PAGE F o n i MICKIE, Local and Personal the P R IN TE R ’S DEVIL By Charles Sughro« * Woum Ntvipic« Union NOO W U T HAVE 'TO VUAAY T IL L 'YOU GET o. E. S. NOTICE To Alpha C hapter No. l o . E. S., has accepted the invitation from Kearnes chapter No. 66. of Medford, on next W ednesday evening, September 28, to exemplify the work. All members who can and will go to Medford on th a t evening, please phone Mrs. Leah Caldwell, so she can notify the worthy m atron of Kearnes chapter. vja S hiwgtoh OOMT LOOK UKH A SlCW (*ALF< S E E ’ 1 AUkiY AFRAID ? OUSTy n r 1 S peak op -xrjr. \ 'TO WtBA ÇTÔ SEE A SENATOR. * WECe fcQwÆS 5 O W c MOVU AUO uj WlSA » KMQ 'A t Ease,” Mickie! SENATOR > MVSKlE IS ON HlS WAN ' TO VNASUlUGrou TÖ SE A PAGE J ''LL PÊUGHTED IN TVAE SENATE answer , A nn 1 - 1 ÏQ uestom AND HE \NANTS SOKE inform ation ' ß 1 W HY Al NT NOÜ in WASM1NGTON WORKING ? C all JP- i GHT) F Zr © 7 To Give D inner A rm istice D ay— The Wednesday Afternoon club is ô planning on an Armistice day din­ ner, November 11. in lieu of the din­ ,- c ner or entertainm ent formerly given February 22. The change was made because of the planned dinner of the D. A. R. on the la tte r date to observe the birthday of George R eturn from C rater Lake__ <^OS~UM~0^>S Co io the Overland Macy Co., for deavored to have his client released Nichols was attracted hv ih i i '-------------------- W ashington. Some tim e before Mr. and Mrs. Linn Slack, Miss y o u ur r truck truck m m irrors. irrors. 19. 2 * jto him for appearance, but this re- a n d angry words and Mrs N ichols ence't T h T T ° n What proved to “e his spring the club plans to give another Gladys Inlow and “ Bill” McMillan quest was denied. looked out f r o m ence to the Eagle Point fight. Childs deathbed, evinced a disregard fOt dinner or party. The two yearly din­ made a trip to C rater Lake, leaving ners are given as a means oi re­ The funeral services ut of „ W llour ilb u r' she heard the shots. Mrs J a c k s T V ^eaU nK ^H ^ntl0 / ‘ K<>t ” e ath ’ ta,ked Calm‘y ° f the Local P asto r Speaks a t Medford— ----------------- home Tuesday morning and ret u rn - plenishing the club's treasury. Rev. W. Judson Oldfield ad d ressed , Jacks will be held from the Perl a daughter Mr. and Mrs. Nichols * * ••“ >«« fie n d s i ing Wednesday evenitffc, They re­ him, but bore no particular resent- saying he didn’t care whether he th e Medford Cham ber of Commerce; Funeral Home, Thursday morning at A nother who heard the shots and talk ment tow ards Matthews. port cold w eather at the lake. ' lived or died i, . v, “ NOTICE at a forum luncheon W ednesday, o n i ^ ^ O o’clock, the Rev. Millard of is Mrs. Lottie Van Scoy, at whose * p . , , , , , m e d oi died. It also became known Studio A shland will be closed Sep­ I ds says Jacks also told him. th at after Jacks knocked Matthews' f The duty of the citizen to the C h am -ith e C hristian church officiating. Tn- Automobile insurance— Yeo home Jacks roomed, and where he' tem ber 25 to October 15. Vacation. 299-tf be‘ ° f ° ° mnlerCe- ferm ent will be in Central Point was taken after being wounded. to r 0 5 000r m‘' t h ' m.i W° rd a " S° ° '’ ° rM ‘ J“ “ b“">™ h" couree. c o u .L t ' hor ow a ¿ m " - “ ' " ‘' ¿ " V ”' ' ’' " 299 t f ' Cewet,try i , Went f°r Bindin« Twine Have a fit— C. Orres. W atch Yeo’s window. 17tf Wlt» his knife cut it to pieces. Wilbui Jacks was born in K ansas According to Sheriff Terrill there Move to M errill— _ I ^.UgUf 26’ 1886’ He is survived by! is no wide divergence in the stories Taken to Portland Hospital__ The Newman family has moved to i Cheap Home— their , thFee children-’ E dna> of both Matthews and Jacks, except P. E. Marcey, who has been ill for Merrill, where they occupy th eir i Splendid seven room hn„™ no i CUy Sugg reeenUy | palh'le,, m s h h u ‘ ,h a ‘ some time, is in a Portland hospital. ,»nch home. : i Mr. Marcey, proprietor of the Over took a truck load of the Newman street, modern and comnletelv furn ’ TEA AND COFFEE m nine ’ Matthews saxs his mission in Eagle e„u , _ a e ™ and C01nPletely furn -f years. Mis m other, Mrs. Francis E. Point Tuesday morning was to nro- to M Merrill. Garage, was accompanied to P o rt­ fu rn itu re A tn F T Qtunlou ' ,«• : , „ ............... • «« « .» r,. y morning was to pro- ished. Only $2500. L’ livna nt Central Point, and . j . u«sm . it ? Mimmlck, lives at cure . binding twine for corn he was land garage, was accompanied to ■re two of Hi«, article*« for Hi brother, W ilfred, lives at Lower shocking, and th at he carried his NOTICE Portland by Mrs. Marcey on Mon­ which our grocery tlepaii meni Ridge, Calif. A sister, Mrs. Ruby gun because he feared Jacks, who he Studio Ashland will be closed Sep­ day of this week. is justly famous. We arc ea. Smoke American Eagle cigars. 'Hayden, lives at Yakima. Wash., as tember 25 to October 15. Vacation. M ad. ih Ashland. 245 pecially particular about the P o o rlh St. does Cl'iarles M e r e , , a 'h a lt hro.V- charges attem pted to run over him! School suits $20. all wool, any wr,uni- with ,v„ his ,,ia auto auiu when « iicu they tney met n on the purity of th«' brands and Hie • • — — . i lb -lm o er, and Mrs. Laura Nees and Mrs. R. ‘ desert Monday afternoon. Those famous Hot Tamales now style desired. Paulserud’s. 16tf smoothness t»r Hie Mends. If Friends; G rant, half sisters. on at Rose Brothers. 19-4 Move. Io Rood A of the accused say he was in con-, you are looking for a lea or T„ CaB WUnMMS Visit a t Klam ath Falls__ i sta n t fear oi Jacks. It also develops I coffee which will delight you, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Pell and Miss Chas. S. Wilson— Painting, paper- Mr.. A „ „ . R „ .Se„. form erly a . | Ulstr,c, AUorney Rawlee Moore I th a ? .h Y ''flgh 7 7 , \ h : p give us an opportunity io prove Grace Chamberlain were visitors at hanging, tinting. Satisfaction g u a r - '104 Th,rd street, has taken apart- T-ays th a t there would be a half hun- i dance last spring, was not over Mrs. i that ours will do it. 8-lm * nients at tb e Reed apartm ents, over <4red witnesses called in the circuit I Jacks, but another woman, whose Klamath Falls recently. Miss Cham ­ anteed. P. O. Box 244. the Eastern Supply company. berlain states th a t K lam ath Falls ■ court trial .and th a t all the varied i name has not been brought into the > club women are enthusiastic over the Another Bargain— Get t I, ’ lam ificatlons of the case would be i case to date. Ashland idea of a community house Half acre, lots of fruit, nice loca-i . _ ‘T k m ,rrors “ v isit tricts, where both th e principals on road work near Eagle Point, all trude Cox and Mias Mary W alker, Mr. and MTs. Banta, prom inent were well known and had lived for summer, says he talk e d to Jacks last toriner A shland women, were visited Ijocal Man Makes Seattle Address__ people of Haines, - --------- Alaska, ■ years. Many depositions have been Saturday night, and th a t his tro u ­ Proiessor II. G. Gilmore was one business , by Miss Chamberlai. Miss Cox has secured by the state. N O W IS T H E T IM E ble with M atthews came into the I become prominent in a K lam ath o f the main speakers at a meeting <)irived in Ashland yesterday and There seems to have been no ac conversation. Childs says Jacks Falls business women’s organization. -------- 1----- - ........— • "he ju st couldn't get Hanford. Mr. and Mrs. Banta a re , , liri i . t ib ouu talk and shots were heard mad at him (m eaning M atthew s). i en route to Southern California to; The Dressmaking and Millinery tended account of the affair pub­ by Mr- and Mrs. John Nichols. John i and I let him beat me, so he would classes are not entirely filled. Any­ lished in a Seattle newspaper. Pro­ ! spend the winter. ^ ' 'Z H. B. P L U M M E R P la z a M arket one wishing to join these classes fessor Gilmore urged th at the best should phone Mrs. Louis Dodge at in music should be the aim of all once. 18_3 music lovers. R eturns from Cnlifornfa— Cliff Payne makes benches. IS T H E PL A C E NOTICE Studio A shland will be closed Sep- lember 25 to October 15. Vacation. i b ig double Ju st r«x«ived a double shipm ent of Liberty Bell Cane and Maple syrup, so we can seU the same a t the following p r i c e s Per q u in t ...................................... 4 ^ , Half gallon .................................. b il l Woolens for men and women soldii Benjamin Balis has returned from by the yard— C. Orres. 17tf Something new In Teo*s window.! Dunsmuir, Calif., where he was called o q q | by the death of his sister’s husband, ~ See our new line of truck m irrors. George Mueller, a form er employe of Prices reasonable. 19-2* Eight Pound Baby Boy__ the Southern Pacific company at the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hall, B time of his death. A d ra m a oi a m a n w h o se life ered e stre et, are the happy parents of an POSTPONE HEARING w ill a m a ze, s ta r tle an d fa scin a te. OF R. M ATTHEW S Hot TairiXles at Rose B rothers— eight pound baby boy th at arrived They’re fine. 19. 4 at the Hall home this morning. T he' UNTIL TOMORROW A T H R IL L E R — D on ’t m iss it boy was named Robert E. Hall. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. (Continued from Page 1) Remodeling and cleaning — C. f* OR SALE— Double deck rabbit Orres. revolver— a 32 calibre Savage auto- hatch. Nice one. Only $5. 271 : matic— was introduced in evidence, i Morton street. jg 2 TK The coroner’s jury viewed the R eturn from O uting Trip— K)R RENT— 2% acres of fruit and The Shepard and McRea families , body of the slain man. The inquest -and- berries and good garden ground was called by Coroner John A. Perl, with 5 room house. Address 267 have returned from a five days out-, Maple St. 19-6* ?ing and m otoring trip spent in the to / observe the form alities of the ------- vicinity of Shasta Springs. aW‘ WANTED— To buy a box stove sec­ The second degree m urder filed ond hand, old fashioned, if in good against Matthews does not adm it of ! — ÎR— For pleating, see Orres. 17tf condition and reasonably priced. bail. The next grand jury meeting Mrs- A. Schuerm an, phone -8S-J. 19tf J. H. F u ller to A ttend S tate F air__ in October, may lessen, or increase John H. Fuller, secretary of the the offense charged, as they see fit I OK SALE— Good 4-room bunga­ Chamber of Commerce, has an ­ after hearing the evidence in th d T he b est 2 re e l C om edy h e h a s ev er m ade low, large lot, some fruit, chickeil hnnao p or particulars, M. V. nounced his intention of attending case. L. a t Tidings. sundae and MONDAY N orm a T alm ad ge 19-J the Oregon state fair at Salem. M atthews Loses Jau n ty Air. The carefree a ttitu d e th at m arked BOUND— P air of glasses in case. the dem eanor of the youth after the Owner may have same by Identify­ S u its Made to Order— Cleaning and repairing on short shooting, has changed to a serious ing and paying for this ad. Ash­ land Tidings. notice. K. Nelson, Hotel Ashland mein. He adm its the shooting but 302tf insists th at it was in self d efen se., Ji!“1!-'"“''’-»'• ‘ B OR SALE— Genuine sweet potato Bldg. iniMiiiiiliiflHiiill »Quash and mammoth chili squash. HiB attorney, Charles Reames, en- ” 1 ~ e,iJ er 100 Pounds or more. Jesse M inburn R eturns— W. E. Pierson, Boulevard, tele­ Jesse W inburn re tu rn e d to the phone 485-J. 19_g h f Hotel Ashland yesterday afternoon A CLASSIFIED AD is a B u si­ WANTEED— Experienced waitress a fte r an extended m otoring trip to No other need apply. Nelda Cafe' Seattle, W ash., and other northern ness G etter. It goes everyw here and pops right out at one every ________________ 19-3 points. tim e you pick up T he T idings. REGISTERED TOGGENBURG buck Try it and prove w hat w e say. services $3.00. G. H. Bowman’, “No H unting” signs for sale at \.0 a 635 Roca, phone 368-Y. 19-2w Tidings office. 18tf t FOR SALE— Quinces. 345 Scenic Drive. 19-2* A lm ond S treet H om e Sold __ • The home a t 355 Almond street, Pt)Ii j u — March pullet and year old hen. Phone 199, 19.4* owned by Mrs. Nellie O’Donough. was purchased today by W. W. Ross, B OR RENT— Seven room cottage, of Tonopah, Nev. The deal was made with good range, iron beds and’ springs, lights, hot and cold wa­ through the agency of Mrs. S. L. ter. Phone 301-J or inquire 151 Allen, real estate dealer. F. R. M a t. a t 2 E v g . a t Coolidge St. l 9-2 Ross, fath er of the owner, will take Street P arade a t I l A. M. FOR SALE OR TRADE— 5 or 7 pas- im m ediate charge of the property senger auto. A -l shape. 29 Pio­ with the intention of m aking several neer. 19-3* improvem ents. The new owner p ur­ WANTED— An active or silent p art­ chased the home for an investment. ner In money m aking proposition. H. R. Adams, the Plum ber, sells Close to Ashland. $1500 required! E. P. Moore, 173 Helman. 19-5* plumbing fixtures and supplies. Phone 166-J, shop a t 248 Fifth St. WANTED — General housework. 287-tf Phone 474-J. 18-3* "THE KILLER ” Gldlon» ........................................... $1 .8 0 Sweet potatoes, 5c per lb., 1OO lbs. for ............ New Nebraska cornmeal, per sa«k 35,., 3 sacks for . . 0-, . . ^ i . ’oo FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY Sugar, $7.25 per sack. 13 lbs. f« w .................................... $ | OO WE SELL FOR CASH ONLY BUT HAVE FR E E DELIVERY P la z a M arket fii - north main street , • ashland , <> regox Harold Lloyd "Now or Never” S ALE 7 -B ig Dollar Days- MEDFORD Sat. Sept D O N ’T F A IL ^ATTEND TO THE B ig D o l l a r D a y NOTICE— Studio Ashland will closed from Sept. 25 to Oct. Vacation. 1 YOU CAN BUY a nice little resi­ dence. five rooms, toilet, bath, etc., on a large clean lot, with garage and chicken run by paying down 100 and $25 per m onth. Five min- from F- depot and a splen­ d iti buy for a railroad man. See E. Phipps, next door Tidings office 18-2 w. A. SHELL B A R B ER C hildren’s W ork A Specialty _ _ Safety blades resharpened 1^)] like new. Single bit, 30c doz. Dobule bit, 60c doi. COO -12HERP6 -, Ê L E PH A K T ô I «tw Comply With the Law AND USE Printed Butter Wrappers C C O R D I N G to th e l u l i n g o f th e O re g o n D a i r y a n d F o o d C o m m is s io n a ll d a ir y b u t t e r so ld o r e x p o s e d fo r s a le in t h i s s ta te m u s t b e w r a p p e d in b u t t e r p a p e r u p o n w h ich , is p r in te d th e w o rd s “ O re g o n D a ir y B u tte r , 16 ( o r 3 2 ) o u n c e s fu ll w e ig h t,” w ith t h e n a m j a n d a d d r e s s o f th e m a k e r . A 3 T o e n a b le p a tr o n s o f t h e T id in g s to e a s ily c o m p ly w ith t h i s r u l in g t h is office h a s p u t in a s u p p ly o f th e s t a n d a r d s iz e s o f b u t t e r p a p e r a n d w ill p r i n t i t in lo ts o f 100 s h e e ts a n d u p ­ w a rd a n d d e liv e r i t b y p a rc e ls p o s t a t th e fo l­ lo w in g p r ic e s . 100 Sheets, 16 or 32 o u n c e s .......... $1.75 150 Sheets, 16 or 32 ounces ......... $2.75 500 Sheets. 16 or 32 ounces S4.00 S e n d y o u r o r d e r s to u s b y m a il a c c o m p a n ­ ie d b y th e p r ic e o f th e p a p e r a n d it w ill he p r o m p tl y f o r w a r d e d to y o u b y p a rc e l p o st p r e p a id . ‘ ‘ ’ W e u se th e b e st b u t t e r p a p e r o b ta in a b le a n d o u r w o r k m a n s h i p is o f t h e b e s t. Let u s h a v e y o u r o r d e r a n d y o u w ill n o t re g re t it. AMD TME «REATCaTH C L W K R IP E R « K E A R T H ï ”*^***1 I ’ » E. R. IS A A C & CO. SUCCESSO R THE TO C . H. VAUPEL Q U A L IT Y S T O R E A s h l a n d T id in g s A s h la n d , O r e g o n OWHlbilWtHlilH! 02010200010102534802000200010