PAGE TWO Ashland THE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Tidings Established 1876 Published Every Evening Except S a rin THE ASHLAND TOlMLING CITY AND TorS'TY PAPER TELEPHONE 39 OFFICIAL mickie , the printers devil OH,fcOSS\ VOOKVf A U - 'ÍW SUFFEfcWV C W S ' SÔÔTT'. C'WHV¿\ .Monday, September 86, 1881 By dürfe« Sughroe Extry! Pittsburg Full o f Smoke! * Western Ne*rs*»rer Union AM GOSH,BOSS, OONT S £ Y TMERE U k £ A flPsRALNXÊD ONBYERX GOTTA OO SOMÆ.TH\V4 In love, the victors from the <$> with her possible has never b een ' pass Victoria, situated a t th is end, m iners traveled, and the old foot -> vanquished fly, — » laid upon a table for {diplomatic I an d about 4 o’clock th e next day we paths still show, tellin g many tales ■»> They fly th a t wound, and they barter. In fact, diplomacy, as the just passed the other end and moved of hardship experienced, by the men pursue th a t die.— Shake- ♦ world knows it, is unknown betwreen out into the Pacific ocean over what of th a t day. A fter seeing Lake Ben­ ♦ speare. ♦ Canada and the United States. they call C harlotte sound. Here n ett, all aboard xyas given, and all ♦ ♦ W hat Canada is doing and thinkiHg! several fishes were regaled, as sev returned carrying in th e ir mindfe no » «,■> -♦> .«> a* & <& ♦ <<* ♦ & today is known to us today; what eral said they felt sorry for them, one knows w hat, as one could see the United States is doing and th in k ­ th at they were evidently starving to from th e way they looked a t the old Ohio has perhaps two or three ing today is known to Canadians to­ death from some cause. I was able tra ils th a t som ething m ust be pass­ future presidents attending its day. News facts and argum ent have to pass them up, probably from the ing through th e ir m inds relating to schools and perhaps selling papers flown freely back and forth across fact th a t I had some canned salmon 1897-98. A rriving a t Skagway we morning or evening, or m aking their th a t border for more than 100 before startin g out, and was in no were told all about Sopa Smith, also way in some other humble but hon­ years; travel lias been as easy as mood to care w hether they got th eir w here he was hurled, his exploits, orable manner. regular meals or not. At any rate, and they have a large picture of him between our states. they could go hungry if they follow­ “There’s no place like home,” ! Canada and the United States ed th e boat I was on and depended a t the hotel w here one can see him as he looked in his day, his guns, sing some happy and contented ones. h a' e ha(l their differences smaller on me for th eir supply. and on th e sidew alk before a sto re “T here’s no place we can get for a . ^ ‘D'erences have carried other na- A rriving at K etchikan, we were we say a large wooden dog carved tlons to war. There have been times home,” disconsolately sing others. The shortage of housing is affecting when these nations w-ere smolder- told to go over town and enjoy o ur­ out, m arked "Sopa Sm ith’s Dog.” ing powder houses th a t needed buti selves, which every one did in his home life disastrously. Skagway, like all o th er cities of a m atch throw n from behind a! own way. There are so m any things the n orth, has th a t appearance of an Keep your partiotism out of a closed diplomatic door to cause a to see; take K etchikan river, a sm all o u tfittin g city for all parties going conflagration. Instead, th e se na- ! stream running through th e town, inland. To th e rig h t of Skagway ant) state of coma. tions entered into debate not be­ which was literally alive w ith sal­ above Lynn canal, you can see Chit- That public official is playing tween diplomats, but instead be­ mon, and gave one the appearance tween th e public opinions of the two! one could walk over this creek on coot pass which wap used in 1897- 98, being tw enty miles n earer to ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ nations. them. There were pink salm on, I Dawson, b u t h a rd e r to get over. At ♦ « In a hundred scattered sections claimed to be th e finest fish in th e one place on. the m ountain side near ÿ TIDINGS FASHION HINTS ♦ ocean. No one is allowed to touch ♦ ♦ of Cauada th e argum ents of her. them , o r disturb them , and notices the W hite P ass railroad, a large people, views expressed in a hun- boulder cam e down, burying two dred news and editorial opinions,, were posted around for th e people men u n d er it, and they never re­ CHEERFUL HOUSE FROCKS th a t were brought swiftly across th e to th a t effect. Large canneries are moved th e rock, b u t a larg e cross border to the American people, who,' located here, and one can visit an d m arks th e ir la st resting place and is iu a hundred scattered sections, were see how they are taken from the placed on to p of this bonlder. On stating th eir case for the benefit of w ater alive, and at the oth er end of our re tu rn frqm Skagway we stopped Canadian, public opinion, which they the cannery they come out packed a t F o rt Sew ard, so nam ed a fte r Mr. and done up in cans, all ready for kney would pass upon it. Seward who bought Alaska. This Not diplomats, but public opin­ shipm ent, having been placed th ru is the one la rg e fo rt here an d has a ion formed in a conference th a t em ­ the different processes from the □um ber of buildings and parade braced all the people of two great s ta rt to the finish. Large num bers grounds. A t th is place all of the nations, and a t trines extended over of natives assist in the work, as well ladies, as well as others w ent to the a period of several years, has been as other nationalties. Leaving K et­ arm ory and we had a nice social responsible for the peace th a t has chikan we are again off passing such dance. Our music consisted of a endured for more than 100 years and fine scenery th a t one simply sits soldier playing a piano, b u t we all has kept the 3,000-mile internation-1 down ou the upper deck and keeps enjoyed it as well as th e soldiers lo­ al border on our north free from« his cam era clicking all of the time. cated th ere, who took a part. They forts and arm am ents. In fact, from all of th e clicks made h a d a b eau tifu l arm ory and floor. South, th ere has been a different by the different to u rists trying to Two days la te r we tied up a t Hawk story for more than a century. get every thing to be seen, you would Inlet, to load canned salmon, . and Steeped iu the traditions of old think some telegraph instrum ent was as we were to be th e re u n til into world diplomacy, censorships, lies, working around you. A rriving a t th e night, we took th e victrola off and behind-closed-door-bartering, a W rangel we again disem bark to see the ship and secured lights and had wall of ignorance has been erected the town. This is the th ird oldest a re g u la r barn dance*in one of the between the United States and Mex­ city in Alaska, I am told, and is the ico th a t has brought bloodshed and home of the totem poles, although blind h ate and kept it alive by K etchikan has several, one m ade by crum bs of m isinform ation th a t have a Chief Johnson, a man who was LADIES been fed to th e peoples of both na­ chief of the tribes in and around the Ready-to-wear Garments tail­ House dresses are as Important cer­ tions by outriders of secret diplo­ place. These totem poles have a his­ ored daring the doll season— tainly as any others, and they have cheerful (-harms of their own—more macy. tory and they stand for various tra ­ big assortment to dhoose from, President H arding’s voice and a t­ ditions, such as the Eagle tribe, the — every alas and every price— lasting ones thun their costlier rivals. They are usually bought ready-made, titude will decide w hether or not Crow and the Fish. One can see wonderful value«. See the ex­ come in pleasing colors, are cut ou the coming conference on the limi­ the native Indians out with curios tra fine French Serge dressee graceful lines and are inexpensive. tation of arm am ents will be held be- to sell the tourists. A fter leaving at 816.75. AU wool Polo cloth More than all, they return from iheir nlnd open or closed doors. He has W rangel we come to the W rangel coats at 818.75. tubbings fresh and crisp. Here is one made of gingham and trimmed with commended more than 100 years of narrow s, about eighteen miles long. ORRSS TAILOB SHOP chambray and braid. It is one of peace as a trib u te to international This body of w ater is narrow , and all m*n.v pretty and practical models. relations based upon understand- ships pass th is way to th e open wo­ cannery buildings, dancing all of the old-fashioned dances and also popped a large am ount of popcorn, which some of the ladies secured, this giving it the appearance of our old-fashioned parties. On our trip we saw a large num ber of seals, whales and dolphins, as well as fish of all kinds, and in one instance had the pleasure of watching a whale and a th rash er fight. From the way the w ater was stirred up, would consicfer th a t our football games were not in it, as I never saw so much ducking in my life. On our way back we went eigh­ teen miles out of our way to see Taku Glacier. This is a moving wall of ice one mile across and 300 feet high and is said to be 255 miles long. It is of a very beautiful color of deepest blue and our ship ran about a half mile and stopped in front of it and blew the whistle several times, causing great bodies of ice to break off and fall into the sea from the vibration. Icebergs are all around you during the eighteen miles and the ship has to thread its way between them , some larger than the ship. It is said these ice­ bergs are seven-eighths under water. Seals of all kindfcj could be seen playing around. R eturning again, to the great inland sea, we again headed our boat homeward, and a fte r various experiences and sights we arrived at Seattle, where we all departed for our several ways. There were 272 passengers on our ship, besides about sixty of the crew, ahd will say, from captain down to the last man, they were fine fellows, and gave nothing but the finest and! courteous treatm ent. On Sunday, Sunday school was held. Also, we had boat drill, and th a t day was passed in a quiet m anner, pleasing to all. GEORGE KRAMER. FINE TOOLS-EXPERT MECHANICS WE HAVE TH EM BOTH KAY & MORRISON (X)MPLETE KITCHEN OUTFITS you can obtain at this store— everything the model cook or housekeeper could desire in pots, pans and preserving k e t­ tles. A little journey througli our establishm ent will give you many suggestions as to things you should have. SIMPSON’S HARDWARE Oregon Banking Laws • I ■ l! I , This state-chartered bank carries out not only the letter but the spirit or these bunking laws. The C itiz e n s B a n k Ashland, Oregon ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » • ♦ ♦♦ ♦ • ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ September Otterings CHICHESTER.S PILLS W UlU.ID. A a I I ■■ are designed to meet the problems o f the citizens of this particular state. W REST AIR PATROL TO END SEASON OCTOBER 1 EUGENE, Ore., Sept 26— E ight of the army planes of the 91st squad­ ron th a t have been on forest fire pa­ trol duty in Oregon an d W ashington during the past sum m er left the mu­ nicipal aviation field here today for the home station a t M ather field, Sac­ ram ento. Ten are still a t the bast here and they will leave about Octo­ ber 1, "according to Captain Lowell Smith, in command of the squadron. Captain Smith says th a t the observers in the airplane p atro l reported 634 forest fires this summer. • THE DIAMOND BBAND. Ashland, Ore. 100 Main St. ' 1 e r» Miami old inrtiJllcXxW P i l l . In K r d > n l Mold Votes, sealed with Blue lue Ribbon. Take e th e r. H u •T y o f< o a r » rv c r< M . A.U lo r C U I-C in :S .T E R S D IA M O N D I I I I A N I I P IL L S , for 8ft yean known u Best, Safnt. Always Relbbl« of’« oar V COTTON PETTICOATS SOLD BY DRIGGISTS EVERYWHERE Plain or floral patterns— W8c, 81.1», 81.75, 81.66 JERSEY SILK PETTICOATS Canvas Shoes $8.65, 84.50, 85.65 and up to 86.50 W INTER UNDERW EAR A good fleeced union s u it.81-16 A fine fleeced union suit . $1.50 C arter’s cotton union suit 82.25 C arter’s and Gilt Edge suits, in wool or part wool ................. , . .82.08 up Suitable for Hunting and Fishing W e carry several kinds. w ith Rubber, Buy Dr. Denton’s Sleeping Gar­ ments and Lack&wana Twins Underwear for children. NEW SW EATERS The Princeton line of Knit Sweaters for fall is the best we have ever seen. Tuxedo and ripple skirts are both shown iu wonderful weaves and beau­ tiful yarns. FURS Ju st now furs are selling, and you will not find so good a se­ lection later as we are show­ ing now. WOOL SERGE 98c Wool serge in Brown, Copen lageii, light and dark Navy, and is the kind for children's dresses. At 9Sc yard. NEW COATS AND SUITS Shown at very reasonable prices and, quality mid workmansip considered, you will find them exceptional values. Let us show you how sterling coats and suit are made. Made Com position or leath er «oies. I