PAGE POUR MICK1E, THE PRINTER’S DEVIL Local and Personal By Charles Sughro* " Wau« Nmcuvr Unioo The President’s Famous T)og JUST ' t W ' AfcOkW US ARS HUWREOS vino \M«x it ea? uueve » joe oawwom ? |EX-PRÊS WILSON , HO O VER, ROOT, PEKSWUG? OF FAMOUS MEM, VUAXXlUGr OOVUU THE S treet , svtoug iu vaotbus , \o o caw chief j u e n e e toft ? sen lafoluette Xiss Imogene W allace, a tenner resident of Ashland, Is visitin g friendU in the city and preparing to open a studio of music. Misfl Wal­ lace is a planiste and teacher of rec­ ognized ability, having studied and taught for three years under the best instructors in Pasadena and Los An­ geles. She teaches advanced piano playing and specializes in methods for beginners. Her work in public recital has been greatly appreciated by music lovers. For further infor­ mation telephone 210-J. fcvesN UMEREL k i \ , y (v iE u -.v s rs G o S ê B'ÊMI ViWAT NATIONAL CHARAeTER OO ^ o o MOSTj ÖON ». '* W AhK XO S EE to •r Ä <31 » To W inter in A shland— Mrs. N. Z. Stewart from Hilt, Cal., has moved to Ashland for the winter and has taken apartments on B street. Mr. Stewart works for the> Fruit Growers Supply Co., and has Big been transferred to Susanville, Cal., where the same company has exten­ ---------- sive interests. Hils Visitors Jens Hagar and John Larson, ot The annual meeting of the Ash Hilt, Calif., have been in Ashland land New Thought society will be tor the past f«w days on business. . ... . _ . _ _ _ * held in the Temple of Truth Wednes­ They will return to Hilt tomorrow, day evening. September 28, at 7:30 morning. o’clock. J?,' performed after death to determine his boy friends waited outside the to his memory of time, after he said the course of the bullets. court room and greeted him: “Hello. that the entire episode had not taken Matthews appeared in court worn Rollie,” as he left in the custody of over a minute. District Attorney somewhat by his days in the county the sheriff. The defendant smiled Rawles Moore pulled his watch to jail, and listened intently to the tes- broadly and waved his hand in ac- test the reliability of the witness on timony of the witnesses, many who knowledgment of the greeting, the point, and found that he fixed nodded withOn smile to him as they A large number of Eagle Point nine seconds as the actual time be­ were called upon to identify him.jpeopel attended the hearing and tween the first and second shots,¡A fter the trial large number of 1 shook hands with the boy. after he had testified that ten or — — ------------- fifteen seconds bad elapsed. L eaves for N ebraska— Mrs. Eva Nichols, called as a wit­ Jap crepe, all colors, three yards Sherman Graff, liontype operator ju y . C f/in c f l v l v t l i and as alone with hlm for violently a tim6: ness, testified that on the morning for |1 , "Dollar Days” sale E. R. for The Tidings, left yesterday at w thereafter he became she was attracted by loud swearing LEAVING TONIGHT Isaac & Co. morning Tor Kimball, Neb., where and talking in the street and went Traveler, artist and a victim of I worse and died next day- lie expects to make a month’s visit j the wanderlust, now wearin gout her And tliat a1^ of tbe bodl®s of Per" out in the front yard and brought Have a fit— C. Orres. 17tf befort returning to Ashland to re- third pair of ‘ shoes since leavingjsons named abov® b»ve been ex- her little girl into the house. She isume his former work. New York city April 2, Miss Eleanor | humed and tbe Presence of arsenic said she saw Jacks and Matthews, M issionary W orkers to M eet— the latter on horseback, in the Rouden, smiling adventurer of the was found in eacb- The women of to the ,<„<» Presbyterian church who wi.h oM ro i'" “ 10” '9 h,ShWa!'' it0PI,ed Aal- Immediately after the death of street, and that they passed out of land Friday and passed on, headed Meyer suspicion was directed to Mrs. her vision when she heard the first IN book, ‘‘The Why and How of For- season. Meyer, and after his death a close shot and the others in rapid succes­ due south for an artists’ colony at eign Missions.” are Invited to meet _______________ __ watch was kept upon her for some sion. Pasadena, Calif. at Mrs. Shinn’s, 174 Oak street. Mrs. Frank Lewis testified! that Miss Rouden is 20 years old», still i days. County Attorney Stephan de- Thursday, 2:30 Mr.. James, she saw Matthews riding toward his j siring more specific information has birthdays and is a former mem­ class leader, is preparing thorough­ home shortly after the shooting, but 1 upon which to proceed, the woman ber of the New York Art league. ly to make this a profitable class. noticed nothing particular about his DRAMA THAT MOVES WITH POW­ She is hiking across the country for was not taken into custody, and left If you want a book, phone to Mrs. appearance, except that he was trav­ Twin Falls. Meantime, the body of ERFUL impulse : as vivid as “the experience and education” and C. W. Nirns. They are 50 cents, eling at a fair gait. THK SCREEN CAN’ GIVE! * Meyer was exhumed and unmistak­ is collecting data which she intends paper cover. If you don’t care to Dr. C. T. Sweeney testified rela­ able evidence of arsenic found, ac­ Rehearsals of the Elks’ show. to publish in book form when she buy a book, come anyway and listen. cording to the statements of all the tive to the nature of Jacks’ wounds, Bring your sewing and come any­ ‘ Purple Flashes,” which will hold completes her travels. Miss Rou­ chemists to whom samples were the number of them, and an autopsy way. the boards at the Vining theater on den will illustrate her writings with submitted. Sheriff E. R. Sherman, Tuesday and Wednesday, October 4 drawings made while on the road. operating with County Attorney Ste­ Today it pays to look around be­ and 5, are progressing in great The youthful hiker has been enter- phan, then dispatched deputies to fore buying. See Paulserud’s suits shape, and C. J. McNaughtan, the lained by commercial clubs and city Keytesville, Mo., where fne Dooley and overcoats. 21tf director, says it will be a show that officials at various coast ja cities. BA R BER Miss Rauden started her travels boys were buried, and to Montana, will make the most critical acclaim accompanied by another girl who be­ where McHaffie and Lewis were bur­ Ohildi-en’s Work A Hot Tamales at Rose Brothers-— it as a finished production. Featuring In speaking of the show, Mr. Mc­ came discouraged and returned ied, and the bodies of all were ex­ They're fine. 19-4 Specialty Tramping alone, humed and the presence of arsenic Naughtan says: “Professional re­ home by train. found. t Safety blades resharpened vues come and go, and we like them. making a maximum daily hike of W ed. A fternoon Club to Moo t - Search was then instituted for : twenty-six miles. Miss Rouden m ade Qew Single bit, 30c But there is always Fne one tiling The Wednesday Afternoon club Mrs. Meyer, and the trail led to Los i * 4 . doz. Dobule bit, 60c doz. her way through t5© '•"ffSWstone lacking, and that is youth. Here will hold its regular business meet Angeles, where it was found she had ra ing Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 we will have it in all its grace and National park and finally Jo the Pa­ met her present husband, Paul Vin­ cific coast. o’clock at the home of Mrs. Shinn, beauty and goodness— and the pic­ During the four days previous to cent Southard, a petty officer in the 174 Oak street. The club plans a ture is memory making.” In the “OldrTime Song Revue” arriving in Ashland. Miss Rouden navy, whom she subsequently mar­ discussion of important plans. little Misses Betty Nelson, Sylvia hiked with Seattle girls. Misses ried. Southard had been ordered Elizabeth Conley and Theresa Fra­ to Honolulu with his ship, and there Let ub give that old suit a going Provost, Marion Patton and Ardeth zier, who-are eu route for San Fran­ his wife was apprehended and over. You’ll be surprised. Paulse­ Renard, with Masters Jack Enders. cisco. Miss Rouden will return ( | brought back to Twin Falls. She i rud’s. 21tf Carl Harris and Bob Hardy, will ap­ was given preliminary hearing be­ pear as the school kids in the song New York after completing her trav­ fore Judge O. P. Duvall in probate Remodeling and cleaning — C. number, “School Days.” The chil­ els in southern California, although court June 17 last, and held to the dren are taking hold of their num­ she does not intend to make the trip Orres. ber with all the ease of old profes­ by shoe leather versus the highway. district court for trial on the show­ ing made by the state. sionals, and will be sure to make a Guild to Mee t ' FACES TRIAL FOR Application for bail bond was re­ The Westminster guild will meet decided hit with the audience. fused by Judge William A. Babcock, THR M URDER OF Carl Loveland is busy organizing next Sunday evening at 6:30 o’clock presiding judge of the district court, FOUR H USBANDS at the Presbyterian manse. The a saxaphone quartet for the show, and during the three summer meeting will be the first to be held and the thirty or forty other mem­ months Mrs. Southard has lan­ (Continued from Page 1) since the closing of Hummer vaca-1 bers of the cast and different other revues are rehearsing nightly. ried March 17. 1912, in Twin Falls, guished in jail awaiting trial at the tion. Everything will be in readiness Idaho, to Robert C. Dooley; that hands of a jury to be composed of Good crowds with the couple lived Edward , residents of the community in which Paulserud’s suits can’t be beat for for the big nights. [ she passed her girlhood. price, style and quality. 21tf from Medford are expected to swell Dooley, brother of Robert C. Doo­ The county jail is on the top floor the attendance and make “Purple ley; that the two took a joint life insurance policy payable to the sur­ of the court house, and overlooks O uting flan n el, sev en yards for Flashes” a community event. To advertise the show, next Fri­ vivor; that soon thereafter the the high school campus o none side 31, “D ollar D ay” sa le . B. R. Isaac day the Elks will distribute over the brother, Edward, died, supposedly and the city park on another. Look­ A Co. entire district a special edition of of typhoid fever, and Robert Doq- ing out onto the campus where she an Elks’ newspaper, called “The ley received the proceeds of the in­ had made merry as a school girl, W. C. T. V. Meeting— she found some sort of co&soiation, The W. C. T. U. will meet at the Elks’ Show Message.” It will be surance policy. 32,000; that soon ()(' can take a free lesson every day, simply by reading public library tomorrow afternoon sent free to every one, and people thereafter in August, 1915, Robert for she spent hours each day gazing at 2:30 o’clock. Mrs. E. White, re­ are urged to see they get their copy, Dooley and his wife, Lydia True- through the barred windows on that the advertising columns of the Tidings. cording secretary, requests that all as the committee says it will be full blood Dooley, secured a joint life side. In the city park Meyer and McHaffie had each spent love-mak­ of local jokes and funnier than insurance policy payable to the sur­ members be present. She had sat “Life.” vivor, and that within a few weeks ing hours with her. with them upon the rustic benches No m atter how well you run your home—or your business The reserved seat sale opens at the husband died, supposedly of You cant’ afford to shop elsé- which line the winding pathways typhoid fever, Lydia Dooley receiv­ where. “Dollar Day” sale, six yards the Vining theater next Saturday. —it can he done better and more economically. The adver­ dell; hid ing the proceeds of the policy, 32,- through this shady fine bleached muslin for $1. E. R. lastened to the music at eventide, 500, and the Dooley estate. Isaac A Co. tisements teach efficiency in buying-. They show you the and the community service sermons That in 1917 Lydia Dooley mar­ ried William G. McHaffie and he on Sunday evenings. cheapest and best markets. The time of your life at the soon thereafter insured his life for Bungalow Wednesday night. Fine 35,000 in favor of his wife; that the IDEAL W EATHER music. Last dance of the season. MARKS OPENING policy lapsed, for non-payment in They help make housework lighter by telling about the OP OREGON FA IR Customers wonder how ws can do July, 1918, a n d that McHaffie »¿led newest conveniences and labor-saving devices. The merchant it. Pure thread silk hose, $1 pair, October 22 of that year; tflat after (Continued from Page 1) "Dollar Day” sale. E. R. Isaac t t Ashland’s new dry goods store, his death an Oceober 28, Lyola Doo­ or business man can get a good line on a thousand and one Co. E. R. Isaac & Co., opened only a ley forwarded to tUd miflrance com­ as the week grows, for every day is few months ago, has already become pany a check in payment of the past scheduled for some organization o f things that will help him materially. Recover* Front Ashland’s leading store. This new due premium, but that it was not group of bodies. The Portland Tom Roberts, night patrolman, concern, by its up-to-date methods accepted because of knowledge of chamber of cammerce is co-operat­ returned to his shift yesterday eve­ of doing business and by liberal ad­ the prior death of the insured; that ing with the Rotarlans in arranging No home and no business can progress by standing still. ning after a few days’ illness. vertising to the community, offering McHaffie’s symptoms were similar for tremendous crowds from the The advertisements help you keep up with the bandwagon. only standard ¡merchandise at at­ to those of both the Dooleys and Rose City on both Tuesday, Boost­ W om en’s ou tin g flan n el gow ns, tractive prices and guaranteed val­ that it was said he died of typhoid ers* day, and again on Thursday and 31, “D ollar D ays” sals. B. R. Isaac ues, coupled with its satisfactory fever. Saturday, Portland and Shriners’ & Co. If you want a real leeson in economy, service and a willingness to accom­ That Lydia McHaffie on March 10, days. modate customers, even in the 1919, was married in Denver, Colo., R eturns From B u t in e « Trip— smallest detail, is today Ashland’s to Harlan C. Lewis, and that the MATTHEW’S HELD L. J. Orres has returned from popular trading center. Mr. Isaac, following June Lewis made appli­ TO GRAND JU R Y ; few days’ business trip spent at > proprietor and manager, is more cation for and subsequently received JACKS* SHOOTING points in northern California. than pleased with the past month’s a life insurance policy payable to his (Continued from Page 1) business, and has great hopes and | wife; that Lewis died July 6 of prospects for the future of Ashland J symptoms similar to thos^ which at first shot, but said it was said iu TOO IiATE TO CLASSIFY. and the new store. tended the deaths of the two Doo- the spirit of banter, when his FOR RENT — Modern 1 furnished This firm is now running a series leys and McHaffie. friends chided him about being apartment, close In; adults only. of dollar-day specials and is crowded That on August 10, 1920, Lydia frightened at the shot. The truth, Pbone 264-Y or inquire 166 Har- every day with the buying public, Lewis, under the name of Lydia he said, was that he had not urged gadine. 21tf and on all sides one bears only com­ McHaffie, was married to Edward F. his team out of the trot they were WANTED— Cut 50 tiers 12-inch or pliments expressed of the many Meyer. Meyer was then 25 years maintaining when the trouble 4-foot wood, from large timber. wonderful bargains offered. This started . old and his wife 27. The day fol­ Inquire 166 Hargadlne or phone 264-Y. 21tf sale is to continue for several days lowing the marriage Meyer made The witness was questioned at put out each day. It will repay the public to visit this store often, where real values are always to be had, and vememj,er this j8 the store where your patronage is always ap- preciated. It Twenty Year Old diri Hikes From ance policy, naming his wife as beneficiary, and also made a will designating her sole legatee; that the policy was written August 20; that on August 26 Meyer was taken dll; that he was subsequently re­ moved to the Twin Falls county hospital, where he became so im­ proved that he was well on the way to recovery: that on September 6 his wife visited him at the hospital NORMATALMADCE 'The Sign on the Door” fO Publish Show Newspaper, "Purple Flashes S ta rts Tuesday W. A. SHELL Din Wesley Domestic Economy is Easily Learned New Firm Is Popular; Proves Advertising Pays — read the advertisements