PAGE FO UR ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS. MIC.KIE. THE PRINTER’S DEVIL Local aod Personal VJHS VS THEN A CRN IN' BA9N IN Se» our Dahlia -window. Place orders for bulbs now. Elhart’4. 15-2 COACH? VUHN DO THEN CA LL TH' "GEORGE ?" W H A T DOBS TH' CONDUCTOR CaUfornhi A rrival—. P unch \ n them tic kets h e puts in . Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rowe, of Val lejo, Calif., arrived lu Ashland Sat urday evening and a t present are I guests of Mrs. Rowe’s brother, E. E. Gall. They have been touring the country for several weeks and) have visited all of Mr. Rowe’s relatives' who live in different section of W ashington, and all of Mrs. Rowe’s Oregon relatives. WER HAT? Monday, Septem ber 10, lOfli By Charles Sughroe A Few Queries We’ve All Asked * Vuttro Newton« Un» VJUN AJHT WEN HFVEfcAHN VJ&T&UM'Ttt' WATER ÔOOUBR? WWW PONT TW -ÎFA IU BUTCHER SET PO*4 >4 AMO QvXt PESTERIM' _______ PEOPLE ? < _ WHW POES TH EUGtMEER ALWANS PUT TH’ SJAOKE OM OUR SIPE OF TH' T R A IN ? WHV ARE GAR W H P O W S ALWAYS S T U C K ? W K T OOMT TH' BfcAÆ kAAU H O LLER T H ' N A M E S OF TH ’ TOW NS IN E N G LIS H ? 3 A L L V GOT TO S A T, K \0 , \S Y T H A T IF E D IS O N H A D GOT NOU T Ö F R A M E OP HVS fam o u s u s T of Q uestions NOSOOV V 400LO H A V E z ^ f S — — p i6 E e u a b l e / / / / \ I T° ^ S W E R [ ¿ / , AkW OF I r i j / V THEWS, . WJ Choice Dahlia bulbs. See varie-j ties in our window. Place orders; now. E lh a rt’s. 15-2 i P ortland V isitors — ( Mr. and Mrs. Robert Newman and , daughter, Eleanor, of Portland, are! visiting at the home of Mrs. New­ m an’s mother, Mrs. Leah Caldwell ) Laurel street. ücï^i delegate. DeValera Asks 10:20 W ith God’s Word. Rev. Oldfield. Show Down On 10:40 Business session. Election and installation of officers. British Position ,, 30 "O ur Aim.” Newly elected E lh a rt’s Dahlia display, see our window. 15-2 I of the various paving jobs now draw- use of the national forest, handling iug to a close, it will release equip- livestock on the range. The work ment and enable contractors to give! of the United States forest products atten tio n to the projects up for co n -' laboratory will be shown in the test- sidération at th e October meeting. j ing and treatin g of tim ber and wood i carried on in co-operation with the i lum ber associations of the country; officers. GOVERNMENT TO HAVE 12:00 Noon recess. DUBLIN, Sept. 19.— Earaonn De TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. 2:00 Praise and Prayer. By » KXHIRITS AT STATE P A IR S ' Valera, president of the Irish " re ­ Trigonia Reaming Concluded— dblegate. FOR RENT— Pleasant housekeeping Reaming the Trigonia well was public,” sent a cablegram today to I Gems from God’s Word. (Continued from Page 1) room with sleeping porch attached, Lloyd George, virtually demanding concluded Saturday, and work of Rev. Oldfield. $5 per week or $15 per month. setting the casing commenced today. | a “show down” on the British gov- 2:30 Value of Rally Day in the verts built by th e b u reau in Oregon 153 G ranite street, phone 411-R. 15-1 As ream ing and bailing approached i ern m en t’s position in the peace ne­ Sunday School. J. A. Bicker- and W ashington, as well as many I n ­ gotiations. The Sinn Fein chieftan structive charts, panels and _ maps the bottom, there was a most g rati­ dike, county vice president. sh ow ine- t h e n r n s - r n s s o f h i » h w « v ' P O R RENT— Vista apartm ent, furn- :45 W hat the Sunday School I bh° Y “ « the progress ot highway ished a(Jults Qnly lQquire Qf fying showing of oil. Friday there asked th a t the British prem ier an ­ nounce if his letter of September 7 Owes to Children under 12 I constructlou in the two states. A. C. Mrs. F L p utnam , 166 H argadine were a num ber of visitors at the was a declaraiion of war or an in­ Mrs. Grace Engle, county e l j * 08®’ ° f tbe Portlant» office of the i street, phone 264-Y. 15tf well, including an oil man from Ok­ vitation to the free conference. He m entary superintendent. b u reau ’ WiU be in attendance at a11! lahoma. All were enthusiastic over three fairs to explain the models I ^UR SALE Oakland six, good con­ added th a t he never asked th a t any the showing the well made. Young People, 12 to 14. Mr. dition, six tires and bumper, $450. condition be stipulated before the und other m aterial if necessary. 126 Mechanic. 15-6" Dougerty, county young peo- The biological survey, whose W anted— Old rags, The Tidings I conference was held. pie’s superintendent. work is prim arily concerned w ith APPLE JUICE, guaranteed to make will pay 5c a pound for clean, cotton Adults. Mr. John Gore, county delicious jelly, 40c gallon. Phone predatory animate, destructive rod­ rags. X* * <♦> <®> <•. <§> tf adult superintendent. 9 -F -ll. ents. game anim als and birds, will «► HOTEL ASHLAND :00 The Association Hour. A choice Dahlia bulb with earl’ AR RIV ALS | Roll call and rep o rt of Sun­ have a fine collection of working FOR SALE— One corn cultivator, 1 piece of pottery costing $1.50. JÜ1- models of various specimens of bird day schools. Hallock weeder, 1 Acme cultivator, hart's. 15-2 and wild anim al life, including pelts, The following new arrivals are 1 8-inch plow, 1 stum p puller, 1 Report of resolutions com m it­ ! scalps, and an assortm ent of traps registered at the Hotel Ashland: buggy, 1 hack, 2 12-inch P. & O. tee. plows, 1 bean thresher, 1 Cah