PAGE FOUR Have a fit— C. Orres. 17tf I Blg bargains in ready-to-wear g ar­ president; Mrs. W. E. Blake, vice m ents for women, such as coats, president; Mrs. H. E. Joy, and Mrs. Woolens for men and women sold suits, tailored dresses, etc., at Orres W. G. Prescott. by the yard— C. Orres. I7 tf Tailor Shop. See them — they have MASONIC CALENDAR the N ational catalog backed off the «HOOTING AFFRAY A l EAGLB POINT; B argain s fo r E x-Service Men— map. 17tf ONE IN HOSPITAL I can build you a house on your C hristian Science Lecture— lot to suit you. I can furnish lot Stated conclave of Malta Com- (Continued from Page 1) Reverend Andrew J. G raham , C. S. __________________ m andery, K, T., this (W ednesday) and build house, taking second m ort- gage for lot. Also have some buuga-j B-. ot Boston, M assachusetts, ra e m -'Vers, with the words: evening. September 21. Also order lows ready for im m ediate pbsses- ber of the Board of Lectureship o f' “This is my gun, and this one is of the Temple. The Mother Church, The F irst W ig’s.” sion. My office is prepared to give Special convocation of Siskiyou According to Deputy Gleuu Ter- 16-3 Church of Christ, Scientist, in Bos- chapter, R. A. M., Thursday even­ you service.— Staples Realty. ton, M assachusetts, will deliver a •r m , one shell in the revolver, ing, September 22. Past and Most Anyone wishing to have sewing free lecture on C hristian Science, , claimed to be Jack s’, had been fired, Excellent M aster degrees. done for children, or beading, phone Thursday, Septem ber 22, 1921, at 3 and oue snapped. Two empty cart 349-L or call at 710 Penn. Ave. Mrs. o’clock p. m., at the E lks' Temple, r ridges idees were folind in the Matthewi were found in the M atthews School suits $20. all wool. a n y lc a r o ,yu Depf 17-2* under the direction of F irst Church gun. style desired Paulserud’s. 16tf of Christ, Scientist, Ashland. The Says Jacks Threw R ocks Seats for Skovguard now on sale public is cordially invited to be pres­ M atthews told the authorities th a t R eturns to M e d fo rd - 17tf ent. 15-4 Jacks met him yesterday morning Mrs. J. C. Clark, who has been at Rose Bros. Local and Personal visiting Ashland friends for th e past) Your opportunity to see Skov- several days, has returned to her) gaard Septem ber 29, 1921. Seats at home in Medford. i Rose Bros. I7 tf Ladies unaccompanied by gentle-) ' men and extra ladies. 10c a t th e | R “ «“ * E xchange- Five hundred acres, abundantly Bungalow dance Wednesday night. Irrigated, alfalfa, fine location and The war tax m ust be paid. St buildings, splendid ou t range, 600 head cattle, other stock and m a- Cliff Payne makes benches. ; chinery, 10 miles from railroad, gra- W anted— Old rags. The Tidings veled level road, will take clean in­ will pay 5c a pound for clean, cotton ¡come property to am ount of $50,000 rags. t f — E. T. Staples. • 16-3 For the best th a t money can buy, We, the employes of the Pacific see Paulserud’s suits. 16tfi Telephone and Telegraph company wish to express th eir appreciation to Be sure you are right. Buy a the followiug m erchants of Ashland Mason at Leedom’s Tire Hospital. who so generously contributed prizes 17-4 for the sporting events for our pic- i nic Sunday: Thomas H. Simpson N 0TLCE~ T rUCk OWner8’ .See Lee* H ardw are Store; Square Deal Gro- dom’s Tire Hospital for solid tires. i . eery Store. 17-4 F ru it and A lfalia Ran<-h— For pleating, see Orres. 17tf ______ I One hundred acres on paved high- For high grade tailoring for men wa-v> richest of deep soil, good build- and women— C. Orres. ings, four acres Pears yielding $1200 ______ per year, small apple orchard, bal- Remodeling and cleaning — C .jan ce alfalfa and grain, a bargain at Orres. j $22,500, term s.— E. T. Staples. 16-3 — ! J .1 1 . . I l l ” ■■ I. Ford News We have ju st received the following telegram from the Home Office regarding effect the recent price reductions are having on sales of Ford Cars and Trucks; "Branch telegrap h ic re|H>rts in dicate daily retail sales o f F ord cars and trucks increased SO per cent th e fir st w eek sin ce pi ice reduction, w ith correspond­ ing reduction in d ealers’ stock s. M arked sh ortages particularly o f th e en closed type o f cars are already being fe lt in m any section s. U n filled orders for all types o f F ord Gars an d T rucks are gradually accu­ m u latin g. Our production h a s n ot been increased over regu lar m onth ly sch ed u le o f one hundred th ou ­ sand cars.** This telegram proves conclusively the tru th of a recent statem ent made by Mr. Edsel Ford th a t "people are interested in prices, and are buying when prices are rig h t." H A R R IS O N and engaged in an argum ent. When ZANESVILLE, O., Sept. 21.— he s ta rte d to ride away, he alleges Property was damaged to the extent th a t Jacks threw rocks a t him, h it­ of $100,000 and two men severely ting him in th e back of the head. injured wheu a cyclone struck the He also claims th a t Jacks h it him city today. Street car and electric ! across th e shoulder w ith a club. companies were put out of commis­ Matthews has a bump ou th e back of sion. - i his head. He also avers th a t Jacks BANDIT ROBS COLLECTOR raD ufter him’ aQd that in fear oi OF $9000— MAKES GETAWAY) ttr?d a iter. a warnins It is also charged by friends of DENVER. Colo., Sept. 20. — • M atthews th a t Jacks in his auto met George Lourey, collector for a chain of grocery stores, was held up yes­ him on the desert Monday afternoon terday by an arm ed bandit as he while he was riding his horse, and tried to ru n over him. was entering the company’s head­ Matthews is about tw enty-three quarters, and was robbed of money years of age, of husky build, and bags containing $9000 in cash. came to Medford accompanied by his Lourey had ju st completed his col­ father, Green B. M atthews. He lections from a dozen stores in the laughed and joked w ith friends and city. The bandit jum ped into an j ate his lunch w ith th e officers at autom obile and escaped. the Optimo cafe, and did not seem to regard the incident in a serious OLCOTT DIRECTS THAT light. LAW BE ENFORCED ( Culmination of Fend SALEM, Or., Sept. 20.— Tram ps The shooting is th e culm ination and other itin eran ts who are m ak­ of b itte r feeling between th e two, ing themselves a menace to homes along the railroads are th e targ ets: th a t has been a t fever heat fo r about of letters addressed by Governor Ol­ a year, and was predicted freely by cott to d istrict attorneys of all coun­ residents of Eagle Point. Jacks ac­ ties along the lines of th e Oregon- cused M atthew s of breaking up his W ashington R ailroad and Navigation home, and th re a ts and co u n ter­ company and the Southern Pacific th re a ts were exchanged. L a st win- company in Oregon, and to mayors TOO LA T E TO C LASSIFY. and county judges of th e cities. THE DRESSMAKING AND MILLI­ NERY CLASSES a re not entirely NECESSITY BEFORE filled. Anyone w ishing to join FILTER IS OPINION these classes should phone Mrs. Louis Dodge a t once. 17-3 OF CITY E N G IN E E R (Continued from Page 1) FOR SALE— Dry oak wood. $4.50 per tier. Phone 367-R. 17-3 tling tan k and a reservoir were sim ­ ilar. He said th a t th e low er intake FOR RENT— F o u r room furnished dam in A shland creek had to be ap artm en t with garage. 1101 Bpulevard. 17-3 frequently cleaned ou t because of the fact. W ater Superintendent Hosier FOR SALE— A good young cow Just said th at from six to eight inches of fresh. 1401 Boulevard, C. T. Payne. 17-4* mud an d debris *was sluiced out of — ---— — . ■ ■ ■ ■ the lower intake every two years. LOST— Buldog answering name of “Keeno.” Please phone 392-J. PARENT-TEACHERS 17-3* ASSOC. TO START PROGRAM SEPT. aa (Continued from Page 1) BR O S. Ford and Fordson Dealers ASHLAND, OREGON & CO. S U C C E S S O R TO C . H. VAUPEL THE Q U A L IT Y S T O R E "Opportunity Day” -«Thursday The P r ic e s C a ll tor A c tio n O-P-P-O-R-T-U-N-I-T-I-E-S Wool Plaids—85c yd. Wool Blankets—$9.48 pr 36 inches wide in new color combinations, extra good qual­ ity for m aking school dresses. 66x80 all pure wool blankets lu new block plaids. Pink, blue, tan and grey. Outing Flannel—28c yd 36 inches wide, a good heavy quality in fancy stripes. This wide width cuts to good advan­ tage in m aking gowns and pa­ jam as. Dresses—$2.89 New dresses made of Percale in light and dark patterns. Made with long sleeves. Children’s Hose—35c pr. Made of good quality Outing Flannel in light colors. Slipon style. Fine ribbed hose in black and brown, good ra n of sizes. A cotton hose th a t w ill w ear well Wool Serge—$1.19 yd. • 36 inches wide, all pure wool storm serge in navy blue only, for Middy suits. P. M. DA ILY Misses’ sizes, 16 and 18. Made of fine quality Sateen. Ladies’ sizes made of same m aterial. Priced a t $2.25. ►ve your Picoting and Hemstitching Done Here ThV' Store W here Your Patronage Is Appreciated ................................................................................................. - * --------------------------------- Plain or floral patterns— 98c, «1.19, $1.75, «1.95 JERSEY SILK ’ PETTICOATS MEDFORD A good fleeced union s u it.«1.19 A fine fleeced union s u it.«1.50 C arter’s cotton union suit «2.25 Mat., at 2 Evg. at C arter's and Gilt Edge suits, in wool or part wool ......................... «2.98 up S treet Parade at 11 A. M. The Princeton line of Knit Sweaters for fall is the best we have ever seen. Tuxedo and ripple skirts are both shown in wonderful weaves and beau­ tiful yarns. « 3 .9 5 , « 4 .5 0 , « 5 .9 5 and up tu « 9 .5 0 WINTER UNDERWEAR Sat. Sept NEW SWEATERS Buy Dr. D en ton ’s Sleep ing Gar­ m ents and Lackaw ana T w ins Underwear for children. FURS Just now furs are selling, and you will not find so good a se­ lection later as we are show­ ing now. WOOL SERGE 98c Wool serge in Brown, Copeu lagen, light and dark Nary, and is the kind for children’s dresses. At 98c yard. NEW COATS AND SUITS Shown at very reasonable prices and, quality and workmansip considered, you will find them exceptional values. Let us show you how sterling coats and suits are made. COO -1 2 HERP6 kLK PH ANTÔ SW ^ O O JM JP J ¡AND THE eaSATCr CLWK R i m W army r«r rAsr->uo hâ gUíttxr. nxw tux NEW iW “Ride ’Em Cowboy” ft /if X l HOME BAKERY «» NORTH MAIN ST. P h on e 2 6 0 -Y C a lifo r n ia ’s L A D IE S R eady-to-w ear G arm ents ta il­ ored during th e d u ll s e a s o n - big assortm en t to ch oose from — every size and «very price— w onderful v alu es. S ee th e ex­ tra fin e F rench S e r g e d raw ee a t $ 1 0 .7 5 . AU w ool P o lo d o t h coats at « 1 8 .7 5 . Biggest Round Up R e d B lu ff, C a lifo r n ia ORRES TAILOR SHOP O C TO BER 6 -9 The W orld’s Greatest Horsemen and Women Competing in Wild Horse and Mule Riding, Roman Races, Relay Races, Bulldogging, Bull Riding and Roping and Other Contests of Daring and Equestrianship for Large Prizes. W o r ld s C h a m p io n s h ip Bronco Riding Contest E xtra size aprons made of heavy quality Percale, trim m ed with ric rac and pearl buttons Bath towels w ith fancy colored borders, pink, blue and gold. E xtra heavy quality double breaded Terry. COTTON PETTICOATS Jt, HOT DOUGHNUTS A T 4 :8 0 Aprons—$1.98 Gymnasium Bloomers— $2.00 September Otterings CAKES M ADE TO O RDER Flannel Gowns—$1.25 Bath Towels—48c ea. « , i .The reading course initiated in the schools last year had a m arked effect in encouraging reading among th e children, according to Mrs. Dodge, and inform ation obtained at the library where more, than 30 per cent of the circulation yrt books is among juveniles. The percentage, which is said to be exceptionally high is claimed to be a direct resu lt of the reading courses. In terest in the courses was pronounced am ong the children of the fourth to th e sixth grades inclusive. Those who took prizes for the reading of the twelve book course during the last school year were: M argaret Higgins, who completed four courses; Aileen In- low, Daisy Yaryan, Chester Stokes, Hazel W alters, Neil McKinney, Ed­ na Chappie, Lucile Voss, Dorothy W ertz, and Norman Landketh. All of the children attended the Haw­ thorne school. The officers of the Parent-T each­ ers asociation are, Mrs, Louis Dodge, Mercerized Damask 89c yd New porch dresses in th e new bright colors for fall wear, trim m ed with black bias tape. Two pockets. Sizes 1, 2 and 3. Self D efens« Plea M atthews’ friends say th at he has been in fear of Jacks for months, and th a t his plea will be self defense. Friendb of Jacks say th a t he had been driven to the point of distrac­ tion by M atthews’ alleged a tte n ­ tions to his wife, and th at friends of both men have interceded for a reconciliation. About six weeks ago, Jacks was arrested and bound over to the grand jury for alleged possession of intoxicating liquor, as a result of raids in this county by prohibition enforcem ent officers. He was at liberty on $1000 bonds furnished by Rufas Woods and T. W. Greg­ ory. Officers searched for him at this time, in the wilds of the Huck­ leberry M ountain district, but he was apprehended uipon his return to Eagle Point from an auto trip FOR RENT— Furnished apartment over Citizens bank. J. H. Provost. Phone 474-R. 17-4 ______________ V 70 inch mercerized cotton dam ­ ask. Comes in new patterns. Good heavy quality for family use. Crepe Porch Dresses $2.75 ter the men engaged In a fist fight with his wife along the California excitement In Eagle Point, where a t Eagle Point, during a dance, ant} coast. both principals have lived for sev­ Jacks was worsted in this fray. The shooting created considerable eral years, and are well known. elusion of the last school term . The UNDERWOOD TY PEW R ITER for organization now has a membership rent. Phone 209. 17-3 of thirty-eight women interested in school and child w elfare in Ashland. R eading Course A ids C hildren E . R . IS A A C Wedcwtdny, September 21. 122T ASHLAND DAILY TOHNGS. ■fa P R IZ E OF $1,000.00 The W est’s Wildest Horses and Best Riders Will Be Seen in Action.. Something Doing Every Minute.. Plenty of Excitem ent and Danger. For Full Information, Rules land E ntry Blanks. W rite YOUR DOLLAR WILL BE WORTH MORE WATCH THIS PAGE A. J. HARRELL, Manager BEN ROBBINS, Asst. Manager T. J. MILLERICK, Arena Boss RED BLUFF, CALIFORNIA 1