PAGE TWO THE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS work- international conditions to be reck­ oned with. The duly far-sighted Established 187« policy is the expansion of sales on a Published Every Evening Except The United States treasury sur­ narrow margin of profit. SuTufor Periods of genuine, as contrasted THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. plus is not in danger of suffering -2T-___________ , N’ . iMti from em bonpoint—-no. not for a wit.h artificial, prosperity are never OFFICIAL CITY AND T o C N W long, long time! characterized by rapidly-rising PA PER prices. Approximate price stabiliza­ TELEPHONE 39 American hopie life is threatened, tion is th eir prerequisite. This fol­ tabscription Price Delivered in City in its integrity and wholesomeness, lows inevitably from the fact t h a t ! Ine m onth ......... ........................ I .65 Three m onths í í í Z Z Í / 1*86 b7 th * precarious housing situation. the first principle of sound business Six m onths ......... * ...................... 3.75 ---------- of any sort is operation on the basis i One y e a r ....................................... 7.60! There can be no proper, sweet andl oi non-speculatlve profits. The M ail “<* around them prices of raw m aterials in that mar-« ket. In so fa r as th e purchasing Each line,, each tim e .................... 10c and see farm ers, and business men power oi American labor depends • To run every other day for on«» as well, who have been ru in ed by on the exportation oi m anufactured month, each line, each tim e . . . 7c having too much credit. » goods, it is likewise determ ined by To iuu every issue for on« month “This instinct for inflation by the international m arket, since Am- I or more, each line, each tim e. . . . 6c way of credit is nothing new. of Classified Column. erican goods produced a t costs above 1 One cent the word each tim e. course. It is only working along prevailing in o th er countries cannot To run every issue for one month or modern Hnes Forty years ago it be sold abroad. more, the word each time. Legal Rate: was ca“ ed ’Greenbackism .’ It may Gains thus far made in industrial F irst Time, pur 8 point line . . . . 1 0 r be seen in its exaggerated form to- activity are real, and there is steady- Each subsequent time, per 8 point _ j day in Russia, where it takes thou- progress tow ard b etter business Card of Thanks, $1.00. c ,’ sands oi dollars (in rubles at pre- W ith the exception of- cotton, the Obltuaries, 2*4 cents the line. 1 war value) to buy a pair of shoes. crops are reasonably good. aiiT* their F ra te rn a l Orders and Societies. *• “ Crediteering, like profiteering, is movement is being reflected in an A dvertising for fraternal orders always more prevalent in war neri- improved banking position as farm ­ or societies charging a regular initi-! . * ation fee and dues, no discount. Re-1 o<^s lhan a 1101 ,nal tlines- When ers’ obligations, are liquidated. Cot­ ligious and benevolent orders will be* prices are continually going up you ton mills,* th e wool m anufacture, charged the regular rate for all ad -¡can buy on credit and make money. X w nfs7nhaed / n adml3Si° Q ° F ° ther ’ When Pricea a ,e contlnually going and the boot and shoe in d u stry are all holding th e ir im provem ent of re -1 H ere is a picture of the $50,000 1 down you can buy on a credit and cent m onths. A lthough the s t e e l ' hand belonging to Skovgaard, the What Constitutes Advertising! go broke. This is simple, of course, industry is operating a t about one- Danish violinist, who is to appear at In order to allay a m isunderstand­ Yet the woocis are full of men who ing among some aa to w hat consti­ third capacity, production of both tutes news and what advertising,j believe, now, th a t farm ers can be pig iron and steel made fair gains we print this very simple rule whica; made prosperous by extending un­ is used by newspapers to d lfferln -1 limited credit to all who will use it. in August. Orders are sm all, but they have come from widely diversi­ atiate between them : “ALL future on “Too many of these men are in events, where an admission charge fied sources, both geographically and is made or a collection is taken congress, and in official positions in as to consuming industries. Many IS ADVERTISING.” This applies to the ag ricu ltu ral world. One crafty organizations and societies of every or lucky man gets rich by. going too other industries report slig h t bet­ term ent, and building a ctiv ity is be­ kind as well as to individuals. All reports of such activities after! heavily in debt, where about nine ing rem arkably well m aintained It took Skovgaard th irty years to they have occurred is new». , stand io extrem e danger of becom- throughout the country. make this hand. Incessant training and the inborn soul of the a rtist All coming social or organization iug bankrupt.” fashioned it. To the ordinary eye it meetings of societies where no money The increase in tax-exempt securi- contribution is solicited, initiation OBITUARY is not different from o th er well-de- charged, or collection taken is NEWS. ties is already crippling productive ! veloped hanfSs. Yet it has the power industry through inability to secure i alm ost autom atically to express, W > make aM quotations od Norman E vert Long, th e in fa n t s o n ’ through the violin, the exquisite money. It is curtailing the govern­ .!(»!! WORK m ent’s sources of income a t an of Mr .and Mrs. E. A. Long, was b o m ! beauty and m arvelous tone pictures ! which the player feels and sees as from alarm ing rate. If we plaster the September 12, 1918, a t M adera, he in terp rets th e work of the m as­ t h e FRANKLIN PRICE LIST. whole country with easy governm ent Calif., and* died Septem ber 21, 1921, ters. As a n investm ent it represents Same prices— Reasonable Price— mortgages, a large percentage of in Ashland, Or. a m an’s life work. But it represents, to all. which will never be paid, the gov­ Funeral services conducted a t too, th e inborn gift which no money can buy. This is why it is-in su red E ntered a t the Ashland, Oregon, ernm ent again loses through land it Dodge’s undertaking parlor by Rev. for $60.000. Poatofflce as Second C'.ass Mall will have to take over and which C. E Glazier. Matter. would then pay no taxes. Text, II Samuel, 12-23. In te r­ ment in the M ountain View ceme­ tery. TH E CONSUMER IN Ashland plight oi millions of American Tidings i . era is sorry, indeed. ARMORY Thursday, Sept 29 Reserved seats are now on sale at Rose Bros. ♦ . ♦ v Mysterious love! uncertain ? treasure. •$> • Hast thou more of pain or <& <* pleasure? •?> Endless torm ents dwell about €> <♦.* thee, •v Yet who would live, and live 4 <«> without thee? <$ •s* — Addison. <3> RELATION TO PRICES There is no justification for any world-wide rise in prices at this time. Producers of raw m aterials from th e farm er to the metal mine operator have taken their losses. Those classes of labor which have accepted wage reductions in keeping with th e changed economic situ a­ ♦ ♦ tio n have likewise taken th e ir losses ■?> * «> while other large classes of labor have done so indirectly as a result of Is there to be another seven years* unemployment. The conclusion is war— or mayhap a th irty years’ w ar clear. R etail prices cannot go nj> — with the United States senate as the scene of the battling and the pro­ w ithout promptly curtailing buying, jected peace treaties with the cen­ j They m ust be reduced until they are in line w ith raw m aterials. tral powers as the cause thereof? Because of uncertainty as to w hat the consum er can and will buy, re­ Honesty, courage and efficiency will mark General Wood’s adm inis­ tailers generally are ordering with tration of governm ental affairs in great caution, while many whole­ the Philippines. He has been tried salers in tu rn are refraining from in difficult and delicate tasks of this placing advance orders. The adop­ nature and has not been found want- tion, at any stage from m anufacturer » *• to consumer, of a policy directed iug- tow ard generally higher prices to The person who can be indifferent th e consum er, will not only curtail to the distressing unemployment buying, but will result fn slowing conditions prevailing throughout down the gratifying progress al­ Domestic conditions the country has a h eart of flint. TJie ready made. do not entirely govern. There are ♦ •« Tuesday. September 27, 1021 * TIDINGS FASHION HINTS ♦ > ♦ STYLES FOR YOUTH W om en M ade Young Bright eyes, a clear skin and a body nil of youth and health may be ¿oars if yoa will keep your systets n order by regularly taking '7fiirtó$ lo f Abme •®°k fo r th e n a m e G o ld M e d a l o n o v o rr bee a n d a c c ep t BO LADIES Designers have taken thuch thought for the school or college girl this fall, and have provided for her such envi­ able things as the one-piece frock pic­ tured here. It is made o f a dark-col­ ored suiting, and simply trimmed with rutiles of moire ribbon to match. Straps of the material at the sides support the ribbon belt. If one wishes to remodel a last year’s frock, rib- ben used in this way will give it an entueiy new aspect. R eady-to-w ear G arm ents ta il­ ored during th e dull season— big assortm ent to choose from — ev e ry size and every price— w onderful values. See th e ex­ tra fin e F rench Serge d resses at $ 1 6 .7 5 . A ll w ool P o lo cloth coats at $ 1 8 .7 5 . ORRES TAILOR SHOP THE FLAVOR LASTS It took YEARS-^yEARS to develop CAMEL QUALITY We worked on Camels for years before we put them on the market. Years of testing—blending—experi­ menting with the world’s choicest tobaccos. And now, EVERY DAY, ail our skill, manufactur­ ing experience and lifelong knowledge of fine tobaccos are concentrated on making Camel the best cigarette that can be produced. ' ‘ .There’s nothing else like Camel QUALITY. And there’s nothing else like Camels wonderful smoothness, fine tobacco flavor and FREEDOM FROM CIGA- RETTY AFTERTASTE. That’s why Camel popularity is growing faster th an ever. A better cigarette cannot be made. Yr ) put the utmost quality into y w W -S l About One Third of Our Time Is Spent in Bed GOLD MEDAL rh* world’s standard remedy for kidney iver, bladder and uric acid troubles, thf >nemias of life and looks. In use sincy 696. All druggists, three sizes. delicious peppermint flavored sugar jacket around peppermint flavored chewing gum that will aid your appetite and diges­ tion. polish your teeth and moisten Don’t you thing it would pay you to buy a good FELTED COTTON or SILK FLOSS MATTRESS and a new pair of good PILLOWSf We have a new stock just in which we bought be­ fore the raise in the price of cotton. We are selling MATTRESSES at a LOWER PRICE than thev have A been sold in the past ten years. Better BUY NOW you will pay more later on. R. i . REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO..»!«.». N. C. I Just Received a Large Shipment of ROOFING I This is first quality material and the price is right. . Repair the roof before the fall rains. We carry a complete line of Roof Paints. SEE THEM IN OUR SHOW WINDOWS Dickerson Best Place to Trade Reliable Housefurnishers Son Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Papei •, etc.