Y r'Sr- ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS. Monday. September 90, 1991 soon tor her home in Baldwin, Mich. Ashland News in Paragraphs ♦ Mrs. Dreyes had been visiting in Ashland during the sum m er months. '• Cards and musical selections fea­ New arrivals at Hotel Ashland tured the ev en in g 's'e n te rta in m e n t. are: G. L.^Vail, Hilt, Calif.; J. 9. Those present were •' Mr. and Mrs. G arner, Sac Francisco; Mr. and Mrti. Greenwood. Mr. and Mr9. Jam es A. M. b a re r, P ortland; Luella Selda, Rudd. Mr. a n d Mrs. R. P. W atkins, P ortland; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. W il­ Mr. and Mrs. Olsen and daughter, | liams, K etchikan, Alaska; Dexter E. K. Hall, Mrs. Julia Van Wegen, Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Baucher, Mrs. Lulu Wilson and daughter, San Francisco; T. M. Russell, Salem; Jan et; Mrs. Grace Dreyes and Mr. L. R. Todd, Sutter, Calif.; Mrs. Les­ and Mrs. F. H. W alker, son F rank ter Quigley, Yreka, Calif.; Mrs. ' and daughter Janie. Charles Logan, Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Sandry, Mrs. G. W oodruff, George M. Robinson, Robert McGee, Port­ land. 1 ♦ Local and Personal --------------------- Side Lights---------------------- -— HOTEL ASHLAND Bert Freem an sent a sample of a seedling, silver prune th a t grows in; Lou Grisson, farm er, near Lake Will Patton, J. E. Welch and Alex Lilligreen returned Saturday from a Creek, sustained a broken leg and his yard, at 261 Oberlin street, to ten days' hunting and prospecting num erous bruises Saturday when a Corvallis by his brother, Rolley,; trip down through Josephine county team of horses he was driving be- when he went up to school last week. came frightened and ran away. Mrs. R 1« seldom th a t a seedling shows and as fa r as Crescent City. D. N. Davis, accompanied by a local the characteristics of the parent in Those Tamous Hot Tamales now j doctor> ie it Ashland» Saturday e v e-; lts fruit, but this specimen is rich 19-4, uing for the Grisson home. on at Rose Brothers. Mr. in flavor and as large as th e fruit of Grisson is th e son-in-law of Mr. and the parent. Called by F a th e r’s Death— Mrs. D. N. Davis. Mr. J. E . Welch, oi this city, was ______ A 100 per cent attractio n for 100 « i called to Portland Saturday by a | Smoke American Eagle cigars, per cent Americans in the LaSalle telegram announcing the death of! ATad8 ¡n Ashland. 245 F ourth St. Q uartet at th e Armory October 1 for his father, J. .W. Welch, of th a t city. I 16-lm o* the American Legion. Mr. Welch was a prom inent Odd ___ —__ Fellow and had been a resident of i fiuntei*» a t Big Elk— Motor to Copco, C alif.— P ortland for a num ber of years. Among a party of hunters who Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Long and Mrs I have spent the last two weeks-end J. R. Lilly motored to Copco, Calif., Good food, cooked right, served j hunting a t Big Elk were Ike Frid- yesterday for a visit with Raymond a t reasonable prices. Hotel Ashland egar. Henry Enders, Nate Bates and Long, who is employed there as an Grill. 297tf 1 A. Ross. The first tim e Enders suc­ electric operator by the Oregon-Cali­ ceeded in wounding a buck and lost fornia Power company. To U ndergo OjH-ration— Mrs. Julius P. Wolff, 586 B street, ! him after following the trail for a en tered the Sacred H eart hospital a t ! hundred yards. But yesterday the j Dinner P arty E ntertainm ent— Medford Sunday, where she will J on'y experience they had worth m en -; Mrs p H W alker, 419 Liberty tioning was running into a rain- j Sfreet, was the hostess a t a dinner undergo an operation. storm. j party given Friday evening a t her 1 home in honor of Mrs. W alker’s sis­ Your opportunity to see Skov­ H ear the new “ Fiddle-Oddity” ' ter, Mrs. Grace Dreys, who will leave gaard September 29. 1921. Seats at 17tf played by H arold Isbell, in the La-! Rose Bros. ______ Salle Q uartet October 1. P rospectors R e t u r n - Army P lanes Pa««— Eight arm y De Haviland planes! of the government forest patrol! service passed over the city Satur-j day en route from Eugene to Ma- th e r field a t Sacramento, Calif. The ten rem aining planes a t Eugene will retu rn to M ather field th e first of next month. A ttend State F a ir— ®®r. an d Mrs. Bert H inthorne left ! thi3 morning by auto on a motoring! *nd vacation trip in the northern. part of the state. Mr. and Mrs. H inthorne, who expects to be gone two weeks, will attend th e Oregon state fair a t Salem. Automobile Som ething new In Teo’s window. 299-tf t cours«. Portland Pastor V isits— Rev. J. C. Austin, of Portland, assistant director of the Baptist board of promotion for the Baptist state convention, delivered the Sun- day serm on at the local Baptist church yesterday. ______ Native Scotch dance in native cos- tum e by an ex-member of the Scotch Royal Highlanders, in the LaSalle j Q uartet October 1. David Peterson and B. Dougherty have returned from a week’s hunt­ ing trip and now are feasting on venison and 250 pounds of “ one bear.” S alts Made to Order— Cleaning and repairing on short notice. K. Nelson, Hotel Ashland Bldg. 3 02tf F or pleating, see Orres. 17tf i Cliff Payne makes benches. Duck Season October 1— The duck hunting season will ; I open October 1 and not tw enty days later than th at dhte, as believed by some sportsmen, according to Cap- taift A. E. Burghuff, state game ! warden. The deer hutlng season closes October 20 and some sports-j men have confused th a t date with i the opening of the duck season. All prospects are for an excellent duck season, according to the game authorities. The LaSalle Q uartet (all ex-ser­ vice men> will appear in A shland October 1 at the Armory under the auspices of the American L«glon. CHOCOLATE VANILLA STRAWBERRY MAPLE NUT Ashland Creamery T With such an account at the First National, your friends will be pro­ tected, drawing good interest, and may be withdrawn at certain desig­ nated periods. National Bank Ashland, Oregon -Old««« N ational “ THE ELHART WAY” Satisfactory Quality Satisfactory Service insurance— Yeo, of 299-tf The Beider Tractor and P.&0. Dise Plow w ill do your plow ing right now in your hard, stick y soil. B argain in used sew in g m achine; a lso a new carload o f W h ite se w ­ in g m achines ju st in , at Peil's Corner R ussell Picture E xhibit at K. F a lls) A picture of a blazing forest fire! painted by Mabel Russell ,of Ash- j land, was taken to K lam ath Falls by th e Ashland delegation which at-j tended the recent forum luncheon in that city, and hung in the dining room of the Klamath Cham ber of Commerce, where it received much favorable comment. W hile the painting depicts a weird, yet beauti-! ful, scene, the real purpose is to! show the depredUtion and destruc-!l tion to scenery of the forest fires. Brick Ice Cream HERE are retired farm ers. women with incomes, and well-to- db persons, who may tem porarily have idle funds. To them we recom­ mend Time Deposits Accounts. Friday Afternoon Club Meets— The Friday Afternoon club was entertained Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. R. Lilly, Union street. Those present besides the hostess were. Mesdames O. . Long, W alter Frulan, C. A. Cotter, Dyrud, H. C. Emery, Guy Jacobs, M ark ; Smith, Joseph Poor, Love, G. H. Hedburg and Frank Nelson. Rear H unters R eturn— tUne TIMB DEPOSITS I ■■ ■ ■ ■ We sell S E R V IC E 1 Singular Prune S eedling Q ueried— Injured in R unaw ay— B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L , bruin Visitor— F or high grade tailoring for men Dr. H. A. Cauiield, of Drain, was and women— C. Orres. a Saturday visitor at the home of — Mr. and Mrs. Robert (Garrett, on Return» to CalifornLi— M anzanita street. Mrs. Canfield Dawson Foster, of Santa Bar­ bas been visiting her parents for bara, Calif., has been a visitor the past week. Dr. and Mrs. Can- with home folks of late. Her hus- f ield left Sunday morning for th eir I band, Dawson Foster, is salesm an in ja leading shoe establishm ent in th a t home at Drain. ; California town. Seats for Skovgaard now on sale --------- - at Rose Bros. 17tfj H. R. Adams, the Plum ber, sells 299-tf ! W atch Yeo’s window. I plumbing fixtures and supplies. Phone 166-J, shop at 248 Fifth Si. R eturn From F resn o— 287-ti Portland V isitors— • M. J. Love, employe of the S. P. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. W ard, of company, returned Friday from S*n | R eturns AlMi s t- 18-6* Furnished six room dwelling on a paved street, one of the finest lo­ WANTED— About five acres with cations in the city. improvements, small house pre­ ferred. close to town. State at am ount. F rank Anderson, 1065 Inquire FIRST NATIONAL BANK Divlsadero St., San Francisco, 18-tf Calif. 305-lmo* , i FOR R E N T . 1NTEKURHAN AUTOCAR OO. Effective March 2U, lWiSO. FOR RENT— 2 % acres of fruit and berries and good garden ground, LV. M EDKiRD LV. ASHLAND! with 5 room house. Address 267 7:15 a. m. 7:15 a. m. Maple St. 19-6* Send your orders to us by mail accompan­ 8:00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. ied by the price of the paper and it will be 8:45 a. m. 8:46 a. in. FOR RENT— Furnished front bed 9:30 a. m. room, gentlemen only. Phone 367- 9 :30 a. in promptly forwarded to you by parcel post, 10:15 a. pi. Y or call 155 Factory. 13-tf 10:15 a. m. prepaid. 11:00 a. m. 11:00 &. in. HELI» WANTED. 12:00 Noou 12iP0N oon We use the best butter paper obtainable, 12:45 p. in l i i i t p.m. WANTEED— Experienced waitress 1:30 p. m. 1:39 "p. a . and our workmanship is of the best. Let. us No other need apply. Nelda Cafe 2:15 p. m. 2:15 p. m. 19-3 have your order and you will not regret it. 3:00 p. m. 3:00 p. m. 3:46 p. m. 3:46 p. m. WANTED— An active or silent p a rt­ 4:30 p. m. 4 :30 p. m. ner in money m aking proposition. 5:15 p m. 5:15 p. in. Close to Ashland. 81500 required. 6 :u0 p m. 6:00 p. m. E. P. Moore. 173 Helman. 19-5* 7:00 p. m. 7 :01 p. m. j 8:45 p .m . Sat. onty 8:45 p. m .l A s h la n d , O r e g o n C. B L A M K I N 9:30 p. m. 9 :3 5 » . m.l 10:30 p .m . Sat. only 12:15 Midst SUNDAY ONLY 025353484823532323530223230102000202010123535323484823484802234889 LV. MEDhXiRD LV. ASHLAND BARGAINS IN 9:00 a. m. 9:00 a. m. ! Real Estate 10:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. 11:00 a- m. J 1:00 a. n . | 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon Ctty and Ranch Pro|w rtle» 1:00 p. m.- l:00t>. m House* to R ent. 2:00 p. m. 2 00 p. m 3:00 p. m. 3:00 p. m. 4:00 p. m. 4:00 p. m. CITIZENS’ RANK BUILDING 5:00 p. m. 5:00 p. m 6:30 p. m 6:30 p. m. 9:30 p. m. 9:30 p. m. Ashland W aiting East Side Phar- ¡ tnacy. JACKSONVILLE-MEDFORD DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY LV. MEDFORD LV. .rS’NV’LE 7:40 a. m. 7:20 a. m. 9:00 a. m. 8:20 a. m. 10:30 a. m. 10:00 a. m. 12:00 Noon 11:30 a .m . 1:30 p. m. 1 :00 p. m. If you have » use for e v ery d ol­ 3:00 p. m. 2:00 p. m. lar you K iin— 4:30 p. m. 3:45 p. m. I f food, rent and clothing cat 5:30 p. m. 5 :00 p. ra. up a large portion of your to­ 9:30 p. m. 7:00 p. m. Sat. only 7:30 p m . 8 :00 p. m. l l you hate th e idea o f leaving 10:30 p. m. . ---- Sat. only _ _ „ p. m. 9:50 your w ife and children unpro­ WE RUN ON SUNDAYS. vided for, even though you tune MEDFORD-ROSEBURG not m uch m oney to spend on life Daily and Sunday LV. MEDFORD LV. ROSEBURG insurance-— You w ill be in te n ^ ie d in our 111: oo a. m. l 00 p. m. Traveler« G uaranteed I x w -C om MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS Dally and Sunday Ltf« Contractu. i LV. MEDFORD CV. O T 8 PASS Tlxey provide you with Die 8:00 a .m . 10:00 a .m . largest am ount o f jpood protection 11:00 a .m . 1:00 p.m tor . e v e ty d ollar th a t yon can af 1:00 p .m . 4:00 p .m lord . to «pend for thia purpose. 4:30 p .m . 6:15 p, m. Get our rate« today. G rants Pass W aiting Room— The Bonbonniere. Phene i6 0 . Office and W elting Room: No. 6 S. Front St... Nash Hotel Building. REAL ESTATE « INSURANCE B stahU shed 18BB “ No H unting” signs for sale at ^hcn* a i l 41 B. Mato St. Tidings office. I8 tf A s h la n d T id in g s Last Dance of Season B U N G A L O W W EDNESDAY NIGHT This event is being largely advertised down the Valley and will be made the best of the season Snyders Jazz Orchestra d o lla r c o u n ts Billings Agency