Thursday, September 22, 1 M 1 TOTE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS PAGE TWO kitchen and baggage car. The offi-1 out the country. Lieutenant Colonel of which will be "A L ittle Cottage cers and men were accompanied by C. M. Norton was in command of the for Two.” This num ber is consid­ troop train. ered one of the greatest song hits th eir families in some cases. Established 187« The men were p art of a contin­ in years and is introduced several Published Every Evening Except gent of 15,000 regular enlisted men Discontinued Story tim es during the running of th e show Sunday stationed at Camp Pike for the past A man kicked a sleeping bulldog TH E ASH LAND PRINTING CO. in th e popular style of “ The Lova By MRS. JOHN DILL lain who has taken the responsibility Nest” of “ Mary,” and “ Alice Blue two years. The entire camp is in to see if it was dead, OFFICIAL CITY AND Sou' N T Ï (Cor Sec. Civic Club) of the presidency of the club and Gown” of ‘Irene,” are offered. . th e course of abandonm ent, the men^ It w asn't PAPER Thé End. „ i a , ■ uiv i„ throw n her heart and tim e into mak- TELEPHONE 39 The members of the th ree act farce being sent to various camps through- Covers were laid to r sixty-six la- dies at a charm ing luncheon at t h e 1"* a success .of the community comedy in which these revues are subscription P rice Delivered in City Introduced aTe rehearsing faith fu l­ )ne m onth .................................. $ -®® Hotel Ashland Tuesday as the first I hoUde pro ec • 1.95 social feature of the Civic club this Miss Blanche» Hicks, fresh from an ly, and C. J. McNaughtan, who is Three m o n t h s ..................... 3.75 season. Dainty cosmos blossoms in «astern trip, was all enthusiasm for directing the show for the local Six m onths ......................... 7.50 One y e a r .............................. baskets and vases with stream ers of the community building. She said- lodge, and M. L. Patton, the chair­ Mail and R ural Routes. pale green tulle were the decora- the young people needed a place man of the E lk s’ show committee, $ .65 One m onth ......................... w here they could have community both say it will be the best a ttra c ­ 1.95 Three m o n t h s ..................... 3.50 tions. Never has a more appetiziug parties, such as Mrs. Barber had op­ Six months ......................... tion of its kind ever produced in •6.50 nor more charm ingly appointed One y e a r ................ ............. ened her home for. this city. luncheon been given at the hotel. ADVERTISING RATES: Mrs. J. M. W agner told of being To advertise the show the Elks Mrs. John Fuller, with Miss Ber­ Display Advertising stranded because of gasoline sh o rt­ are putting out a special 3500 edi­ 8ingle insertion, each in c h ........... 30r nice Yoe at the piano, led the guests age this sum m er on an au to trip a t tion of a new spaper called “ The Elks YEARLY CONTRACTS lu singing two original booster com­ Coquille. They broke camp and had Show Message," which will be dis­ Display Advertising munity house songs. One tim e a w eek.................... 27 Miss Grace Cham berlain laughing­ no place to go. Strolled up to a tributed free to every home in the rwo tim es a w eek .................... 25c ly rem arked the violets on the lunch­ new house with doors hospitably op­ entire district. It is th e regular size Every other d a y .........................20c en which proved to be a community of the local papers, and everyone Local R eaders. MOTOR OIL eon cards bespoke the modesty of the Mrs. should watch for th eir copy, as it is Each line, each tim e .................... 10c club ladies, but she would immedi­ house the ladies had built. FREE FRQM To run every other day for on» When heated, water escapes W agner talked with a woman from filled with jokes on all the towns­ destructive month, each line, each tim e . . . 7c ately take up the principle topic in th e country who was resting there from the radiator in the form people, and the com m ittee says it SULPHO To in n every issue for on^emonth of steam. In the same way everyone’s mind— the proposed com­ COMPOUNDS or more, each line, each tim e. . . . 5c munity house. Then wus launched on a lounge. The woman sail? no one will be funnier than “Life.” oil vapors pass out through the breather pipe when the Classified Column. could know the com fort given wom­ Several new acts are being assem­ Produced undel one of the most enthusiastic rounds oil is subjected to engine heat. One cent the word each time. UuTnew HEXjEON en out of town by such a place. bled and will be announced in a few Low evaporation loss is an To run every issue for one month or of talks pointing out the need of this process. Mrs. Oeder, who n as bought the days. indication of the oil’s lubri­ more, %c the word each time. building, until the Log Cabin m ust cating quality. L egal R ate: have whispered with joy to Ashland Satterfield property and is m aking F irst Time, per 8 point line . . . . 10c creek of the nifty, modern neighbor it over into an artistic home, said Each subsequent time, per 8 point she knew from her own experience l i n e ...............................................•” * they were so soon to have. Card of Thanks, $1.00. Mrs. Mary Louise W hitney, of in traveling th a t th e to u rist spent Obituaries, 2% cents the line. G rants Pass, whose work in the his money where he stayed longest, *Fraternal Orders and Societies. and he stayed where it was the most Advertising for fraternal orders Civic club during her long residence or societies charging a regular initi here is known to all, said Miss Cham­ attractive. Mrs. Oeder is by profes­ ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ berlain had w ritten ’her to bring over sion an interior decorator and said ligious and benevolent orders will be she would give her services w ith joy charged the regular rate for all ad a few rem arks she could pick up in to help out on m aking th e building Three hundred and fifty officers Cycol reduces evaporation loss. It has the stability vertising when an admission or other G rants Pass. So strolling out to get and men of the F ourth U. S. infantry, them , she found "everybody talking attractive. to withstand terrific engine heat owing to its charge is made. Mrs. Edw rad R. Angell said D r .! Third division, who passed through A shland’s community house project peculiar chemical characteristics. W hat Constitute^ A d vertising! had sent her papers from ‘ Ashland Monday night a fte r stop­ Angell In order to allay a m isunderstand­ clear to Roseburg. On a recent vis|t Excessive loss of oil through evaporation means ing among some as bo w hat consti­ to Palto Alto, she said, “ I visited Ashland, and she had fallen in love ping here from 6 to 10 o’clock, have , that the oil is not suitable to withstand engine tutes news and w hat advertising, the hostess house. It has four pi: with the women before she came. arrived a t Camp Lewis, according to * heat. Poor oils contain a large percentage of vola­ we print this very simple rule whica She said she was heartily for the reports th a t reached here today. The is used by newspapers to difierin- anos. and it is not unusual to have tile and non-lubricating constituents which are lib­ atiate between them : “ ALL fu tu ir- six to seven meetings a day in the project if it was not to be rented men were from Camp Pike, L ittle i erated when subjected to operating temperatures Rock, Ark,, and passed through Ash­ events, where an admission charge building. When the proposition was . out for a dance hall. . and pass out through the breather pipes as vapor. Miss C.M Rider fain then introduced land on hoard a special train com­ ts made or a collection is taken offered ‘killjoys’ who thought they IS ADVERTISING.” This applies to Mrs. Coffman as 'CDs* , club’s l a te s t Power and mileage are reduced. Some oils lose as organizations and socfeties of every were using ’Scotch caution’ said it member, and th e m ost charm ing of posed of s6ven Ppllm an cars, a much as 50% in evaporation during a 10 hour run. kind as well as to individuals. couldn’t be done. hostesses, who was m aking th e Ho­ All reports of such activities aftei “In G rants Pass we have a ladies’ Scientific tests in our special motor laboratory they have occurred is new». auxiliary to the Cham ber of Com­ tel Ashland a popular social center. 'Ì show that evaporation loss is greatly diminished All coming social or organization A business m eeting was held In meetings of societies where no money merce, but forge so far ahead of Auxiliary hall a fte r th e luncheon. with Cycol in the-motor. That means better lub­ contribution is solicited, initiation the men, you som etim es lose sight rication and more mileage. charged, or collection taken is NEWS. of the conjunction. We have milk Since th ere has been considerable Cycol is the new and different motor oil. It is free stations in all prim ary schools, and discussion as to w hether th e new We make all quotations on community house would be rented tram destructive “sulpho” compounds. These are at 11 o’clock each day give each JOB WORK out for dancing, th e m atter was dis removed by the new Hexeon Process, used only child a a bottle of milk from cnuu «wvueot u.. which has been cussed. It was unanim ously voted by us. Oils containing “sulpho” compounds bneak tested. We spent 51000 on one paiKi » THE FRANKLIN PRICE LIST. , ... , . „ fironinpA in the th a t dancing would not be perm it- down rapidly under engine heat. alone. We wanted a fireplace in tn e, Same prices— Reasonable Price- ted in th e building. Enthusiasm library like one in Ashland, and had to all. Cycei-ixe your motor. Clean the and interest is so wide spread and a ruinage sale and in one day raised with kerosene—-end refill with the correct Entered a t the Ashland. Oregon, three dollars less th an one thous­ town-wide th a t th e foundation work stion of Cycol as shown by the Cycol R< 5 O ^ood cigarettes Postoffice as Second Class Mall will likely sta rt very shortly. and.” Eyes or all club women of Matter. for 10c from the state are on Ashland, Mrs. W hit­ one sack of ney said, and G rants Pass will try to AHOCEfcTBD OIL CONflPAMY, l make a second with a house costing ♦ G E N U IN E 512 000. Didst thou but know the inly Dr. M attie Shaw, a form er Ash- M touch of love, lander, who has returned to make •' Thou wouldst as soon go kin- her home here, enthusiastically de­ . die fire with snow, clares, “ My, my. I’m glad to he here. -$> As seek to quench the fire of I think you Ashland women 1 6 .7 5 . A ll w ool P o lo cloth N ational designer has H*ed the season’s new gave that. So our money raiser is coats at > 18.75. Bank in 1 4 ^ , to the best advantage and lias Jackson County ’ doing her civic work. ORRES TAILOR SHOP the paint man podufw d an original and conservative Mrs. W. M. B arber called for a «rap. plain enough and trimmed rally of all around Miss Chamber- jnoagh to pass without criticism. Ashland Tidings Civic improvement Club News Troop Train Stops Here En-Routc to Camp Lewis, Wn. Galaxy of Pretty Girls Is Feature ES ks ’ Big Show L U L L DURHAM Excessive Gil Evaporation Reduces Mileage and Power CYCOI MOTOR OIL Plaza AGRICULTURAL Plaza Market S E R V IC E Paints Wall Paper Sanitas ▼ ▼ for in clothes; good style, correct fit, long wear and unusual value ? You will find clothes “tailored to measure by B om ” fully up to your expectations. You can buy a good Born tailored suit, now, at $30 or $35; better grades at higher prices, if you desire; at any price you are sure of generous value and satisfaction. 0. A. PAULSERUD THIS IS THE PLAGE TO COME H»K S ch o o l S u p p lie s AND S choo l B o o ks Make out your list and take ad­ vantage of this opportunity to buy standard supplies at the low­ est prices— School Tablets ................5 to 10c Crayolas . . . ..............IO a,,d ifiOc School Paiuts, 50c cups ----- 10c Students Loose Leaf Books, Type Paper, Pens, Inks, Note Books. etc., in great variety Fountain Pens . . . . $1.50 to $5 Eversharp Pencils . . . .50c to $5 McNair Bros. Start 7%« Canvas Shoes Suitable tor Hunting and Fishing M First National Bank Dickerson & Sen X T THAT do you look W e carry several w ith Rubber, leath er soles. kinds. Made C om position or