Thursday, September 28, 1081 WTR AAHTAWT1 TiAtT.W rm T V n a PA M. Van Emon, general roads ................................ . . 22.75 dances and popular “ Spot” dances. and gone north to join his wife who Henry Dooms, labor, Dist. fourteen days from date. j Room» 5 and 6, Citizens’ Bank road expense .................... 48.00 Thos. Roseberry, freight ad­ baa been in Douglas county for sev- t , / ? ' 0 d ; '/ ’ ' ’ ’ ’; ' ’ ’ ’ $7-40 Majestic Orchestra. 15-6* Bldg. 1.87 j Clyde Equipm ent Co., gener­ vanced, general roads . . . Bert Peck, labor Dist. No. 3 73.00 DR. ERNEST A. W ’OODS— Practice al road supplies ................ 67.06 Thos. Roseberry, labor, gen­ eral weeks past. Rolley R inabarger, labor, Dist. limited to eye, ear, nose and CHIROPRACTORS. F orm er Coach at R o s e b u r g - eral roads ........................... 126.00 No. 3 .................................. 50.60 throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and Total ..............................$4602.07 Don Runyard, labor, general 2 to 5. Sw edtnburg Bldg., Ash- J. K3NZ — Chiropractor Charles King, form er athletic NOTICE— Truck owners, see L ee-;'rh o s- Roseberry, labor, Dist. AsU and-K lam uth Fulls Road roads .................................... 7.42 Suite 8. Examination Free. No. land, Ore. 35.00 Russell G rader Mfg. Co., 73-tf coach a t the local high school, a n d fd o m ’s Tire Hospital for solid tires. X° 3 Jack True, payroll, Ashland- 25. the Plaza. Office Phone 103. Leu Taylor, labor, Dist. No. later of Medford, has moved to Rose- 17-4 general road supplies - . . . . 0 K lam ath Falls road . . . $3846.50 ■ DR. J. j . KMMENS— Physician and Residence Phone 401. 60.00 M • ••••••••• 82.80 burg where be will take up bis du-[ ______ _ C. W. Decarlow, supplies, Southern Pacific Co., freight Jack Thrasher, labor, Dlst. Ä “: AS," - AM > H K A L iaA T O R IV M -b r' general roads ..................... 5.02 Ashland - K lam ath Falls ties at the high school of th a t city. ' To W inter ln California— No. 3 .................................. 68.00 Len Taylor, labor, general • j road ...............................• • • • 197.70 E. B. Angell, Chiropractic, Elec­ supplied Oculist and aurist foT Wilmer Poley and family and Mr. Thos. Riley, gravel. Dist. Roseburg will have a high school roads .................................... 4 60 Thos. H. Simpson, supplies, trical Treatm ents, Mineral and S. P. R. R. Offices, M. Í'. aud H No. 3 .................................. 75.7i football team for the first tim e In Poley’s m other expect to go to Cali­ J. E. Thorndike, labor, gen­ Ashland - K lam ath Falls Vlt-o-Net Baths. F irst National Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone GC7. its history, gridoron tram plers at fornia next month to spend th e win­ eral roads ........................... road .................................. 47.40 Bank Building. Phone 4 8 22.74 .1 Total 21123.61 Chris Ulrich, hauling lum ­ Jack True, car expense, Ash­ ter. the Ashland high school state. DRS. SA\WYER & CRANDALL Road D istrict No. 4 TAXI. ber, general roads ........... land-K lam ath Falls road . 58.00 4.50 OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS , iWm. Tetherow, payroll, Dist. T. E. Van Emon, labor, gen­ Medford Furn. & Hdwe. Co», Pioneer Building. Big bargains in ready-to-w ear g ar-' No. 4 .................................. $446.87 B argains for Ex-Service Men— TAXI— Acklin’s — Rose Bros. Phohr eral roads ......................... 16.00 supplies, A shland-Klam ath Phone 260-R. Res. 274-J or 367-J Road District No. 5 213. 136-tf I can build you a house ou your ments for women, such as coats, i Geo. L. W atson, work on I Falls road ........................... 5 3.60 lot to suit you. 1 cau furnish lot suits, tailored dresses, etc., at Orres F. J. W atson, payroll, Dist. trucks, general roads . . . 2 5 .0 0 1 H. G. Enders Co., supplies FO R RALE. No. 5 .................................. $106.05 Tom West, labor, general TRANSFER AND EXPRBSS. Ashland - Klamath Falls and build house, taking second m ort­ Tailor Shop. See them — they have G. L. Schernierhorn, payroll roads .................................... 24.50; road ....................................... 453.75 FOR SALE— Dry oak wood, 24.60 T. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS- gage for lot. Also have some bunga­ the National catalog backed off the Dlst. No. 5 ....................... 6.50 W hitem an & Gregg, truck sup­ per tier. Phone 367-R. 17-3 FER — Good team and m otor­ 1 7 tf! lows ready for im m ediate ptosses- map. plies. general .................... 21.75 Total $4656.95 trucks. Good service at a reason­ Total $112.55 Young’s Machine & Auto Re­ FOR SALE— A good young cow just sion. My office is prepared to give Jacksonville-Ruch Road able price. Phone 83. R eturn from Salem — fresh. 1401 Boulevard. C. T. Road D istrict No. 6 pairing Co., services and C. H. Natwlck. payment on you service.— Staples Realty. 16-3 Payne. 17-4* FOR PROMPT and careful service Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Guiley recent­ Fred J. Fick, supplies. Dist. supplies, general ......... .. 4 6.90 contract, Jacksonville - No. 6 .................................. 10.50 Ballou & W right, truck sup­ with Auto-Trucks or Horse Drays, ly returned to Ashland from Salem, r 0 R SALE— One ton Buick truck Leaves for Los A n g e le s - A. C. McDonald, supplies. plies, general ..................... 13.70 Natwick & Helms, tinal pay- call W hittle T ransfer Co., Phone ; ¡u good condition, equipped with where Mr. Guiley has been employed [>j8t Mrs. C. P. Good, of Los Angeles, « ....... ............... 12.85 Busy Corner Motor Co., genr 117. Office 89 Oak street, Neat inent, Jacksouville-Ruch self starter, two separate bodies, Hotel Austin. eral road expense .... who has been visiting at -the home during the summer. road ....................................... 100.00 4.55 extra tire, $550. Inquire at Tid- Total 2 23.35 ¡C rater L ake Hdwe. Co., gen­ of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. inS3 office~ 16-3 EXPERT CAR REPAIRING at tea e ra l road expense . . . . . . . . 11.00 Road District No. 7 Good food, cooked right, served Total 2400.00 Arnold, for the past three weeks, Lithia Oarage. E. C. Hamilton, payroll, F. L. Carter, labor, general («encrai County .R o a d FOR SALE— At a sacrifice, Samson . » sonable prices. left this evening for Los Angeles. at reasonable prices. Hotel Ashland 12-lm o i oads . . . . . • • • •»-• ... m .-, 54.00) John F. Rocho, tax refund. . $417.14 tractor, nearly new. Terms. 173 as m arket (No. 7) ................ $811.68 Mrs. Arnold's health is much im Grill. J. M. Allen, payroll, market T. J. Gagnon, lum ber, general Helman. 16-3* ' Ilo — ty CAR WASHING No. 7 ........................... . . . . 223.35 roads .............................. . 32.35 -John Nelson ........................... $ 4.00 proved. Form er R esident to R eturn— C. H. Natwlck, paym ent on In- i EXPERT CAR WASHINC and polish- C. E. Gates Auto Co. general H. Howard ............................. 3.00 FOR SALE— Used Dodge car. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Guiley, of Sun­ contract, m arket (No. 7) . 300.00 quire at Automotive garage. 16-3 ing. Lithia Garage, phone 114. road supplies............24.57 H. H artle 3.00 Anyone fis h in g to have sewing Cold Hill Hdwe* Co., gener- !J. L. W e is s ......... .. ................ 11.00 FOR SALE— Oakland six, good c o n - ---------------------- 12-lmo nyside, W ash., are expected in Ash­ Medford Concrete Const. Co., done for children, or beading, phone supplies, Dist. No. 7 ......... 58.05 al roads .............................. 101.50 Frank Sowasb . . . . . . . . . . ____ 2.00 d itio n , six tire s anil b u m p er, $450. land soon. Mr. and Mrs. Gulley fo r­ VXJ r MALE— REAL ESTATE. C..H. Natwlck, contract, m ar­ W. O. Hampson, labor, gen­ 349-L or call at 710 Penn. Ave. Mrs Chas. W oodw orth...................... 4.00 126 Mechanic. ' 15 -6 * i merly lived in this vicinity a n d it is ket (No. 7) . ..................1000.00 eral roads ......................... 44.00 F. J. Swenning - .............. - ... 3.00 Carolyn Deer. 17-2* FOR BALE— 160 acres of '«and seven understood th a t they are returning l H ittson Motors, general road O. W. M u rp h y ............................. 3.00 APPLE JUICE, guaranteed to make miles east of Ashland, 3 room supplies .............................. 23.30 Total 22393.08 here to live. house, fair barn 2,000,000 feet delicious jelly, 40c gallon. Phone Leave for U. of (>.— _____ Road D istrict No. 9 Medford H arness Co., gener­ Total $ 33.00 of tim ber, turee-fourths mile irorn 9 -F -ll. B Vincent, payroll, Dist. al road s u p p lie s ................ 3.50 CHAUNCEY FLOREY, Misses Mary Moore, Kee Buchau- A lbert Taxi. Phone 183.* 3 0 7 -lm !R\ T school, several springs. 12 acres No. 9 .................................. 21531.77 B. F. McCrary, right-of-way County Clerk. an and Bernice Yeo, and Edgar iu cultivation. 50 acres fenced, A. C. McDonald, labor, Dist. ÍVTERUKBAN AUTOCAR CO. gco'd" term s at 6 per cent, or will Buchanan and Melvin Kaegi left this M otorists to R eturn— No. 9 . . ■............................... 3.69 Effective March 4P, loan. trade for Ashland property. See m orning in Dr. W. E. Buchanan’s The W. A. Cooper family, who left Medford Sheet Metal Works, Daüy (Except Bunday) C. B. Lamkin. 8-1 mo supplies, Dist. No. 9 LV. MEDFORD auto for Eugene, where they wil Ashland recently on an extended 7.75 LV. ASHLAND 7 ; lo a. m. W. W alker Auto Co., ex­ atten d the university the coming m otor trip, arrived a t their destina­ A. pense, fi ’nn a ’ m’ SALE— Cozy convenient four- Dist. No. 9 ........... 8:00 a. m. 5.40 8:00 a .m . room cottage, with roomy base­ year. G. H. Yeo. the insurance man, tion, G rangerville, Ida., Friday of 8:45 a. m. 8:45 a. in. m ent and outbuildings. Good size accompanied them and will drive last week. They are expected to re­ 9:30 a. m. Total $1548.61 9:30 a. m. lot with plenty of frlut. Nice lo­ 10:15 a. m. Road D istrict N o. 10 back in the car Saturday of this tu rn to Ashland within a short time. 10:15 a. m. cation with fine view Desirable 11:00 a. m. A. L. Goodman, payroll, m ar­ 11:00 a. us. week. for small family who want mod­ 12:00 Noon ket road (No. 1 0 ) ........... 22473.36 12:00 Koon erate priced home. Apply to own­ W anted— Old rags. The Tidings Jack Thrasher, payroll, m ar­ 12:45 p. m. 12:48 p.m. 1:30 p. m. Seats for Skovgaard now on sale will pay 5c a pound for clean, cotton ket road (No. 10) ......... 394.80 1:30 p. m. ¡ er on premises, 705 Penn. Ave. Corner Harrison. 4-1 mo 2:15 p. ra. 2:15 p. m. at Rose Bros. 17tf rags. tf John C antrall, gravel, m ar­ 3:00 p. m. ket road (No. 10) ......... 3:00 p. iu. 25.00 FOR RENT. 3:45 p. in. 3 :45 p. in. Standard Oil Co., gas and R ecovers fi*i»m Illness— l«eavee for E u g e n e - 4:30 p.*m. 4:30 p. m. FOR RENT— Four room furnished oil, DiBt. No. 10 . . . 26,37 5:15 p. m. Mrs. Phoebe W right, who has been Troy Phipps left this morning by 5:16 p. m. apartm ent with garage. 1101 6:00 p m. 6:00 p. m. tra in for Eugene, where he will fin­ very ill a t th e home of her daugh­ Total 22919.53 Boulevard. 17-3 7:00 p. m. 7:00 p. ni. Rood D istrict No. 11 ish his course a t the University of ter, Mrs. H attie Lynch, for several 8:45 p. m. Sat. omy 3:45 p. iu. FOR RENT— Furnishedl apartm ent Oregon. m onths, has got able to retu rn to P. L. Freed, payroll, Dlst. 9 • 30 p. m. 9:30 p. m. i over Citizens bank. J. H. Provost. No 11 ........................ a 2540.85 10:30 p. m. Sat. only 12:15 Midgt her home where she is being cared Phone 474-R. 17^2 Road D istrict No. 12 SUNDAY ONLY C hristian Science L e c t u r e - for by Mrs. Ada Clark. ■J. L. Rowe, payroll, Dist. LV. MEDFORD LV. ASHLAND UNDERWOOD TYPEW RITER for Reverend Andrew J. Graham, C. S. No. 12 ..........................,...2 2 1 8 .6 5 9:00 a. m. 9 :0 0 a .m . rent. Phone 209. 17-3 Guy W. Conner, lum ber, Dlst. F o r the best th a t money can buy, B., of Boston. M assachusetts, mem­ 10:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. .7777—-------------- ------------------------------ No. 12 ................................. 41.47 16tf b er of the Board of Lectureship of see Paulshrud’s suits. 11:00 a- m. 11:00 a. m. RENT— Used sewing machine. 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon f}ood condition. See Mrs. Lane. The Mother Church, The F irst Total 2260.12 1:00 p. m. 1:00 p .m . Tidings office. 16-3 C hurch of Christ. Scientist, in Bos­ H eirloom Stolen— Road D istrict No. IS 2:00 p. m. 3: J J J ' “ FOR RENT— Furnished front bed A sneak thief entered Mr. C. O. Wm. Perry, payroll, Dist. ton, M assachusetts, will deliver a 3:00 p. m. No. 13 .................................. $ 95.50 Johnson’s home on Fifth street Tues­ 4 :0 0 p m ! room > Kentlemen only. Phone 367- 4:00 p. m. free lecture on C hristian Science, H. L. Gregory, payroll, Dist. 5:00 p. m. 5:00 p m Y or 6811 156 Factory. 13-tf Thursday, September 22, 1921, at 8 day night and stole some valuable No. 13 ...................................1052.80 6:30 p. m Jewelry. One article was an heir­ o’clock p. m., at the Elks* Temple, F. J. W atson, labor, Dlst. »: i: m W A J IT tS : 9:30 p. m. No. 13 .................................. under the direction of F irst Church loom which Mrs. Johnson cherished 12,60 Ashland W aiting East Sida P h a r-; LADY would like to invest in small of C hrist, Scientist. Ashland. The very highly. The fam ily were away C rater Luke Hdwe. Co., ex­ maC\ ’«rx»ro^,».r«rw. . established business. References 7.50 public is cordially invited to be pres­ from home a t th e tim e and e n tra n c e , pense Dist. No. 13 ............ “ «IO j excha” ^ ' ' ’ O. Box 11-8» was made by tak in g the screen off j ent. 15-4 LV. M E!)MIRI) Total 21168.30 LV. J ’S’NV’LK ¡ WANTED— About five acres with the bedroom window. Road D istrict No. 14 7:40 a. m. 7:20 a. m. improvements, small house p re ­ Edm und Peile, payroll, Dist. To Teach a t Ridille— 9:00 a. m. 8:20 a. m. ferred, close to town. State Be sure you are right. Buy a No 14 ........................ ..........>396.95 10:30 a. m. 10.00 a. m. am ount. Frank Anderson, lufih Miss R uth York will leave Ash­ H. L. Gregory, payroll, Dist. 12:00 Noon 11:30 a. m. Divisadero St., San Francisco. land next week for Riddle, Ore., Mason at Leedom’s Tire Hospital. No. 14 ................................... 166.20 1:30 p. ni. 1 :0Q p. m. Calif. 305-1 mo* 17-4 w here she will teach school during John Blaes Jr., work, Diet. 3:00 p. m. 2:00 p. i r . . No. 14 .................................. 4:3.0 p. ni. H ELP W ANTED. the coming year. 3:45 p. ra. 4.50 M oves to Main Street— 5:30 p. m. iJ. W. Burbidge, labor, Dist. 5:00 p. m. i Mr. MacMichael, who has been 1 No. 14 .............. 9:30 p. m. 7:00 p. m WANTED— Laborers and teamster.; 27.60 Your opportunity to see Skov­ for construction work on irrig a­ 7:30 p m. living in housekeeping apartm ents at i Wesley Coffeen, labor, Dist. Sat. only 8 :00 p. m. gaard September 29, 1921. Seats at 10:30 p. m. ___ Sat. only 9:50 p. in ., tion project near Medford, O re­ the home of Mrs. Phoebe W right, on. r, , Xo' 14 .................................. 23.00 gon. Wages 23 for eight hours, Rose Bros. 17tf Liberty street, during the summer, WE RUN ON SUNDAYS anch Coffeen, labor, Dist. less $1 for board. Job will last No. 14 .................................. 12.00 >^EDFORD-ROSKRURG all winter. Rogue River Valley has moved to E ast Main. His chil­ Henry Dooms, labor, D ist Daily anil Sunday Move to D u n s m u ir - - tf Canal Co . Medford, Ore. 14-7 LV. MEDFORD LV. ROSEBURG N° 14 .................................. 23.00 Mrs. J. B. Duncan, with her m oth­ dren have come from th e coast and 11:00 a .m . 1 0 0 p. m, Leek, labor, Dist. No. 14 23.00 er, have rented th eir home on Har- will attend school here th is w inter LOST. MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS ______ i D. W. Pence, paym ent on gadine street, and have moved to Dally and Sunday contract, Dist. No. 14 . . . 450.00 LOST— Buldog answering name of L eave for C alifornia— LV. MEDFORD Dunsm uir, Calif., for a time. LV. G T S PASS Rolley Rinabarger, labor, Dist. “ Keeno.” Please phone 392-J. Mr. and Mrs. B ert Rowe, of Val­ 8:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. No. 14 ......................... .. 23.00 17-3* 11:00 a. in. 1 :00 p. m. For high grade tailoring for men lejo, Calif., who have been visiting Thos. Roseberry, labor, Dist. 1:00 p. m. 4 :00 p. m. No 14 .................................. 14.00 in Ashland and vicinity for a few and women— C. Orres. C. B. L A M K I N 4:30 p. m. 6 :15 p. m. Leu Taylor, labor, Dist. days, left for th e ir home Tuesday. G rants Pass W aiting Room— The No. 14 .................................. 23.00 Bonhonniere. Phone i60. M*c 3 2 7 .6 7 Ender’s Cash Dept. Store, H ubbard Bros., general road expense Dist. No. 1 ___ .40 expense ................................ 7.20 Jack True, car expense Dist. A. C. McDonald, general road No. 1 .................................... will ilo your plowing right now 30.00; expense ................................ 14.50 The Automotive Shop, ex­ ! Medford Furn. & Hdwe. Co., in your hard, sticky soil. pense Dist. No. 1 ........... 6.40; general road expense . . . . 48.12 Standard Oil Company oil B argain in used sew in g m achine; Medford Iro n W orks, general Dist. No. 1 ......................... ’ 58.05 a lso a new carload o f W h ite sew ­ road e x p e n s e ....................... 22.60 E. P. Moore, payment on Medford Lum ber Co., lum ber in g m achines ju st in, at contract, m arket (No. 1) . 400.00: for Sardine Creek bridge 64.80 I Aledford Sheet M etal Works» Peil’s Corner D J T »vs R ei’i'.l« HOME BAKERY The Heider Tractor and P.&0. Disc Plow A o io r C ounty Library MAN’S BEST AGE A man is as old as his organs; h :an be as vigorous and healthy a Z0 as at 35 if he aids his organs i) performing their functions. Kee rour vital organs healthy wit! Do More Than Live Enjoy Life! The enjoym ent which conies from elim inating worry, from being able to plan and carry through those plans, belongs alm ost exclusively to those who save. Open a th rift account here. Start with only a dollar, if you will, but start. Do more than live — enjoy life! The C i t i z e n s B a n k Ashland, Oregon City aud lU o d i l ’rüiærtie» Houaes to Went. CITIZENS* BANK BUILDING WHERE’S THE HRJK? Some times th a t fire whistle gets into the habit of blowing off when there is no*flre, but vnu know it when it is blowing for a fire alarm : the big question then is “ W here is the fire ? ” The truck is on the go— where?. It may be a small blaze or it may already he past control— BUT The world’s standard remedy for kidney there is a fire! T hat's what the iver. bladder and uric acid trouble: fire whistle tells you and your :ince 1696 ; corrects disorders ; stimulate dtal organs. All druggists, three sizes heart jum ps faster. Many times th a t call may be » o k f o r th a n a m e Gold M e d a l o n «wary b«j a c c e p t do im ita tio n answered and NOT be for you? home or your business. But once — Just th a t vital once— may prove the disaster oT your life. Sup­ If you w ant to buy or sell anything in pose it comes today, tom orrow — who can tell when? Are you fully protected? Why take the chances? W hat has happened can happen. If it should happen to you, would or W ant anv kind of Notarv work! It h u rt? A few dollars invested done it will be to your advantage! in a good fire policy today may save yon a thousand tonight. to call on COLD MEDAL REALTY, INSURANCE, LOANS BEAVER REALTY CO. If there are any bargains in town they have them. Billings Agency R eal Hetato and Real Insurance Estab. 1333 Phone 3 1 1 <1 East Main