a SHLAND climate without the aid *■> of Medicine, coree nine caeee ont of ten of Asthma. This la a proven tact. INGS International News Wire Service ' VOLUME 3 *r 4.LARIA Genoa cannot anrrlve * 1 three month» la the rich ozone at Ashland, The pure domestic water helps. (Successor to the Semi-Weekly"Tidings? Voi? 43f ............................. ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1921 ...........................-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ■ ------------- „ ’ NO- l o RUSSIA TO SETTLE DEBTS OF OLD REGIME Plan Delegation To Siskiyou Co. Fair At Yreka k H. S. Resulting from a suggestion made! by E. J. Kaiser, the local C h am b er; of Commerce will send an official PRACTICE ! delegat,OD ° f Ashlanders to Siski & Women Storm Court to Hear ArbucKle Trial Ashland Orchards Complimented By ! County Inspector E. E. O a tm a n , fru it in sp e c to r fo ri Ja ck so n c o u n ty , was in A shland to- FUTURE PLANS I day gathering m aterial for the state PLAY y° U , county fair at Yreka. Calif., —*'-|aa Sep h e l d — KOSEBl KG TO x „ r na . -------------- tair at Salem. Mr. Oatman says th a t' FOOTBALL f o r f i r s t TIME— , er 26 and 27, according to the OrTlAXJK i s O P T o X l C * T " “ ° £ <*“>- 0 Ashland hill orchards this year have some of the finest apples and peaches TOMISTIC. merce directors’ m eeting held this K * he has even seen, and specimens BIG IRRIGATION PBOJROT PLAN week. The proposed trip will be from the orchards of Messrs. Frost, sim ilar to the recent visit made by NED— To RESTORE VALUE Of Twenty-eight young huskies, a r­ Pellett and French were taken for an Ashland delegation to the Jose­ dent devotees of the pig-skin sport, the fair. From the Tucker ranch RUSSIAN MONEY— WILL SE­ phine county fair a t G rants Pass. ♦ and averaging 150 pounds in weight, the finest barley in the sheath that Friends of Postm aster K aiser are are tram pling over a newly plowed UCHE OUTSIDE SUPPLIES. he had ever seen was taken by Mr. calling atten tio n to the fact th a t two and first rate football field at the Oatman. The grain exhibits will be high school under the watchful eye purposes will be served by the party preserved tor the A shland' w inter of sightseers, inasm uch as they will of Coach Hughes, who is enthusias­ (Copyright by I. N. S.) fair; also any other features of the have th e opportunity to pay honor tic over the prospects of a winning Jackson county exhibit th a t may be BERLIN, Sept. 22.— Soviet Rusal From Roseburg to K lam ath Falls to the birthplace of the A shland as­ U am to carry oif the gridiron hon desired. Jackson county will have the cry will be “ On to A shland!” intends to enter negotiations will sistan t to th e postm aster general. I SAN FRANCISCO, Calil'., Sept. 22. ors ot Southern Oregon. Although Y reka is the old home town of Mr. a fine display at the Salem fair this England and F rance for the settle This will be h e ard in volume the Despite the announcem ent that year. only three letter men, members of Kaiser, who is enthusiastic over the first week in October. The occa­ only those having special passes inent of the national debt whicl the regular team of last year, have m erits of the coming fair. would be adm itted, approximated}’ Russia contracted in those days whei sion is the convening of the South­ returned to school, Hughes is opto- 1000 women packed the corridbrs of she was sMll under the old Czarls m istic in the belief th at he has a ern Oregon Older Boys’ conference, the Hall of Justice and vainly sought regime, Leoad K rassin, bolsbevii bunch of boys who will stick through October 21 to 23. The conference to press past the cordon of officers trad e commissioner, to ld the Inter the school year. Difficulty in keep­ was held last year a t Roseburg and i guarding the court room, where a national News Service today. ing trained men in. school has been the insistent clam or oi a fine repre­ 3elect audience of society and club In the most im portant message a handicap during previous years, I like A unt “ Lib” Smith because sentation from the L ithia town th a t iwwfnen w er- adm itted on special that ever came from an official o Hughes said. A num ber of old men I this y ear’s m eeting be held in Ash- of h er public sp irit het reserve iw passes to hear the evidence designed the Moscow government, K rassit who played football last year as sub­ ! land, won them the privilege. Ash- well-doAng, and h er charities. A to hold Roscoe (F aty ) Arbuckle lor outlined the following plans and stitu tes and part time regular line j land fellows consequetatly 'becomei fev» years age she built Pioneer the alleged m urder of Virginia hopes of th e Russian soviet govern­ men who played last year but failed Hall a t a cost of some six thous­ Rappe. I the hosts to approxim ately 200 of the m ent; to make the team, form a strong , older boys of Southern Oregon. and dollars afttl donated it, first Arbuckle, when he entered the F irst— To construct an irrigation background th at promises to put the T hough these conferences are con- to the use of the old soldiers, and court room, kissed his w ife and system in the Volga district to a» local high school on the map in foot­ ducted by the state staff of the Y. M. when the Armory was built, and ! mother-in-law. WOMEN SHOW KEEN INTEREST ball. sist agriculture and prevent a recur­ maintenance of LITHIA park C. A., the attendance is not a t all the G. A. R. had a perm anent home I One lone man forced his way into rence of fam ines such as Russia is IN PROJECT AT NOON confined to Y. M t v A. members. there, Mrs. Smith changed her gift K laiuath Falls Game th at part of the court room where ELKS IS MOOTED QUERY now suffering from. Second— Re­ Self-respecting boys of fifteen .gears to the C hautauqua association. The first scheduled game of the LUNCHEON TUESDAY only women were adm itted. A. husky habilitate the nation commercially, of age, and from all parts in th e year will be played a t K lam ath She shrinks from advertising her bailiff grabbed the man by the col­ AT COUNCIL M EET industrially and agriculturally iu the P alls Saturday of next week with district, and of w hatever “ race, color! benefactions, b u t she is doing big lar and forcibly ejected him from same way th at the United States tb© high school team of that place or previous condition of servitude,” things every day w ithout asking the court room. As chairm an of the publicity com­ was “ Reconstructed” after the civil are invited to attend. The game schedule for the season Plans for the improvement of the the women of Ashland to co-op­ F atty Arbuckle seemed to he in a mittee, Mrs. Lamkin has started a war. Third— To m e e t the foreign has not been definitely arranged, al­ recent six acre Parish addition to The fellows are asked only to pro­ erate in raising the money or jovial mood. problem in geometrical progression debt and restore the norm al value though Coach Hughes states th a t the M ountain View cem etery are be­ vide for th eir tran sp o rtatio n a n d boosting a private enterprise that will net the Civic club $2302. of Russian money. F ourth— Secure seven games will probably be played. ing made, following a meeting of the one dollar for registration. The peo­ through supposed public beneUc- MEDFORD, Or., Sept. 22.— Rollie You may be only an "h o u r” in the vast supplies from outside of Russia Following a conference between city council Tuesday evening, when ple of Ashland will provide free en­ tion. Such as A unt Libie Smith -Matthews, one of the principals in a game, yet if you play it right you through long term credits. Roseburg. Medford. Klam ath Falls, a request was made by Sexton Pin­ tertain m en t during the conference., are genuine, and are the salt of shooting aftcay a t Eagle Point Tues­ will share the honor of helping build Krassin adm itted that th e R u ssian The three-day program consists of the earth. G rants Pass and .^ th la n d , thè ion, through Councilman Charles H. HAZ KIK. day morning, which »esulted in the the community club house. Mrs. rouble, the value of which before s tiools have made a A m b in e repre­ Pierce, th a t authority he given for mass meetings for inspirational and death of W ilbur (W ig) a-teks at the Lamkin is the year, paying $10 and the world war was fifty cents in religious addresses; group meetings senting Southern Oregon, the cham ­ improving the addition. Sacred H eart hospital yesieiday being responsible for twelve months. American money, has depreciated Following an investigation this for discussion of problems which are three year old child pion of which is expected to chal­ E ach m o n th gives $5 a n d p e r ­ 15,000 times. This menus that 300 m orning a t 10:30 o’clock, was ar DEAD FROM SCALDING lenge a northern team. For the morning by Councilmen Pierce and live issues in school life; ath letics' rested yesterday evening at 9 o’clock su a d es fo u r m ore people to repre­ paper Russian roubles cotfld now banquet and Tor Norman Ev- first time in its school history, Joy, they are of the opinion th at and sightseeing; ---------- au»ii a big F uneral services A , Each week giveg and a t his Eagle Point home by Deputy sent be purchased in Russia for the value Hughes says, Roseburg will play Plowing of the ground and laying th e inevitable fun and fellowship I ©rett Long, three year old son of Sheriff Forncrook. Matthews was catches seven qa ys. Each day gives of one cent. Mr. and mrs. Mrs. m. E. K. E. Long, Long, C and Sev- football and will meet the Ashland out the 100 trees requested by Sexton which one would .... „ expect p e v , when „ue.1 young! young.™ ., a.,« C and Sev- formally charged with the m urder •»0 cents, and just as days count for t t from a score of communtles enth streets, who died at 10 o’clo ck , of Jacks by Sheriff Terrill before m ost in o u r lives, so th e su ccess of gridiron w arriors at a «tote th a t has Pinion be delayed until spring, a fte r, linen not yet been set. Efforts are being the rainy season. Although no nf. ' «et together, yesterday m orning as the result of Justice Taylor and will he given a this whole venture rests w.th the made to'schedule a game with G rants ficial action has been taken, it is W lth the memory of a splendid burns a fte r falling into a basin of prelim inary hearing at 10 o’clock to- days. Three hundred and th irty - Pass for October 8. Two games with understood from the councilmen th at conference a t Roseburg last year, hot water. _ will be held tomorrow morrow morning. six days, each paying 50 cents J Medford. November 11. Armistice the Improvements will be favorably Ashland fellows will use every ef­ afternoon a t 2:30 o’clock from thel Before the death of Jacks. Mat- a m o u n ts to $168. and each dav must fort to play host in a fitting man­ Dodge undertaking parlors. Burial I thews was charged with assault and •lay, and Thanksgiving day, are be­ looked upon early next year. c a p tu re tw e n ty -fo u r h o u rs— get 2«! ing arranged. A trade of a two acre tract from ner on this occasion,. wlP ]>e_made in th e Mountain View • attem pt to kill. Surprise was ex- cents each from tw enty-four people. L ast Year Men the MacDonald property for an ¡cemetery. pressed here th a t Matthews should Many a day may prefer to give WASHINGTON, D. C„ Sept. 20.— The following last year’s men are equal acreage of unimproved ground The child was badly burned a b o u t’ have been released on $5000 bail • » outright— the am ount for which RED BLUFF, C alif., Sept. 21.- turning out for practice: Albert in the cemetery, offered this morn- No recommendation for the i n d e n t ­ the body about 9 o'clock Saturday prior to Jack s’ death. each day is responsible. Be an hour What bids to be C alifornia’s grea G uthrie, tackle; Leslie Herr, captain ing- has met the approval of Mayor de" Ce ° f th e P h i,iPPlne islands at night when he slipped and fell in a Mrs. Jacks is grief-stricken by the m at ¡is many times as you possibly est round-up from the num ber at ---- eu Auiory. and -- halfback; A„ Allen Autory. tackle; l Lamkin aild Councilmen Pierce a n d j th ® pre8ent time was made in the re- basin of scalding w ater placed on - death of her husband, and issued a can. for there are 8064 hours in our quality of the entries received thi Allan Brower, left end; Dale Young, | Joy’ Th© m atter will be taken u p P° rt of General Woods and General the floor while Mrs. Long was j statem ent in which she fixed the re-1 year’ The hours will collect and glv? far, will be staged here October E arlin M a c -|offic,al,y at th e next council m eet-•' Forbes’ who were sent to .th e Phil- E lt lt Ramsey, Ramsey, full full back; back; H Harlin Mac /? eSS7*g a Ch,ckeu’ R was 8tated b y ! sponsibility for the shooting upon t,ieir ni0"ey to the days; the days to to 9, inclusive. “ The proposed trad e would ippines to investigate conditions for he attending physician. The child j Matthews, and insists th a t Jacks was the weeks; the weeks to the months William, guard and tackle; Raymond *— in.g. The Red Bluff Rodeo associatioi Huger, H arry Hill, Howard Hobson, 8(,uare UP the adldtion and get rid President H arding, it was learned lost consciousness yesterday morn ' not armed. Mrs. Jacks was a wlt- and the year will add up $2302 td capitalized at $20,000, will promo) Erm ole Carlon, Earl Snyder, a n d |of undesirable property. The Mac- today. Ing shortly before his death. ness of the shooting. the growing fund in the Citizen the show, • which will be manage W ebster Wertz. O ther men on t h e | Donald acreage adjoins the cemetery Bank by A. J. H arrell, Ben Dobbins an field yesterday afternoon were: addition and the present Mountain T, J. Millerick, prom inent horse an Don’t W ait to be Asked Charles Rush, Elm er Dix, H arry Ev­ View cemetery. The Parish addition Because you will be asked to be a rodeo men. ans, Raymond Bowers, Paul Culbert­ was purchased by the city six months One of the features of the rode week or a day, don’t neglect to send son, Chester Woods. Harvey Woods, ago and runs north to the Southern th a t $5 or $10 or $50 or more to will be the broncho riding contes Caldwell, Storm, Nelson, Knapp, W il­ Pacific company’s tracks. Mrs. Mary W ilshire. G ranite street. for the world’s championship and ; hite, Frederick, Johnson, and Ross According to plans made by Sex- Please send it as a free will offer­ purse of $1000. E ntries of famou; Taylor. 'o - , - . ton Pinion, th e cem etery addition ing. Don’t wait to be asked as a riders from Texas, New Mexico. Ok ( liance for Victor}- i will be w uvvjaea to divided into eignty eighty lots, to) i«® personal favor. You will reap the lahoma, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevadi According to reports reaching here l)e sold for $100 eacfi, a sum th a t benefit of any money you sow in and California, are being received from Medford, Ashland will have a win Provide for perpetual use of! this community club house. One daily, and the contest will be one good chance for victory in their com- the lot. The sexton is anxious to recent member gave $50 yesterday of the best and hottest ever wit­ ing clashes with the Medford team. J improve th e grounds w ith trees and the largest check from any woman nessed in the West. Coach H untington, who has taken wat®r piping,, so th a t the addition thus far. The association has recently con­ charge of athletics a t the Medford I win be in readiness when it is needed In order th a t you may understand structed large, comfortable grand­ high school, following the resigna-**n fntnre He Br« proposed that x»._ in the future. the, the whole proposition, please Tead stands and built a fast track. The tion of Otto Klum last year, is re­ addition be named the Mountain- carefully the rules for your p a rt in purses hung up for the rodeo of ported to have a rath er gloomy out­ View Park cemetery. the scheme for raising money w ith­ 1921 are the largest ever to be con­ look. Only a few of last year’s Med­ # The advisability of keeping t h e . tested for In this state. out raising your tem perature. ford men have ic retu ithia iu rn iu ed w to io school. scnooi. I elks in *** L u iin ia park was th the e cause | There will be steer riding and Translating Time into Money His method of coaching is radically of considerable discussion among! The y©3’’ ................................$ io . oo roping, hulldogging, Roman races, different from th that t x ___ at nt of Klum Klum, un so it I the the Councilman. councilmen- Tuesday. It was 12 months at $5 each . . . . 60.00 relay races and other contests of will require some time before his stated th a t owing to th e present 48 weeks at $1 each . . . . 48.00 daring and equestrianship. Judging machine gets in perfect working o r­ scarcity of available cam ping sites 336 days at 50 cents each . 168.00 from the program of each day’s der. according to observers who havtb for tourists, a feeling existed th at 8064 hours at 25 cents each 2016.00 events, one will have to come early watched the men working out on the the elks he disposed of and the in the morning and stay late in the gridiron. H untington is reported to ground put to a different use. The $2302.00 afternoon to not miss anything, us he a very capable coach and was offer of th e Eugene Cham ber of Instead of getting four weeks to there is something scheduled for ev­ form erly one of the m ainstays of the Commerce to sell the city an addi­ carry out the work, a month may ery minute. U niversity of Oregon team in the tional elk for $100 was refused. The The Tehama county fa ir will be give $191. the am ount for which she Oregon-H arvard game. Klum, who, ©Iks in Lithia park were gifts made is responsible. held a t the sam e time and a t the at one tim e was coach for the Ash­ to the city by the local Elks lodge.' Every one of the forty-eight weeks same location, the rodeo extending land high has taken — ........ .. ~ school, “ w « , u«*» «.aaeii o over v e r ath am - A representative of the city coun- I Is valued at $46.50. This includes one day later than the fair, that letics a t the University of Hawaii J cH will confer with the E lks’ lodge- her own $ 1 plus her share of days closing October 8. where Bob Spencer a form er Ash- regarding the possible disposal of Plenty of excellent accommoda­ and hours. Each day is responsible! land man, is captaining the varsity tbe animals. for $6.50, and every hour will ask | tions are available and prices will be team . Spencer played on the G ra n ts’ tw enty-four people for 25 cents each. ( n,a9On*b1©- George Spencer was granted per­ Pass team during a game with Ash­ or give $6 as her part in the g a m e.! .,„ „ 7 7 — ----------------- la n d about seven years ago, when mission to erect a barn on th e rear Many women will pay $6.50, the .. says a physlci th e local boys were badly worsted. - price for a day and its tw entylfour woa 1 cure a the head.” P (Continued oa Page Fcurl ------ ---------------------- - --------------------f haps not, but that’s only a mii iContinued on Page Four) drawback. tw enty - eight on I V rù .% « m CY /V « Q y. m . c. a H az ïÇik IE OCT. 21-23 RESORI ID PASSES CITY DAOS FAVOR 'EMENI CEMETERY ADDITION To Hold Calif. Round-Up Oct. b-9; Red Blul The Decorator Arrives 4* ¡ARE YW HERE MNH’f