PAGE TWO Ashland THE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS By Charles Sughroe » We*«™ Nmpaptr Utam Tidings MICKIE, TH E P R IN TE R ’S DEVIL Established 187 6 Published. Every Evening E x c e p t; Sunday THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO., ' OFFICIAL ' CITY AND fcu N T Y PAPER TELEPHONE 39 Subscription Price Delivered in Ine m onth .................................. 9 T hree m o n t h s .............................. Six m onths ................................... One y e a r ....................................... Midi and Rural Route*. One month .................................. 3 Three m ouths .............................. Six months ........................... One year ....................................... dity .65 1.95 3.75 7.60 \ KU16VJ \T \ I KUEV4 IT ' THE OAN 'THEN v ie s e is s o iu G bäajus , noo viere . .VJ.O.L' ” HERE » ihiTROOuee NOU To A yWlTEO STATES SENATOR AHO UOMAT DO NOO DO SOT A SR H l KA N4HN H E \S U T \N V4ASH\NGTON UdORKiUG'. ” a Saturday, September 24, 1021 \F THATS THE UIAH NOORE GOtUG TO AST VIAÄHkHÖTOH, NOO SETTER START TAKVHG UESSQHS OF O A ß K dbxafsen R ight off , before so * aeohe KUOCKS NOO OVER THE V4ASHXHGTOW O j OHOVAEHT He Never Heard of Political Fences OO,THE SENATOR VIONT GET OOCXED FOR IBEING AVIAN HE \S PAIO S?5 OO A NEAR ANO HE'S GONG HOWE TO U O O AFTER HVS" FENCES" W E LL, KAV GOSH, \F HE'S KAAWAUG S O AAOGH AAOWEN, V4HV 3 L DOHT H E H \R E A GOOD, ^H EA ? < GAR-PEHTER TO OR HVi OLE F E U G E S ^ V .65 1.95 3.50 6.50 .ADVERTISING RATES: Display Advertising Single insertion, each in ch ............30c YEARLY CONTRACTS Display Advertising One time a w eek......................2714 c (. Two tim es a w eek..................... 25c Every other d a y .........................20c <$>'-my farm ing as I thought b e tte r not Local Reader-*. to come. At 10 o’clock Bible school Each line, each tim e .................... 10c * db too m uch first tim e or m ig^t get will open with our 250 people pres­ To run every other day for od » PEO PLE'S FORUM 4 a ite r staying Sunday school a t 9:46. events, where an admission charge. at the hotel for some time we de- like ' elded la made or a collection is taken duak th eir U8ht8 showed up . ------, to again bo off and taking the It is easier to promise to pay than Morning service and sermon at 11. IS ADVERTISING.” This applies toj'fairy land, the movement of th e Uded ™ Strangers and visitors cordially it is to pay. organizations and societies of every I train causing them to dance, which crack tra in ’ the lm perial Limited, Some people are helpless as long welcomed. kind as well as to individuals. -made one \h in k of Broadway in N ew , over the C anadian Pacific, we de- as they can get help. All reports of such activities after „ parted for Banff, the play ground of ‘ h o v h » v a '.p p n r r p d W n e w s York, passing the manv w ater falls * . « r j e> ** »* Methodist The mail order catalogues wear they have occurred is news. * 6 - »the N orthw est au.d its sister cities. — All coming social or organization 'which are plainly seen from the o b -. Cor. N. Main and Laurel Streets | out quicker than the Bible does. Lion car, while on the o th e r, F iel* and Lake Louiae’ a rriv to « at meetings of societies where no money 9:45, Sunday school, Dr. G. W. 1' One never sees tum ble-bugs any contribution is solicited, initiation hand th e broad Columbia with th e B anii in due courBe of tim e we found Gregg, superintendent. i more, except the two-legged kind. charged, or collection taken is NEWS. lig h ts of the steam ers makes a sight a large num ber of to u rists enjoy- 11 a, m. Morning worship, ser­ Experience also teaches a num- We make all quotations od not soon forgotten. As timo wore ‘.ng the beautiful scenery, high m ounJ mon by Rev. Thom as E. Elliott, D. 1 ber of things we should not know. JOB WORK I on and we were soundly sleeping in tains and scenes th a t are common in D., of Portland. i if you want to abuse people, be an from our sleeper, only to be awakenec* high altitudes. 6:15 p. m. Epworth L eagus., evangelist and get paid for it. THE FRANKLIN PRICE LIST. jby th e porter calling us to get up Banff is said to have th e highest I. C. Wilson, president. The ju ry sometimes agrees to get Same prices— Reasonable Price— 1 for Spokane, this being where he golf links known, one can visit and 7:30 p. m. Evening services. “A !a little much needed rest. to all. changed to take the Spokane In te r­ see w onderful cascades w ater falls Review of the T e a r.” A cordial in-; Most easy money is spent ju st ex- national railroad. It seemed a cascade m ountain Stonoy Squaw vitation is extended to th e public, actly th a t way. Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Fostofflce as Second Class Mail dream from what we had ju st parsed m ountain, V erm illion lakes, Sun­ and stran g ers are especially urged Rich women, poodle dogs and lim- Matter. through. Here we transferred to dance canyon, also one can take a to worship w ith us. • vusines breed socialism. another line, and as soon as bag­ ride on the lake ab o u t sixten miles Charles A. Edwards, pastor. The bray or the ass is different gage could be loaded and the hurry long and about two miles wide, auto­ from the roar of the lion. ♦ and bustle of transferring, we again mobile trip s and so many things that) ♦ ❖ Fleeting as were the dream s got under way for Lethbridge, Al­ one can see which would keep you} ❖ of old, berta, this being our destination for busy and put a creek in your nec THIS IS THE PLACE TO ❖ Remembered like a tale th a t’s a few days. This line is very scenic If you attempted» to see it all. T b COME FOR ❖ told, parsing through large wheat fields altitu d e of Banff is given as 4625 ❖ We pass away. of th e Inland Em pire, passing Sand passing on we come to the plac ❖ — Longfellow. Point and Bonner's Ferry where one ■Where one gets off fo r Lal^e Louise * i ♦ i sees lake boating parties and gen- a beautiful body of w ater in t b erai outdoor life, parties outfitting high m ountains, this place being 567 for pleasure trips in all directions, altitude, here arising behind the lak< AND China should not come to the con­ our next stop being King’s Gate, is Mounts LeFrey and Victoria, tb ference on lim itation of arm am ents •where we go through the usual in­ la tte r is a big snow m ountan on tb an d find itself a victimized guest, spection of baggage by officials of m argin of this lake are wonderf with its hat and overcoat stolen be­ ■both countries after unloading bag­ Alpine flower gardens of sever?, fore the conference ends. China, in gage from baggage cars and suit colors which gives it a wonderful F irst Congregational Church other words, should be protected cases inspected they are again load- appearance. Various places of in te r­ Boulevard and Main Street Make out your list and take a d ­ against rapacity, and the United' ed into the baggage car and we are est. are reached from this peftnt, Phone 239-R. vantage of this opportunity to States will strain itself to the u t­ on our way, arriving at Ernie high climbing, fishing and boating, pass­ Suuday school, with classes for all buy standard supplies at the low ­ most to give this proectiou. up in the Rocky m ountains, ahd ing on we again stop a t Fields, and grades and ages. Tomorrow is Rally est prices— where we get our glimpse of them Is the junction for Em erald lake, day with a special program given by School Tablets ................5 to 10c Producers of motion .picture« a t close range, tow ering high up in another fine body of w ater, and is the children. Crayolas .......................10 and 20c should be such rigid censors of th e ir 'the clouds, great pyramids of rocks where visitors go to see the great M orning service 11 a. m., subject," School Paints, 50c cups . . . . 1 0 c own work th a t there would be no and one cannot bu t th in k , of the 'Yoho valley. Like its sister resorts “ The Teaching Function of the Students Loose Leaf Books, Type ground for agitating for public cen­ quietude up among those righ pin­ Fields holds a place as one and ap­ C hurch.” Paper, Pens, Inks, Note Books, nacles. Pascsing on we come to pears to be th e sum m it of th e Sel­ sorship. Ju n io r C hristian Endeavor, 5 p. hi. etc., in great variety Crow’s Nest, another gateway away kirk m ountains, leaving Fields we Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m. Some of those who though Mr. up in th e Rockies, and one can sta rt down and near Glacier, deriv­ Subject, ’'M issionary R esults In Fountain Pens ......... $1.30 to $5 H arding would be putty in the presi­ im agine most anything? from the dif­ ing its name from th e large glacier South A m erica.” Foreign missionary Eversharp Pehcils . . . .30c to $5 dency, are aw akening to find th a t fe re n t arrangem ents of the range. which the traveler sees, we e n te r the meeting. •These m ountains have snow on their long double track C onnaught tu n ­ he is flint, when occasion requires." Evening service 7:30 p. m., sub­ crests, passing down on the other nel, said to be the longest tu n n el in ject, “ W inning Life’s Consumate 'side we come to the Lethbridge, a N orth America, from portal to portal V ictory.” ❖ ❖ ‘large city on the vast prairie of Al­ being five miles long. Rev. George N. Edw ards, of W alla «> TIDINGS FASHION HINTS ♦ berta. This is a beautiful city and And am told pierces its way th ru W alla, W ash., will preach a t th e ❖ ❖ has very large streets and all built Mount MacDonald. A fter passing m orning service. lu a uniform m anner which gives through this tunnel we wind our A welcome and greeting aw aits you Ht a very pretty appearance, beauti­ way through m ountain gorges and at all these services. W H A T EVER YO N E KNOW S ful parks with various foliage adorn beautiful scenery of varying nature, W. Jndson Oldfield. Minister. it, streets are paved, and everywhere until you arrive a t Vancouver, B. C., 'has the appearance of a busy and which is one of th e large deep wa­ Christian O ra ch prosperous city. Cor. B and Second Sts. te r harbor cities as well as hag Staying at Hotel Lethbridge for large inland trade, and from the ap­ Tom orrow is R ally day a t th e two days gave us quite a chance to pearance of people on the streets C hristian Bible school. By 9:30 a see the place, coming into Leth­ shopping one w ould th in k business big group of happy folk will be a t bridge the railro ad crosses a very was good which we found to be the th e church. Cars will be hurrying 'high bridge, and was told was the 'case. As our time was getting short busily from homes to church, bring­ highest trestle bridge now known and as we were to sail from Seattle for in g those who have no other way is 317 feet high and one mile long. Alaska, we did not stop very long Leaving Lethbridge we took an 'but took the G reat N orthern rail­ auto and drove over a large p art of way for Seattle arriving th ere 9:50 A lberta wheat fields, getting (the T>. m., a fte r staying all night we wheat crop movement first hand, and went and secured our state room on in some parts binders could be seen »the good ship Jefferson which was cutting this staple article, usually to sail th e next day at 9 a. m. and cu ttin g fields of one mile square, and prom ptly at 9 a. m. we backed out ‘was interesting to us, coming from of the harbor for th e fa r northland a country where the m ountains sur- "With the tall Smith building and • round. harbor front of Seattle before us as i Thirty-five miles we came to the we backed away left an impression INCREASES CROP YIELDS ■home of the Eliason brothers, who never to be forgotten. A fter getting one of the things that every woman 'w ere in the midst of harvest, and at under way and» moving out over the * NOW A PROVEN FACT knows is the adaptability of the sepa-('this place we stopped for a few days, •sound I procedeed down to th e sdfcial Apply Marly Before the Fall Rains ra te slitrr of plain black satin. W ith incidentally I got a touch of farm ­ one of these an d w ith blouses fo r d ress in g by being placed on a two horse hall in this ship and the first per­ A Car on Hand Now a t the or semi-dress affairs, to be worn v. itli ra jje an(t with two horses and son I met was C. F. Shephard and ► wife of our city who was also on it, the average wom an can look the } coming winter in the face with a mind R 7 th is boat but unknown until we met, ASHLAND FRUIT at rest. The skirt pictured is in S Gee and Haw 1 managed to rake GEORGE N. KRAMER. ASSOCIATION adroned with a long row of small UP about seven acres of the fuel th a t aut in-covered buttons and loops. keepe the horses going. This ended (To be continued) At the Churches School Supplies School Books M c N a ir B ro s. no - ®sl ßOUTfc- S E R V IC E JOINT AtX’OVNTS USINESS partners, husband and m other and daughter, often B wife, find a joint account very conveni­ ent. In case of illness of either, the other can attend to all business details, while in case of death the survivor may draw upon the fund w ithout useless red tape. If you are interested in such an account, drop into the F irst National, and we’ll explain the ease with which it is opened. B ank Ashland, Oregon “Oldest National Bank in Jackson County' I i suncom W"7 Make your tractor earn more money If you can get more and better work front your tractor at less cost for fuel, oil and repairs, your profits will be larger. That’s certain. We ¿noutthat SUNOCO Motor Oil—the new scientific lubricant — insures greater tractor power on less fuel and oil. W e have proof. SUNOCO is made in special types for tractors, where steady, gruelling service de­ mands oils of the highest lubricating value. No matter what the size or make of your tractor, SUNOCO will lubricate it perfectly. Just tell us the make and model and w e will tell you the type of SUNOCO to use. ASHLAND u to m o tiv e S h o p SUNOCO SAu-t MOTOR OIL « u n a ia ra u n n n s in M Just Received a Large Shipment of ROOFING This is first quality material aud the price is right. Repair the roof before the fall rains. We carry a complete line of Roof Paints. Dickerson Son Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, etc.