W ednesday, Septem ber 2 1 , 1921 57**- THE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS N ew Civic Club M em ber— PA GB TURRA ' RIOTS BREAK OUT IN Ashland News in Paragraphs Mrs. T. J. Coffman, wife of th e ! WARSAW; TROOPS PATROL new proprietor of the Hotel Ashland, STREKTS— F E A R CLASH was presented as a new member of! _____ Local and Personal the Civic Improvement club a t tbe BERLIN, Sept. 20.— Troops are -----------------------Side L ights................ ■ noon luncheon of th a t organizationj patrolling Warsaw’ to prevent politi- yesterday. cal riots, according to a dispatch F orm er R esident V isits— Albert Taxi. Phone 183. 307-lm from A Breslau this morning. Public Something new in t e n ’s window. Mrs. Dawson Fortis, of Santa Bar­ buildings are under m ilitary guard 299-tf bara. Calif., is here for a two weeks T eaching at E agle P oint— and arm ored cars are held in readi-; .CIGARETTE visit with friends and relatives. She Miss Hazel Green is teaching at ness. will be remembered as Miss Gussie Eagle Point, and Miss Inez Reeder Leaves for California— According to the dispatch, feeling Uptegraff. at Norton, Ore., this year, a fte r g rad ! L. J. Orres left today for points is running high on the part of both uating from the Ashland high school Hn N orthern California on a th re e ! the socialistic^ and sonservative ele- Automobile insurance -Yeo, where they completed the teaching days business trip, ments, and the Polish governm ent course. 299-tf course. is in fear of a clash th a t m ight lead Chas. S. W ilson— Painting, paper- to wholesale street fighting. Delegation to Klam ath Fail»— Good food, cooked right, servedi hanging, tinting. Satisfaction guar-; ___________________ O f course Rev. Charles A. Edwards, H. T .ja t reasonable prices. Hotel Ashland i anteed. P. O. Box 244. g. ■*> <$> & .♦> <$> s> .. ... <$> Elm ore. George M. Frost, and John ! Grill. 297tf you know G rants Pass V isitors— ! HOTEL ASHLAND H. Fuller, secretary of the Chamber the reason W. A. Sharp and R. A. Dozier were! -.$> of Commerce, left at 10.30 o’clock Co-Ed E n tertain ed — ARRIVALS business visitors from $ this morning for K lam ath Falls, A group of friends of Miss Bcr Ashland why millions w here they will represent Ashland nice Yeo gathered at the home of G rants Pass yesterday, frequenting I ♦ ♦ ♦ <8> o f men like ______ a t a forum luncheon entertainm ent Mrs. Perozzi and gave a delightful local real estate offices. --------- - The following new arriv als are of Medford business men tomorrow supper and shower for Miss Yeo, Lucky Strike Ranch \ ¡si tor ¡registered at the Hotel Ashlaud; noon by the Klam ath Falls Chamber who leaves shortly for the Univer­ Cigarette Boyd Tucker, rancher seven miles j Sarah Swearinger, Los Angeles; Mrs. of Commerce. The carrying out of sity of Oregon. Those present were: the Scenic Loop project will be dis­ Mrs. Yeo and Miss Bernice, Misses east of Ashland, was in the city yes-! Lillian Dealsen. Hornbrook, Calif.; — because Mrs. Sam Sobel, San Francisco; C. W. Ful- cusseci at the luncheon. Ashland bus­ M argaret Johnson, Jessie G uthrie, teida> purchasing supplies. it’s toasted iness men will be tendered an offi­ M argaret Campbell, Caroline Tilton, i T.UCk? r ®"d daughter started work lerton, S. J. Grimes, Portland; .1. J Lucille and Thelma Perozzi, and • JJonday 1,1 a ,ruU Packing plant at Tracy, Virgil O’Neil, P inehurst; Mr. which seals cial reception at a later date not yet Medford. and Mrs. A. Giebisch. H. W. Mc- in the real set in reciprocation of the recent for­ Mrs. Perozzi. Glenn. Portland»; Mr. and Mrs. H. S. um luncheon given for the K lam ath Watch Yeo’» window. 299-tf Metzger, Akron, O. ; A. P. Davis, i Burley taste Jiggs and Maggie in person at F alls business men at the Hotel Ash­ Portland; Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Dun- Eagle Point Saturday night. Septem- ¡Pinehurst Visitor__ land. her 24. Also Super-Giant b a llo o n :. C. W. Decarlow left Monday for b ar’ Chicago; c - A- Nuhora, T aft; A couple of bargains: Half acre, dances and popular “Spot’’ dances. his ranch near P inehurst, a fte r j ‘^ r ’ and ®®rs - Guy Swanger, New 15-6* spending a few days in A shland pur- ^-‘o,ldou. G ., Mr. and Mrs, O. Schu- ideal location, five room modern Majestie Orchestra. niarck and son, Cal.; Mr. and Mrs. bungalow, fruit and shade, level and i chasing food and farm supplies. V isit R elatives in Portland — Dewey Probst, H ilt, Calif.; Mr. and rich land. $1800. Five room first C laude Saunders, follow in g the Mrs. H. L. Swift, San Francisco; , Smoke American Eagle cigars. class modern" bungalow close to cen­ retu rn of his father, “ Doc” Saun­ Made in Ashland. 245 F o u rth St. Wm. M. Woods, Lon Beach, Calif.; te r of town, good garden. $2500.— ders, from Portland, is now in the Staples Realty. 1 6 -lm o * C. N. Hash, B utte F alls; T. F. northern m etropolis visiting rela­ Mesch, P o rtlan d ; F . L. Terwilliger, Ixnul E xh ib it Car tives. Claude is indefinite as to the F. W. Patrick, K lam ath F alls; Mrs. A ttend California School— A car load of Jackson county ex­ F. L. Cranfield, San Diego, C alif.; , The Misses R uth and Alice Brown time he will be gone, having planned w rite th a t they are very pleasantly on a visit with friends in Tacom a.' hibits for th e state fair was loaded H. E. Long, Los Angeles. installed in their winter qu arters at Wash. “ Doc” Saunders reports pros- ’ yesterday, and left this m orning for San Jose, Calif., and are taking up perous busness conditions and ex-¡Salem . E. R. Oatman, the countyj tensive building in Portland. fruit inspector, who will have charge j CL—-------- C9 0 th e ir school work. ■.......... of the exhibits during the fair, left Ladies, bring a beau with you to .w ith his wife by auto this forenoon H. R. Adams, the Plum ber, sells the Bungalow dance W ednesday e v -jfo r Salem. While the car load of ex- p lu m b in g fixtures and supplies. ening. His ticket covers the w ar , hibits left this morning, supplemen- Phone 166-J, shop a t 24S Fifth St. tax for both himself and lady. If tary exhibits will be expressed to i KEROSENE 287-tf you come alone you m ust pay 10c Salem next Saturday evening. An home fuel for oil F orm Tw o C. E. Societies— war tax. 2t oil heaters and. The Endeavor society of the Chris­ 20. Three thous- . LONDON. . Sept. . Ion lamps. Get it at yourj tian church met Sunday, with the To L eave for E u g e n e - and unemployed made a dem onstra- I dealer's. result th at there are now two socie­ Miss Mary iMoore. 364 Vista street, i tion today in front of the govern- ties instead of one. A senior class will leave tomorrow for Eugene, raent buildings. Thousands of police- STANDARD OIL COMPANY of twenty-one members, and an in­ where she will attend the University men flanked the crowd to prevent (C A l I F O R V I A ) term ediate class of twenty-seven, of Oregon. ; any disorders. They expect soon to have a ju n io r'? society also. A 'í STRIKE k.. j PEARL OIL S u its M ade to Orden-— Cleaning and repairing on short notice. K. Nelson. Hotel Ashland; Bldg. 302t{ To L eave for E u g e n e - y — * Edgar anil Kee Buchanan and H er-. nice Yeo, all graduates of the Ash­ land high school with the class of 1921, will leave tom orrow for Eu­ gene, where they will enter the Uni­ versity of Oregon. B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L One cent the word «ach tlm®. ! PHYSICIANS. DR. FR ANK ATTORNEY«. M. MOXGX— ha« re­ BRIGGS A • DRS. SA\WYER A CRANDALL OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS TAXI. Pioneer Building. TAXI— Acklin’s — Rose Bros. Phone Phone 260-R. Res. 274-J or 367-J 213- 13 6 -t 1 ■■ ■■ » ■■ I FOR RALE. T R A N SFER AND EX PR E SS. i FOR SALE— One ton Buick truck T, L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS­ in good condition, , equipped with FER — Good team anil motor­ self starter, two separate bodieB. trucks. Good service at a reason­ extra tire, $550. Inquire at Tid­ able price. Phone 83. ings office. 16-3 I • - — ■ —■ "■ - FOR PROMPT and careful service with Auto-Trucks or Horse Drays, FOR SALE— At a sacrifice, Samson call W hittle T ransfer Co.. Phone tractor, nearly new. Terms. 173 117. Offioe 89 Oak street. Near i Helman. 16-3* Hotel Austin. FOR SALE— Used Dodge car. quire at Automotive garage. In­ EXPERT CAR REPAIRING at rea­ sonable prices. Lithla Garage. 16-3 12-lm o FOR SALE— Oakland six, good con­ CAR WASHING dition. six tires and bumper, $450. 126 Mechanic. 15-6* EXPERT CAR WASHING and polish­ ing. Lithla Garage, phone 114. APPLE JUICE, guaranteed to make 12-lmo delicious jelly, 40c gallon. Phone VOR SALE— R E A L ESTATE. 9 -F -ll. WOOD LOT FOR SALE— 200 acres 2 miles we6t of Ashland, 4000 I FOR SALE— One corn cultivator, 1 cords wood on it, mostly fir. Hallock weeder, 1 Acme cultivator, Shack, good barn, • springs. Price 1 8-inch plow. 1 stum p puller. 1 only $12.50 per acre. W orth th a t buggy. 1 hack, 2 12-inch P. & O. for pasture. Terms. W. D. Hodg­ plows. 1 bean thresher, 1 Cahqou son, owner, Gooding, Idaho. ll-4 w seeder, 1 steam wood saw, 1 side- hill plow. See Maneely or High Bros, at Clayton ranch. 15-2 FOR SALE— 160 acres of land seven miles east of Ashland, 3 room house, fair barn, 2,000,000 feet FOR SALE— Singer sewing machine, of tim ber, th ree-fourtha mile from good running order, only $6.00. school, several springs, 12 acres Douglas, 253 Fourth, phone 63-R. in cultivation, 50 acre« fenced, 15-3 good term s a t 6 per cent, or will trade for Ashland property. See j FOR SALE— Ford touring car in C. B. Lamkin. 8-1 mo good condition, $175. 247 Third St. 12-6* FOR SALE— Cozy convenient four- room cottage, with roomy base­ WANT ED. ment and outbuildings. Good size lot with plenty of frlut. Nice lo­ LADY would like to invest In small cation with fine view. Desirable established business. References exchanged. P. O. Box 246. 16-3* ‘ for small family who want m od­ erate priced home. Apply to own­ er on premises. 705 Penn. Ave. WANTED -About five acres with 4-1 mo improvements, small house pre-, Corner Harrison. ferred, close to town. S ta te 1 H ELP WANTED. am ount. Frank Anderson, 1065 Divisadero St., San Francisco, WANTED— Laborers and team sters Calif. 305-lmo* for construction work on irrig a ­ tion project near Medford. Ore­ gon. Wages $3 for eight hours, less $1 for board. Job will last all winter. Rogue River Valley W e sell Canal Co., M dlford, Ore. 14-7 Brick Ice Cream (HG CO LATE VANILLA STRAW BERRY MAPLE NUT Big dance at the Bungaiow Wed-> nesday night. Dancing, the couple, 7 7c, war tax 8c, total 85c. Extra ladies and ladies unaccompanied by gentlem en, 10c. BRIGGS— A ttorn eys-at- linquished his practice in Ash­ Law, P ioneer Block, A shland. land. All accounts are payable at his office before a period of L. A. ROBERTS— Attorney-at-Law. Rooms 5 and 6, Citizens* Bank fourteen days from date. ..................... — - - . -...... - ■ . I Bldg. OK ERNEST A. WOODS— Practice! lim ited to eye, ear, nose and ’ CHIROPRACTORS. throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 gnd 2 to 6. äw edenburg Bldg., A s h - DR. GEO. J. KINZ — Chiropractor. Suite 8. Examination Free. No. land, Ore. 73-tf 25, the Plaza. Office Phone 103. Residence Phone 401. DR. J. J. EMMENS— Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to ASHLAND 1LEALTHATORIUM— Dr. eye, ear, nose and throat. G lasses! E. B. Angell, Chiropractic, Elec­ supplied. Oculist and aurist for trical Treatm ents, Mineral and S. P. R. R. Offices, M. and H. F irst National Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 567.! Vlt-o-Net Baths. Bank Building. Phone 48. MONEY WA NTRD. EX-SOLDIER, with property valued at $6000. wishes tem porary !oai- of $2500 for business purpose» until state loan can be obtained. Address X. R., care Tidings. 16-2* SALESMAN W ANTED Ashland Creamery ■ 111 SALESMAN to cover local territory selling dealers. Guaranteed sal­ ary’ of $100 week for right man. The Richard« Co.. 200 Fifth Ave . New York, N. Y. 12-6* FO B RENT. The Heider Traelor and P.&0. Dise Plow Used Car will