PAGE TWO Ashland THE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Tidings Friday, September 28, IÖ21 LONELIESi S?OT IN ENGLAND LAN ENFORCEMENT OF ing of C hrist and during his reign of man will progress from th a t time j the obedient ones of the hum an race forward. BOOZE LAW CONDEMNED E stablished 1876 will be restored to exactly w hat Ad­ Published Every Evening Except Residents of Essex Village Surely Are Millions of people now living on Sunday - Cut Off From the Society of am .lost, viz., perfect manhood and earth reasonably expect, in the ordi­ At the W. C. T. U. county conven­ THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. Their Fellows. a perfect home. nary course of events, to live ten or tion held in Medford, Septem ber 16., OFFICIAL CITY AND 4?OUNTY Twenty-four of th e holy prophet© fifteen years. Those living in 19-25 The most inaccessible spot in Eng- tke tollow tog resolutions were, uua»- PAPER of Jehovah foretold th e coming time and thereafter, coming to a knowl­ lend, according to a correspondent iu itnously adopted TELEPHONE 39 of such restoration of man. These edge of the tru th and being obedient the Manchester Guardian, is Foulness, j Resolved: That we publicly ex »obscriptinn Price Delivered in City in Essex. As the erow flies Foulnese ' press- our disapproval, as citizens of prophets spoke with divine a u th o r­ to this message of tru th , will be )ne month • • • • • • • « • • • • • • • • A »65 barelj forty miles from London — ' Jackson county. Ore., of th e deplor- ity. The disciples of Jesus, knowing ‘gradually restored to perfection of Three m onths .............................. 1.95 « U little island sundered from the Es- * «,^1 Six months .................................. 3.76 _ sex _ marshes kv tv ,, estuary of . able hast conditions from the non of the testim ony of these holy pro­ body and mind and will live on the by the wide , _ phets and of the coming time of re­ I earth forever in a state of happiness. One y e a r ....................................... 7.60 about a *------ pound enforcem ent of the prohibition laws storation propounded to Jesus this Mail uii«i uii«l R ural Routes. .nail uurai nomea. : the • .Crouch. It costs ---- — The earth will gradually be improved One month .................................. | .65 to get from Buruham-ou-Croucn in this county, and also do now re question: “ Master, tell us how we. and the deserts madia productive, the Three months mouths .............................. 1.95 —the —the nearest nearest railway railway station—to station—to Foul- Foul- sent the looseness regarding the en may know of the tim e of thy pres­ waste places inhabited, and the whole Six m onths .................................. 3.6o ness uod back, for there is no public : l’orcement of the laws against the ence and of the end of the w orld.” world become a fit habitation suf­ One year ....................................... 6.50 service and a bargain for the trip has ; use of tobacco. to be struck with a ipcal boatman. (M atthew 2 4 :3 .) The answ er of ficient to support the entire human .. I,.». — Regolvehat every one citizens would be entertaining their Saturday m orning a t 10:30 o’clock there would be upon\ earth distress We make a*J quotations on can afford them. They contain a friends and neighbors in the street, front the Catholic church, th e Rev. JOB WORK of nations, with prepv^xity, m en’s message of hope and comfort to the owing to the number of removal* F a th e r Maher, officiating. In ter­ hearts failing them for fi©«r of w hat from which have taken place in the Iasi groaning creation. m ent will be in Jacksonville ceme­ they see coming u p q n a th e earth. THE FRANKLIN PR IC E LIST. year or two. C. A. ROBERTS, Same prices— Reasonable Price— In Ireland on this day there are al­ tery. This is now in progj^ss. Pd. Adv. Ashland, Oregon i so remnants of the sun-worshipers. to all. ... - i i i . As a tu rth q r evidence he stated q-T —— 1 According to Rev. Donald llcQneeu th a t his followers, loyal and faithful Entered a t the Asnland, Oregon, “the Irish have ever been worshipers ’ PEOPLE’S FORUM « C hristians, W ould be hated of various Poatoffice as Socond Class Mall of the Are and of Baal, and are so to i ♦ Matter. n atio n 's for his nam e’s sake, and 1 this*day. The chief festival in honor of the sun ami lire is upon the 21st of would be persecuted. This was hlso’ •*> <•' *5- <♦- *> <$> -Az <8> ©> •» PAID ADVERTISING fulfilled during th e world w ar, and »> Love looks not with the eye, <8> June (23d?) when the sun arrives at « the summer solstice, or, rather, begins many C hristians in A ustria, Ger­ will <1<> your plowing right now- The regeneration of th e ., <8 but with the mind, <§> its retrograde motion. We were told of Chris- many, G reat B ritain, Canada, the in your hard, sticky soil. «» And therefore is winged that at midnight we should see a race has been the --------- -------------------------- Rl, 1U IU . tians for <»Mwrtes, which hope is United States), and oth er places, were Cupid painted blind. singular sight and accordingly at mid B argain in used sewing m achine; night tires began to appear and the : based upon God’s promises. To Ab- beverely persecuted- The g reater por- — Shakespeare. > -v ♦ ♦ r 4> ♦ ♦ # > + people dunced about them and made • raham he said: “ In thy seed shall 1 tion of this persecution4 was because also a new carload of W hite sew­ ing muchines ju st in, at their sons and daughters and cattle all the families of th e e a rth be of the publication or “ The Finished « pass through the flre.”-C h lcag o Jour 1 blesse(1.. XGenesia 1 2 3 ; 22* 18^ His enemies many a time have M y stery /’ which explains the book Corner written the obituary of Mr. Bryan i nal This promised blessing Is life eVer- of Revelation, w ritten by St. John in national politics. But Mr. Bryan i ■ lasting.— Romans 6:23. while he was serving a term in pris­ to That Word “ Hospital." seems to have w ritten it him self - * - » — I . — — on on a false charge of sedition. The opening chapters of the Bible One of the features of an ancient when he moved to Florida to reside tell of the creation of perfect man H undreds of thousands of copies of permanently. It w ill ibe many a Roman home were the “hospltalla,” in the image and likeness of GoJ, “ The F(nlsjied M ystery” are now in or apartments set aside for strangers, ------- — ------ day before a man front Florida is or “hospes.” Hence, iu its original ' aH^ W e s e ll habitation in a perfect home, the hands of the people. elected president. A nother im portant d ate God has meaning the word “hospital” was up- ¡E den; of his violation of the divine plied to places where strangers were law and his sentence to death By made clear through the prophets. If Roscoe (F atty ) Arbuckle had) received and kindly entertained. The inheritance all of his offspring have W hen the children Of Israel entered beeu the veriest glutton for trouble, .„nnnonly restricted use of the term bePn born im perfect thereforft the land of Palestine in the year ’ n®reioro sin CHOCOLATE he could not well have stirred up to designate places where sick strung- ( a dying condition, 1575 B. C., God required them to more of it for himself and for o th ­ ers were received was an after de- llors’ an® VANILLA count the time from th a t d ate for­ velopment. (Romans 5:12.) God m ade prom - STRAWBEHKV ers, than he did a t th a t Infamous The word came to us directly from ise to redeem man from death © < the truth. I suppose the majority, or all men to h ear these tru th s before olutions, anarchy an d general dis­ at least a large proportion, of the they can be kept. turbances, and th a t the restoration ELEGANT AND USEFUL boys hi Wall Street were born In the The first six verses of Revelation country^ and lived iu some country town before hitting the trail to the 21 tell of a tim e coming when th ere big city. In the country town every­ will be no more death, and which tim e body goes by the factory w-hlstle. One is stated to be during th e reign of CAKES MADE TO ORDER doesn’t see many clocks In Wall Christ. “ He (C hrist) m u st reign street or any factories with whistles till ho hath put all enemies under HOT DOUGHNUTS AT 4:80 to^guide the ‘boys’ during lunch hour, his feet. The last enemy th a t shall P. M* DAILY but there's a building being torn down. be destroyed is d eath .”— 1 Corinth- 'And everj’ wrecking crew is assisted 1 ians 15 25, 26. by a dummy steam engine. Well, you It is evident from the foregoing see the wreckers lay off work at noon for lunch, and so do a majority of the Scriptural proof th a t th ere m ust Wall Streeters. Therefore when the come a tim e when th e people will HW NORTH MAIN ST. dummy engine blows its whistle to have an opportunity for life, peace call the wrecking crew back t© labor, and happiness. The question Is, Phone 260-Y the Wall Streeter returns to his office.” W hen? St. P eter answ ers this ques­ —New Ybrk Sun. tio n , saying: “ Times of refreshing e s w s a s s s s s shall come from the presence of the Public-Spirited Citizen. “Mr. Gadspur, I understand you an Lord; and he (Godh shall send Jes­ LADIES us Christ, who before was preached going to run for office.” unto you, whom th e heaven m ust “It’s all a mistake, sir.” Ready-to-wear Garments tail­ “Indeed?” ____ retain until the tim es _____________ of restoration ored during the dull season— “Yes, the fact that I've been getting of all things, which God hath spok- big assortment to choose from my name to ti»e paper quite often here en by th e mouth of all his holy — every size and evei-y price— • rcjac ,|i- ctune was chosen for mak- s t r ^ t 6 ? ,Uy lnter^ 10 »'r °Pheta Bine© the world began. . . wonderful value©. See the ex­ tfcX ■-"*» haitdsouie blouse for fall. It street paving, traffic laws, pernicious t v „„ „ .. , tra fine French Serge dress©» k i n a bright henna shade with stitch- movies and one thing and auother. I | Y a ’ and aH the Pr°P h<*» Sam- In white and white crepe de chine haven’t the slightest intention of try- , ueI and those tb a t follow after, as M >16.75. AQ wool Polo doth facing the sleeves and neck opening. lng to capitalize my enthusiasm."— many as have ---- spoken, have likewise -coots at >18.75. w--------------------- Tlie collar may be worn open, disclos­ Birmingham Age-Herald. foretold of these days.” (Acts 3: ORRE8 TAILOR SHOP in'..' the face and a small, plain 19-21, 24.) This statem ent conclus­ yeatee of the white crepe. Tidings ‘-wants” get results ively proves th a t a t th e second, com- The Beider Tractor and P.&0. Disc Plow Peil’s Brick Ice Cream Ashland Creamery HOME BAKERY JOINT ACCOUNTS R partners, husband and * * wife, m other and daughter, often find a joint account very conveni­ ent. In case of illness of either, the other can attend to all business details, while in case of cfeath the survivor may draw upon tlie fund w ithout useless red tape. It' you are interested in such an account, drop into, the First National, and we’ll explain the ease with which it is opened. First National Bank Ashland, Oregon “Oldest National Bank in Jackson County’’ Do More Than Live Enjoy Life! The enjoym ent which comes from elim inating worry, front being able to plan and carry through those plans, belongs almost exclusively to those who save. , Open a th rift account here. Start with only a dollar, if you will, but start. Do more than live — enjov life! The C itiz en s B a n k Ashland, Oregon ANSWER THIS PUZZLE Win Ford Sedan or $800 WHO ARE THEY? T he o p erator o f th e m ovie m ach in e in th is th ea ter d ecid ed to p la y a jo k e on h is au d ien ce, s o .h e th rew th e se re-arran ged ® LET MY AIBMMB1N5E ® SHALL I W ARM IT -M o v ie” p la y e r s’ n a m e s on th e (ft) RACE W ALL 01E 6 ” KAC1Y0U CAN (iAMBILl screen. . To so lv e th e M ovie P u z sle & BABE 5E N D LIE -8 AN ILL IS LIGH a ll you are required to du is to rearran ge th e letters (S’ ASK AIR Of BAND SLUG * L E T A MAN ARM 006 so th a t th e y w ill spell ^RO O M TO M E -,o RICH IN A L I CHEAP th e correct actor's or a c tr e ss’ nam e. N o. 1 is M ary M iles M in­ ter. I f you can g u e ss a ll ten you can w in Ford S e­ dan or $800. P rob ab ly you know th e n am es o f m o st o f th e fam ou s players, but ju st to re­ fresh your m em - mory w e m en ­ tion b elow th e n am es o f a few o f th e m ost p op ­ u lar “m o v ie” p layers: , C harlie C haplin, B eb e D an iels. N orm a T a lm a d g e, M ary P ick ford T h om as M iigh an . D ustin F arn u m , T om Moore, D ou glas F airb an k s, B lan ch e S w eet Mabel N orm and, P ea rl W h ite. F a tty A rbuckle. W allace Iteid .fcb cverlcy B ayn e W illiam S. H art, C lara K im b all Y oung, L illia n C ish. ONLY 185 “POINTS” WINS AUTO F o r e a c h n am e th a t y o u arran ge co rrectly you w ill receive 10 “P o in ts” tow ard th e F O R D Sedan, o r 100 “P o in ts” in a ll, if you arran ge a ll n am es cor­ rectly. You ca n g a in 60 m ore “P o in ts” by “Q u a lify in g ” y .isr answ er T h at Is, by p rovin g th a t you h a v e sh ow n a copy o f our paper. T h e R ural W eekly, to fiv e people. T h e fin a l 25 “P o in ts” w ill be aw ard ed by th ree Judges on th e n eatn ess, sty le , h a n d w ritin g an d sp e llin g o f your answ er. an sw er g a in in g 185 " P oin ts” (w h ich is th e m a x im u m ) w ill w in th e FO R D Sedan, o r $800 In ca sh . Second h ig h est w ill w in a $200 d iam ond ring, and so on d ow n th e lis t o f 25 b ig prizes. Ih c a se o f a tie, both w in n ers w ill receiv e sa m e prize. Send your an sw er TODAY. A s soon a s your an sw er Is received, sa m p le s w ill be se n t F R E E , to a ss ist you in q u alifyin g. Costs Nothing to Try—You Can Win You w ill n o t be a sk ed to subscribe to T h e R ural W eek ly, nor sp en d one penny in ord er to w in . W e h ave given a w a y over 100 autos. You m ay be th e n ext lu ck y w inner. W rite your an sw er to th e P u zzle on one sid e o f th e paper, n am e an d ad d ress in upper rig h t hand corner. You can w i n — A nsw er th e p uzzle now. The Puzzle Man, THE RURAL