W ednesday, Septem ber 21, 1921 THE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS PAGE TWO slaughtered cattle ............ 11.57 A. W. Storey, refund on nurse’s office rent county farm Blanche Wells, Stella Rowland, E th ­ slaughtered cattle ........... 12.50 G. H. Stowell, refund on J. G. W alker, refund on slaughtered cattle ........... 12.50 el Hamilton, Idah Delno and Marcia Leon B. Haskins, supplies $139.30 Total 6.99 for county f a r m ................ slaughtered cattle ........... 12.50 Strang & Deuel, refund on Surveyor’s Office A Siamese new spaper has th e fol­ Raleigh. E stablished 1876 Hubbarci Bros., supplies for slaughtered cattle ........... 87.50 12.50 ;C. F rank Rhodes, office rent Published Every Evening E xcept lowing advertisem ent: ‘ The news of county furm . * • • • • • • • • • Total $310.93 I i and telephone .................... 12.00 Chas. A. Thompson, refund Sunday H utchison & Lumsden, sup­ English, we tell th e latest. W rit in COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS Dog Fund on slaughtered cattle . . . 11.50 Sealer of W eights «Jud Meosuree TH E ASH LAND PR IN TIN G CO. plies fo r county farm . . . 54.77 W. E. Thompson, sheep kill­ perfect style and most earliest. Do J. V. W right, refund on E. A Bond, salary of sealer John C. Mann, supplies for (Continued From Y esterday.) ed by dtogs ......................... 78.00 OFFICIAL CITY AND slaughtered cattle ........... 12.50 , a m urder get commit, ~we hear and of weights a n d m easures $ 31.95 6.92 county farm ....................... PAPER George Gilman, refund on W ater Master ; tell of it. Do a m ighty chief die. we (To be continued.) TELEPHONE 39 Goldie Gates, regular indigent 15.00 Medford H arness Co., sup­ slaughtered cattle ........... 9.03 2.00 Fred !)»• Cummings, water _____ ______ i publish it, ant* in borders of som- Mrs. H arrison, regular indi­ plies for county farm . . . sc; 1 1 -------- — — - — ---------------- — —— — - ......... $125.00 m aster's salary . . . 9bl>»ctiptioii Price Delivered In City bre Staff has each been college gent ....................................... 15.00 Pacific Tel. Co., services for 2.85 Fred N. Cummings, w ater county farm ......... .. Due month .................................. $ «®® , and w rit like the Kipling and the Mrs. Hatch, regular indigent 10.00 m aster's expense .............. 74.10 fh ree m onths .............................. L85 We circulate every town Mrs. Hudson, regular indigent 8.00 Orrin W akefield, labor a t 3.55 Six m onths .................................. * •;’ Dickens. county farm ....................... J. W. Ingram , regular indi­ Total $199.10 One y e a r ....................................... 7.60 and extortionate not for advertise- 8.00 Irene Wells, superintendent gent ....................................... County Attorney. 8.00 M ail ttinl R ural R outes. co. farm , traveling expense m eats. Buy it.’ Albert Johnson, regular indi­ Rawles Moore, district a t­ One mouth .................................. $ i 8.00 Miss P. M. Wells, labor at gent ....................................... torney’s expense ..............$ 50.00 Three m onths .............................. 1.95 county farm ....................... 40.00 Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kane, reg­ Six months .................................. 3.50 Health RegistraUun ular in d ig e n t....................... 20.00 A. Penwell, county farm sup 6.50 28.10 Dt. W. S. Cary, health regis­ One year plies ..................................... Mr. and Mrs. Thus. J. Kelsoe, 1.00 tratio n .................................. $ 8.00 regular indigent ................ ADVERTISING KATES: Total $443.73 Mrs. Sophia C hildreth, health Mrs. Lena Lee, regular indi­ D isplay A dvertising registration ......................... ^2.75 Court H ou se E xp en se 8.00 gent ....................................... Single insertion, each inch. . . . .3 Or 56.25 Dr. J. W. Jacobs, health reg­ B. L. Moses, ja n ito r's salary Mrs. Carrie E. Miller, regular YEARLY CONTRACTS 1.50 The enjoyment which comes from istration ................................ D isplay A dvertising indigent ................................ 10.00 Fred J. Fick, court house 21.25 elim inating worry, from being able T. J. Malmgren, health reg­ expense ......... ...................... Mrs. I. A. Montgomery, regu­ One tim e a w eek.....................27 H e 3.75 to plan and carry through those istration ................................ 8.00! \v. E. Finney, court house Two tim es a w eek.....................25c lar indigent ....................... 5.00 plana, belongs alm ost exclusively to Nellie Reed, health reg istra­ Every other d a y ......................... 20c Mrs. J. A. Myers, regular expense ................................ MEDFORD, Or., Sept. 20.— Au 3.00 those who save. 8.00 tion ....................................... Local R eaders. indigent ................................ Total $ 82.60 F. G. Swedenburg, health Each line, each tim e .................... 10c unusually large audience attended ; M argaret Noble, regular indi­ Open a th rift account here. Start registration ......................... 14.00 the “ Constitution Day” services a tj rc ii............ To run every other day for od » with only a dollar, if you will, but gent .................................... i\10.00 month, eacl* line, each time ., . 7c the First Methodist Episcopal church j Doc Parsons regular indi­ i B. L. Moses, ja ilo r’s salary 56.25 start. Do more than live — enjoy Total $ 26.00 To run every issue for on^ month __ Sunday night. 8.00 | Fred J. Fick, jail supplies . . 5.85 life! gent ......... ............................. Rev. J. Randolph Stock Inspection or more, each line, each tim e . . . . 5c Sasnett delivered an address dealing Jam es Pou«h- regular indi­ Mrs. Jan e Johnston, laundry C lassified Colum n. 2.25 O. H. Cole, refund on slaugh­ gent ....................................... • 6 0 0 for jail ................................ One cent the word each time. with anarchistic propaganda in all Mrs. L. Schiefflin, regular in­ tered cattle ......................... $ 12.50 Medford Furn. & Hdwe., To run every issue for one m onth or of its forms, but laid special em­ 6.00 supplies for j a i l ................ 3.45 A. B. Ferns, refund on slaugh­ digent ................ 4 ................ more, tec the word each tim e tered cattle ........................ 10.06 Effie May Terrill, meals for phasis on defiance of the eightenth Nancy Siseinore, regular in­ Legal R ate: Bruce P. Flem ing, refund on prisoners .............................. 217.3a .................................. 10.00 digent Ashland, Oregon bootleggers F irst Time, per 8 point line . . . . 10c' am endm ent, classing slaughtered cattle .......... 11.56 Lewis Ulrich, jail supplies. . 10.86 Mrs. Jean Ross Smith, regular Each subsequent time, per 8 point _ , wn b anarchists, L. H. G allatin, refund on 8.00 Jno. M. W illiams Co., jail indigent ................................ l i n e ............................................... Cc i slaughtered cattle .......... 83.13 Before proceeding with the ( ad ­ W. H. Smith, regular indigent 10.00 supplies ................................ 90.65 Card of Thanks, $1.00. Levi Johnson, refund on A rthur L. Fitch, labor as T. D. Stafford, regular indi­ dress of the evening Mr. Sasnett dis­ Obituaries, 2te cents the line. slaughtered cattle ............ 12.50 7.90] jailor .....................................$ 20.00 gent ....................................... cussed the methods used in the re­ F raternal Orders and S ocieties. A. L. Peachey, refund on Annie W atkins, regular indi­ Advertising for fraternal orders cent efforts to exterm inate the boot- slaughtered cattle ............ 11.68 Total $406.45 8.00 gent ....................................... or societies charging a regular inltl- I Ernest Weldon, regular indi­ in M.s geut supplies ---------- pense ..................................... .40 contribution is solicited, (»nd to tak e care o( eastern b u sln e,» , W. H. McGowan, election ex- C. S. B utterfield, indigent charged, or collection taken is NEWS, j interests 8.16 pense ..................................... 39.06 supplies Mr. Henry disposed of the business Pouts Grocery Co-> indigent W h ittle T ransfer Co., election We make ail quotations on 7.50 because of mining property requiring' supplies ................................ 21.71 - expense JOB WORK Mrs. M. E. M iddlebusher, in- his personal attention. T otal $ 56.16 from digeut supplies .............. .t 8.00 ¡ Mr. Costolo has sold and repur-j R oad s a n d H igh w ays THE FRANKLIN PRICE LIST. chased the barber shop three times j j . T. Z lm m erlee, ferrym an's Total $413.55 Same prices— Reasonable P rice— because of his frequent eastern bus­ s a l a r y .........................................6 76.00 Care o f P o o r a t P oor F arm to all. Jam es H urley, view in g Low ­ Dr. W. W. P. Holt, county iness trips. den road .............................. physician’s salary ............$ 75.00 Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Get that pipe-party-bee buzzing in your smoke- H enry M aury, v iew in g L ow ­ Mrs. Irene W ells, superinten­ SALEM, Or., Sept. 20.— John Postoffice as Second Class Mall den road .............................. 4-0t* dent co. farm , salary . . . 126.00 section! Know for a fact what a joy’us jimmy pipe R athie and Elvie Kerby must hang Elton Beeson, labor a t county Matter. E. P. M oore, view in g roads 4.00 can and will do for your peace and content! Just for the m urder of Sheriff Til Tay­ f a r m ....................................... 13.00 C. Frank R h od es, v iew in g roads .................................... check up the men in all walks of life you meet daily lor, of Pendleton. The Oregon su­ Ed Binns, county farm sup­ 9.30 plies ....................... ................ preme court today denied their pe­ who certainly get top sport out of their pipes — all T otal $105.00 When love begins to sicken Albert Crane, nursing at tition for a rehearing. Only the C ounty N urse aglow with fragrant, delightful, friendly Prince ♦ county farm ....................... 10.00 and decay, governor could now save the con­ Cad Ellis, labor and supplies ; Marie E. F alld in e, oounty A lb e r t i t « It useth an enforced cere­ Albert! n u rse’s salary ....................... 125.00 t a l i in to p p y rod 40.15 demned men. for county farm . . . . . . . . bog», t i d y r t i ti n t, mony — Shakespeare. e M arie E. F a lld in e. tran sp orta­ E. C. G ardner, supplies for h a n d to m e p o u n d And, you can wager your week’s wad that Prince ♦ tion e x p e n s e ............. 6.3o 6.00 e and h alf p o u n d tin county farm ..................... STUCK -UP E L EPH A N TS Albert’s quality and flavor and coyness — and its hum idor» an d in th » > A m erican Ried Cross, county Clifford Garvin, supplies for pou n d t r y t t a l glu t» MAKE HERD CARRY h u m i d o r u /i th freedom from bite and parch (cut out by our exclu­ t p o n g t m o i th n t r Charlie Chaplin can not go about TRUNKS JU ST SO sive patented process)—will ring up records in your to p . Loudon w ithout being mobbed by little old smokemeter the likes of which you never adm irers and put in jeopardy by the Kas and Mo and Kioto and Mama before could believe possible! crush of people. There are some are perform ing elephants and they TO H OUSEW IVES compensations for the common per­ have constituted themselves a board You don’t get tired of a pipe when it’s packed with son. He or she can go about w ith­ of censorship over all th e other ele­ Prince Albert! Paste that in your hat! There are home women In Jackson out molestation. County wtyo keep th d ir household phants with the Sells-Floto circus, And, just between ourselves! Ever dip into the accounts as system atically as could coming on Saturday, September 24, sport of rolling ’em? Get some Prince Albert and any business women. Government ‘‘of the people, by the to Medford. Because of their su­ people, for the people.” ha sits de­ the makin’s papers — quick — and cash in on a ciga­ perior education they are very up­ T heir household allowances are de­ fects. but these are remediable. It rette that will prove a revelation! posited in the F irst National ant’ stage w ith the pachyderm actors less is the best form of governm ent un- each month they check out regular clever than they, and, as for the dor the sun, and is capable o (prog­ expenses, and any surplus goes into elephants which can not perform — a family savings account. This Is an ressive improvement. well, one should see Kas and com­ ideal way to keep ^family finances C o p yrig ht 1921 in good condition. Politeness in children is adm ir­ pany slip them the scornful razz. by R. J. Reynold* Kas, it was, who found a name Tobacco Co. able. But it is not so common as W la tlu u -Salem, for the quartet. Being a w ell-trav­ N.C. it m ight he. eled elephant, he has picked up a , the national jo y smoke Blessed is the man- who has a fad of reading signs on box cars. competence, and yet whose head is “ We shall be the ‘Big 4,’ he whis­ Ashland» Oregon pered behind his tru n k to Mo, and not turned by m oney, Mo passed the word to Floto an d “O ldest N ational Mama. T hat led to o th er things. Bank in ♦ TIDINGS FASHION HINTS ♦ Soon, “ The Big 4” began to tell th e Jackson County’ other “ bulls” how to carry their tru n k s in parade. The patient, kind­ SKIRTS ARE UNCHANGED ly members of the five Sells-Floto herds have allowed themselves to be imposed upon to the extent th a t now they yield the centers of the three TO D A Y rings to Kas and his pals in the per­ TOM ORROW formances and copy th eir table m an­ ners. So, if in the big m enagerie ten t of the circus, you find meek elephants th a t are slow to reach out \ for the peanuts, do not pass them by, but offer the goobers to them twice. You won’t have to wait long, f' for Kas and Mo have a tough time Featuring restraining th eir humble under­ studies* eagnerness for peanuts. Of c course, it is hard for the train ers to put “ The Big 4” in their places, for they really are clever actors. Most —and- circus men concede th a t Floto and Mama are the cleverest pachyderms th a t ever performed. They are all of them great lovers of children, and it is alm ost impossible to be harsh with elephants th a t care for j children as do the Sells-Floto herds. In the opening spectacle, “The B irth of the Rainbow,” Mania, Flo­ In the m atter of styles for separate to and twelve other elephants carry »tlrts designers appear Inclined to let »ell enough alone. The new util­ Maypoles and ballet girls dance at ity skirts for w inter are still made (rf the ends of dozens of rainbow Striped or plaid materials, and are usu­ stream ers which radiate from the ally plaited either in box or side peaks. plaits. Their resemblance to summer All of the Sells-Floto perform ing akirts ends when fabrics are consid­ herds are presented in the rings ant e r . 1. These are heavier and h» on the tracks by girl trainere-»- rich colors. _ .. _ Ashland W E LL TELL TH E W ORLD! Tidings Do More Than Live Enjoy Lite! Medford Pastor Attacks Traffic of Booze Runners The C itiz en s B a n k Barber Buys Old Shop For Third Time, Three Years A p ip e w o n 't b u r n y o u r V * to n g u e if y o u s m o k e E A .! * » E R V IC E nee A lbert First National 1 1M The Kid Charlie Chaplin Jackie Coogan Dance a t th e W Bungalow Every Wednesday Night Snyder’s Royal Jazz Orchestra Tonight No Advance in Price Best Floor The Coolest Place in the Valley Biggest Crowds . Best Music