest, and may be withdrawn at certain desig­ nated periods. V First National Bank Ashland, Oregon “O ldest N ational Bank in Jackson C ounty” Oregon Banking taws are designed to meet the problems of the citizens of this particular state. This state-chartered bank carries out not only the letter hut the spirit or these banking laws. The Citizens Bank Ashland, Oregon Peil's Corner REALTY, INSURANCE, LOANS BEAVER REALTY CO. TO PLAY ANCIENT VIOLIN, PROGRAM AT THE ARMORY DO YOU KNOW ABOUT n i CHIROPRACTIC? TEN THOUSAND CHIROPRAO- TORS are helping a clientele of more than 6,000,000 people to h ealth and happiness in the U nited States to­ day. This m arks th e advance the great drugless health, science of Chiropractic has a tta in ed In 25 years. Do YOU know all the facts about Chiropractic? Do YOU know w hat Chiro­ practic IS and w hat It DOES? Do YOU know how Chiro­ practic can help YOU? 103 is the telephone num ber o f Dr. Kinz, Chiropractor. Call th is n u m b er TO­ DAY. J u st say, “ I w ant th e fa c ts.” Your mail man will h an d th e tn to you to­ morrow. YOU ought to KNOW about Chiro­ practic. You don’t have to GUESS (Continued from Page 1) ■ i ■ 11 — —■ ■ . ■ —...... — ----- — rid ,” said the dealer, “I was pre­ sented to a collector of a rt works, in whose collection, however, there was but one violin, namely, a Strad- ivarius. •’ N aturally, I inquired how a violin could have behome lost among so many paintings and he then inform ed me th a t it was Au Old Heirloom which had always "been in the fam ­ ily, and) th a t he had once found a book w ith a history of how Stradi­ varius made this violin in memory of his dead son, and th a t they had therefore retained it in the mu­ seum .” W ith th e instrum ent went th e rom antic tale of Its origin— how in Cremona, through the love of one of Stradivarius’ best pupils for a girl violinist, an instrum ent th a t th e m aker particularly prized had been Stolen for the Girl when he returned It to its m aker he refused to p a rt w ith It ,and it was It Starts Today Special! THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL 66 9 9 STARRING W esley Barry SUPPORTED BY Marjorie Daw - Noah Beery O'Malley SPEED! It Goes Like a Streak o ’ Lightning! Leaves a trail of mystery, drama, comedy and thrills you wont w ant to forget Special Children’s Matinee Wednesday, 4:15 P. M. Admission 10 Cents. Be on Time You w ill say it is one of the best 100 Per Cent Program — GO TONIGHT